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Cancer in Children

Neuroblastoma derived from the primitive
neural crest
The greatest diversity in clinical behavior of all
childhood solid tumor,some tumor regressing
spontaneously ,some chemo-cureble whilst
others resistant to intensive chemotherapy
Metastases neuroblastoma associated with worst
prognosis. Relapse and drug resistant is major
Therapeutic is based on patient characteristics
and tumor feature.
The incidence of neuroblastoma per year is
10.5permillion children less than 15 years.
No significant geographical variation in the
Peak of age of incidence 0 4 years, with
median age of 23 months. 40% < 1 year
More frequently in males than female ( 1.2:1)
Screening of the disease might be of value in
reducing mortality by detecting poor prognosis
Embryology,pathology and
Neural crest is the embryonic structure which
gives rise to the sympathetic nervous system
and also part of the facial skeleton, the
thymus,parathyroids,the enteric nervous system
and skin melanocytes.
Histologically: vary heterogenous and are
compose of two predominant cell types: thr
neuroblast/ganglion cell and the Schwann cell.
A genetics predisposition exists in families
Genetic studies: amplification of oncogens or
chromosomal and chromosomal losses.
Clinical presentation
Clinical presentation depend on the site of the
primary tumor and whether there is metastatic
The classical presentation in a3 4 years old is a
pale, irritable and orbital ecchymoses, whilst in
infant may present with a grossly enlarged liver
with subcutaneous nodules.
Primary tumor:
Coinciding with normal sympathetic nervous
system structure, for example adrenas,
abdominal para gangglia, and sympathetic chain
About 25% of primaries are foun in the neck or
thorax,70% in the abdomen and 5% in the pelvic.
Clinical presentation (cont)
A hard, fixwd ,abdominal mass causing only
mild abdominal discomfort.
Hypertension can result from compression of
the renal vessels by the tumor.
Gastrointestinal symptoms are rare.
Manifestation on cervical region only as a mass
Mediastinal mass cause of cough and superior
mediastinal obstruction.
Tumor can extend into the neural foramina and
compress nerve roots and spinal cord, resulting:
radicular pain; paraplegia and bowel and
bladder symptoms.
Diagnosis and staging
Diagnostic criteria
International Neuroblastoma Staging
System (INSS) working party have been
clearly that diagnosis of neuroblastoma
by a tissue biopsy, with a histological
appearance of neuroblastoma or by the
presence of a non-haemopoietic tumor in
the bone marrow , together with raised
urinary cathecolamines. In the bone
marrow , neuroblastoma often has the
appearance of pseudorosettes .
Staging system
INSS for Neuroblastoma
Stage 1 Localized tumor with complete gross excision,with or wthout
microscopic residual disease.
Stage 2a Localized tumor with incomplete gross excision;representative
ipsilateral and non adherent lymp node negative for tumor
Stage 2b Localized tumor with complete or incomplete gross
excision;with ipsilateral non adherent lympnone positive
tumor.Enlarged contralateral lymph none must be negative
Stage 3 Unresectable unilateral tumor infiltrating across the midline
with or without regional lymp node involvement;or localized
tumor with contralateral regional lympnode involvement; or
mild line tumor with bilateral extension by infiltration or by
lymp node involvement
Stage 4 Any primary tumor with dissemination to distant lymp node,
bone, bone marrow, liver, skin and/or others organ
Stage 4s Localized primary tumor with dissemination limited to skin,
liver and/or bone marrow

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