Special Revelation and Visions

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Starter: this is a section of

one of Da Vinci’s
paintings, ‘The Creation of
Adam’. What is Da Vinci
trying to say in this

Special Revelation and Visions

(1) Examine special revelation as a source of knowledge
about the divine.
(2) Examine enlightenment as sources of knowledge about
the divine.
(3) Consider one example of a vision.
Buddhists – “There is an
eternal truth or principle
that governs the
Hindus – “There is
one supreme power
(Brahman) who is
worshipped in many
forms represented by
Ideas about ultimate many other gods.”
divine/God/the gods

Christians – “The ultimate reality

is the one true God, a personal
being shown in three forms – the
Father, the Son and the Holy
Special Revelation General Revelation
God making himself God making
known through himself known
direct personal through ordinary,
experience or a common human
specific, unusual experiences.
Special revelation is important within
each of the major world faiths
Christianity Islam Judaism
Mary is visited by the Muhammad receives God visits Moses in a
Angel Gabriel who tells messages from the Angel burning bush. He tells
her she will give birth to Jibril. These revelations are Moses to lead the
a child who will be the written down into what is Israelites out of Egypt.
Son of God. Jesus known today as the Qur’an. Moses becomes an
becomes the founding Muhammad becomes the important figure for the
figure of Christianity. founding figure of Islam. Jewish people.

1. Choose two of these examples and make a note of them in your book.
2. For each one, explain why you think this could be an important story for people who
follow this religion.
What do these examples of revelation tell us about God in these religions?
A vision is a form of special
revelation that comes in the
form of a picture or image.
People see holy people,
angels or hear messages from
God. A vision holds a deep
meaning for the person
receiving it and enables them
to become aware of reality in
a new way or with a new

The conversion of Saul

• Complete the mindmap using the notes from
Explain two contrasting beliefs about
visions in contemporary British society.
(4 marks)

Some people, such as Christians, believe that…

They believe this because/For example/

Others, such as _____, believe that…

They believe this because/For example/
Explain two contrasting beliefs about
visions in contemporary British society.
(4 marks)
You have said what one Add a second belief about
view about visions may be. visions.
You have given two Explain the beliefs using
contrasting beliefs. examples.
You have explained one Add detail to develop your
belief about visions. points.
You have explained two
beliefs about visions.

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