Babyhood: (2 Weeks To 2 Years Old)

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( 2 weeks to 2 years old)

Characteristics of Babyhood
1. Babyhood is the True Foundation Age
Time when many behavior patterns,
attitudes, and patterns of emotional
expressions are being established.

2. Babyhood is an Age of Rapid Growth

and Change
Change not also in appearance but also in
3. Babyhood is an Age of Decreasing
Rapid development of body control which
enables body to sit, stand, walk and to
manipulate objects
Negativism results when they are not
permitted to try to be independent when
they want to be. Protest takes the form of
angry outburst and crying.

4. Babyhood is an Age of Increased

Shown in appearance and patterns of
5. Babyhood is the Beginning of
Egocentrism the desire to become a part
of the social group
Attachment behavior

6. Babyhood is the Beginning of Sex-Role


7. Babyhood is an Appealing Age

Small babies tend to be more appealing
because of their helplessness and
8. Babyhood is the Beginning of
Learning to develop interests and
attitudes that will lay the foundation for
later creativity.

9. Babyhood is an Hazardous Age

Physical hazards illness and accidents
may often lead to permanent disability
or death
Psychological hazard
Developmental Tasks of
The rapid development of the nervous
system, the ossification of the bones, and
the strengthening of the muscles make it
possible for babies to master the
developmental tasks of babyhood.
learn to walk
take solid foods
have their organs of elimination under partial
achieve reasonable physiological stability
(hunger rhythm and sleep)
learn the foundation of speech
relate emotionally to their parents and
Physical Development
During the 1st year increase in weight is
proportionally greater than the increase in
During the 2nd year reverse is true

Weight increase in weight comes mainly

from an increase in fat tissue.
Physical Proportions head growth slows
down in babyhood, while trunk and limb
growth increases. Thus the baby gradually
becomes less top-heavy and appears more
Bones the number of bones increases during
babyhood. Fontanel closes by the age of two
Muscles and fat muscles grow slowly and are
weak while fat tissue develops rapidly.
Body builds ectomorphic, babies tend to be
long and sender; endomorphic, babies tend to be
round and fat; mesomorphic, babies tend to be
heavy hard and rectangular.
Teeth Average baby has four to six of the
twenty temporary teeth by the age of one and
sixteen by the age of two. The first teeth are
those in front and the last to appear are the
molars. The last four of the temporary teeth
usually erupt during the first year of early
Nervous system at birth, brain weight
is one-eight of the babys total weight.
The cerebellum plays an important role
in body balance and postural control,
triples in weight during the first year of
postnatal life. This is true also for the

Sense organ development

Physiological Functions
1. Sleep patterns
2. Eating patterns
3. Patterns of elimination
.Bowel control begins on the average of
6 months
.Bladder control begins on the average
of 15-16 months
Muscle Control
Pattern of Motor Control
a) Head region
Eye control
Head holding
b) Trunk region
c) Arm and Hand Region
d) Leg region
Babyhood Skills
developed by 3 essential skills
opportunity for practice
incentive to learn
a good model to copy with guidance to

Beginning of Handedness
Handedness is learning to use one hand
in preference to the other.
Ambidextrous preference for either
Speech Development
Foundation pf basic aspects of
a) Comprehension the speakers facial
expression, tone of voice, gestures and
pointing to an object help babies
understand what is being said to them.
b) Learning to Speak use of pre-speech
froms as substitute of communication
c) Pre-speech forms crying (first way to
communicate; most frequently used),
babbling (real speech develop from this),
gesturing, emotional expressions.
)Tasks in Learning to Speak
)Learning how to pronounce words, building a
vocabulary by associating meaning and
Emotional Behavior in Babyhood
Common emotional patterns
Anger, fear, curiosity, joy and affection
Emotional dominance

Development in Socialization
The type of behavior babies show in
social situations affects their personal
and social adjustments.
Once established, they tend to be
persistent as children grow older
Beginning of Interest in Play
no rules or regulation
more often solitary than social
looker play or parallel play
depend on babies patterns of
toys are less important babies
play is much repetition and less
Play Development Follows a Pattern
Sensorimotor play
Exploratory play
Imitative play
Make-believe play
Value of Play
Provides opportunity for many forms of
Give babies information about their
environment and the people and things in
their environment
Gives enjoyment
Encourages creativity
Development of Understanding
Acquire through maturation and learning
Association of meanings with objects, people and
situations results in the development of concepts

How Understanding Develops

through sensory exploration
exploratory behavior
concept of space
concept of weight
concept of time
concept of self
sex-role concepts
social concepts
concepts of beauty
concepts of the comic
Beginning of Morality
nonmoral, not guided by moral standards
babies judge the rightness or wrongness of
an act in terms of the pleasure or pain it
brings them
Piagets morality by constraint automatic
obedience to rules without reasoning or

