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Re-Imagining Crotonville

Situational Analysis Blue Book

But there were Shift to

Need for Leaders Crotonville Campus changes which were practical form
existed was created made to the form of
delivering training Shift to Real

Question on whether the

New objective for Revenues were hit 2008
training is strong to tackle the
training significantly Recession
changing environment

Working Resource
with Govts. Constrained
Make Global Leaders as Future
Five Big Themes
GE is Global Collaboration Growing
Give price Emerging
options Markets
Major Areas of Changes Needed in Crotonville
Incorporation of 5 Big Themes as suggested by the CEO.
Introduction of non classroom interaction space in Crotonville
Reduction in workload to facilitate reflection and absorption of
Deletion of course content which are no longer used to match the
newly added load
Introduction of E-Learning and Partnerships with B-Schools across the
world to have a Crotonville learning experience everywhere and not
just in Crotonville.
Recommendations for the content
Emerging market needs to be added as primary focus area for the business
to expand
Primary research and secondary research about the emerging market
(Present or planning to ) needs to summarized and added in the program
Various leadership and senior employee knowledge and subject matter
experts views of different leadership style needs to be incorporated
The difference in need and want of the emerging market and thus change
in decision criteria and process involved should be added in the program
The effect of price in the decision of the customer ( for new market) should
also be explained with various example
Recommendations for the content
The resource are limited and thus various method to access and utilization
of these resource are to be made part of the program to help new and
future leader be agile
The fundamentals and basics of Geo-politics also needs to be incorporated
Principle and advantage of networking for a Multinational in globalized
world needs to explained and imbedded in the program
Since countries are connected, thus impact at one place effect the other
and thus macro economic nature and fundamentals should be part of the
program for better leadership development
Different past decisions by the government and how it effected difference
business should be added as an example for better understanding of the
government and business dynamics

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