Human Resourse Management Department

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Human resource management

A. Basic introduction about HR department
Human resource are one of the most important assets of
your business. The individuals who make up your organization go
a long way toward driving its success ,whether they they are
employees, managers others. This challenge includes ;
workforce planning & building your business.
support & training
job posting
The interview process
compensation & benefits packages
company brand & envirnment
Human resource management
A. Basic introduction about HR department
Human resource are one of the most important assets of
your business. The individuals who make up your organization go
a long way toward driving its success ,whether they they are
employees, managers others. This challenge includes ;
workforce planning & building your business.
support & training
job posting
The interview process
compensation & benefits packages
company brand & envirnment
C. To study organizational structure
A company structure determines how different departments
and employees interact with one another. That, in turn
determines how well the company operates. As your company
grows , you may find that the structure you started with no longer
works. Particularly if the current structure devloped in response
to outside events ,without any un derlying plan to improve the
organization structure ,you have to study and understand it.
structural types
org. chart
company culcture
Labor laws by company size
one of the most important charts is
compliance by company size located in the
first link in the left hand navigation.
B. find out total number of employees
D. To study the activities of HR manager
human resource departments are responsible for a wide variefy of
activities across a number of core organizational function
key points:
HRM is a central pillar of many organizatiions.HR departments are
responsible for activities spanning a wide variety of core functions.
in short, human resources activities fall under the following five core
functions. staffing,development,compensation,safety and health and
employee and labor relations.
within each of these core functions HR conducts a wide variety of
E. To study the activities of Hrdepartment deals with
several employee related activites is small companies.HR
management usally performs a varity of these activities
throught an average week.
selacting and hiring employees
paperwork and orientation
trainning and development
performance apparaisal
managing legal issues
Human Resource Planning
A] To study the human resource planning process in
the organization:-
HRP is a process that identifies current and Future
human resources needs for an organization to achieve
its goals.HRM should serve as a link between HRM
and the overall strategic plan of an-organization.
Aging worker populations in most western countries
and growing demands for qualified workers in
developing economies have underscored the
importance of effective humna resources planning.
Both job description and job specification are essential parts of job analysis information wring
them clearly and accurately helps organization and workers cope with many challenges while
job analysis
job description job specification
job title Qualifications
job location Exaperieces
job summary Training
reporting to Skills
working conditions Emotionalcharacteisties
job duties Sensory demands
machines to be used
Thought preparing job description and job specification are not legal requirement yet play a
vital role in getting the desired outcome.these data sets help in determining the necessity
worth and scope of a specific job
B] To study the job description and job specification of the various positions in the organization:-
job discription
job description includes basic job related data that is useful to advertise a specific job and attract a pool of talent. It
information such employees, job tasks and duties to be performed ,working, conditions to be used by a involved in it.
Purpose of job description :-
The main purpose of job description is to collect job- related data in order to advertise for a particular job.
It is done to determine what needs to be diliverd in a particular job.
It gives recruiting staff a clear view what kind of candidate is required by a particular department or division to
perform specific task or job.
It also clarifes who will report to whom.

job specification
Also know as employee specification a job specification is a written statement of educational qualification
specific qualities, level of experience,physical,emtional.It also includes general
health,mental,judgement,leadership,skills,flexiblities,values ethics and cerativity etc.
Purpose of job specification
described on the basis of job discription,job specification helps candidates analyze whether to apply for a
particular job vacancy.
It helps recruting team of an organization understand what level of qualifications, qualities and set of
characteristics should be presant in a candidate to make him or her eligible for the job opening.
Human resource planning process
Planning process

Hr demand forecast Hr supply forcast

Hr programming
Hr plan implementation
Evaluation and control
3}. Recruitment & Selection
A]. To study the sources of recruitment used by the
Hrp helps determine the number and types of
people an organization needs. Job analysis and job
design specify the tasks and duties of jobs and the
qulifications expected from prospective job holders.
The next logical step is to hire the right number of
people of the right type to fill the jobs. Hiring involves
two groups of activites: 1}.Recruitment
2}. Selection
Training and development

Training is a program that helps employees learn specific knowledge or skills to improve
performance in their current roles. Development is more expensive and focuses on employees
growth and future performance rather than an immediate job role.
A]. Types of employee training programs
Six different :-
1} Recruiting
3}Talent management

