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Created By

Syndicate 2
Andra Wahyu Purnomo - 29117549
Atikah Dinarti - 29117496
Gabriella Angeline Wijanarko - 29117403
Fikia Doe'ana Maudy - 29117394

Table of Content of Section
Section 1 Company Profile
1. Company Profile
1. Vision & Mission
2. Product and Services
3. Organization Structure
4. Telkomsel Corporate Value
5. Telkomsel Corporate Culture
2. Market Share of Product/Service
3. Company’s Competitive Advantage & Business Strategy
1. Competitor Analysis
2. STP and Marketing Mix of Telkomsel
3. Competitive Advantage Milestone
4. List of Competitive Advantage
5. Business Strategy
4. Ansoff Matrix Approach
1. Ansoff Matrix Reference
2. Ansoff Matrix of Telkomsel
3. What We Are Thinking our Ansoff Matrix
5. HRM or HCM
1. HRM and HCM Reference
2. Table of Choosing Between HRM or HCM
6. Conclusion of Section 1
Section 1
Company Profile
1.Company Profile
P.T. Telekomunikasi Selular, trading as Telkomsel is a GSM
and UMTS Mobile phone network operator which operates in
Indonesia. It was founded in 1995, and is a subsidiary of
Telkom Indonesia. The company currently has 122 million
subscribers. Telkomsel Operates in Indonesia with GSM 900–
1800 MHz, 3G network, and internationally, through 323
international roaming partners in 170 countries (end of
September 2008). The company provides its subscribers with
the choice between three prepaid cards-simPATI, Loop and
Kartu As, or the post-paid kartuHalo service, as taik hamdan
a variety of value-added services and programs.

Be a world-class, trusted provider of mobile digital lifestyle
services and solutions.

Deliver mobile digital services and solutions that
exceed customers’ expectations, create value for our
stakeholders, and support the economic development
of the nation.
Product and Services:

◂ Halo card: Positioned as a postpaid brand

for professional and corporate customers.
◂ simPati: positioned as a pre-paid brand for
middle class segment.
◂ Kartu As: positioned as a pre-paid brand
◂ LOOP: positioned as a pre-paid brand
targeting the youth segment.
◂ Enterprise Mobile Product Marketing:
solution for SME Segment, solution for Large
Enterprise Segment.
◂ Enterprise Digital Service: Smart
Connectivity, T-Drive, T-Bike, T-Fleet.
◂ Mobile Financial Service: TCASH,
Organization Structure

Telkomsel Corporate Value
Telkomsel Corporate Culture
In 2016, Telkomsel was in the midst of a transformation process to become a Digital
Company, because of that, the corporate culture of Telkomsel is digital culture. As
part of building a digital culture, some of the ways that have been done are:

Offices were relocated from The example of digital culture To strengthen the Agile, Creative and
Wisma mulia to the environment are an open Experimental characteristics
Telkomsel smart Office (TsO), working space containing many necessary for a digital mindset, we
not only in head quarter but meeting spaces that foster initiated a volunteer program
also redesigned Telkomsel employee collaboration and whereby employees teach
office around Indonesia to creativity and cashless
responsible internet usage within
adopt digital culture environment which is implement
environment in TsO cafetaria. schools and communities.
2. Market
Share of
Market Share of
Market Share of
◂ Herfindahl Index for Telkomsel in 2016
◂ Telkomsel : 2.154,8
◂ Indosat : 523,03
◂ Hutchison 3 Indonesia : 227,4
◂ XL Axilata :
◂ Smartfren :10,24
◂ Total :3.069,23
Based on this result, Telkomsel is

3. Company’s
Advantage &
Competitor Analysis
STP and Marketing Mix (4P) of
Indosat Company

Reference: pemasaran/ 16

Geographic : all over Indonesia
Demographic : man and woman range
from 18 years old and
Psychographic : dynamic, innovative, and
have need of


Telkomsel targeting people who
need internet connectivity and
communication for daily



Becoming telecommunications
operator with the widest network
in Indonesia which aims to satisfy
the customers wherever they are.


PT Telekomunikasi Selular Tbk promotes its

products from various segments ranging from
Telkomsel products have access to Telkomsel outlets spread all sponsoring event organizers, television
over Indonesia making it easier for customers to find commercials, social media, community such as
information or need assistance in telkomsel products they use. TSC (Telkomsel School Community) and etc.
Determining the exact location will contribute to increase the
ratio of product sales even though the price is less
Competitive Advantage



Competitive Advantage

Telkomsel achieved satisfactory results

that makes Telkomsel for 3 consecutive years to
have solid financial performance and
able to maintain revenue growth of 10%
in the middle of the mature telecommunications
So, the future of competition to win the
market is no longer determined by the price
alone, but also on the wealth of good
content and network quality.

Competitive Advantage

Therefore, in 2014 Telkomsel sets the theme of The Smart

Year which is currently divided into four portfolios: digital
lifestyle services, mobile payment and digital
money, digital advertising, and enterprise digital
In addition, from the network side of Telkomsel increase the
number of Compact Mobile BTS (COMBAT) up to 400
units to ensure the availability of the network to the remote
areas. COMBAT can guarantee the quality of the network in certain
areas that have distinctive needs in quick time, especially during
Christmas and New Year's moments.

