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Endang Lestari
Sasaran pembelajaran
 Mahasiswa memahami konsep adult learning
 Memahami teori-teori pembelajaran yang
diterapkan dalam pendidikan orang Dewasa
Is there any difference between teaching
And adult? If so, what are the differences?

 Andragogy as the art and

science of helping adults learn
 pedagogy as the art and science
of teaching children
Concept of andragogy
 The role of the learner is a  Learner is in the process of
dependent one. The teacher maturation for a person
is expected by society to who move from
take full responsibility for dependency toward
determining what is to be increasing
learned, when it is to be selfdirectedness. Adults
learned, how it is to be have a deep psychological
learned, and if it has been need to be generally self-
learned directing, although they may
be dependent in particular
temporary situations
Concept of andragogy
Role of learner’s experience
 The experience learners  As people grow and
bring to a learning
situation is of little worth. develop they
It may be used as a starting accumulate an
point, but the experience increasing reservoir
from which learners will
gain the most is that of the of experience that
teacher, the textbook writer, becomes an
the audiovisual aid increasingly rich
producer, and other experts.
Accordingly, the primary resource for
techniques in education are learning-for
transmittal techniques- themselves and for
lecture, assigned reading,
AV presentations. others.
Regarding Pedagogy Andragogy

Role of The experience learners As people grow and develop they

learners bring to a learning accumulate an increasing reservoir
'experie situation is of little of experience that becomes an
nce worth. It may be used as increasingly rich
a starting point, but the resource for learning-for
experience from which themselves and for others.
learners will gain the
Furthermore, people attach more meaning
most is that of the teacher, to earnings they gain
the textbook writer, the
audiovisual from experience than those they acquire
passively. Accordingly,
aid producer, and other
experts. Accordingly, the the primary techniques in
primary techniques in education are experiential
education are transmittal techniques-laboratory
techniques-lecture, experiments, discussion,
assigned reading, AV problem-solving cases, simulation
presentations. exercises, field experience, and the
like .
Concept of andragogy
Readiness to learn
 People are ready to  People become ready to
learn something when they
learn whatever society experience a need to learn
Most people of the same it in order to cope more
age are ready to learn satisfyingly with real-life
the same things . tasks or problems . The
Therefore, learning educator has a responsibility
should be organized into to create conditions and
provide tools and
a fairly standardized procedures for helping
curriculum, with a learners discover their
uniform step-by-step "needs to know."
progression for all
How is the learning
should be organized for
adult learners
Regardi Pedagogy Andragogy
Readin People are ready to learn People become ready to learn
ess whatever society something when they
to learn (especially the school) experience a need to learn it
says they ought to in order to cope more
learn, provided the satisfyingly with real-life
pressures on them tasks or problems . The
(like fear of failure) are educator has a responsibility
great to create conditions and
provide tools and procedures
enough. Most people of the for helping learners discover
same age are ready to their "needs to know." And
learn the same things . learning programs should
Therefore, learning be organized around life-
should be organized application categories and
into a fairly sequenced according to the
standardized curriculum, learners' readiness to learn.
with a uniform step-by-
step progression for all
Concept of andragogy
Orientation to learning
 Learners see education  Learners see education as
as a process of a process of developing
acquiring increased competence to
subjectmatter content, achieve their full
most of which they potential in life. They
understand will be want to be able to apply
whatever knowledge and
useful only at a later skill they gain today to
time in life living more effectively
 People are subject- tomorrow.
centered in their
orientation to learning
Regarding Pedagogy Andragogy

Orientatio Learners see education as a Learners see education as a

n process of acquiring process of developing
to learning subjectmatter content, increased competence to
most of which they achieve their full potential in
understand will be useful life . They want to be able to
only at a later time in life . apply whatever knowledge
Accordingly, the and skill they gain today to
curriculum should be living more effectively
organized into tomorrow.
subjectmatter Accordingly, learning experiences
units (e .g ., courses) which should be organized around
follow the logic of the subject competency-development
(e .g ., from ancient to categories . People are
modern history, from performance-centered in their
simple to complex
mathematics or science). orientation to learning
People are subject-
centered in their
orientation to learning
Basic assumption of Andragogy
Individuals mature:

 their self-concept moves from one of being a dependent

personality toward being a self-directed human being;
 they accumulate a growing reservoir of experience that
becomes an increasingly rich resource for learning ;
 their readiness to learn becomes oriented increasingly to the
developmental tasks of their social roles; and
 their time perspective changes from one of postponed
application of knowledge to immediacy of application, and
accordingly, their orientation toward learning shifts from one
of subject-centeredness to one of performance-centeredness .
The five assumptions underlying andragogy describe the
adult learner (Merriam, Sharan)

