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LO: To appreciate
Islamic beliefs in the
oneness of Allah and
their respect for the
supremacy of Allahs
Tawhid is the belief that there is
only one God and that God has no
This belief is repeated daily in the

What is the Shahadah?

Give 2 pieces of
The most famous ayah (part of a Surah, like a verse) of the
Quran (the Divine Book revealed to the Prophet
Muhammad) to express this idea is in Surah 112:

Say: He is Allah, the One and Only; Allah, the

Eternal, Absolute; None is born of Him, nor is He
born; And there is none like Him.

The belief in Tawhid forms the central part the Shahadah;

the declaration of faith which is the first of the five pillars of
Islam (the duties that all Muslims have to perform as their
religious practice):

I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and

that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
Muslims believe that the only sin that
God will not forgive is the Sin of Shirk
(attributing God-like qualities to any
other being or thing).

This might also be referred to as blasphemy.

No one can picture or fully
describe God because there is
nothing with which to compare
Why is it SO
unforgiveable to
compare God with
something else?
Read and make links

Connect the following

words to the ideas we
see here about Tawhid:

Intelligent Design
Extension: Choose one of the
Submission to the will of reasons on the right hand side and
Allah explain the strengths/weakness of
the argument
1. Read and highlight key words Target Grade: 1-5
2. For each box you need to
explain how this idea links to
This links to tawhid because...

3. Try and use the key ideas from

the previous sheet Target Grade: 6-9
Ummah Extension: Make a
Polytheism quick Diamond-9
Monotheism for which point
Intelligent Design
MOST affect a
Submission to the will
Muslims life.
of Allah Explain your first
and last choice.
The Supremacy of Gods Will
For Muslims, God is the one and only creator and
controller of everything. Therefore nothing takes
place unless God allows it to happen - no matter
whether something is good or bad, Muslims believe
it is Gods will and that God must have a good reason
for letting it happen.

How does the Supremacy

of Gods Will link
particularly with Sunni
theology? (*Hint: 6)
This phrase means God willing and it is used by Muslims
when they speak to show that God is supreme
(completely in charge and in control of everything )
For Muslims, it is not enough just to believe in one
God; they must show that belief in the way they live
their lives.
Muslims must never make anything in their lives more
important that God, including their family, money
or jobs.
How would
belief that God is
in total control
help a Muslim
lead their life?
Supremacy of Gods Will vs Human Free Will

If God controls
everything, then
people are not
responsible for
their actions.

Try to think of both sides of the argument

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