Business Strategy
Operation Strategy
Finance Strategy ● Holding Mobile BTS that can
● Use of appropriate overcome the limitations of
Marketing Strategy technology for data permanent base stations
Improve customer experience network services ● BTS maintenance that has been
❖ Build strong and massive ● Market the product damaged either serious damage
collaboration with region by bundling with the or not
❖ Consistent with corporate ● Opening telkomsel service in new
Brand places
❖ Optimizing customer device
behaviour and profiling ● Increased sales of
Enhance customer awareness Human Resource
telkomsel services
❖ Attractive and bigger ● Development Strategy
● Increased sales of
reward to customer ● Employee satisfaction in
telkomsel services
❖ Enhance Telkomsel Point
● Low turnover rate of
❖ Focus on TElkomsel TIering
❖ Improve Digital POIN employee
4. Ansoff Matrix
Ansoff Matrix Reference
◂ Market Penetration: This strategy focuses on increasing
the volume of sales of existing products to the
organisation’s existing market. How can we defend our
market share? How can we grow our market?
◂ Product Development: This strategy focuses on
reaching the existing market with new products. How can
we expand our product portfolio by modifying or creating
◂ Market Development: This strategy focuses on reaching
new markets with existing products in the portfolio.How
can we extend our market? Through new market sectors?
Through new geographical areas?
◂ Diversification: This strategy focuses on reaching new
markets with new products. Diversification can be either
related or unrelated. The organisation stays within a
market they have familiarity with. The organisation moves
into a market or industry they have no experience with.
This is considered a high risk strategy. 28
Ansoff Matrix of Telkomsel

What We Are Thinking About Telkomsel’s Ansoff

Market Penetration : Product Development :

● Launch “Free Call” program on holiday, ● I-Card : sim card in which can be used
such as : Christmas, New Year Eve, Eidil in every country without roaming
Fitri, etc. payments.

● Promo free 500Mb Internet Quota, for ● T-Pay : payment for all services
buying Internet Packet at more than Rp including BPJS, electricity bill,
150.000,00 transportation ticket, by using pulsa.
● Reward bonus for customers who used ● Big-T : big data of internet and call
Telkomsel more than 2 years by giving record in which could be saved in cloud
a chance to win ticket holiday to free for 1 TB.

Market Development : Diversification :

● Do expansion in countries where there ● TelkoGame : special offering for gamers
are many Indonesian workers such as who usually using quota Internet in
Saudi Arabia and Malaysia with limited smartphone.
offering. ● Chic-kids : special product for kid who
● Joint venture with Elon Musk to create already used Internet, chic-kids
International connectivity system. automatically blocked content that not
● Launch new satellite to increase suitable for them.
connectivity in rural areas in Indonesia.

5. HRM
or HCM
HRM and HCM Reference

Choosing Between HRM or HCM (1)
Telkomsel Company

Employee Focusing on developing three aspects, accelerate

as capital people transformation, accelerate digital leadership
and global readiness, and implement organization
for new business. These aspects, correspond to
digital mindset, leadership, and organization, all of
which are the key factors in becoming digital

Creating Telkomsel create a value by having a slogan “go

value beyond performance in a result telkomsel got triple
double digit growth achievement in five consecutive
years. Telkomsel build a digital culture by relocated
wisma mulia to telkomsel smart office (TSO) in
which redesign telkomsel office around indonesia to
adopt digital culture environment.

Choosing Between HRM or HCM (2)
Telkomsel Company

Strategic Telkomsel create Great People Trainee Program, a

partner leadership program which prepares Telkomsel future
leaders. This new blood will advance the Telkomsel
digital business one step further with their fresh
business ideas. Fresh graduates are expected to
enhance and contribute to Telkomsel through fresh
business ideas, while experienced recruits are also
necessary to expand and manage the digital

Creativity Telkomsel initiated a volunteer program where buy

and employees teach responsible internet usage within
innovation school and communities. Open working space
containing many meeting spaces that foster
employee collaboration and creativity and cashless
environment which is implement in TSO (Telkomsel
Smart Office) cafetaria.

Based on the identification and analysis that has been done on the Telkomsel
company, it is known about the company profile, mission vision, and the products
and services offered by the company. In providing its services, Telkomsel
considers the markets and products they have in determining business strategy.
We have tried to analyze by using ansoff matrix for each combination option of
market and company product. In addition, we also try to determine that Telkomsel
is currently adopting HCM in view of its employees. The focus of this HCM is
innovation and can create value. Hence there are some of our statements that
corroborate companies adopting HCM as described in the previous section. The
determination of HRM and HCM is not merely better than others, but depends on
the company's market and business.

Conclusion of Section 1
Section 2
Competencies, Job
Description & Job Design
Table of Content of Section
Section 2 Competencies, Job Description & Job Design
1. Core Competence
1. Core Competence - Table
2. Core Competence Diagram
2. Telkomsel Employee Job Analysis and Evaluation
1. President Director
2. Senior Manager of Finance
3. Finance Accounting Supervisor
4. Finance Accounting Staff
5. Senior Manager of Marketing
6. Marketing Communication Supervisor
7. Marketing Communication Staff
8. Senior Manager of Human Resource Management
9. People Development
10. Training Staff
3. Working Condition Level Description
1. Working Condition Level
2. Level Description Table
4. Technical Know-How Level Description 37
Core Competence - Table
The Telkomsel Way is about a belief system that will be continuously built and developed as
Telkomsel's corporate culture to deliver Telkomsel has always been a holder with competitive and sustainable
No Definition Keywords Core Competition

A belief in values embraced with thoughts and Honesty, Morality, SCF (Self Confidence)
1. Integrity
deeds Fairness & Ethics OC (Organizational Commitment)

Dedicating all the potential and capability to Completeness & ACH (Achievement Orientation)
2. Totality
realize the best Wholeness CO (Concern for quality and order)

Respect and respect others based on Regard, Esteem &

3. Respect IU (Interpersonal Understanding)
empathy, politeness and selfless writing Honor

A desire that creates a passion because of a Passion, Spirit & ACH (Achievement Orientation)
4. Enthusiasm
high expectation to be the best Eagerness TW (Teamwork and cooperation)

State of being loyal based on faithfulness that

leads to obedience so as to generate full
5. Loyalty Faithfulness & OC (Organizational Commitment)
commitment to the company, leadership,
norms, ethics and common sense


Core Competence Diagram 40

2. Telkomsel
Employee Job
Analysis and
Let’s start with Job
Format of HCM

Explaining about Job description that exist in Telkomsel which fit with the organization structure. It helps the
company to measure the effectiveness in every division. Then to compare the level of core competence, functional,
technical, and working condition that must have by each level of the organization.
Job Title : President Director
Job Family : Board of Director
Top Management
Job Title : President Director
Job Family : Board of Director
Job Summary:
President director planning, organizing, actuating, controlling, evaluating, of all of the company's business strategies and
responsible in giving direction to all of employee where is the direction of the company mission and goal. Of course, President
director must setup the grand vision of the company for a company can run well. President Director maintain the expectation
of all board commissioner and the shareholder to give the maximum performance of the company.

