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Health and Safety Induction


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Topics covered in Induction
• H&S Law Policy/H&S Representatives
• Accident/Incident Reporting
• First Aid Facilities
• PPE (Personal Protective Footwear, Clothing & Equipment)
• Fire Evacuation Procedure/Emergency Exits/Assembly Points
• C.O.S.H.H. (Chemical/Hazardous Materials)
• Manual Handing

Specific Site Risks

a) Electricity
b) Transport, Internal and External
c) Hand Arm Vibration

• Signage
• Risk Assessments
• Display Screen Equipment
• Welfare Facilities
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Defining Health and Safety
• Health is defined as both physical and mental

• Ill health can include physical injuries and

medical ailments.

• Safety is the control of unplanned events.

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Overall Aims & Objectives of
Health & Safety Induction
• To ensure safety requirements are appreciated by
all employees of “Your Company Name”

• To enable you to identify hazards that you are

exposed to and control these hazards.

• To enable you to seek positive improvements in

your own health & safety through education.

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Why Are We Doing This?
• Humane - An employee should not have to expect that by coming to
work they are risking life or limb, and nor should others affected by
their undertaking.

• Economic - legal fees, fines, compensatory damages, investigation

time, lost production, lost goodwill from the workforce, and lost
goodwill from customers.

• Legal - We have a duty under the law to ensure, so far as is reasonably

practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all our employees.

In other words, the degree of risk in a particular job or workplace needs

to be balanced against time, trouble, cost and the physical difficulty of
taking measures to avoid or reduce the risk. What the law requires here
is what good management and common sense would lead you to do
anyway: that is, to look at what the risks are and take sensible measures
to tackle them.
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What is Health & Safety?
• No accidents.

• Absence of disease and illness.

• Physical and mental wellbeing.

“Accident prevention is everyone's


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The Health & Safety at Work
etc Act 1974
Employers MUST so far as is reasonably

• Ensure the Health, Safety & Welfare of all its

• Provide a written statement of their Health &
Safety policy.
• Consult with employees representatives.
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Info on your companies


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The Health & Safety at Work
etc Act 1974
Employees MUST so far as is reasonably
• Take reasonable care of their own Health &
• Take reasonable care for the Health and Safety
of anyone who may be affected by their own acts
or omissions.
• Co-operate with their employer to enable the
fulfilment of statutory obligations.
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How Do We Handle Health &
• Risk Assessments

• Safe Ways of Working

• Control Measures

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