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Making Capital

Investment Decisions
Key Concepts and Skills
Understand how to determine the relevant
cash flows for various types of capital
Be able to compute depreciation expense
for tax purposes
Incorporate inflation into capital budgeting
Understand the various methods for
computing operating cash flow
Incremental Cash Flows
Cash flows matternot accounting earnings.
Sunk costs do not matter.
Incremental cash flows matter.
Opportunity costs matter.
Side effects like cannibalism and erosion
Taxes matter: we want incremental after-tax
cash flows.
Inflation matters.
Cash FlowsNot Accounting
Consider depreciation expense.
You never write a check made out to
Much of the work in evaluating a
project lies in taking accounting
numbers and generating cash flows.
Incremental Cash Flows
Sunk costs are not relevant
Just because we have come this far does
not mean that we should continue to throw
good money after bad.
Opportunity costs do matter. Just because
a project has a positive NPV, that does not
mean that it should also have automatic
acceptance. Specifically, if another project
with a higher NPV would have to be
passed up, then we should not proceed.
Incremental Cash Flows
Side effects matter.
Erosion and cannibalism are both bad
things. If our new product causes
existing customers to demand less of
current products, we need to recognize
If, however, synergies result that create
increased demand of existing products,
we also need to recognize that.
Estimating Cash Flows

Cash Flow from Operations

Recall that:
OCF = EBIT Taxes + Depreciation
Net Capital Spending
Do not forget salvage value (after tax, of
Changes in Net Working Capital
Recall that when the project winds down, we
enjoy a return of net working capital.
Inflation and Capital Budgeting

Inflation is an important fact of economic

life and must be considered in capital
Consider the relationship between interest
rates and inflation, often referred to as the
Fisher equation:
(1 + Nominal Rate) = (1 + Real Rate) (1 + Inflation
Inflation and Capital Budgeting

For low rates of inflation, this is often

Real Rate Nominal Rate Inflation Rate
In capital budgeting, one must compare real
cash flows discounted at real rates or nominal
cash flows discounted at nominal rates.
Methods for Computing OCF
OCF = EBIT Taxes + Depreciation
Bottom-Up Approach
Works only when there is no interest expense
OCF = NI + depreciation
Top-Down Approach
OCF = Sales Costs Taxes
Do not subtract non-cash deductions
Tax Shield Approach
OCF = (Sales Costs)(1 T) + Depreciation*T
Investments of Unequal Lives
There are times when application of the NPV
rule can lead to the wrong decision. Consider a
factory that must have an air cleaner that is
mandated by law. There are two choices:
The Cadillac cleaner costs $4,000 today,
has annual operating costs of $100, and lasts
10 years.
The Cheapskate cleaner costs $1,000
today, has annual operating costs of $500,
and lasts 5 years.
Assuming a 10% discount rate, which one
should we choose?
Investments of Unequal Lives
Cadillac Air Cleaner Cheapskate Air Cleaner

CF0 4,000 CF0 1,000

CF1 100 CF1 500

T 10 T 5

R 10 R 10

NPV 4,614.46 NPV 2,895.39

At first glance, the Cheapskate cleaner has a higher NPV.

Investments of Unequal Lives

This overlooks the fact that the

Cadillac cleaner lasts twice as long.
When we incorporate the difference in
lives, the Cadillac cleaner is actually
cheaper (i.e., has a higher NPV).
Investments of Unequal Lives

Replacement Chain
Repeat projects until they begin and end at
the same time.
Compute NPV for the repeated projects.
The Equivalent Annual Cost Method
Replacement Chain Approach
The Cadillac cleaner time line of cash
-$4,000 100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The Cheapskate cleaner time line of cash flows

over ten years:
-$1,000 500 -500 -500 -500 -1,500 -500 -500 -500 -500 -500

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Replacement Chain Approach
Cadillac Air Cleaner Cheapskate Air Cleaner

CF0 4,000 CF0 1,000

CF1 100 CF1 500

T 10 T 10
R 10 R 10
NPV 4,614 NPV 4,693
Equivalent Annual Cost (EAC)
Applicable to a much more robust set of
circumstances than the replacement chain
The EAC is the value of the level payment
annuity that has the same PV as our original
set of cash flows.
For example, the EAC for the Cadillac air
cleaner is $750.98.
The EAC for the Cheapskate air cleaner is
$763.80, which confirms our earlier decision to
reject it.
Cadillac EAC with a Calculator

CF0 4,000 T 10

CF1 100 R 10

T 10 PV 4,614.46

R 10 PMT 750.98

NPV 4,614.46 FV
Cheapskate EAC with a Calculator

CF0 1,000 T 5

CF1 500 R 10

T 5 PV -2,895.39

R 10 PMT 763.80

NPV 2,895.39 FV
Cost-Cutting Proposals

Cost savings will increase pretax income

But, we have to pay taxes on this amount
Depreciation will reduce our tax liability
Does the present value of the cash flow
associated with the cost savings exceed the
If yes, then proceed.
Cost-Cutting Proposals
Suppose a company is considering automating some
part of an existing production process. The necessary
equipment costs Rs.80,000 to buy and install. The
automation will save Rs.22,000 per year (before taxes)
by reducing labor and material costs. For simplicity,
assume that the equipment has 5-year life time and is
depreciated to zero on a straight line basis. It will actually
be worth Rs.20,000 in five years. The tax rate is 30%,
and the discount rate is 10%. Should the company

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