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The Deadly African Virus

Presented by
Ebola Virus Introduction

• First appeared in Africa 1976

• “African Hemorrhagic Fever”

– acute,mostly fatal disease
– causes blood vessel “bursting”
– systemic (all organs/tissues)
– humans and nonhuman primates

• Excluding ‘2000 outbreak

– 1,500 cases
– over 1,000 deaths
Where does Ebola hide?

• 2002- Fruit Bats

• Antibodies against Ebola
• Ebola Gene sequences in
liver and spleen
• Fruit bats do not show any
• Best candidate to be the
• More research needs to be
Ebola Taxonomy

Scientific Classification
Order: Mononegavirales
Family: Filoviridae
Genus: Ebola like viruses
Species: Ebola
Dr. Fre:derick A. Murphy, D.V.M., Ph.D. 1976.
– Ebola-Zaire, Ebola-Sudan,Ebola-Ivory Coast
• disease in humans
– Ebola-Reston
• disease in nonhuman primates
Filoviridae or “Filoviruses”

• Most mysterious virus group

• Pathogenesis poorly understood

• Ebola
– natural history/reservoirs unknown

– exist throughout the world

Image courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control

– endemic to Africa

– filamentous ssRNA- (antisense) viruses

Ebola Pathogenesis

• Enters Bloodstream
– skin, membranes,open wounds

• Cell Level
– docks with cell membrane

• Viral RNA
– released into cytoplasm
– production new viral proteins/ genetic material
Copyright: Russell Kightley Media, Australia

• New viral genomes

– rapidly coated in protein
– create cores
Ebola Pathogenesis, cont
• Viral cores
– stack up in cell
– migrate to the cell surface
– produce trans-membrane proteins
– push through cell surface
– become enveloped by cell membrane

• ssRNA- Genome Mutations

– capable of rapid mutation
– very adaptable to evade host defenses and environmental change

• Theory
– virus evolved to occupy special niches in the wild
Symptoms and Diagnostic Tests

• Early symptoms
– muscle aches, fever, vomiting
– red eyes, skin rash, diarrhea, stomach pain

• Acute symptoms
– bleeding/hemorrhaging from skin, orifices, internal organs

• Early Diagnosis
• very difficult
• signs & symptoms very similar to other infections

• Laboratory Test
• PCR detection
• ELISA (enzyme-linked immuno-absorbant) assay

• No Standard Treatment available

• Patients receive supportive therapy

• treating complicating infections
• balancing patient’s fluids and electrolytes
• maintaining oxygen status and blood pressure

• No vaccines!

• Patients are isolated

• Medical Staff Training

– western sanitation practices
• intake
• care during stay
• after patient dies

• Infection-control Measures
– complete equipment and area sterilization

After Death
Virus contagious in fluids for days

• Burial use extreme caution

– handling and transport

– cultural practices/ religious belief

– incinerate all waste !!!!

Ebola Epidemiology

• Reservoirs in Nature
– largely unknown
– possibly infected animals (primates?)

• Transmission
– direct contact blood/secretions of infected person
– possible airborne (Reston primate facility)

• Onset of illness abrupt

– incubation period: 2 to 21 days
– infections are acute and mostly deadly
Latest Morbidity and Mortality Reports

• Ebola-Reston Virus Infection Among Quarantined

Nonhuman Primates -- Texas, 1996
– report describes death and blood testing of cynomolgus
monkey imported from the Philippines held in a private
quarantine facility in Texas

• Outbreak of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever ---Uganda,

August 2000--January 2001
– report describes surveillance and control activities
related to the EHF outbreak
– presents preliminary clinical and epidemiologic findings
Current Basic Research
• The assembly of Ebola virus nucleocapsid requires virion-
associated proteins 35 and 24 and posttranslational
modification of nucleoprotein

• Report describes distinct VP35 and VP24 proteins mechanism of

regulation for filovirus assembly
• suggests new approaches for viral therapies and vaccines for Ebola
and related viruses

• Detection of antibodies against the four subtypes of Ebola

virus in sera from any species using a novel antibody-phage
indicator assay
• assesses the presence of specific antibodies in serum
• describes development of a novel assay for the detection of
seroconversion irrespective of Ebola virus subtype or animal


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