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• List down Topics, Issues and/or Values which may

interest , affect, or have been experienced by the
Teens have to face
✓Figure out and manage powerful emotions
✓Fit into a complex social network
✓Deal with immense peer pressure
✓Handle sexually maturing bodies
✓Temptation of tobacco, alcohol and drugs
✓Get through school
✓Figure out what the values are going to be
✓They have to begin to plan their future

Relationship with Technology

Special Issues with Gen Y

Independence Communication Technology

Instant Everything Identity

Top Youth Values

Family Friends Communication

Learning Identity

values and competencies

The L & C Map
The Learning Standards

Program Standard (Kinder to Grade 10):

The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her

understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of
Philippine Culture and those of other countries.

English Grade 10

Grade Level Standard:

The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her
understanding of literature and other text types for a deeper appreciation of
World Literature, including Philippine Literature.

The Learning Standards
English Grade 10 – Module 1
Content Standard: Performance Standard:
The learner demonstrates The learner
understanding of how world composes a short but
literature and other text types serve powerful persuasive
as ways of expressing and resolving text using a variety of
personal conflicts, also how to use persuasive techniques
strategies in linking textual and devices.
information, repairing, enhancing
communication public speaking,
emphasis markers in persuasive
texts, different forms of modals,
reflexive and intensive pronouns.

The Learning Standards
Reference: DepEd Order No. 8 S. 2015

Content Standard: Performance Standard:

• answers the • answers the question: How well
question: What must students do their work?
should students • presents product or performance
know (knowledge) as evidence of learning or
and do (skills)? attainment of content standard
• shares the most • adds value to what students
important and learned
enduring ideas, • demonstrates conceptual
issues, principles,
understanding of content and skill
skills and habits of
• represents real life, authentic task
• expresses the
desired results • encompasses the standard

The Connection

The Learning Standards and Learning Competencies

Reading Listening Viewing Vocabulary

Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Development

ar Content
ng Standard
Performance te
Standard ie

Oral Grammar
Writing &
Literature Language & Awareness

Parts of the Learner’s Material (LM)
will enable learners to express their insights,
learnings, and realizations on the lesson. This part gives a bird’s eye view of what learners should
contains prompts and other graphic organizers that discover, learn, and develop in the lesson
My Your
will help learners to synthesize what they have Treasure Journey

states the concepts and skills

has the culminating task/s for the
Your Final Your learners need to develop as well
week and could serve as enabling
Task/s Objectives as the contents of the lesson they
task for the main LEARNER’S will encounter
product/performance at the end MATERIAL
of each module. The tasks
included in this part are essential
for learners’ development and are
based on real life situations Your Your introduces tasks that will hook learners’
Discovery Initial interest in the lesson and prepare them
Tasks Tasks for higher level tasks

Your Text
includes tasks that will prompt learners to have
discussions beyond the context of the main reading
material. It also includes other activities for
contains the main reading
expansion of understanding, and enabling activities
material learners will read and
for the final task
analyze; this also contains
vocabulary development tasks
necessary for text understanding
and grammar integration

How LM is Crafted
• Theme - based
• Sub – themes are broken down from main theme

• Learning competencies address the macro skills and

multi - intelligences

• Progression of activities is from simple to complex

• Enabling activities are prerequisites to the Culminating

• Culminating activity (product/performance) addresses the

Performance Standard

• Development of skills progresses from the self and

radiated to others and the community

• Grammar/language is functional
The Learner’s Material (LM)
Your Journey
Module 1 Overcoming Challenges
Lesson 6
Turning Challenges to Opportunities


Have you ever been asked by someone to choose between a perfect world filled with joys and lacks troubles or
conflicts or a world full of pains but with lots of choices as cures? You know that you can’t escape troubles, conflicts and
pains as challenges you have to face. How do you face these struggles or challenges of different kinds? Perhaps, you have
tried a lot of ways to win over them like when you face situations too difficult or too painful to handle, you have to adjust to
protect yourself from a perceived threat. That’s great!
How do challenges affect you? It’s true that challenges can be frightening, but they can be turned into
opportunities for you to discover more about yourself, others, and the world. Apparently, this is the right time for you to start
with it since in this lesson, you are to demonstrate how to turn challenges to opportunities.

