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Project Manager Roles and

Planning and Defining
 Ensure there are  Focus on customer’s
measurable goals. needs, not the technical
 Do not rush the ones.
planning process.  Recognize that all the
 Use IS historical operational areas are of
data. equal importance.
 Permit all questions.  Remember the most
important word in project
 Seek to understand.

Activity Planning and
 Be prepared to run  Define project activity
meetings. constraints and
 Assign resources. assumptions.
 Construct activity  Determine skill
sequences. requirements for critical
 Define procurement activities.
requirements.  Develop cost estimates.
 Ensure the operational
managers gather
appropriate data.

Activity Planning and
 Establish a project  Identify standards that can
organization structure. impact the project.
 Establish project  Link budget items with
administrative activities.
benchmarks and  Remember customer
standards. needs come first.
 Identify potential risks.  Write the comprehensive
 Ensure there is a viable activity plan.
quality system program.

Resource Planning
 Assist operational  Ensure there are budget
managers on resource allocations for all resources.
issues.  Ensure there are criteria
 Assist the operational that establish resource
managers in identifying needs.
resource links.  Identify skills by labor
 Consider alternate classification, then by
resource types. name.
 Develop a people
 Consider the customer’s
availability formula. needs.

Resource Planning
 Know reasons for  Validate resource
resource uses. requirements.
 Resolve capital  Work with operational
spending. managers to balance
 Resolve resource resources.
availability issues.  Work with the strategic
 Emphasize skills over manager to identify
headcount. available resources.
 Write the resource plan.

Time Estimating
 Ensure there are  Resolve estimates
appropriate criteria for beginning with the
doing estimates. smallest.
 Collect all the estimates  Set daily priorities to
prior to totaling. resolve time estimate
 Use technical support issues.
from vendors.  Analyze time estimates
for impacts.
 Establishing a scientific
approach to time
 Determine potential risks
estimating. because of estimates.

Time Estimating
 Use project  Determine impact of
management software estimates on cost
to do scenarios.
 Determine impact of
 Finish the time estimates on resource
estimating process availability.
before scheduling.  Remember the budget cycle
 Document issues. can affect time estimates.
 Include time estimates  Determine impact of
procurement on time
for quality control.

Developing Schedules
 Align the schedule to the  Define estimates to
customer’s expectations. average capabilities.
 Analyze the schedule for  Define the lag-lead time
various impacts. relationships.
 Communicate with  Define the start-end
vendors on schedule time dependencies.
status.  Determine how the
 Create the schedule schedule is impacted
against the project goals. varying cost potentials.

Developing Schedules
 Determine how the  Discuss with
acquisition of outside procurement group
resources affects the project requirements.
schedule.  Do resource and time
 Establish project
administrative benchmarks
and standards.  Document assumptions
 Determine the budget and constraints.
cycle’s impact.  Documents issues and
 Determine potential risks discuss at meetings.
on the schedule.

Developing Schedules
 Ensure resource availability.  Set daily priorities for
 Ensure the schedule has self to consider
realistic training and schedule.
documentation  Smooth the schedule
requirements. through a balancing of
 Ensure that quality control activities, time, and
activities are scheduled resources.
 Validate the schedule
 Look for “forgotten”
by getting everyone’s
activities, such as meetings.

Cost Estimating
 Ensure there are valid  Determine impact on
estimating criteria. outside resource
 Analyze cost estimates acquisitions.
for potential impacts on  Determine impacts of
skills, equipment, and budget cycle on
materials. estimates.
 Collect all estimates  Determine potential
before totaling. risks on estimates.
 Determine impacts on  Document issues and
time estimates. discuss in meetings.

Cost Estimating
 Have a “scientific” cost  Resolve cost issues well in
estimating process. advance of the “spending” date.
 Factor in procurement  Set daily priority to consider
requirements. cost estimate issues .
 Finish cost estimating before  Use software to develop
doing budgeting. scenarios before a “happening.”
 Include quality control and  Use technical support of
assurance cost.
vendors to define any
 Look for “forgotten” activities. installation or configuration cost
 Resolve cost estimates estimates.
beginning with the least.

