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All SAintS’

All Saints’ day
• All Saints' Day which is an official holiday in
the Republic of Lithuania.
• Lithuanians traditionally celebrate it in the
beginning of November
Lithuania All Souls' Day –
November 1st
• All Soul's Day in Lithuania is a
day to remember the dead.
• On this day candles are lit and
flovers are placed at gravesite
memorials, in churches
All Saint’s day
• Since ancient
believed that
after death, the
soul separated
from the body
and continued
existing afterlife.
• During this day people in Lithuania are decorating
their graves with flowers, plants and burning
• This was thought to bring their spirits nearer and
to form bond between the living and the dead.
• When autumn comes
to the end and all the
work outside is done,
Lithuanians carry out
special rituals
honoring the souls of
their dead ancestors.
Tradictions of All Souls’ day
• The ritual traditions of commemorating the
dead are directly related to people's belief
that on that day the souls of the dead return
to the earth, to their homes.
• In Lithuania, the belief that souls of the dead
came for a visit during All Souls' Day, lasted a long
time. Some said that the souls visited their family
homes, others said that they came to cemeteries
and even others that the souls congregated in
• November 1st, people of the Christian Faith all
over the world celebrate All Saints’ Day. In
Lithuania it is one of the most solemn of
• This day is set aside as a day
to honor the souls of family
members that have passed
away as well as remembering
the Saints of the Catholic
• The ritual traditions of Church.
the dead were and still
are today directly related
to peoples' belief that on
this day the souls of the
dead return to earth to
Churches, cemeteries or
their homes.
• This day is set aside as a day to honor the souls of
family members that have passed away as well as
remembering the Saints of the Catholic Church.
The beliefs of All Souls' and All
Saints' Days • If it rains on
• If mother went the night of
to the cemetery All Saints'
at midnight on Day, there
All Souls' Day, will be
she would see numerous
her dead deaths the
children. following
• To this day, you will still hear most Lithuanians
refer to All Saints’ Day as “Vėlinės” which was
a holiday going back to pagan times that
celebrated the souls of dead ancestors with
feasts and special rituals.
• From one cemetery to
another and another, candles
will be lit, prayers will be
given, gravesites will be
decorated and at the grave of
each person we will stand and
talk about their fine qualities
the same as has been done for
hundreds and hundreds of
Write what you see in
the pictures:



_________________________ _________________
Choose the correct word:
1. Lithuanians traditionally celebrate it in the
beginning of ________.
2. During this day people in Lithuania are
decorating their graves with _____, plants and
burning _____.
3. Some said that the souls visited their _____,
others said that they came to _______and even
others that the souls congregated in churches.
4. If mother went to the cemetery at midnight on
All Souls' Day, she would see _________.

Candles, November, her dead child, cemetaries, flovers, homes

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Darbą atliko:
Elena Babonaitė ir Aušrinė Ulozaitė
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