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•Personal effectiveness means

making useof all the persona
l resources – talents,
skills, energy and time, to
enable you to achieve l
ife goals.
•Your knowledge of yourself a
nd how you manage yourself i

• Being self-aware, making th

e most of your str
engths, learning new skills
and techniques and b
ehavioral flexibility are
all keys to improving your p
ersonal pe
• Our personal effectiveness depe
nds on our innate ch
aracteristics – talent and exper
ience accumulated in the pro
cess of personal
• Talents first are needed to be i
dentified and then deve
loped to be used in a particular
subject area
• Experience includes knowledge an
•Knowledge is required for se
tting goals,
defining an action plan to a
chieve them and risk as
•Skills also determine whethe
r real acti
ons are performed in accord
ance with the plan.
•If the same ability is used
1. Determination

• It allows you to focus only

on achieving a specific goa
l without being distracted b
y less important things or
spontaneous desire
•It may be developed with the
2. Self-Confidence
• It appears in the process of pers
onal development, as a result of g
etting aware of yourself, your
actions and their consequences.
• Self-confidence is manifested in s
appearance, dressing, gait, and ph
ysical condition.
• To develop it, you need to learn y
ourself and your capabilities,
3. Persistence
•It makes you keep moving forw
regardless of emerging obstac
les –
problems, laziness, bad emoti
onal state, etc.
•It reduces the costs of overc
oming obstacles. It can also
4. Managing Stress
•It helps combat stress that a
rises in daily
life from the environment and
other people.
•Stress arises from the uncert
ainty in an un
known situation when a lack o
5. Problem-Solving skills
•They help cope with the
problems encountered
with a lack of
•It increases efficiency
by adopting new ways of
6. Creativity
•It allows you to find extr
aordinary ways to carry ou
t a specific action that n
o one has tried
to use.
•It can lead to a decrease
or an increase of costs, b
7. Generating Ideas
•It helps you achieve goals
using new, original,
unconventional ideas.
•Idea is a mental image of
an object forme
d by the human mind, which
can be changed before bein
7. Generating Ideas
•For generating ideas you can u
se a method of mental maps
, which allows you to
materialize, visualize and scr
utinize all your ideas, which
in turn contributes to the em
ergence of new ideas.
•These are just some, but the m
ost important personal effecti
Activity: My Banner: The Treasure within M
• In the spaces indicated by numbers,
write down the following
• 1 and 2 two things I do very
• 3 and 4 my two greatest
achievements in life
• 5 what in myself am I proudest of
• 6 my happiest moment
• 7 positive words that my friends
Activity: My Banner: The Treasure within M
•9 three blessings for
which I am most thankful
to God
•10 three of my positive
•11 difficulties,
challenges and problems
•Most failures emanate from wea
knesses that are not
recognized or probably
recognized but not given appro
priate a
ttention or remedy.
•This could be a weakness in co
mmunications, personality or a
•Instead of simply focus
ing on your
weaknesses, recognize y
our own talents and
abilities, build on
them, utilize them to y
greatest advantage. Thi
Activity: Journal Reflection from My Banner
• Write about your banner.
1. What do you consider as your
weaknesses, abilities
and talents?
2. What are the remedies you will
take to improve or compensate for
your weakness?
3. How can you further enrich your
assets and strengths?

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