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Multicellular Protist or Primitive

Aquatic Plant?
What is algae?
Algae is a group of chlorophyll
containing thalloid plants which bear
unicellular or multicellular. An
undifferentiated plant body is known
as thallus. In thalloid plants, there is
no differentiation of plant body into
true roots, stem and leaves.
The study of algae is known as
General characters of algae
Vary in size from
nanoplankton (< 2 m
cyanobacteria ) to Giant kelps
(> 70 m long). Possess a cell

Contain pigments
chlorophylls a, and many
often have another
chlorophyll, like b, c, or d
and accessory red, blue
and brown photosynthetic
General characters of algae

Thalloid plant body

In Eichlers system of classification,
algae are placed in the Division
Thallophyta along with Fungi and
Algae are autotrophs (synthesize food
using light energy)
Algae differ from fungi in:
. Presence of photosynthetic
pigment chlorophyll
. Mode of nutrition (autotrophs)
Majority of algae are in aquatic habitat
(fresh water or marine), some algae are
terrestrial also
Algae are present in all parts of the
world including Arctic and Antarctic
regions (universal occurrence)
Sex organs are unicellular or
Algae - What are they?
Primitive plants
No true roots, only attachment
structures (Holdfasts)
Produce spores (not seeds)
motile or non-motile
Most have sexual and asexual
Non-vascular, do not possess
an internal transport system.
Algae vs. REAL
Similarities and differences:
Both are photoautotrophic
Similar metabolic functions to higher
plants eg. photosynthesis
different anatomical structures,
reproductive structures.
different reproduction.
No true roots, stems and leaves.
Non-vascular, therefore nutrient
uptake over surface. And wastes
washed away from surface by
aquatic environment
Reproduction in algae:
Algae reproduce by three methods:
(1). Vegetative reproduction: Cell division, fission,
fragmentation, Hormogonia, formation of adventitious
branches, tubers, buddings etc. are the important
vegetative reproduction methods in algae.
(2). Asexual reproduction: By a variety of motile or
non-motile spores. Zoospore, aplanospore,
hypnospore, tetraspore, autospore, akinetes etc are
the important spore types in algae
(3). Sexual reproduction: here the union of gametes
are involved: Autogamy, hologamy, isogamy,
anisogamy and oogamy are the different types of
sexual reproduction algae.
Life cycle in algae:
There are three types of life cycles in algae based on the
number of haploid and diploid generation
(1). Haplontic: simple type, major stages in the life cycle are
haploid, the diploid stage is represented by only the zygote. Zygote
undergo meiosis to produce spores (Chlamydomonas, Ulothrix)
(2). Diplontic: Just reverse of the haplontic type. Major stages in
the life cycle are diploid, the haploid stages are represented only by
gametes. (Sargassum, Codium)
(3). Diplobiontic: Three phases in life cycle, two are diploid and
one is haploid. Majority of marine Red algae are this type

Alga Gamet
(n) (n)
Kopulasi 2

Spora Zigot
(n) (2n)
Meiosis 13

Alga Gamet
(2n) (n)

Kopulasi 2
Mitosis gamet

Alga Gamet
(n) (n)
Kopulasi 2

Spora Zigot
(n) (2n)

Meiosis Alga
Pigments in algae belongs to three major categories:
(1). Chlorophylls
(2). Carotenoids
(3). Phycobilins

All major algal groups have at least one characteristic pigment

Cyanophyceae (blue green algae): Phycocyanin
Chlorophyceae (green algae): Chlorophyll b
Pheophyceae (brown algae): Fucoxanthin
Rhodophyceae (red algae): Phycoerythrin
Chlorophyll a is universally present in all algal grous
Major Classes of Algae
(algal systematics)
(1). Cyanophyta : Blue green algae (BGA), prokaryotes,
Marine, FW and terrestrial
(2). Euglenophyta : Motile, protozoan like algae lack true cell
wall, Marine
(3). Crysophyta : Golden-brown algae = diatoms, Marine
(4). Pyrrophyta : Dinoflagellates, Marine
(5). Chlorphyta : Green algae Marine, and terrestrial
(6). Rhodophyta : Red algae
(7). Paeophyta : Brown algae
The role of these pigments is to absorb light

- In water the problem is that red and violet wavelengths do not

penetrate the vertical column very well. So Chlorophylls do not
work well at greater depths. Algae that inhabit greater depths do so
with the help of accessory pigments, these algae take on a variety of
-Chlorophyta Contain
Chlorophyll a + b. So green
wavelengths reflect. They store
their products of photosynthesis
as starch.
- Phaeophyta Contain
Chlorophylls a + c as well as an
accessory pigment Fucoxanthin.
So yellow and brown
wavelengths reflect. Store food
as starch and as oil.
Rhodophyta - Contain
Chlorophyll a + (d) as well as
accessory pigment Phycobillins.
These phycobillins are
specialized for absorbing blue
light, which allows them to
inhabit the deepest depths.
Where do Algae live?

Marine habitats:
seaweeds, phytoplankton

Freshwater habitats:
streams, rivers, lakes
and ponds

Terrestrial habitats:
stone walls, tree bark,
leaves, in lichens, on
Marine Biomes
Freshwater habitats
Terrestrial habitats
Algal construction types : Morphology
1. Unicellular algae
2. Colonies
3. Filaments
4. Multicellular
Unicellular algae
Microalgae - some may form colonies
Algal colonies
e.g. Chlorophyta: Volvox (Ordo: Volvocales)
- 500-5000 cells per colony.
- Colonies spherical up to 1.5 mm diameter.
- Individual cells surrounded by a mucilaginous sphere
- marine and freshwater
Volvox colony
Filamentous algae
Unbranched filaments

Branched filaments
Different branches can have different
Why are ALGAE important?
Ecological importance of algae
a) Production of Oxygen as by-
product of photosynthesis:
All aerobic heterotrophic
organisms require O2,
e.g. fungi and animals need O2, to
run cellular respiration to stay alive

b) Production of biomass:
autotrophic organisms
- represent the base of the food
particularly in aquatic
Cyanobacterial bloom
Extreme halophytes
Uses of Seaweeds

Hydrocolloids and some
chemical substances
Source of
energy/compost by
Waste-water treatment
Algae as human food
Main market and production area is Asia
Mariculture has become very important
Main high-value species are Nori, Kombu and
Wakame (Porphyra, Laminaria and Undaria)
Mainly used as a subsidiary food: adding relish, taste
and 'feel' to food
European and North American market presently very
small but has potential
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