statement about Overview of
the sub-theme the lesson

The Learner’s Material (LM)
Your Objectives
YOUR OBJECTIVES • are taken from the
Charting the courses of your journey in this lesson, you are expected to: Curriculum Guide (CG)
• address the enabling
•compare new insights with previous learning (EN10RC-1f-21) knowledge and skills to
•draw generalizations and conclusions from the materials viewed (EN10VC-1g-1.5/2.5)
develop/achieve the desired
•use denotation and connotation to clarify meanings of words(EN10V-1h-13.9)
•appraise literature as a way of expressing and resolving one’s personal conflicts(EN10LT-1i-18)
content and performance
•state the effect of a literary piece in one’s value system(EN10LT-1g-3) standard
•use appropriate modals to express simple futurity and willingness • clarify expectations in terms
•(EN10G-1g-3.6) of what students should
•determine the effectiveness of argument, supports and stand of the speaker (EN10OF-1g-12.3)
know, understand and be able
•employ the techniques in public speaking to convey ideas (EN10 OL-1g-3.16.1)
•write a short persuasive text using persuasive techniques(EN10WC-1g-3.16.1) to do

Be reminded that your expected output is to present a short but powerful persuasive essay on turning challenges to
opportunities. The rating of the persuasive essay should be based on the following criteria: focus/content, persuasive techniques used,
development /organization, clarity of ideas, emphasis, language mechanics and convention.

• clarify expectations in terms of what students should be

able to do, produce/perform as evidence of transfer of
• criteria for assessment
The Learner’s Material (LM)
Your Initial Tasks

YOUR INITIAL TASKS • diagnose and activate

prior knowledge
Task 1 I Always Connect Game
• hook and engage
learner’s interest

Task 2 View and Make Generalization

• ask questions;
encourage student
Task 3 Three in Control
questions; welcome
Task 4 Mapping Targets
tentative responses as
guide to further
• clarify expectations
and how learning shall
(Refer to your copy of the LM for full text of this part) be assessed

The Learner’s Material (LM)
Your Text
• Make sense of information,
Task 5 SGDA for the Stakes develop, reflect, rethink,
validate ,and revise
Group 1 Meaningful Search (Vocabulary DC) understandings of the lesson
Group 2 Theme Connection (identifying and Developing
the theme) • Check for understanding;
provide feedback; check
Group 3 Taking a Stand-For or Against against content standard
Group 4 Thinking it Through (Questions) (content to content)
Group 5 Taking Challenges as Opportunities (Mood) • Assess student’s skills
Group 6 Enduring Experiences (checking learner’s learning
Group 7 Making Personal Adjustments progress and interest)

• Ask questions that will enable

Task 6 Language Patrol the students to construct
their own
•Like a Disciple meanings/understandings
•Looking Ahead • Provide a variety of learning
•Using Modals resources
•Alter Ego
(Refer to your copy of the LM for full text of this part)

The Learner’s Material (LM)
Your Discovery Tasks

• enrich understanding
• ask provocative questions

Task 7 SGDA Leading to Completion (Key Skill • provide a variety of learning

persuasion) resources and differentiated
activities/learning experiences in
Group 1 In Another Dimension similar contexts to further validate
student understanding
Group 2 Spotlight to Follow up
Group 3 Connecting to 2 Day
Group 4 Inner Speech • express understanding

• provide feedback; check against

content standard (content to

• check student readiness

(ASSESSMENT AS – question,
checklist, etc.)

(Refer to your copy of the LM for full text of this part)

The Learner’s Material (LM)
Your Final Tasks
• presents the
YOUR FINAL TASKS culminating task/s
for the lesson
Now, you are ready on your major task for this lesson. With you
classmates, you will create a short but powerful persuasive essay. First, let’s • serves as enabling
have this one. task for the main
performance at the
TASK 8: Life Skills Connection
end of each module
A. Preparation for My Target
B. Call Up for Order Box Game
C. Steps in Writing Persuasive Essay • includes tasks that
D. Revising and Polishing are essential for
E. Publishing learners’

• is based on real life


• GRASPS-based
(Refer to your copy of the LM for full text of this part) assessment criteria

The Learner’s Material (LM)
My Treasure


Now is the right time for you to reflect and focus on the essential
points of the lesson that you
a. enjoyed
• provides opportunity
b. found helpful for reflection of
c. would like to work further on. learning
d. Keep a record of all of these.
e. Add your answers to the following questions.
• valuing

•What is the most difficult and the most challenging part in this lesson?
•Write at least 3 possible ways/ steps you can adopt for you to deal with.
•What skill do you hope to strengthen in the next lesson/s?
•Complete the chart as shown with entries called for.

