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 A term used to describe the rigorous
mathematical calculation of points in object
space upon camera parameters, measured
photo coordinates and ground control.
 This process rigorously accounts for any tilts
that exist in the photo.
 Involves the solution of large, complex
system of redundant equations by method of
least square.
 Considered practical until recently due to its
heavy computational efforts
Introduction (cont.)
 Evolution of computer technology and
photogrammetric software has now
made AP a commonplace technique.
 AP form the basis of many hardware
and software systems, including:
stereoplotters (analytical and softcopy),
digital terrain model generation,
orthophoto production, digital photo
rectification and aerotriangulation.

Image Measurement
 Fundamental type of measurement is an x
and y photo coordinates pair.
 Generally measured in millimeters, must be
related to the principal points as the origin.
 Since mathematical relationship are based
on assumptions such as “light ray travel in
straight lines” and “the focal plane of a frame
camera is flat” various coordinates
refinement may be required to correct
measured photocoordinates for distortion
Control points
 Certain numbers of control points in object
space are generally required.
 Control points may be either image
identifiable feature or exposure stations of
the photograph themselves. Are generally
determined by some type of field survey
such as GPS or total station
 The object space coord. must be based on
3D cartesian coordinate.

Collinearity Condition
 Most fundamental and most useful
relationship in AP.
 Is the condition that, the exposure
station (L), any object point (a) , and its
photo image (A) all lie along a straight
line in 3D space.

Coolinearity condition

Colinearity equation
 m11(X  X L ) m12(Y YL ) m13(Z  Z L ) 
xf 

 m31(X  X L ) m32(Y YL ) m33(Z  Z L ) 
 List the topics to be
 m21(X  X L ) m22(Y YL ) m23(Z  Z L ) 
y List
 f the
 times allotted 
 m31(X  X L ) m32(Y YL ) m33(Z  Z L ) 
to each

Colinearity equation

 x and y are the photo coordinates of

image point a; XL, YL and ZL are object
space coordinates of point A of the
exposure station; f is the camera focal
length; and the m’s are the function of
three rotation angles omega, phi and
 The equation is nonlinear and can be
linearised by Taylors theorem.

Coplanarity Condition
 The condition that the two exposure
stations of a stereopair, or any object
point, and its corresponding image
points on the two photos, all lie in a
common plane.

Coplanarity Condition

Coplanarity condition equation
0 = BX(D1F2 – D2F1) + BY(E2F1 – E1F2) +
BZ(E1D2 – E2D1)
BX = XL2 – XL1
BY = YL2 – YL1
BZ = ZL2 – ZL1
D = (m12)x + (m22)y – (m32)f
E = (m11)x + (m21)y – (m31)f
F = (m13)x + (m23)y – (m33)f
Coplanarity condition
 One coplanarity equation may be written for
each object points whose image appear on
both photos.
 The equation do not contain object space
coord. as unknown, rather than contain only
the element of exterior orientation of the two
 Also can be linearised by Taylor’e theorem
but more difficult as compared with
Colinearitry equation.
Space resection by collinearity
 A method of determining the six elements of
exterior orientation (ω,φ,κ, XL, YL, and ZL) of
 Requires a minimum of three control points,
with known XYZ object space coordinates to
be imaged in the photo.
 Two equations are formed for each control
points, which give 6 equations. If four or
more control points are used then a least
square solution will be applied.
Space intersection by collinearity
 The object point coordinates for points that
lie in the stereo overlap can be calculated as
the extension of space resection.
 The procedure is called space intersection
because corresponding rays to the same
objects point from the two photos must
intersect at the point.
 To calculate the coordinates of a point A by
intersection, collinearity equation must be
linearised and written for each new point.
However since the six element of exterior
orientation are known, the remaining
unknown in these equations are dXA. dYA
and dZA. These are correction to be applied
to initial approximation for object space
coordinates XA. YA and ZA
Analytical stereomodel
 Usually more than 50% overlap is used in aerial
photograph. Two adjacent photograph that overlap
in this manner form a stereopair. Object points that
appear in the overlap area constitute a
 The mathematical calculation of three dimensional
ground coordinates of points in the stereo model
forms an analytical stereomodel.
 Three steps involve in the process of forming
analytical stereomodel are interior orientation,
relative orientation and absolute orientation.
 After these three steps are achived, points in the
analytical stereomodel will have object coordinates
in the ground coodinate system.
 Points can be used for digital mapping and
control for orthophoto production.
Analytical Interior Orientation
 Is the step which mathematically recreates the
geometry that existed in the camera when a
particular photo was exposed.
 Require camera calibration information +
quantification of the effect of atmospheric refraction.
 Usually called photo coordinate refinement.
 Process begin with coord of fiducial marks and
image points measured by comparator.
 A two dimensional Affine Transformation is used to
relate comparator coordinates and fiducial
coordinates as to correct film distortion.
 Lens distortion and principal point information from
camera calibration are used to refine the
coordinates (correctly related and free from lens
 Finally, atmospheric refraction corrections can be 17
applied to the photo coordinates. 2/18/2018
Analytical Relative orientation
 Process of determining the relative angular attitude
and positional displacement between the photos
that existed when the photos were taken.
 Involves defining certain element of exterior
orientation and calculating the remaining ones.
 Resulting exterior orientation parameter will give
correct in relative sense between photos.
 Common practises to fix the exterior elements
(ω,φ,κ, XLand YL) of the left photo to become zero.
 ZL of the left photo(ZL1)is set equal to f, and XL of the
right photo (XL2) is set equal to the photo base b.
 This leaves five elements of the right photo that
must be determined.
 Least square adjustment can be used if the number
of points observed is greater than 5.
Analytical Relative Orientation

Analytical Absolute Orientation
 Can be performed using a three dimensional
conformal coordinate transformation
 Require minimum of two horizontal and three
vertical control points (more if least square is
 Stereomodel coordinates of the control points are
related to their three dimensional coord in a
ground based system.
 Must be true Cartesian coordinate system for the
ground coordinates.
 Once the transformation parameter been
computed, they can be applied to the remaining
Analytical Self Calibration
 A computational process where camera
calibration parameter is included in the
photogrammetric solution, in combined
interior-relative-absolute orientation
 Use augmented collinearity equ. To
account for adjustment of calibrated focal
length (f), principal point offset (xo,yo),
symmetric radial distortion(k1, k2, k3) and
decentering lens distortion. (p1, p2,p3)
 Equation might include corrn. for
atmospheric refraction


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