Developing a Budget
 Be aware of events that  Ensure that operational
can affect the budget’s managers do monthly
monthly reports. budget status reports.
 Be aware impacts of  Ensure reliable cost
vendor invoicing cycles. estimates.
 Ensure cost estimates  Ensure reliable
are entered into the resource estimates.
budget correctly.  Ensure reliable time

Developing a Budget
 Ensure that predicted  Identify funding for
spending is reliably contingencies, such as
given by month. emergency travel.
 Ensure you have a  Identify capital costs.
budget to manage  Seek the lowest staff costs.
project administration.  Seek to reduce
 Hold a monthly meeting extraordinary costs, such
on budgetary issues. as travel.
 Use software to do

Controlling Quality
 Place quality planning at the top of the
project agenda.
 Ensure there is significant time allocated
for quality activities.
 Guarantee there is time estimates for
peer reviews.
 Have a configuration control mechanism.

Controlling Quality
 Create an appropriate reporting system on
quality issues.
 Assure that quality issues stay at the
deliverable level rather being consider personal.
 Have a separate line in the budget for quality
control and assurance.
 Have a location where all standards and other
quality related documentation is available to

Managing Risks &
 Discuss risk potentials at  Ensure there is a distinctive
all meetings. budget line for risk management.
 Identify people to correct  Ensure there are skilled
quickly potential risks. personnel to handle risk
 Identify people that can evaluations.
do evaluations of issues.  Ensure there is a contingency
fund for risks.
 Ensure that risk
management has the
 Be responsible for risk
time in the schedule to management.
do a proper job.  Ensure that potential risks are

Project Modeling
 Answer the basic modeling question
with a yes.
 Ensure that appropriate historical data
are available.
 Be prepared to hire a consultant.
 Ensure any financial model is consistent
with any corporate one.

Network Optimization
 Determine budgetary source for any
network optimization.
 Have management and performance
tool strategies.
 Have a tools expert or two on staff.

Gantt Chart and Schedules
 Have contractors use a standardized
Gantt chart.
 Use as a part of executive summaries.
 Use for initial project planning.
 Use to refine project plan.
 Use to revise activity requirements.

PERT/CPM Techniques
 List activities; do not  Convert the diagrams
consider resources. to a PERT chart.
 Revise activities list  Identify the critical path.
by priority and  Identify the plan using
interdependency. limited resources.
 Review activity  Make the PERT chart a
network diagrams living document.
with appropriate

Risk Analysis
 Control risks, rather than risk controlling
 Responsible for solving risks.
 Establish measurable objectives,
benchmarks and performance standards.
 Prepare for potential risks by using a risk
analysis tool.
 Handle risks in a positive manner.

Risk Analysis
 Discuss potential risks at meetings.
 Keep good historical documentation on
potential risks.
 Create regular status reports.
 Keep a neutral position.
 Ensure that upper-level management
comprehends the consequences of a
potential risk.

Learning Curve Analysis
 Consider long-term benefits.
 Consider learning curve analysis for
training activities and results.
 Factor into time and cost estimates the
implications of the learning curve.

 Ensures consistency through templates
and standards.
 Develops executive summaries.
 Manages project administrative
 Keeps a daily project log.

Miscellaneous Software
 Ensure there are standards and
templates if general administrative
software is used.

Legacy Software and
Hardware Analysis
 Comprehend the implications on the
legacy software and hardware caused
by a project.
 Remember that legacy is the state of
the IS network one minute ago.

Profitability Analysis
 Use profitability analysis to prepare
executive summaries in terms of return
on investment.
 Identify sources for doing profitability
 Answer pre-proposal questions.

Scalability, Interoperability
and Portability Analyses

 Make the abstract infrastructure

concrete for the customer when project
issues arise that might impact the

Team Management
 You lead; the team succeeds.
 Communicate. Communicate.
 Praise in public; condemn in private.
 Software does not rule; it’s only your

Customer Involvement
 Spokesperson for the project.
 Listen to the managers’ issues on
customers and resolve them.

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