Report Writing: Chapter No.8 by Laiq Khan (Master in Public Administration)

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By Laiq Khan (Master in public
It is a carefully planned and organized
document prepared by the investigator and
submitted to the authorizer before the research
is undertaken. It provides information
regarding the problem to be investigated,
methodology to be used, duration of the study
and its cost. It provides information about the
goals of the study , procedures to be followed ,
the research design , the time span and the
budget of the study.
Contents of research report
Project approval form
Declaration form
Executive summary
Table of contents
List of tables
List of figures
Research proposal
A copy of authorization

( executive summary/synopsis(in case of applied research executive

summary and in case of basic research synopsis are given).
Body of the report

Chapter no.1
Introduction and overview
Purpose of the study
Significance of the study
Chapter no.2
Literature review
Chapter no.3
Chapter no.4

Chapter no.5
Analysis and Recommendations
Title page
Table of contents
The table of contents with page numbers
references usually lists the important headings
and sub headings in the report. A separate list
of tables and figures should also be listed in
the table of contents.
Authorization letter :It is a certificate which
is being provided by the sponsor/supervisor of
the study to the researcher.
Executive summary : It provides an
overview regarding the problem statement
,sampling, data collection methods used, results
of data analysis, findings and recommendation
with suggestion for their implementation.
The maximum length of executive summary
will be three pages or less.
Introductory section : it starts with statement of
the problem under investigation ,the research objective
and background information of why and how the
study was initiated and why it is important to study it.

Body of the report: it contains the details of the

interviews conducted ,literature survey, the theoretical
framework and the hypothesis furnished .The design
details such as samplings and data collection methods,
as well as nature and the type of the study and the time
horizon will be described.
Details of the type of analysis done to test
the hypothesis, and the findings there
from , tabular and pictorial depictions of
the results of the data analysis will also
be included.
Final part of the report
It contains the conclusions drawn from
the findings followed by list of
recommendations to be for implementation
will follow. A cost benefit analysis will be
provided . Any limitation to the study as
for example , flaws in samplings due to
the circumstances beyond one’s control.
A brief summary will be given at the end.
People who assisted during the study by
collecting questionaires,acting as a
liaison, helping in the data analysis are
recognized and thanked.
References must be cited within the paper if
you name the author in your sentence
,then mention the author’s name in
parenthesis. For example :
Jones (jones) found that……
Table of contents
Research Proposal
Letter of Authentication

Background Information
Research Goals
Preliminary Details
Unstructured and structured interviews
Literature survey
Theoretical framework
Hypothesis formulated
Research Design
Type and nature of the study
Sampling design
Data Collection Methods
 Data analytical Techniques used
Results of Data analyzed
Hypothesis substantiated/unsubstantiated

Limitation of study

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