No Task and Responsibility Performance Indicator


1 Define the business concept and long-term vision There is vision statement of the company and business
concept that embodied in the organizational culture.

2 Formulate business strategy: develop overall mission There is mission statement, business strategy initiative
statement, evaluate strategic option to achieve objectives, document and list of company objectives.
select long-term business strategy

3 Create organizational design (structure, governance, etc) and ● There is a stable of organization structure of the
formulate business unit strategies Company
● Perform organization redesign workshop
● Establish role analysis and business unit strategy

4 Develop, evaluate, select and manage strategic initiatives There is an governance and procedure which manage of
strategic initiatives.

5 Maintain the communication and expectation of shareholder Meet the monthly report and meeting to the board of
and board of commissioner commissioner and also give the overall company
performance report to the shareholder
Job Title : President Director
Job Family : Board of Director

Job Competency Profile: Core Competence

No. Core Competence Level Short Description

1 Self Confidence (SCF) 6 Put in a very challenging situation. Take on a very challenging task.

2 Achievement Orientation (ACH) 8 Consistent in developing new business (entrepreneur consistently).

3 Concern for Quality and Order (CO) 5 Monitor the data, find a weaknesses or lose data, and search for
information to maintain regularity and paying great attention to
increasing order in a system

4 Interpersonal Understanding (IU) 5 Able to understand the complex causes of deeds, patterns of habits and
occupational problems encountered.

5 Teamwork and Cooperation (TW) 7 Creating conflict to the team to increase braveness and teamwork.

6 Organizational Commitment (OC) 5 Making unpopular decisions for the benefit of the company is

Job Title : President Director
Job Family : Board of Director

Job Competency Profile: Functional Competence

No. Soft Competence Level Short Description

1 Analytical Thinking (AT) 6 Makes very extremely complex plan or analysis. Excellent quality in analysis

2 Expertise (EXP) 8 Great leader and professional of the worker or leader in the Telco Industry and have long
experience in the business. Professional with master's degree of specialization. The main
outcome of a worker or technical leader's expertise is deemed authorized in the
technical field within an organization.

3 Flexibility (FLX) 6 Can take decisions appropriately in accordance with the conditions when they occur.
Make big and long-term changes to respond to changing situations.

4 Conceptual Thinking (CT) 6 Creates new concepts for complex issue. Can formulate useful explanations for complex
issues, situations, and opportunities.

5 Information Seeking (INFO) 7 Involve the other side. Involves people who should not normally be involved and ask
them to search for the necessary information.

6 Initiative (INT) 8 Take action for the next 5-10 years. Anticipate the situation 5-10 years ahead and act to
create opportunities and avoid problems.

7 Influencing others (RB) 8 Fostering intimate and personal friendships. Often host friends or consumers at home.
Establish a close relationship with them; or use this personal relationship to expand
business relationships.
Job Title : President Director
Job Family : Board of Director

Job Competency Profile: Managerial Competence

No. Soft Competence Level Short Description

1 Directiveness (DIR) 9 If you need to fire low-performing people. Conducted

without a doubt after conducting prevention efforts in
accordance with applicable procedures.

2 Team Leader (TL) 7 Communicating the vision. Have the charisma to

communicate a vision that evokes a sense of
excitement, passion, and commitment to the group's

3 Teaching and Coaching/ 9 Awarded for successful development. Promote or plan

Developing Other (DEV) promotions for competent subordinates in return for
the development they undertake.

4 Impact and Influence (IMP) 8 Complex strategies in influencing other. Use complex
strategies that are customized in certain situations.

Job Title : President Director
Job Family : Board of Director
Job Competency Profile: Technical Competence
Tech. Competence Level Short Description

1 Understanding How Extended Skill Having knowledge related to the budget planning and theory that underlies the business to generate
Budgets Affect Income corporate income because lead the company must generate profit as big as possible.

2 Good Writing and Seasoned, One of the hard skill that should be owned by a president director is the ability to write and convey ideas,
Speech Grammar Diverse or visions that are in his mind to his closest people (board of directors) solely for the good and progress of the
Specialized company he leads.

3 Marketing/Selling Extended Skill Knowledge marketing involves setting the company apart from competitors by becoming an expert in
Knowledge understanding perceived customer benefits. It also involves understanding the specific marketplace and the
trends that impact customers. While the sales capabilities need to be owned because the company must be
able to offer products / services that have been made to the customer and generate profits.

4 Understanding Of Extended Skill President director need to understand how to read, analyze, and maybe create financial statements so can
Financial Statements get a full and accurate understanding of the finances status of the company. Financial statements will tell how
much money there is, how much debt is owed, the income coming in each month, and the expenses going out
the door.

5 Experience in The Broad or A corporate leader must be a person who has sufficient experience and knowledge related to the business of
Industry Specialized the company being undertaken. This is to prevent confusion and disturb the direction of movement of all
Mastery people within the company. The longer the experience in the industry, it can be said the better the quality of
the leader. Experience says everything.

6 Technical Expertise Broad or Technical Expertise means having knowledge to a very high level about some technology. A president at least
Specialized has an ability in mastering a technology, especially Telkomsel is Telco Company that has the best
Mastery performance in Indonesia, therefore, a good President Director not only have the ability of soft skill and good
managerial, but also good technical expertise.

Source: 47
Job Title : President Director
Job Family : Board of Director
Job Prerequisite: Hard Competence -- Expertise
No Hard Competence
Level Short Description
. -- Expertise

1 Experience 18 - 30 years Has minimum 18 years experience in the industry of Telco, or

previously once held the position in middle to top management

2 Education Min. S2 Telecommunication Engineering, Business and Managerial Subject

3 Certificate Excellence Hold certificate in related position or industry/technical expertise,

invited as an expert speaker at related events.

Job Title : President Director
Job Family : Board of Director

Job Prerequisite : Working Condition

No. Item Level Short Description

1 Comfort Level Low The President Director will spend long hours sitting and using office equipment
and computers and get all facilities from the company that used for leader of

2 Accident Risk Low Jobs performed by the marketing director have a high risk because they are
associated with overall business process of the company, maintain the company
value and atmosphere, and maintain the expectation of shareholder.