(Refer to your copy of the LM for full text of this part)


Your Journey

Your Objectives

Your initial task DIAGNOSTIC


Your Text

Your Discovery Task



Your Final Task


My Treasure

• Multiple • Fill-in-the- • Presentation • Oral
Choice blank (words, • Movement questioning
• True-False phrases) • Science lab • Observation
• Matching • Essay • Athletic skill • Interview
• Short answer • Dramatization • Conference
(sentences, • Enactment • Process
paragraphs) • Project description
• Diagram • Debate • Checklist
• Web • Model • Rating scale
• Concept Map • Exhibition • Journal sharing
• Flowchart • Recital • Thinking aloud
• Graph a process
• Table • Student self-
• Matrix assessment
• Illustration • Peer review

•Product / Performance
•Standards for grading

is the competency that needs to

be assessed

is not the product or

is the character assumed by the
student delivering the final
performance or producing the

is not generic

is the role assumed by the
students when they are not
performing / developing the final

is not the teacher / facilitator

is the
contextualization/localization and
variation of environment / scenario as
maybe required/suggested by the
kind of community the learners are in.

is not the situation the

performance or product may literally
Product/ Performance
is the performance or product
reflected in the performance standard

is not a goal or objective

Standard for Grading
is authentic. It is the criteria /
rubric crafted from the “qualifier”
reflected in the performance

is not generic.

Content Standards:
The learner demonstrates understanding on how world literature and
other text types serve as ways of expressing and resolving personal
conflicts and also how to use strategies in linking textual information,
repairing, enhancing communication public speaking, emphasis markers in
persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and intensive

Performance Standards:
The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using a
variety of techniques and devices.


With your groupings, you assume or put yourselves into the shoe of a
senator, a school janitor, a teacher, a parent or a newscaster. You are
going deliver a concise oral report on the causes/effects of cyber bullying.
Your delivery must be based from a prepared short but powerful
persuasive text which makes use of a variety of techniques of persuasion
such as modals or expressions emphasizing a point and devices for order,
sequencing and organizing ideas such as word markers or transitional
devices to show and persuade a group of audience in your advocacy and
campaign to stop cyber bullying in the community where you live.
Your persuasive text will be evaluated according to the following:
Content: your subject knowledge cyber bullying, organization and
Mechanics and your delivery will be evaluated in terms of Nonverbal
skills on Eye Contact, Body Language and Poise and Verbal Skills on
enthusiasm and elocution.



To deliver a concise oral report based from a prepared short but

powerful persuasive text on the causes/effects of cyber bullying.


You are a senator, a school janitor, a teacher, a parent or a

newscaster presenting your campaign and advocacy on cyber
bullying, persuading people in the community where you live to put
to a stop cyber bullying.

A group of community people who have received, heard varied

information on different types of bullying which they should clearly
understand to join in your advocacy and campaign on cyber bullying.


A widespread occurrence on different types of bullying particularly

cyber bullying to all types/kinds of victims in the community-school, office,
workplace and internet cafes.


A delivery of a concise oral report on the causes and effects of cyber


A composition of a persuasive text which makes use of a variety of

techniques of persuasion such as modals or expressions emphasizing a
point and devices for order, sequencing and organizing ideas such as word
markers or transitional devices use to persuade people.

Criteria and Indicators for Persuasive Text

Content Indicator 4 3 2 1

Criteria and Indicators for Oral Report

Traits Indicator 4 3 2 1
Nonverbal Skills
Eye Contact
Body Language
Verbal Skills
LM and TG
On the Usage of the Learning

• the learning package is NON-CONSUMABLE

• existing materials developed by DepEd can still be used vis-
à-vis the Learning Package
On the Tasks / Activities

• highly modifiable, but no deviation from EA

• consider contextualization, localization, and differentiated

• begin where students are, not where the content is
Lesson using
L and C
Your Journey:
You, like others have unveil things for the first time in
your life. It gives you the chance to find out that there
are things that made you learn about life more. These
experiences will serve as your guide as you go on with
your journey.

•Share prior knowledge about the topic
•Process information mentioned in the text
•Perform task by following instructions.
•Infer thoughts, feelings and intentions.
•Present a well prepared Multimedia
Your Initial Task:

Task 1. FIRSTS. Remember all the firsts in

your life. Is one of these incidents
memorable? If so free write about it and share
it to the class.

Task 2.INTERVIEW at least five classmates

and find out what are the five memorable
places they have visited. Note their
Your Text:
Reading an article about one of the
beautiful spots in Prosperidad which boosts
the community’s pride, The Catecma Cave.
Find out how the writer unveils one of
the beauties of the place and what
significance does it make in her life.
Reading of the Text
by Gladys S. Asis
Task 3. IMAGES. Describe or draw three vivid images that
you remember from the article. Compare your pictures
with those of your classmates. Are any of your images the
same as theirs?

