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Whose Fingerprint Classification

System was adopted by many
English speaking countries
including the Philippines? He is
considered as the Father of

A. Edward Henry
B. Francis Galton
C. Juan Vucetich
D. William Herschel
2.Who presented a scientific
paper describing the anatomical
layers of the human skin,
specifically those covered by the
friction ridge and considered as
the Grandfather of Dactyloscopy?

A. Edward Henry
B. Francis Galton
C. Marcelo Malphigi
D. Thomas Bewick
3. Who introduced Anthropometric
System which was based upon
eleven measurements of the
human anatomy for identification
purposes and adopted by the
French Police in 1882?

A. Alphonse Bertillion
B. Federico Aguilera
C. Herman Welcker
D. John Meyer
4. Who is considered as the Father of
Poroscopy who, in his book La Pouve
Judiciare Par Las Emprientes
Dignitales, in 1914 at Lyons, France
summarized the principles of
identification from impressions
referred to as Points of Identity?

A. Edmund Locard
B. Juan Vucetich
C. Nehemiah Grew
D. William Herschell
5. Who advocated the Principle
of Individuality?

A. Galton
B. Henry
C. Mayer
D. Purkenjie
6. Who are considered as the
first users of fingerprints as
part of their rituals?

A. Americans
B. British
C. Chinese
D. Romans
7. Who claimed that the impressions
would provide positive
identification of the offender
when caught? The use of the
printers ink and the inking of all
fingers were attributed to him.

A. Edward Henry
B. Henry Faulds
C. Johannes Purkenjie
D. William Herschell
8. Who conducted an experiment by
taking the prints of his own
fingers and after forty-one years
he took again the prints of the
same fingers and proved that
fingerprints do not change?

A. Henry Faulds
B. Herman Welcker
C. John Mayer
D. William Herschell
9. What is the first private
school to provide laboratory
for instructional purposes in

A. American Academy of
B. Center for Forensic Sciences
C. Institute of Applied Sciences
D. School of Police Sciences
10.Who was the Warden at the
Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary in
Kansas, that managed the fingerprint
bureau established on November 2,
1904 and became the first official
national government of fingerprints?

A. Capt. Thomas Dugan

B. Lt. Asa Darby
C. Maj. E. Mc Cloughry
D. Sgt. John Kenneth Ferrier
11.What is the first US leading case
conviction which was based on
fingerprints decided last
December 21, 1911?

A. People versus Clemens

B. People versus Jennings
C. People versus Parke
D. People versus Medina
12.Who is the Father of Dactyloscopy
and Professor of Anatomy, Theology
and Physiology at the University of
Breslau, Prussia in 1823 that
described the different patterns of
the fingers and classified them into
nine (9) groups?

A. Alphonese Bertillion
B. Edmund Locard
C. Henry Faulds
D. Johannes Purkenjie
13.Who was the first American
Instructress of Dactyloscopy?

A. Asa Darby
B. Bernadette Fuentabella
C. Clara Del Valle
D. Mary Holland
14.Who devised a system of
classifying and filling of
fingerprint cards and was used
in most Spanish and Latin

A. Edward Henry
B. Francis Galton
C. Juan Vucetich
D. Marcelo Malphigi
15.Who topped the first
governmental examination in
Fingerprints given in 1937?

A. Agustin Patricio
B. Flaviano Guerrero
C. John Ferrier
D. Thomas Dugan
16.Who was the first Filipino
Fingerprint Technician
employed at the Philippine

A. Dominador Santos
B. Generoso Reyes
C. Ricardo David
D. Tomas Medina
17.Who was the Englishman and
first Instructor at the St. Louis
Police Academy in Missouri
who taught fingerprints?

A. Capt. Thomas Dugan

B. Lt. Asa Darby
C. Maj. E. Mc Cloughry
D. Sgt. John Kenneth Ferrier
18.In China, fingerprint is called

A. Ching Hua
B. Hua Chi
C. Tsek Chai
D. Wung Shu
19.The first conviction based on
fingerprints last December 20,
1933 and the leading judicial
decision in Philippine
Jurisprudence is People versus …

A. Alonzo
B. Dela Cruz
C. Medina
D. Sapiro
20.Who divided the fingerprint
patterns into Loops, Arches
and Whorls or the LAW

A. Francis Galton
B. Edward Henry
C. Nehemiah Grew
D. Thomas Bewick
21.What is the impression designed by
the ridges on the inside of the last
joint of the finger or thumb on any
smooth surface through the medium
of an ink, sweat or any reagent
capable of producing visibility?

A. Fingerprint
B. Footprint
C. Imprint
D. Tattoo print
22.What is the scientific study of
fingerprint for purposes of
interpreting one’s personality?

A. Ductility
B. Dactylography
C. Dactylomancy
D. Dactyloscopy
23.What Principle of Fingerprint
Identification states that “No
two persons have the same
fingerprint patterns in all

A. Constancy
B. Individuality
C. Infallibility
D. Permanency
24.What is the tiny elevation or hill
like structure found on the
epidermis layer of the skin
containing sweat pores?

A. Dermal Papillae
B. Friction Skin
C. Furrows
D. Ridge
25.Who is known as the “man
without fingerprints”?

A. Edmund Locard
B. Federico Aguillera
C. John Dillenger
D. Roscoe Pitts
26.What refers to an epidermal
hairless skin found on the ventral
or lower surface of the hands and
feet covered with minute ridges
and furrows and without pigment
or coloring matters?