3 Environmental Low The President Director is located in a busy office. The incumbent is faced with
Conditions constant interruption and must meet with others on a regular basis

4 Healthy Level Low They have a clean, neat and complete of facilities room & Free from exposure to
physical hazards, chemical hazards and biological hazards while doing work in the
work area, such as dust, temperature, pressure and radioactive materials to
improve performance.

Job Title : President Director
Job Family : Board of Director

Position in Organizational Structure

Based on the organizational structure, can be drawn in the diagram below that President
Director have responsibility to run the company to the Board of Commissioner and have
7 direct subordinate. The position in organizational structure will drawn below.

Board of

President Director
Level 1; 7 direct subordinate

Planning and Information Human Capital

Marketing Network Finance
Transformation Sales Director Technology Management
Director Director Director
Director Director Director

Source: 50
Job Title : Senior Manager
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance
Middle Management
Job Title : Senior Manager of Finance
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department
Job Summary:
Senior Manager Finance planning, organizing, actuating, controlling, evaluating all the financial aspect such as:
preparing budget; conducting financial analysis and preparing financial report; developing effective system of
accounting; managing payroll system and maintain accurate and current bylaw records in order to maximize
company profit. Finance SM Finance reports directly to finance director.

No Task and Responsibility Performance Indicator


1 Perform planning and management accounting that include of develop ● Meet the report of budget planning, financial report.
and maintain budget, prepare financial forecast, perform cost ● Record the financial performance and cost management.
accounting and control, perform cost management, and evaluate and
manage financial performance.

2 Perform revenue accounting, general accounting and reporting, and ● Meet the report of accounting in general
manage fixed-asset project accounting. ● Implement accounting system

3 Process payroll that consists about report time, manage pay, process Meet the effective of payroll system and manage the payroll
taxes. process.

4 Process accounts payable and expense reimbursements Meet the effective and efficiency procedure of expense
reimbursement. Meet the acceptable time of reimbursements.

5 Manage treasury operations like treasury policies and procedures, Meet the treasury policies, procedures guidance and all of
cash, in-house bank accounts, debt and investment, and financial financial aspect about cash, bank accounts, debt & investment.

6 Manage internal controls, taxes, and international funds/consolidation Meet the expectation of BOD performance target with
Job Title : Senior Manager of Finance
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department
Job Competency Profile: Core Competence
No. Core Competence Level Short Description

1 Self Confidence (SCF) 3 Positive thinking will be able to shape and strengthen the person's
personality and personality.

2 Achievement Orientation (ACH) 4 Setting a working target always improves over time by doing things
better, faster and improving the quality.

3 Concern for Quality and Order (CO) 5 Monitor the data, find a weaknesses or lose data, and search for
information to maintain regularity and paying great attention to
increasing order in a system

4 Interpersonal Understanding (IU) 5 Able to understand the complex causes of deeds, patterns of habits and
occupational problems encountered.

5 Teamwork and Cooperation (TW) 6 Building a team will create a sense of kinship to build the group's
performance in performing the work.

6 Organizational Commitment (OC) 3 Understand and support the mission and goals of the organization and
understand the need to work together to achieve greater results.

Job Title : Senior Manager of Finance
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department
Job Competency Profile: Functional Competence

No. Soft Competence Level Short Description

1 Analytical Thinking (AT) 6 Makes extremely complex plan or analysis. Excellent quality in analysis

2 Expertise (EXP) 6 Professional of the worker or leader in the proper analysis of a financial problem. Can
monitoring and analyzing data, also has a passion in doing analysis and studies to be
able to contribute brilliant thoughts that benefit the company

3 Flexibility (FLX) 6 Can take decisions appropriately in accordance with the conditions when they occur

4 Conceptual Thinking (CT) 6 Creates new concepts for complex issue. Can formulate useful explanations for complex
issues, situations, and opportunities.

5 Information Seeking (INFO) 6 Using a self-planned system. Personally have planned systems or habits to collect
various types of information.

6 Customer Service Orientation 7 Uses a long term perspective. It may lead to costs, in order to foster this long-term
(CSO) relationship. Strive to meet long-term benefits for consumers.

7 Influencing others (RB) 6 Often creating activities to build relationship with friends or consumen outside working

Job Title : Senior Manager of Finance
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department
Job Competency Profile: Managerial Competence

No. Soft Competence Level Short Description

1 Directiveness (DIR) 5 Openly checking performance based on standard.

2 Team Leader (TL) 6 Make sure that other people follow mission, target,
agenda, and politic that will be developed, by giving
good example. Make sure the working condition is
effective and credible.

3 Teaching and Coaching 8 After calculating workers competence, delegate full

(DEV) responsibility to others to fulfill the job on their own
including a chance to learning from mistakes.

4 Impact and Influence (IMP) 4 Take into account the consequences of the actions or
words of others. Adapt the presentation or discussion
with the interes or level of others. Anticipate the
effects of an action or other detail on the person's
image of the speaker.

Job Title : Senior Manager of Finance
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department

Job Competency Profile: Technical Competence

No. Tech. Competence Level Short Description

1 Financial accounting skills including Broad or Specialized Able to produce financial accounts giving a true and fair view.
basic book-keeping Mastery

2 Management accounting and financial Broad or Specialized Able to analyse and interpret complex financial statements to identify trends
management skills Mastery and significant messages using ratios, percentages and comparative figures.
Able to contribute to the content of business plans covering several years and
to prepare the figures including cash flow statements and investment

3 Written skills Diverse or Able to produce a written report giving a clear statement of a financial problem
Specialized and the recommended course of action.

4 Process analysis and project Diverse or Can create a flow chart of a complete system. Able to analyse critically
management skills Specialized identifying problems or inefficiencies and able to suggest changes for
improvement. Can lead a team using basic project management skills to solve
simple to moderate problems.

5 Presentation skills Extended skill Able to make a presentation about their section's work to any wider group
using effective presentation aids and dealing with questions raised. Ability to
present training sessions to finance and non-finance staff.

