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Beware of Sexual Harassment

at Work Place…!


“The power of men to dominate women,

to make them a victim, being barbaric in
nature can be phrased as two sides of the
same coin rape and sexual harassment.”
 Sexual
harassment and rape both shatter the victim
(women). One partially and the other totally.

 It is nothing less than a brutal murder of the victim’s soul.

“While a murderer destroys the physical frame of the

victim, a rapist degrades and defiles the soul of the
helpless female.”
– Justice Arjit Pasayat
 Sexual Harassment is nothing less than a rape and nothing
worse than a murder.

“All the cases of sexual harassment are

such- where the accused is guilty of
conceiving the intention of a sexual
intercourse . But it also depends on each
individual case and circumstances –
because it may well be the case that the
woman may also be at fault.”
Legal Aspect
“ Article 21 of the Indian Constitution
guarantees the right to life and liberty to
men and women both alike.’’

But whether it really imperative to take a

decisive step towards extirpating this evil
and make the contemporary in future and
society a safe haven for women.
 Official Statistics state that one women is mole sped
every 26 minutes across the country.

 Most cases are not reported by victims because of

various reasons- family pressures, the manner of the
police , the unreasonably long and unjust process and
application of law and the resulting consequences

Cosmopolitanism from shop floors.

Popular culture and mass media.

Various Instances
 In instances were women have reported such
illegal unwelcome behaviors, there have been
significant victories in the past.

1. N Radhabai Vs. D. Ramchandran(1995)

2. Vishaka Vs. State of Rajasthan (1997)
3. Rupan Deol Bajaj Vs. K P S Gill.(1998)
Vishaka’s Case
 It was in this land mark case that sexual harassment was
identified as a separate illegal behavior.
 For the first time Sexual Harassment had been explicitly –
legally defined as unwelcome gesture or behavior whether
directly or indirectly as:
1. Sexually colored remarks
2. Physical contact in advances
3. Showing Pornography.
4. A demand or request for sexual favors.
5. Any other unwelcome and physical, verbal / non-verbal
conduct being sexual in nature.

a. The employer or other responsible person or

other institution to prevent sexual harassment .

a. Women who either draw regular salary,

receive an honorarium or work in a voluntary
capacity – Government, Private/ Organized
Preventive Measures
Express Prohibition of sexual harassment
Should be notified and circulated.
Inclusion of the prohibition in the rules and
regulations of government and public sector.
Inclusion of the prohibition in the standing
orders under the Industrial Employment Act
1946 by private employers.
Provision should be made for appropriate work
conditions for women.
Provisions of the Indian Penal Code
Where the accused sexually harasses or insults
the modesty by way of either
1. Obscene acts/songs
2. Gestures/words
intended to insult the modesty of the woman
shall be punished u/sec. 294,354 & 509
 Guidelines should be prominently notified.

 The employee should be assisted from


 Discussed in the meetings.

Employers must provide a complaints

committee which is to be headed by a women
 Every Fifth worker in any industry has sometime or the
other been sexually harassed.

 All employees of organizations should be ware of what

sexual harassment is and the policies.

 New laws for women are the need of the hour.

 Even men are not safe.

 Awareness therefore plays a big role in averting such


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