Khamir, Bhuj, Gujarat

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Khamir operates out of a unique campus in Kukma, Kachchh. Located 15 kilometres from
The campus is a space for artisans, resource groups and institutions, buyers, suppliers and
craft lovers from around the world to gather under one roof to exchange ideas, collaborate
and learn.
The space is always alive with potters creating clay masterpieces or imaginative textiles
being woven by resident weavers.
The Campus was established in 2007 with the support of the Government of Gujarat and the
Confederation of Indian Indutries.
It was designed by Professor Neelkanth Chhaya of CEPT University, Ahmedabad.
The campus was constructed using sustainable, earth based construction technologies such as
wattle and daub, rammed earth, and stabilized earth blocks.
Construction was overseen by Hunnarshala, a Bhuj-based organisation that develops
building technologies to construct disaster-safe, ecologically friendly and sustainable
Khamir works to strengthen and promote the rich artisanal traditions of Kachchh district. Our name stands for
Kachchh Heritage, Art, Music, Information and Resources. Khamir means intrinsic pride in Kachchhi, the local
language. In Hindi it means to ferment, an equally apt name given the constant fermentation of ideas and activity
on going both within the organization, and in Kachchh at large.

Born in 2005 as a joint initiative of Kachchh Nav Nirman Abhiyan and the Nehru Foundation for Development,
Khamir was formally registered under the Societies and Trust Acts in the same year. Today, it serves as a platform for
the promotion of traditional handicrafts and allied cultural practices, the processes involved in their creation, and
the preservation of culture, community and local environments.

At Khamir, we strive to create a democratic and empowering space - a common roof under which a range of
stakeholders can exchange ideas and collaborate. We work to shift consumer perspectives and raise the cultural
value placed on crafts. Our vision is of a vibrant, sustainable Indian craft sector in which crafts and artisans alike are
highly valued by people worldwide.
Ajrakh Blockprint Bandhani Batik Print Bela Printing Camel wool weaving

Embroidery Kachchh Weaving Kala cotton Kharad Weaving Knife Work

Lacquered Wood Leather Art Mashru Weaving Metal Bells Namda

Pottery Recycled plastic weaving Rogan Painting Silversmith Wood Carving

Khamirs initiatives for engagement include
Public Workshops and Festivals, which invite local people to
join conversations about the importance of craft and its
development, restoring broken community linkages between
artisans and traditional user communities.
Curated Exhibitions, which encourage artisans to learn how to
narrate their own stories and brand themselves, while also
being a platform for the Khamir Team to conduct valuable oral
history collections, preserving intangible knowledge.
Khamirs approch
Engejment : Khamir seek to inspire curiosity and a deeper understanding of craft, culture and conservation in Kachchh. Through
cultural engagement, experiential learning and research.

Trade facilation : Khamir works to connect artisans with markets and to facilitate fair trade while emphasizing the importance of trust
and relationship-building. While the most immediate result of trade facilitation is income generation for artisans.

Artisan service : Khamir identifies critical needs within each craft area. As a means to take a more holistic approach, Khamir works to
resolve these needs with a series if intervention.
- Credit Initiative
-Raw Materials Depot,
-Appropriate Technologies,
-Skill Development

Innovation : khamir try to push the envelope in our innovation projects by expanding the application of established craft skills.
Simultaneously, we aim to be environmentally sustainable, by using local materials, specialised techniques and technologies, and by
keeping our supply chains as compact as possible.
-Camel wool
-Kala cotton initiative
-Recycled plastic weaving

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