6 IT skills Elementary Able to apply advanced Word or Excel techniques to practical situations. Able
to create reports incorporating text/data and graphs. Able to manipulate data
files using sorting and filtering techniques.

Job Title : Senior Manager of Finance
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department
Job Prerequisite: Hard Competence -- Expertise
No Hard Competence
Level Short Description
. -- Expertise

1 Experience 7-10 years Has minimum 7 years experience in the field of finance

2 Education Min. S2 Master degree of finance subject in top business school university

3 Certificate Excellence Hold certificate in related position or industry/technical expertise,

invited as an expert speaker at related events.

Job Title : Senior Manager of Finance
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department

Job Prerequisite : Working Condition

No. Item Level Short Description

1 Comfort Level Low The Senior Manager of Finance will spend long hours sitting and using office
equipment and computers

2 Accident Risk Low Jobs performed by the general manager of finance have a high risk because they
are associated with payroll, taxes and investment

3 Environmental Low The Senior Manager of Finance is located in a busy office. The incumbent is faced
Conditions with constant interruption and must meet with others on a regular basis

4 Healthy Level Low They have a clean, neat and complete of facilities room & Free from exposure to
physical hazards, chemical hazards and biological hazards while doing work in the
work area, such as dust, temperature, pressure and radioactive materials to
improve performance.

Job Title : Senior Manager of Finance
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department

Position in Organizational Structure

Based on the organizational structure, can be drawn in the diagram below that Senior
Manager Finance must report directly to the Finance Director and have 5 direct
subordinate. The position in organizational structure will drawn below.

Finance Director
Level 1; 1 direct subordinate; 5
indirect subordinate from
finance director

Senior Manager of
Level 2; 5 direct subordinate

Business Control Financial System Financial Accounting Corporate Finance Asset Management

Job Title : Finance Accounting Supervisor
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department
Lower Management
Job Title : Finance Accounting Supervisor
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department
Job Summary:
Financial Accounting supervisor organizing, actuating and evaluating all financial activities, the main task of this
position is to make arrangements, transactions, make financial report of the company.
The position of Financial Accounting supervisor must report to the position of Finance Director.

No. Task and Responsibility Performance Indicator

Prepares periodic reports, reviews and reconciles

Review the financial reports submitted by
1 data and participates in the development of
his/her subordinates with monthly periodic
specialized financial data

● Generate month end reports for finance

Assists with financial data and variance analyses, department
board packet information and budget preparation ● Assist in preparation of annual budget

Ensures that finance functions are completed in

accordance with established policies and Preparing financial policies and suggest
standards and related governmental change in them
Job Title : Finance Accounting Supervisor
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department

Job Competency Profile: Core Competence

No. Core Competence Level Short Description

Can accept challenges in voluntarily accepted jobs and responsibility for

1 Self Confidence (SCF) 5
troubleshooting work

Establishing and taking action to achieve challenging objectives either

by the standards of oneself or by the standards of others and being able
2 Achievement Impact (ACH) 5
to challenge any situation with the intent to achieve those objectives-is
an objective but realistic, or it may be implemented.

Monitor the quality of other people's work by checking to make sure

3 Concern for Quality and Order (CO) 4
that the applicable procedures are in place.

Able to understand the things that underlie a problem and Able to show
4 Interpersonal Understanding (IU) 4
a balanced view.

Creates a friendly atmosphere in the team's intimacy so that the work

5 Teamwork and Cooperation (TW) 6
can run smoothly and lightly without any problems.

Put the interests of the organization above the personal interests in a

6 Organizational Commitment (OC) 4
professional and balanced with the consideration of kinship.

Job Title : Finance Accounting Supervisor
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department

Job Competency Profile: Functional Competence

No. Soft Competence Level Short Description

Analyze the relationship between some parts of the problem and can solve the
1 Analytical Thinking (AT) 2

Working on complex tasks requires careful planning to get good results, by

2 Expertise (EXP) 4
doing some training

3 Flexibility (FLX) 4 Can adapt to strategies and goals to do a job with certain circumstances

Identify existing problems by implementing a new concept for the problem to be

4 Conceptual Thinking (CT) 5
completed and not repeated

Can dig deeper into the information to the root of the problem with various
5 Information Seeking (INFO) 3
perspectives that exist

Building deals to foster and maintain social relationships to stay warm and
6 Influencing others (RB) 4

Job Title : Finance Accounting Supervisor
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department

Job Competency Profile: Managerial Competence

No. Soft Competence Level Short Description

Provide sufficient explanation and make the needs and what

1 Directiveness (DIR) 1
is asked clearly.

Using a complex strategy to increase morale and

2 Team Leader (TL) 4 productivity teams with actions that enhance mutual
understanding are included in this scale

Teaching and Coaching Provide information on how to do a job, and provide helpful
3 2
(DEV) advice for job completion.

Take 2-step action to influence. No real adaptation to the

level and interest of others. Prepare carefully for a
4 Impact and Influence (IMP) 3
presentation in the form of data or include 2 or more
different points of argument in a presentation or discussion.

Job Title : Finance Accounting Supervisor
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department
Job Competency Profile: Technical Competence
No. Tech. Competence Level Short Description

Financial accounting skills Intermediate A full understanding of accruals accounting and the impact of entries on profit
including basic book-keeping Skill and loss account, the balance sheet and the cash flow statement.

Analytical thinking about Intermediate Able to draw conclusions and assess impact from analysis and interpretation of
financial processes Skill financial data

Able to monitor and control expenditure. Able to interpret the impact of

Management accounting and Intermediate
3 unusual figures identified by analytical review. Able to prepare budgets and
financial management skills Skill
forecast in cooperation with operational managers.