A. Dermal Papillae
B. Friction Skin
C. Furrows
D. Ridge
27.This is also known as the Principle of
Permanency which states that once
ridges of the fingers are fully
developed, their general
characteristics and arrangement do
not change. The patterns are
permanent throughout life.

A. Individuality
B. Immutability
C. Imprintability
D. Infallibility
28. What branch of science deals
with the scientific study of the
palm of the hand which can be a
means of identification?

A. Chiroscopy
B. Dactyloscopy
C. Podoscopy
D. Poroscopy
29.What do you call the inner layer
of the skin containing blood
vessels, various glands and nerves
where the dermal papillae can be

A. Corneum
B. Dermis
C. Epidermis
D. Mucosum
30. Who was the bank robber during the 1930’s and
considered as a dangerous criminal in the
Midwestern United States because of his
graceful movements such as leaping over the
counter and known as the US Notorious Public
Enemy No.1 that tried to remove his
fingerprints with the used of an acid but failed?

A. John Dillenger
B. Nehemiah Grew
C. Roscoe Pitts
D. Thomas Bewick
31.What type of loop is
characterized in which the
downward slope or the
slanting ridges run towards
the direction of the thumb?

A. Central Pocket
B. Double
C. Radial
D. Ulnar
32.What is the pattern in which the
ridges flow from one side to the
other without recurving, usually,
having a slight upward in the
center and has no core and no

A. Plain Arch
B. Plain Loop
C. Plain Pattern
D. Plain Whorl
33.What is the pattern that has two
(2) deltas and two (2) separate
and distinct loop formations with
different sets of shoulders?

A. Accidental Whorl
B. Central Pocket Loop Whorl
C. Double Loop Whorl
D. Plain Whorl
34.It is an impression made or placed in
the fingerprint card taken
individually by rolling the ten fingers
of Subject, 180 degrees from the tip
to the second joint and from one side
of the nail to the other, “nail to

A. Complex
B. Flat
C. Plain
D. Rolled
35.The following fingerprint
patterns may be found in an
Accidental Whorl except…

A. Plain Arch
B. Radial Loop
C. Tented Arch
D. Ulnar Loop
36.What whorl pattern is
characterized by the combination
of two (2) different types of
patterns like a loop and a whorl?

A. Accidental Whorl
B. Central Pocket Loop Whorl
C. Double Loop Whorl
D. Plain Whorl
37.It is a type of pattern wherein
majority of the ridges form an arch at
the center and an up trust or make a
sufficient rise, giving an angle of 90
degrees or less or a pattern similar to
a loop but lacking one or two of its
essential elements.

A. Radial Loop
B. Tented Arch
C. Ulnar Loop
D. Plain Whorl
38. What is whorl pattern is composed of two
deltas and at least one (1) ridge that
makes one (1) complete circuit wherein an
imaginary line drawn between the two
deltas must touch or cross at least one of
the recurving ridges within the pattern
area and the pattern could be spiral, oval,
circular or any variant of a circle?

A. Accidental Whorl
B. Central Pocket Loop Whorl
C. Double Loop Whorl
D. Plain Whorl
39.What is the pattern composed of two
deltas, with one or more recurving
ridges that has an obstruction at right
angle to the inner line of flow
between which an imaginary line
would touch or cross and no recurving
ridge within the inner pattern area?

A. Accidental Whorl
B. Central Pocket Loop Whorl
C. Double Loop Whorl
D. Plain Whorl
40.What type of loop is
characterized in which the
downward slope or the slanting
ridges run towards the direction
of the little finger?

A. Central Pocket
B. Double
C. Radial
D. Ulnar
41.What is a kind of ridge
formation that curves back in
the direction from which it

A. Bifurcation
B. Converging
C. Eyelet
D. Looping
42.What do you call a short ridge
found at the top or summit of
a recurving ridge?

A. Appendage
B. Bar
C. Lake
D. Obstruction
43.What is a ridge that divides
itself into two (2) branches
and meets again to form the
original ridge?

A. Converging
B. Diverging
C. Eyelet
D. Type Line
44.Which of the following refers
to a ridge which looks like a
period, dot or a fragment?

A. Enclosure
B. Island
C. Lake
D. Rod
45.What is a short ridge which is
found inside the innermost
recurving ridge that spoiled the
inner flow towards the center of
the pattern?

A. Appendage
B. Eyelet
C. Obstruction
D. Rod
46.It is where the core, delta and
other ridge characteristics used
for identification and
classification can be found.

A. Diverging Ridge
B. Pattern Area
C. Recurving Ridge
D. Type Line
47.What type of ridge characteristic
is composed of two (2) ridges
that are running side by side and
suddenly separates or spreads

A. Converging Ridge
B. Diverging Ridge
C. Looping Ridge
D. Recurving Ridge
48.What type of ridge characteristic
is referring to the meeting of two
(2) ridges that were previously
running side by side?

A. Converging Ridge
B. Diverging Ridge
C. Looping Ridge
D. Recurving Ridge
49.It refers to a point on the ridge
formation located directly at or
in front of and nearest the center
of the divergence of the type

A. Core
B. Delta
C. Furrow
D. Ridge
50.In ridge tracing, start the
trace from _________.

A. Core to Delta
B. Delta to Core
C. Left to right Delta
D. Right to left Delta

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