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The Four Marks of the Church - I

One Holy Catholic Apostolic

The Four Marks of the Church

The Third Part of the Creed

“I believe in one, holy, catholic, and
apostolic Church …”
The Four Marks
• One can identify the Catholic Church and her
mission by these four marks
– The Church does not have these marks from
herself but only through Christ and the Spirit
– They are inseparably linked with each other
• Faith - The 4 marks are an object of faith
– Only by faith in Christ can one see them in their
• Reason - The four marks are indicated to reason
– Historical longevity despite dramatic changes in culture; e.g. fall of
the Roman Empire or the Renaissance
– Astounding propagation to every nation
– Continual works of Charity in every age; e.g. hospitals and formal
The Church is One
• The Church is one because of her:
– Source which is the unity of the Trinity
– Founder which is Jesus Christ who came to reconcile
us to God in one body through the cross (cf. Eph 2:15)
– Soul which is the Holy Spirit who brings about and
animates communion among the faithful
• Part of Jesus’ mission was
to re-establish the unity of
all people
– Babel: explanation of the
divisions among humanity
– Pentecost: the means by
which God restored unity
Bonds of Unity
• Invisible bonds of Unity
– Charity - Above all the Spirit’s gift of charity
binds the Church together in harmony
• Visible bonds of Unity
– Faith - Profession of one Apostolic Faith
– Sacraments - Common celebration of worship
– Governance – Apostolic succession through
Holy Orders
• The one Church which Jesus founded “subsists in”
or is fully present in the Catholic Church
– Only through the Catholic Church can one obtain the
fullness of the means of salvation since Christ has
entrusted these means to the apostles and their successors
Unity and Diversity
• In the midst of the unity of the Church
there is always a great diversity of:
– Divine gifts
– People who receive them
– Traditions (little “t” traditions)
• Diversity is a part of authentic unity
(e.g. man and woman) but can also be
a source of sinful division
• Sin constantly threatens the gift of the Church’s unity
– “I appeal to you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus
Christ, that all of you agree and that there be no
dissensions among you, but that you be united in the same
mind and the same judgment.” (1 Cor 1:10)
Wounds to Unity
• From the time of the apostles to today there have
arisen various dissensions when certain
communities became separated from full
communion with the Catholic Chruch
– The Corinthian and Galatian communities
– Gnosticism, Arianism, Nestorianism, etc…
– The Easter Orthodox
– Protestant reformation,
Lutherinism, Calvinism,
Anglicanism etc…
• Often times especially in
later centuries of the
Church, individuals from
both sides were to blame
Separated Brethren
• Today there are many Christian communities
which are separated from full communion with the
Catholic Church (approx. 38,000)
– The Church sees these communities as
brothers and sisters because of our common
baptism in Christ
– Many elements of sanctification and truth can
be found in these communities
– Examples - belief in Christ our Savior, the
Trinity, the scriptures, grace, charitable works,
baptism, prayer
– These elements lead toward Christian unity
Toward Unity: Ecumenism
• All Catholics are called to work for
Christian unity
– Conversion of heart, prayer, fraternal
knowledge, and dialogue
– Jesus’ High priestly prayer
• Ecumenism - the quest for unity
among all Christians
– Dialogue of charity – seeks the building
up of good relationships
– Dialogue of life – joins in common
efforts such as prayer or social good
– Dialogue of salvation – recognizing the Jesus prayed, “that they may
means of salvation that are present in all be one; even as you, Father,
different communities are in me, and I in you, that
– Dialogue of truth – discusses the they also may be one in us, so
differences and similarities of doctrines that the world may believe that
– Dialogue of union – takes the steps thou hast sent me.” Jn 17:21
toward full unity
The Church is Holy
• As a matter of faith the Church is unfailingly holy
because of her:
– Source - The Church is unfailingly holy because Christ,
who is all holy, loved her and has united her to Himself
(read Eph 5:25-27)
– Means - Sanctified by Christ the Church is also
sanctifying; in the Church one finds the fullness of the
means of sanctification; e.g. all the sacraments
– Goals - All the activities of the Church are directed
toward the sanctification of men and woman and the
glorification of God
– Canonized Saints – who have reached the goal of
Heaven and are models and intercessors for us
– Vocation - Holiness or charity is the vocation or call of
all the members of the Church (Charity is so closely
bound to holiness that the two are almost synonymous)
At Once Holy and Imperfect
• The Church on earth is at once holy and
always in need of purification and renewal
– All her members including her ministers must
acknowledge that they are sinners
• Parable of the weeds among the wheat
– In the Church there will always
be found those growing in
holiness and those growing in
sinfulness (Mt 13:24-30)
– In every individual, the weeds
of sin will still be mixed with
the good wheat of the Gospel

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