Able to produce a written report giving a clear statement of a financial problem

4 Written skills Elementary
and the recommended course of action.

Can create a flow chart of a complete system. Able to analyse critically

Process analysis and project Intermediate identifying problems or inefficiencies and able to suggest changes for
management skills Skill improvement. Can lead a team using basic project management skills to solve
simple to moderate problems

Able to make a presentation about their section's work to any wider group
6 Presentation skills Elementary using effective presentation aids and dealing with questions raised. Ability to
present training

Job Title : Finance Accounting Supervisor
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department

Job Prerequisite: Hard Competence -- Expertise

No Hard Competence
Level Short Description
. -- Expertise

1 Experience 2-5 years Minimum 2 years experience in accounting or related fields

2 Education Min. S1 Bachelor of Finance subject in business school university

3 Certificate Excellence Must have a certified public accountant and certified management

Job Title : Finance Accounting Supervisor
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department

Job Prerequisite : Working Condition

No. Item Level Short Description

1 Comfort Level Low The Supervisor of Finance Accounting will spend long hours sitting and using
office equipment and computers

2 Accident Risk Low Jobs performed by the supervisor of finance accounting have a high risk because
they are associated with payroll, taxes and investment

3 Environmental Low The Supervisor of Finance Accounting is typical of most office environments with
Conditions telephones, personal interruption and background noises.

4 Healthy Level Low They have a clean, neat and complete of facilities room & Free from exposure to
physical hazards, chemical hazards and biological hazards while doing work in the
work area, such as dust, temperature, pressure and radioactive materials to
improve performance.

Job Title : Finance Accounting Supervisor
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department

Position in Organizational Structure

Based on the organizational structure, can be drawn in the diagram below that Finance
Accounting Supervisor must report directly to the President Director and have 1 direct
subordinate. The position in organizational structure will drawn below.

Senior Manager of
Level 2; 5 direct subordinate

Level 3; 1 direct subordinate

Financial Accounting

Job Title : Finance Accounting Staff
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department
Lower Management
Job Title : Finance Accounting Staff
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department
Job Summary:
Financial Accounting staff organizing and actuating all financial activities, the main task of this position is to make
arrangements, transactions, make financial report of the company.
The position of Financial Accounting Staff must report to the position of Finance Accounting Supervisor.

No. Task and Responsibility Performance Indicator

1 Develop an Annual Budget ● Develop reporting for financial division,

programs and/or operating units as appropriate
with annual periodic
● Require reporting for highly sensitive or high risk

2 Develop periodic Financial Reporting and Monitoring ● Should be reviewed at least quarterly
● Should include a summary of all funding sources,
expenditures and reserves available for future
● Should include all outstanding commitments to
unit wide programs, individuals or capital

Job Title : Finance Accounting Staff
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department

Job Competency Profile: Core Competence

No. Core Competence Level Short Description

1 Self Confidence (SCF) 4 Create a work plan that is clear, realistic and flexible & Evaluate the
results of the work

2 Achievement Orientation (ACH) 4 Setting a working target always improves over time by doing things
better, faster and improving the quality.

3 Concern for Quality and Order (CO) 5 Monitor the data then find the weaknesses or loss of data, and search
for information to maintain regularity, paying great attention to
increasing order in a system

4 Interpersonal Understanding (IU) 5 Being able to understand the complex causes of problems.

5 Teamwork and Cooperation (TW) 4 Dare to ask for opinions or ideas to decide or contribute

6 Organizational Commitment (OC) 3 Recognize the company's mission and goals, Involve every member to
define team goal, Create an atmosphere where every achievement is
recognized and appreciated.

Job Title : Finance Accounting Staff
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department
Job Competency Profile: Functional Competence
No. Soft Competence Level Short Description

1 Analytical Thinking (AT) 3 Analyze the relationship between all parts of the problem, Breaking things down
becomes systemically manageable and Realize the possible consequences of an

2 Expertise (EXP) 3 By having extensive knowledge on the grounds to be able to complete a job
with the motivation to develop, use and disseminate the knowledge gained.

3 Flexibility (FLX) 2 Can apply the rules and procedures that exist in the company with flexible so
that work effectively and accept the situation in the organization at the

4 Conceptual Thinking (CT) 4 Have the ability to identify and create new concepts to solve complicated
problems that occur in the company to be quickly overcome

5 Information Seeking (INFO) 5 Conducting systematic efforts over a limited period of time to obtain the
required data.

6 Influencing others (RB) 2 Maintain employment relationships in matters relating to work and outside work
as well

Job Title : Finance Accounting Staff
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department

Job Competency Profile: Managerial Competence

No. Soft Competence Level Short Description

1 Directiveness (DIR) 0 Maintain good performance in conducting work to work


2 Team Leader (TL) 0 Using complex strategies to improve team morale and
productivity and actions that enhance mutual
understanding are included in this scale.

3 Teaching and Coaching 0 Reassure and encourage to finish the job with
(DEV) confidence so that the job result is satisfactory

4 Impact and Influence (IMP) 0 Take one step to persuade. Do not take special
measures to adapt the level and interest of others.
Using direct appeal in a discussion or presentation.

Job Title : Finance Accounting Staff
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department
Job Competency Profile: Technical Competence
No. Tech. Competence Level Short Description

Basic understanding of double entry bookhelping including trial

Financial accounting skills Intermediate
1 balance. Able to prepare a journal and to reconcile a standing
including basic book-keeping Skill

Analytical thinking about Intermediate Able to analyze basic financial data and reach reasonable
financial processes Skill conclusions.

Management accounting and Intermediate Able to identify an arithmetical mistake. Able to review a schedule
financial management skills Skill of financial data and to identify unusual items.

Able to write a clear comprehensive memo explaining how to

4 Written skills Basic correct the recording of a transaction or a short external letter
querying an invoice or bank statement entry.

Able to break down a process and describe the tasks involved and
Process analysis and project
5 Elementary their relationship to each other. Can contribute to an improvement
management skills
project using experience and knowledge of financial processes

Able to make short oral or written presentation to a small group of

6 Presentation skills Basic
finance staff and deal with questions raised

Job Title : Finance Accounting Staff
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department
Job Prerequisite: Hard Competence -- Expertise

No Hard Competence
Level Short Description
. -- Expertise

1 Experience 0-2 Minimum 2 years experience but fresh graduates are welcome

2 Education Min. S1 Bachelor of Finance subject in business school university

Job Title : Finance Accounting Staff
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department

Job Prerequisite : Working Condition

No. Item Level Short Description

1 Comfort Level Low The Staff of Finance Accounting will spend long hours sitting and using office
equipment and computers

2 Accident Risk Low Jobs performed by the staff of finance accounting have a high risk because they
are associated with payroll, taxes and investment

3 Environmental Low The Staff of Finance Accounting is located in a busy office. The incumbent is faced
Conditions with constant interruption and must meet with others on a regular basis

4 Healthy Level Low They have a clean, neat and complete of facilities room & Free from exposure to
physical hazards, chemical hazards and biological hazards while doing work in the
work area, such as dust, temperature, pressure and radioactive materials to
improve performance.