Task 4. TRAVEL ITINERARY: Using a map. Trace the

itinerary of the school paper adviser and the writers.
Indicate kilometers, travel time, and landmark. Also
summarize the importance of each mark.

Task 5. PAINT ME. Choose your visual medium. What is

your favorite part in your community? Draw
the scene. Then reveal to your class the
feeling you tried to convey in your artwork.
Task 6. CONNECT.
A Special Place: Do you or someone you
know have a favorite place you can daydream
and relax. What words came to mind when
you heard the word relaxation? Create a word
web to explore your associations. Then share
your thoughts with a group of classmates.

B. Compare and contrast your

with the writer of the article.
Your Discovery Task
TASK 6. ENVIRONMENTAL CARE: In a group of five, identify
other beautiful spots found in your community, work out a
plan in preserving these natural resources. Present your
output before the class. Take note of the proper use of
punctuation marks.

Task 8.OPINION POLL: Design and conduct a survey about

the beautiful spots in Agusan del Sur frequently visited by
the people in your community. Ask questions such as what
makes it memorable. ..etc.

Summarize your findings and share the

results to the class.
a group of classmates to create multimedia presentation
about beautiful spots found in your municipality.

Points to consider:
What is the advertisement all about?
What is the purpose of the advertisement?
Who are the target audience of the advertisement.
What are the basic feature of the ads?
Are factual information presented in the ads?
What makes the ads interesting?
What words/ taglines?
Are the music and voice over clear?
What are the advantages of this ads?

Lesson 2.
The Old Grandfather and
His Little Grandson
- Leo Tolstoy

Thematic Focus:
What do this story suggest about the
bond between grandparents
and a grandchild?
Your Text.
"The Old Grandfather and His Little Grandson"
by Leo Tolstoy

The grandfather had become very old. His

legs would not carry him, his eyes could not see, his
ears could not hear, and he was toothless. When he
ate, bits of food sometimes dropped out of his mouth.
His son and his son's wife no longer allowed
him to eat with them at the table. He had
to eat his meals in the corner near the
Your Text.
One day they gave him his food in a bowl.
He tried to move the bowl closer; it fell to the
floor and broke. His daughter-in-law scolded
him. She told him that he spoiled everything in
the house and broke their dishes, and she said
that from now on he would get his food in a
wooden dish. The old man sighed
and said nothing.
A few days later, the old man's son and
his wife were sitting in their hut, resting and
watching their little boy playing on the floor.
They saw him putting together something out
of small pieces of wood. His father asked him,
"What are you making, Misha?"
The little grandson said, "I'm making a
wooden bucket. When you and Mamma get
old, I'll feed you out of this wooden dish." The
young peasant and his wife looked
at each other, and tears filled their eyes.
They were ashamed because
they had treated the old grandfather so
meanly, and from that day they again
let the old man eat with them at the
table and took better care of him.
(The end)
Task 1. Check Comprehension Skills:
How does the old man’s son and his wife treat
the grandfather in the story?

Describe how the couple changes their behavior

at the end of the story?

Task 2. Critical Thinking:

Why does the boy’s father response to his father’s

question makes his parents feel “ashamed.”
Can children in real life teach grown ups, as the
grandson does in the story? Why or why not?
Task 3. Folk Tale:
Write a brief folk tale focusing an elderly
person. Make sure that the characters and
plot of the tale teach a lesson about growing
older or about relationships about different

Tas 4. Story telling Circle:

With several classmates, exchange
stories in front of the class about older family
members or friends who have inspired
you. Include details to help visualize the
person you are describing.
Task 5. Life Dance: With several classmates
create and perform a dance illustrating the different
stages of life. Show through movement what is like to
be a child, a teenager, an adult and an elder

Task 6. Community service report:

Volunteer to help out a home for older people in your
community. Then give an oral report on your
experiences to the class. You may want to explain
the training and skills required in caring the elderly.
Final Task
Task 7. Personal Memoir about a Turning
The little boy’s response to his father
was a turning point of the lives of the couple-
one that changed their outlook and behavior.
Cast back your thoughts to a time when
you experience a turning point of some kind.
Then write a memoir that describes the
event. Personalize the memoir by choosing
details that infuse the writing with
your personality.
Create one Localized,
Contextualized, and/or Indigenized
Material of one Lesson in the Third
or Fourth Quarter. Start with a draft,
then encode and layout it observing
principles and psychology of student
learning and material development.

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