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Timeline Of My Exposure To

Traditional Media And New

GRADE 1(2007)
This is the first phase where Ive been
exposed to media like television, brick
games, radio and other toys that are
very popular that time. I also enjoyed
having these kind of things because as
a child, it gives a playful delight that
every child needs. My parents also
said that there are limitations in using
those things. They said that it could
bring distraction to my studies thats
why i should manage my time evenly.
Grade 2(2008)
Medium Ive been exposed to, is
telephone, paper dolls, barbie dolls
and coloring books. That time, barbies
and coloring books are very popular
among children. Thats why I tend to
inhabit a hobby of collecting dolls from
time to time. I started to become
creative when it comes to crafts
because of the helpful coloring books.
Grade 3(2009)
9 years old

Newspapers, magazines, playstations,

friendster and farmville are widely
used in this year. Also, newspapers
and magazines are easily seen on our
home thats why I got curious and red
some parts of it. Friendster and
farmville are introduced to me by my
older sister and i simply liked it.
Grade 4(2010)
10 years old

Pocketbooks,MP3, and encyclopedia

already lies in front of my eyes. I also
found MP3 that my older sister
possess thats why I liked listening to
music since then. Reading
pocketbooks at that time also helped
me focus in my studies and attention.
Grade 5(2011)
11 years old

Cellphone , PSP, journals, and bicycle.

This year is my first time to receive a
cellphone from my family as a reward
for maintaining my grades diligently. I
also tried into riding bikes and vans.
Also, I somehow gained interest in
reading journals and different articles .
Grade 6(2012)
12 years old
Ebooks, riding on tricycle, and also
having a toaster at home. I discovered
that ebooks are very convenient and
accessible for everyone to us. It
caught my attention because there
are different genres that can be an
entertainment or way of calming my
inner mind and mood. They also
taught me on how to ride a tricycle,
for me to get used on commuting for
my daily basis.
Grade 7(2013)
13 years old

I already have a facebook account,

wattpad and having a microwave.
Facebook is commonly used by people
so i tried on registering to it. It really
gives me excitement and thrill when
socializing with others that I didnt
know very well. It also serves as bridge
for many countries that cant be easily
Grade 8(2014)
14 years old

My family brought personal computer

to help my academic life and support
studies. Computers are very helpful
and badly needed to be able for us to
do project and research easily. Though
there is still a limitation when using
this because some are taking
advantage of its power. My parents
guided all throughout when using it to
avoid misconceptions and conflicts.
Grade 9(2015)
15 years old
I logged on social media websites
because it is trendy,and you can catch
up on the different happenings around
you. Its really helpful because in just
one click, we can easily convey our
messages to one another even if
theyre too far from us. These websites
are very essential to students
nowadays, because it helps them
acquire knowledge and information.
Grade 10(2016)
16 years old Android phones and tablets were given
to me. My mother said that Itll be a lot
helpful for them to contact me easily
whenever Im alone or outside the
premises. Also, they warn me to
balance my time and priorities. To do
one thing at a time is a must. They
trust me to handle those things
properly. These mediums are
frequently used by people nowadays
because of its high-tech quality and
has many purposes.
Grade 11(2017)
17 years old

Classic books and online shops on the

internet really caught my attention. My
interest also grew easily because
reading and collecting books are my
favorite. Online shops are very helpful
and effective today. More advanced
gadget and technology upon things are
becoming more handy, well proven or
provided and accessible to all.
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property="dct:title">Timeline Of My Exposure
To Traditional Media And New Media</span>
by <span
Morales</span> is licensed under a <a
/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License</a>.

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