1]. Recruiting :-
The recruiting process includes analyzing the requirenents of a job, attracting
employees to that job, screening and selecting applicants the new employee to the organization.
2]. Onboarding:-
Also known as organizational soclization, refers to the mechanism through which new
employees acquire the skills and behaviors to become effective organizational members & insiders.
3 ]. Talent mgt means managing the ability, competency & power of employees within an orgazation.
Promotion and transfer policies
A]. To study promotion, transfer and demotion policies of the respective company:-
Objective of promotion :-
- To recognize and reward the efficiency of employees.
- To maintain human resources.
- To provide motivation.
- To reduce the rate of employees turnover.
- To get advantages of experiences.
- To provide opportunities to employee for career development.
- To attract competent and suitable employee for the organization.
- To positive attitude moral and sense of belonging.
Factor affecting promotion:-
- The need of originality and initiative.
- The rate of turnover of executives.
- The acceptance of policy of seniority.
- The policy regarding participation of employees in management.
- Effects on employees attitude and performance.
- Expetation of experince and specialization.

-It is easy to measure length of services .

-It is simple to understand.
-Help to reduce labour turn over.
-provide satisfaction to senior employees
-Help in better industrial relation.
-Avoid favoritism in promotion.
oldest is not always rest.
Fail to attract young and hardworking employees.

Remove ambination and zeal to improve perfomence.

The efficiency of the organization suffer in absence of
Demotive and demoralize who are tellented.

Types of promotion
3]up and out
4]Transfer cum promotion
In this type of promotion employee is more next higher level in organization hierchy.
Example:- Manager is get promotion to general managerial post.
2]dry promotion:-
In dry promotion there is increment in position, prestige and responsibility but there is
no increase in day scale.
3]Up and out:-
In this employee affect organization advirs each and ever position by getting
promotion and employees at stage.
4]Transfer cum promotion:-
In this type of promotion employees can transfer from one place with increase in pay
scale prestige and position.

*Transfer for company:-

In an intra sticker company transfer a company transfer an item or
employee to work temporarlny in different office often in another country.
A company that decides to send one or more of their
employees to work at and office of theirs which is located
else where , is making an intra company transfer.
Internal job transfer policy :-
Employees must complete the internal
position application form and return it to human resource
before a formal interview is schduled. Employees who
formally apply after the five days are not guaranteed an
interview. A job offer will not be extended within the first
five days period from the positing date of the requesition
* Types of Transfer:-
* Problems in Transfer:-
- Every people not like it
- May not be a proper justify to employee.
- Employee feel as punishment.
- Increase labor turn over
- de motivation.
* Socialization:-
Induction of employee
Five keys to inducting new employees
1] Orientation of employee
2] succession of promotion
3] promotions of employee
4] employee transfer
Reason for demotion
- Adverse business
- Incompetence
- Technological changes
- Deciplinory massures
Principal of change:-
1] clearly speacific the list of circummtances under which employee will be demoted.
2] Indicate the authority and responsibility to inditiate a demotion.
3] Indicate the nature of demotion.
4] Defication policy should be clearly communicated to employees aell in advanced.
5] There should be provision for review also.
6] Indicates the job from and to which the demotion will be made.
7] indicate the criteria for demotion.
A] To study in detail wage/salary structure for different
levels of employees in the organization.
(components of wages/salary)
1]basic pay:-
The primary part of pay package is basic pay. For
blue-collar workers basic wage may be based on work done
but for white-collar employees,supervisory staff and
managers, basic salary is generally time bound. Basic pay is
generally determined through job evaluation which is the
process of systematically ascertaining the relative worth of
a job.
several allowances are paid in addition to basic pay.some of these allowances are
given below:
a)Dearness allowances:
this allowances is ginen to protect real income against inflation.generally
allowances(DA)is paid as a percentage of basic pay.
b)house rent allowances:
Employers who do not provide living accommodation pay house rent allowaces(HRA)
to employees.this allowances is calculated as a percentage of basic pay(30 per cent of
basic pay in case of government employees.)
c)city compensatory allowance:
this allowances is paid generally to employees in metros and other big cities where
cost of living is coparatively high.
d)transport allowances:
some employers pay tarnsport allowance,etc. are also paid.
Incentiv compesation is performance-liniked
remuneration paid with a view to inspire
employees to work hard and do better.both
individual incentives and do better.both
individual Incentives and group incentives are
used.bonus,profit-sharing,commission on sales
are some examples of incentive compensation.
4] Fringe benefits:-
several types of benefits are paid particulary to senior manager. Provident funds, pensions, gratuity,
encashment of earned leave, company house, company car, leave travel concession, medical and, interest free loan,
holiday homes, entertainment, stock option, etc.