Job Title : Finance Accounting Staff
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department

Position in Organizational Structure

Based on the organizational structure, can be drawn in the diagram below that Finance
Accounting Staff must report directly to the Financial Accounting Supervisor and have 1
direct subordinate. The position in organizational structure will drawn below.

Level 3; 1 direct subordinate

Financial Accounting

Job Title : Senior Manager of
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing
Middle Management
Job Title : Senior Manager of Marketing
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department
Job Summary:
Senior Manager of Marketing planning, organizing, actuating, evaluating, of all of the company's marketing strategies and responsible in
development and also implementation of marketing communications both external and internal to achieve marketing strategy that suitable
with the company value and product and/or service value proposition. Reports directly to Marketing director.

No Task and Responsibility Performance Indicator


1 Perform customer and market intelligence analysis like conduct ● Meet the report of analysis, market research that will be
customer & market research, identify and analyze market segment, done (marketing mix 4P and STP).
trends, competing organize/product, evaluate existing products/brands ● Doing the competitor analysis and meet the report for
and assess internal and external business environment. next movement of marketing strategy.

2 Evaluate and prioritize market opportunities: quantify market ● Meet the analysis report for quantify market
opportunities, determine target segment, prioritize and validate opportunities
opportunities. ● Meet the report of prioritizing opportunities

3 Develop marketing strategy: develop and validate value proposition Meet the effective and efficient marketing strategy that include
with target segments, develop new branding, define pricing strategy, of all aspect from value proposition, channel strategy until
define and manage channel strategy. pricing strategy.

4 Develop and manage marketing plans: establish goals, objectives, and ● Meet the marketing plans document
metric, establish marketing budgets, develop and manage media, ● Implement marketing strategy in business activity
pricing, packing strategy, and promotional activities, track customer ● Implement customer management measurement
management measure. system.

Job Title : Senior Manager of Marketing
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department
Job Competency Profile: Core Competence
No. Core Competence Level Short Description

1 Self Confidence (SCF) 6 Put in a very challenging situation. Take on a very challenging task.

2 Achievement Orientation 5 Trying to set challenging goals. Establish and take action to achieve challenging
(ACH) goals either by the standards of themself or by the standards of others.

3 Concern for Quality and 5 Monitor the data, find a weaknesses or lose data, and search for information to
Order (CO) maintain regularity and paying great attention to increasing order in a system

4 Interpersonal Understanding 5 Able to understand the complex causes of deeds, patterns of habits and
(IU) occupational problems encountered.

5 Teamwork and Cooperation 7 Creating conflict to the team to increase braveness and teamwork.

6 Organizational Commitment 3 Understand and support the mission and goals of the organization and
(OC) understand the need to work together to achieve greater results.

Job Title : Senior Manager of Marketing
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department
Job Competency Profile: Functional Competence

No. Soft Competence Level Short Description

1 Analytical Thinking (AT) 5 Makes extremely complex plan or analysis. Excellent quality in analysis

2 Expertise (EXP) 7 Professional of the worker or leader in the proper analysis of a marketing problem.
Professional with master's degree of specialization. The main outcome of a worker or
technical leader's expertise is deemed authorized in the technical field within an

3 Flexibility (FLX) 6 Can take decisions appropriately in accordance with the conditions when they occur.
Make big and long-term changes to respond to changing situations.

4 Conceptual Thinking (CT) 6 Creates new concepts for complex issue. Can formulate useful explanations for complex
issues, situations, and opportunities.

5 Information Seeking (INFO) 5 Conducting systematic efforts over a limited period of time, to obtain the necessary data
or feedback

6 Customer Service Orientation 7 Uses a long term perspective. It may lead to costs, in order to foster this long-term
(CSO) relationship. Strive to meet long-term benefits for consumers.

7 Influencing others (RB) 6 Often creating activities to build relationship with friends or consumen outside working

Job Title : Senior Manager of Marketing
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department
Job Competency Profile: Managerial Competence

No. Soft Competence Level Short Description

1 Directiveness (DIR) 7 Use punishment and rewards to control behavior.

(Reward and punishment).

2 Team Leader (TL) 6 Make sure that other people follow mission, target,
agenda, and politic that will be developed, by giving
good example. Make sure the working condition is
effective and credible.

3 Teaching and Coaching 8 After calculating workers competence, delegate full

(DEV) responsibility to others to fulfill the job on their own
including a chance to learning from mistakes.

4 Impact and Influence (IMP) 4 Take into account the consequences of the actions or
words of others. Adapt the presentation or discussion
with the interes or level of others. Anticipate the
effects of an action or other detail on the person's
image of the speaker.

Job Title : Senior Manager of Marketing
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department

Job Competency Profile: Technical Competence

Tech. Competence Level Short Description

1 Writing Attitude Diverse or The natural ability to write with purpose. The ability to write a piece of content that can be
Specialized used in a marketing campaign.

2 Orientation to Data-Driven Extended The desire and ability to utilize data as a critical tool in decision-making in every project, every time.
Decision Making Skill

3 Propensity to Adopt Diverse or Marketers with this competency enjoy learning and working with technology. They find learning new
Technology Specialized applications easy and are curious about technology and what it provides.

4 Campaign Management Broad or The ability to identify, design and plan a campaign. The campaign might include different channels.
Skills Specialized Those will this skill have the ability to design the campaign tactics, and understand what their
Mastery marketing platform and technologies can do so they can advise stakeholders on what can and should
be done in a campaign.

5 Graphic and Web Design Intermediate A person with experience doing graphic design and understanding key elements such as contrast,
Creativity Skill scale, color, pacing and typography, and had some experience designing and coding websites. They
must understand graphic design elements but primarily have a keen feel for user experience and how
to ensure that the website is lending itself to achievement of marketing objectives.