as someone who

 (1) has an independent self-concept and who can direct his or

her own learning,
 (2) has accumulated a reservoir of life experiences that is a
rich resource for learning,
 (3) has learning needs closely related to changing social roles,
 (4) is problem-centered and interested in immediate
application of knowledge, and
 (5) is motivated to learn by internal rather than external factors
 has an independent self-concept and who can direct
his or her own learning,
 has accumulated a reservoir of life experiences that is
a rich resource for learning,
 has learning needs closely related to changing social
 is problem-centered and interested in immediate
application of knowledge, and
 is motivated to learn by internal rather than external
The learning pyramid
Retention Rate
Lecture 5%
Reading 10%
Audiovisual 20%
Demonstration 30%
Discussion group 50%
Practice by doing 75%
Teach others 80%
National Training Laboratories, Bethel, Maine, USA
 Ada proses negosiasi makna
 Saling bertukar fikiran mengenai
persepsi masing-masing anggota diskusi
 Ada perubahan persepsi tiap-tiap
individu melalui kegiatan collaborative
/ John
Concepts of Constructivism
 Pengetahuan disusun berdasarkan pengalaman yang telah
 Belajar adalah kegiatan interpretasi tiap-tiap individu
mengenai apa yang dilihat dan dirasakannya.
 Belajar adalah proses yang aktif, pemahaman dibangun
berdasarkan pengalaman yang telah dimiliki.
 Pemahaman terhadap konsep baru berkembang melalui
proses negosiasi makna antara individu satu dengan yang
lain, melalui kegiatan berbagi (sharing) pengalaman dan
persepsi yang berbeda-beda, sehingga perubahan
pemahaman seseorang sangat dipengaruhi oleh belajar
secara kelompok (collaborative learning)
 Belajar hendaknya dilakukan pada latar belakang atau
setting seperti setting sesungguhnya yang akan dihadapi
oleh siswa (realistic setting).

 What is prior knowledge?

 Why did the students have to explore their
prior knowledge during the discussion?
 What are the role of prior knowledge in
learning new concept?

(Jean Piaget)

 Menerapkan schema theory. Yang dimaksud skema

adalah susunan atau struktur pengetahuan yang
tersimpan dalam akal manusia. Informasi baru dapat
diterima dengan baik dan dapat bertahan lama jika
dapat tersambungkan dengan informasi yang telah
dimiliki sebelumnya dalam skema tiap individu. Fungsi
penggalian prior knowledge salah satunya adalah untuk
menyambungkan informasi baru dengan prior knowledge
yang dimiliki siswa.
 Meyakini ada Model tiga tahap pemrosesan informasi.
Pertama, input masuk ke saraf pengenalan (sensory
register), kemudian diproses dalam short-term memory,
kemudian ditransfer ke long term memory untuk
disimpan dan dipanggil kembali pada saat dibutuhkan.
 Informasi yang berarti (meaningfull information) lebih
mudah dipelajari dan diingat.
 Serial position effects. Lebih mudah mengingat item
dari awal hingga akhir daftar item, dari pada harus
mengingat dari tengah ke akhir.
 Practice effects. Praktek atau pengulangan akan
memberikan kesempatan agar informasi memiliki retensi
(daya simpan ) yang lama dalam akal manusia.
 Transfer effects. Prior knowledge sangat berpengaruh
dalam mempelajari informasi baru.
 Interference effects. Terjadi jika prior knowledge
mempengaruhi pembelajaran materi baru.
 Organization effects. Ketika pembelajar
mengkatagorisasikan apa-apa yang dipelajarinya, proses
belajar akan berjalan mudah dan retensi informasinya
dapat bertahan lama.
 Level of processing effects. Karakteristik kata
diproses pada tingkatan analisis yang paling bawah dan
makna kata dianalisis pada tingkatan yang tinggi.
 State dependent effect. Pembelajaran yang terjadi
pada sebuah konteks akan mudah diingat dalam konteks
tersebut dari pada harus diingat pada konteks yang
lain/ yang baru.
 Mnemonic effects. Mnemonic adalah strategi yang
dipergunakan oleh pembelajar untuk mengorganisasi
input yang kurang berarti menjadi input yang sangat
berarti sehingga mudah untuk dipelajari dan diingat.
 Schema effects. Jika informasi baru yang diperoleh
seseorang tidak cocok dengan skema yang telah dimiliki
oleh orang tersebut, maka informasi tersebut akan sulit
untuk diingat. Apa yang dapat dia ingat dan bagaimana
cara mengingat informasi juga sangat dipengaruhi oleh
skema informasi yang telah dimiliki.
 Advance organizers. Advance organizer memungkinkan
pembelajar untuk siap dalam mempelajari materi baru
yang harus dipelajarinya.

Personal responsibility
Characteristic of Characteristic
Teaching and of the learner

Self directed learning Learner regulation

Self direction in learning

Adalah proses internal pembelajar
untuk mengevaluasi pengalaman dan
bertujuan untuk memperbaiki
pemahaman terhadap pengalaman
tersebut. Dengan refleksi diharapkan
pembelajar dapat merubah
Hal hal yang direfleksi

 Mengkritisi proses belajar yang dilakukannya

 Mengkritisi isi/konten pembelajarannya
 Penyelesaian masalah (hal-hal yang harus
 Menyusun rencana pembelajaran
Assessment in PBL curriculum:
How it should be?
 Structuring knowledge for better recall and
application in clinical context.
 Developing clinical reasoning skills
 Developing problem solving skills (Gagne)
 Developing analytical, evaluating, and
problem solving skills (C4,C5, C6 Bloom)
 Development of self-directed learning.
 Principle of the learning through practice
and abilities beyond knowledge.
 The integration of disciplines.
A simple model of competence
Professional authenticity

Does Behaviour
Shows how

Knows how
Miller GE. The assessment of clinical skills/competence/performance.
Academic Medicine (Supplement) 1990; 65: S63-S7.
A simple model of competence
Professional authenticity

Does or hands on
Shows how
Knows how Oral or
Knows based
Miller GE. The assessment of clinical skills/competence/performance.
Academic Medicine (Supplement) 1990; 65: S63-S7.

Explain the influence of each of key

concepts of Constructivism and
Cognitivism to PBL process.
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