Objectives of wages and salary administration:-

1] To establish a fair and equitable remuneration:-
There should be internal and external equity in remuneration paid to employees. Internal equity means
similar pay for similar work. In other words, wage differntials between jobs should be in proportion of differences
in the worth of jobs. External equity implies pay for a job should br equl to pay for a similar job in other

2]To attract competent personnel:-

A sound wage and salary administration helps to attract qualified and hard working people by ensuring an adequate
payment for all jobs.

3]To retain the present employees:-

By paying a competitive levels, the company can retain its personnel. It can minimise the incidence of
quitting and increase employee loyalty.
4]To Improve productivity:-
Sound wage nd salary administation helps to improve the motivation and
morale of employees whhich in turn lead to hegiher productivity.
5]To Control costs:-
Through sound wage and salary administration labour and administrative
costs can be kept in line with the ability of the company to pay.
6]To establish job sequences and lines of promotiion wherever applicable:-
7]To Improve union management relation:-
wages and salaries based on systematic analysis of jobs and prevailling pay
levels are more acceptable to trade unions.
8]To Improve public public image of the company:-
wage and salary programme also seeks to project the image of a progressive
employer and to comply with legal requirmenys relating to wags and salaries.
Factors affective compensation
1}. Demand for and supply of labour.
wage or salary is the price for the services rendered by a worker. Forces of demand and supply of labour determine the
going wage rate.due to rise in demand for professionally trained managers.
2}. Labour unions.
well organised trade unions exert pressure for higher wages and allowances. This pressure is exercised through
collective bargaining, strikes and other methods.
3}. Cost of living.
due to inflation, the real wages decline affecting the purchasing power of workers. Labour agreements generally have
a clause providing for automatic increase in pay as cost of living rises.
4}. Job requirements.
basic wages depend largely on the difficulty level and physical and mental effort required in pareticular job. The
relative worth of a job can be estimated through job evaluation .
The factors given before exert a general influence on wage rates. In addition some factors influence the individual
differences in wages rates. These specific factors are as follows:
A}. Workers age and potential
b}. Work experience
C}. Stability of employment
D}. Demand for the product
E}. Hazardsinvolved in the job
F}. Promotion possibilities
Marketing department

1] Introduction of the marketing department:-

marketing management is a process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and
distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals.
-low price
-easy and wide availability of product
- quality product
- innovative features
-selling and promotional efforts
-Focus on target market
- emphasis on consumer satisfaction
- protection consumer and society long term interest and well being

A product mix is also called as product assortment.

An it is the set of all product lines and items that particular seller offers for
sale to buyers.
A brand is a name, term, symbol or design to identify the
goods or services and to differentiate them from those of the
A trademark is a brand that has been given legal
protection, thus ensuring its use exclusively by one seller.
Trademark is a legal term , while brand is a marketing term. In
marketing, the brand name is a major selling tool and one of
the most important components of the total product
personality. we are, infect, living in an age of brands. The
intensive brand promotion undertaken by marketers of various
products have made consumers extremely brand conscious.
The battle in the market takes place not
between companies, but between brand.
consumers buy brands; and brands generate
income for the firm. It means that developing
strong brands is a major responsibility of the
We may have for all products the name of the
company or producer.
Product have individual names and company
brands to indicate the firm producing them.
Such brands are owned and controlled by
middlemel rather then manufacturers. Manufacturer
introduces his product under a distirbutors brands name.
4]. Packaging

packaging means wrapping of goods before they are transported or store or

delivered to a consumer.
1. Product protection:-
packaging protects the product and is fundamental idea. Their journey from
manufacture to consumer is facilitated, packages prevents to the product.
2. product containant :-
package means using just the space in which a product will be contained.
Ordinary packaging is in form of throwaway containers.
3. product convenience:-
the purpose of packaging is not merely confined to consumer service. The
design and size of package must be in accordance with the contents. Product must be
convenient to the ultimate customers. Package, which can be easily handled, opened,
moved etc. Is appreciably favored by customer.
Dispatch and packaging are is done by three female worker in our company.