Role of Discipline in Babyhood

To teach children what is regards as right or
wrong and to see to it that they act in
accordance with this knowledge.
Beginnings of Sex-role Typing
Emphasis on the maleness or femaleness to
those who come to see and admire the new
Colors of blanket, furnishing of rooms, toys and
treatment of parents or significant people on
their lives

Family Relation
Play a dominant role in determining the future
pattern of a babys attitudes toward and
behavior in relationships with others
Evidence of Importance of Parent-Child
Emotional deprivation
Attachment behavior
Different-sized families
Changes in Family Relation
Dream-child concept
Degree of dependency
Parental anxiety
Child-training methods
Maternal overwork
Arrival of new sibling
Relationships with older siblings
Personality Development in
a) The Critical Period in Personality
Emotional deprivation has revealed that
personality changes are an almost inevitable
Because the mother is the most constant
companion, the kind of person she is and the
kind of relationship they share will have a
profound influence on the babys personality.
Something unfavorable occurs in the
environment are subject to damage.
Sex differences in personality begin to appear
as early as the first year of life.
Patterns established early in life remain almost
unchanged as the child grows older.
b) Changes in the Personality
Pattern in Babyhood
Quantitative change there is a
strengthening or weakening of a trait
already present
Qualitative change socially
undesirable trait is replaced by one that
is socially more desirable
Hazards in Babyhood
a) Physical Hazards
)Mortality During the first year of
babyhood, death is usually caused by
serious illness while during the second year,
death is more often due to accidents.
)Crib death occurs after a long period of
sleep; due to abnormalities in breathing or
who have had some abnormal condition at
birth; also common to babies who had
oxygen therapy during the newborn period.
)Illnesses respiratory complications, colds
and digestive upsets; prolonged illnesses
can interfere with the normal growth
Accidents true when babies are on their second year
when they can move about more freely. Some
babyhood accident such as bruises and scratches, are
minor and have no permanent effects. Others, such as
blows on the head or cuts, may be serious enough to
leave permanent scars or may even be fatal.
Malnutrition causes stunted growth but also leads to
physical defects such as carious teeth, bowed legs,
and a tendency to suffer from more or less constant
illness; brain growth and development may be
Foundation of Obesity babies who are fed large
amounts of carbohydrates during this critical period of
fat-cell development are not only overweight but are
subject to diabetes and heart diseases as they grow
older. Bottle-fed babies are more likely to be overfed
than breast-fed babies.
Physiological Habits physiological habits are
established during babyhood and the common
physical hazard of this period is the
establishment of unfavorable attitudes.
Eating habits babies who suck for long periods
show signs of tenseness. They engage in
nonnutritive sucking, have more sleep difficulties,
and are more restless. Resistance of semi-solid
foods if they are introduced too early.
Sleep habits crying, strenuous play with an adult,
or noise can make babies tense and keep them from
falling asleep. Sleep schedules must meet the
requirements to avoid tense and resistant to sleep.
Habits of elimination trying to toilet train babies
too early will make them uncooperative while delay
results in habits of irregularity and lack of motivation
on the babys part. Bed-wetting is common when
training is not timed.
Psychological Hazards
Hazards in Motor Development when
delayed, babies will be at a great
disadvantage when they begin to play
with age-mates and tend to be
frustrated when they try to do things for
themselves and fail.
Speech Hazards may affect later
development and causes are low level of
intelligence, lack of stimulation, and
multiple births. Baby talk, as a result,
developed an incorrect auditory image.
Emotional Hazards
Emotional deprivation - causes babies to be
backward in their motor and speech
development and they dont learn how to
established social contacts or show affection.
Stress can cause endocrine changes which
upset body homeostasis; reflected in eating and
sleeping difficulties, nervous mannerism
(thumb-sucking and excessive crying).
Too much affection babies expect others to
show affection for them but they do no
reciprocate when parents encourages them to
be self-bound and selfish.
Dominant emotions
Social Hazards lack of opportunity and
motivation to learn to become social
Play Hazards babies may come to rely
too much on toys for amusement
instead of learning to play in ways that
involve interaction with others.
Television also discourages the baby
from taking an active role in play.
Hazards in Understanding
Hazards in Morality when babies
discover that they get more attention
when they do things to annoy and
antagonize others than when they
behave in a more socially approved way.
Family-Relationship hazards
Separation from mother develops insecurity
Failure to develop attachment behavior they
dont experience the pleasures and handicaps
them in establishing friendships as they grow
Deterioration in family relationships they
usually feel unloved and rejected
Over protectiveness they become over
dependent and afraid to do what other babies
of their ages do.
Inconsistent training provides poor guidelines
Child abuse

Hazards in Personality Development

Causes of Unhappiness in
Poor health
Desire for independence
Increased need for attention
Disenchantment with parenthood
Beginning of discipline
Child abuse
Increased sibling resentment

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