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Application Of Liquid Crystal

Nawaraj Kumar Mahato
Pankaj Verma
Ravi Ranjan Mehta
Ankur Mishra
Kyalumba Kabamba
Vishal Thakur
Very Important in the study of Optics,
Chemistry and Polymer Science.
Friedrich Reinitzer, australian chemist studied
about it first in 1888
At present it is applied in many products in
our society and has come in our daily Use.
Fourth Sate of Matter
What is Liquid Crystal?
Substance that exibit a phase of matter that
have properties between those of a
convectional liquid, and those of a solid
Hence it shows Anisotropy.
Electric Field Effect on LC

Molecules Align in the same direction as the field.

Nematic Phase

Molecules in this
phase are long and
rod-like in shape. They
are free to move in
Chiral Nematic
This phase is
composed of nematic
molecules in a helical
structure about the
layer normal.
The distance that it
takes for the
molecules to complete
one turn is called the
= n*p*cos
Smectic Phase
This phase can be
reached at lower
temperatures than the
nematic phase.
Molecules align
themselves in
layers.(They are
restricted to their
More order and
higher viscosity
Columnar Phase
Characterized by its stacked columns of molecules.
Discovered in 1977 by Chandrasekhar
Twisted Nematic
This is called the
twisted nematic liquid
crystal and the
spacing between the
planes change with
temperature. The
spacing is associated
with the wavelengths
of light.
Applications of Liquid Crystals

The World Of Liquid Crystal

Liquid Crystal Displays

Liquid crystal display (LCD) is a flat electronic display panel used as a

visual display aid. It uses liquid crystals to create visual effects on screen.
Liquid crystal is a state of matter between solids and liquids. LCDs do not
generate light on their own but rely on sunlight or room light to
generate images with help of liquid crystal.
How LCD Works
Advantages Of LCD
Brightness: Produces very bright images due to high peak intensity.
Very suitable for environments that are brightly lit.
Emissions: Produce considerably lower electric, magnetic and
electromagnetic fields than CRTs.
Geometric Distortion : Geometric distortion at the native
resolutions. Minor distortion can occur for other resolutions.
Power Consumption:Energy efficient. Consume less than 1/3 the
power of a comparable CRT. Consume less electricity than a CRT and
produce little heat.
Physical Aspects:Take up about 40% less desk space. LCDs are thin
and compact.
Screen Shape :Completely flat screen.
Sharpness: At the native resolution, the image is perfectly
sharp. Adjustments are required at all other resolutions
which can result in measurable degradation to the image.
Liquid Crystal Thermometers

Liquid-crystal thermometers use liquid crystals that change color in

response to temperature changes. Mixtures of liquid crystals are
enclosed in separate partitions. Numbers on the partitions indicate
temperatures according to the amount of heat present. Liquid-crystal
thermometers include some indoor digital thermometers and fever
thermometers, which are placed on the forehead.
Optical Imaging
Optical Imaging is an emerging technology with great potential for
improving disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment in the
medical office, at the bedside, or in the operating room
Optical Imaging
Helmets and Bullet-proof vests
Long-chained rigid polymers that orient parallel to each other, with
very strong inter-molecular interactions, strong enough to withstand
the impact of bullets.
Battery testing strips (used by DuraCell)

Charge indicator for batteries. The principles for this application is

similar to that used by liquid crystalline thermometers. Electrical
current passing through the media generates heat. The change of
relative orientation of the layers produce a color change.
Slugs and Snails (nature)

Nature beat us to the punch in making use of liquid crystals. The

mucus secreted by slugs behaves like liquid crystals. Its rod-shaped
molecules align in varying degrees to control the viscosity of the
mucus to adapt to different ground conditions.
Liquid crystals can also be found in biological cell-membranes
We know today that many chemical compounds can
exist in the liquid crystal state, such as cholesteryl
benzoate. Thanks to the scientists that worked so
diligently toward understanding this phenomenon,
the world can focus on ways to make this product
useful in society. Over the last century many
applications such as the detection of hot points in
microcircuits, the findings of fractures or tumors in
humans and the conversion of infared images have
become accessible due to the understanding of pitch
in a liquid crystal.
Thank You

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