This is the first stage in the life of a product. This is an infant stage. The product is a new one. The new product
means a product that opens up an entirely new market, replaces an existing product, or significantly broadens the
market for an existing product.
The product satisfies the market. In this stage, a product gains acceptance from the part of consumer an
businessmen. Sales of the product increase profit also increase.
A slowdown in sales growth because the product has acheived acceptance by most potential buyers, profit
stabilize or decline because of increased competition. The sales slowdowns creats over capacity in the industry which
leads intensified competitors.
In the saturation stage, the sales are at the peak and further increase is not possible. The demand for the
product is stable. The rise and fall of sale depend open supply and demand.
When sales start declining, buyers go for newer and better product. This is because of many reasons
technological advances, consumer shift in taste, increased competition etc..
Rapid skimming strategy
Slow skimming strategy
Rapid penetration strategy
Slow penetration strategy
product qualities and features improvement entering in to a new market segmentation designing ,
improving and widening distribution channel. preventing new competitors to enter the market by keeping
low price. It may reduce price to attract price sensitive consumers.
Introduce new model
Market modification
Product modification
marketing mix modification
continue with the original products
continue products with improvement
drop the product
* Mass marketing:-
Targeting to the mass of the population. Here the marketers will market only one type of product.
Ex:- only one type of scooter sold by bajaj auto ltd before pre librealization .
*Segment marketing:-
Identifying segments as market and provided product or services according to the profit of different
* Niche marketing:-
Focusing on sub benz or niche having typical traits.
Ex:- Tanishq
* local marketing:-
tailoring brands and promotion to the needs and wants of local customer groups , cities and even
specific stores.
Ex:-city bank financial services
Group customers in to segmentation based on similar needs and benefits sought by customer in
solving a particular consumption problem.
2}. Segment identification:-
For each needs segment, determine which demographics, lifestyle, and uses make the segment
distinct and identifiable.
3}. Segment attractiveness:-
Using predetermined segment attractive criteria determine the overall ness of such segment.
4}. Segment profitibility:-
determine segment profitibility a
5}. Segment positioning:-
for each segment create a value proposition and product.
6}. Segment acid test:-
create segment story bords to test the attractiveness of each segment positioning strategy.
7}. Marketing mix strategy:-
expand segment positioning strategy to include all aspect of the marketing mix product, price,
promotion and place
7] Promotion mix for all product line
1].Personal selling:-
personal selling is unique as it is a face to face transaction between a salesman
an prospective customers. His knowledge about the product the degree of his
familiarity with the customer whether he is handling a new customer or an establish
2]. Advertising :-
it is an impersonal method of communication as well as an impersonal
salesmanship for mass selling and it is a means of mass communication.
3]. Sales promotion:-
the marketing activities other than advertising, publicity and personal selling
are known as sales promotion between personal selling and advertising.
4]. Packaging:-
it differentiates and protects a product. It plays two critical promotional roles.
Package provides product protection, ease of handling. Selling ability etc.. Its services
the same purpose as printed advertising. It attracts the customer.
Sampling is one form of special
promotion sampling of new sticker product
and other consumer product. Especially
sample sticker manufacture are to introduce
the new products to the consumer.
Trading stamp is a powerful
incentive to develop strong customer store or
brands preferences.

Level of channel of distribution are two channel.

Consumer Industrial
Marketing Marketing
Channel channel

1. A zero level channel

2. A One level channel
3. A two level channel
4. A three level channel
In our company use one level channel.
1] A one level channel :-

In the channel there is an intermediary

agent. A company sales goods to consumer
through this agent there is gap between the
company and consumers.
If the buyers are large , this channel is preferable ,
for perishable article which need in distribution. This
channel is suitable , large departmental store , super
market , big mail order house , co-operative store etc.
If the sales is large direct selling is suitable
industrial distribution sale industrial opretial suppliers.
2] product made to supplier:-
If the product is made for customer the
shortest channel may be used.
3] standardization:-
For standardized products and ISI marked
products indirect is more suitable.
4] Price stability:-
direct channel is useful is the price of the
company product is stable.

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