6 Content, Digital and Social Broad or Understands what content marketing is all about and how a content marketing strategy is important to
Marketing Aptitude Specialized driving awareness and conversion, understand that there are many digital channels that can be used in
Mastery marketing campaigns, understand the social landscape and how social marketing can enhance
awareness and marketing lead generation campaigns.

Source: 83
Job Title : Senior Manager of Marketing
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department
Job Prerequisite: Hard Competence -- Expertise
No Hard Competence
Level Short Description
. -- Expertise

1 Experience 7-10 years Has minimum 7 years experience in the field of marketing

2 Education Min. S2 Master degree of marketing subject in top business school university

3 Certificate Excellence Hold certificate in related position or industry/technical expertise,

invited as an expert speaker at related events.

Job Title : Senior Manager of Marketing
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department

Job Prerequisite : Working Condition

No. Item Level Short Description

1 Comfort Level Low The SM Marketing will spend long hours sitting and using office equipment and

2 Accident Risk Low Jobs performed by the marketing director have a high risk because they are
associated with movement strategy of marketing, customer satisfaction, and high

3 Environmental Low The SM Marketing is located in a busy office. The incumbent is faced with
Conditions constant interruption and must meet with others on a regular basis

4 Healthy Level Low They have a clean, neat and complete of facilities room & Free from exposure to
physical hazards, chemical hazards and biological hazards while doing work in the
work area, such as dust, temperature, pressure and radioactive materials to
improve performance.

5 Mental Demands Low The SM Marketing must meet several deadlines and will have to manage a
number of request, manage people, and situation at one time

Job Title : Senior Manager of Marketing
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department

Position in Organizational Structure

Based on the organizational structure, can be drawn in the diagram below that Senior
Manager of Marketing must report directly to the Marketing Director and have 3 direct
subordinate. The position in organizational structure will drawn below.

Marketing Director
Level 1; 1 direct subordinate; 3
indirect subordinate from
marketing director

Senior Manager of
Level 2; 3 direct subordinate

Marketing Strategy Marketing

Product Development
and Analytics Communication

Source: 86
Job Title: Marketing Communication Supervisor
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department
Lower Management
Job Title : Marketing Communication Supervisor
Job Family : Marketing
Department : Marketing Department
Job Summary:
The work done by the marketing communication supervisor are planning, organizing, and actuating an implementation of
communications both external and internal to achieve marketing strategy that suitable with the company value and product
and/or service value proposition. Also controlling the staff.

No. Task and Responsibility Performance Indicator

1 Responsible for effective and creative promotions to increase sales ● Determine promotional strategies in distribution channels and
an effective geographical area for each brand
● Allocate budget retail, outlet & dealer promotion in every
regional and branch offices so as to determine the right and
efficient promotion strategy to win the market and increase

2 Building corporate identity, and keeping every brand communication owned by ● Design a branding strategy for a company's product optimally
the company always reflects the image that has been built in corporate ● Develop strategies and techniques in cooperation with third
parties (EO and Agency) for successful promotion

3 Develop marketing strategy: develop and validate value proposition with target ● Doing the competitor analysis and meet the report for next
segments, develop new branding, define pricing strategy, define and manage movement of marketing strategy.
channel strategy. ● Meet the report of analysis, market research that will be done
(marketing mix 4P and STP).

4 Coordinate with other departments related to controlling, directing and ● Maintain good relationships with consumers both individuals
evaluating brand building programs through electronic and print media and companies
advertising campaign activities, in order to achieve the targets set by the ● Monitor marketing activity submissions and all retail, outlets,
company dealers or branches (Location, price, EO) and oversee the

Job Title : Marketing Communication Supervisor
Job Family : Marketing
Department : Marketing Department
Job Competency Profile: Core Competence
No. Core Competence Level Short Description

1 Self Confidence (SCF) 5 Accepting challenges voluntarily. Feel happy with challenges, seek greater

2 Achievement Orientation 4 Continually trying to improve performance. Have policies in the work system, or
(ACH) in its own work habits to improve performance.

3 Concern for Quality and 4 Monitor the quality of other people's work by checking to make sure that the
Order (CO) applicable procedures are in place.

4 Interpersonal Understanding 4 Understand the things that underlie a problem.


5 Teamwork and Cooperation 6 Create a friendly atmosphere, good morals, cooperation. Keeping the group alive.

6 Organizational Commitment 4 Make self-sacrifice. Placing the interests of the organization above the
(OC) professional self-interest with the consideration of kinship.

Job Title : Marketing Communication Supervisor
Job Family : Marketing
Department : Marketing Department
Job Competency Profile: Functional Competence
No. Soft Competence Level Short Description

1 Analytical Thinking (AT) 5 Makes extremely complex plan or analysis. Excellent quality in analysis

2 Expertise (EXP) 5 Provide professional and management services such as design and implement a
formal program to create leadership and expert advice on other professionals

3 Flexibility (FLX) 5 Must be responsive in the face of competition and quickly coordinate with
related parties when a problem occurs.

4 Conceptual Thinking (CT) 5 Creating new concepts that are affected by change, such as changes in market
prices. Should be able to take the appropriate promotional strategy of the
various situations

5 Information Seeking (INFO) 3 Able to understand the products owned by the company and its uniqueness to
be easy to implement marketing strategy

6 Customer Service Orientation 6 Analyze consumer behavior, needs and preferences in order to adapt the right
(CSO) strategy

7 Influencing others (RB) 6 Maintain good relationships with consumers both individuals and companies

Job Title : Marketing Communication Supervisor
Job Family : Marketing
Department : Marketing Department

Job Competency Profile: Managerial Competence

No. Soft Competence Level Short Description

1 Directiveness (DIR) 5 Monitor performance with certainty. Blatantly check

performance based on clear standards.

2 Team Leader (TL) 4 Tell others, ensure that all group members know the
required information.

3 Teaching and Coaching 2 Providing detailed instructions, and / or demonstrations

(DEV) about a job .. telling how to do a job, providing advice
that helps the completion of work.

4 Impact and Influence (IMP) 2 Do not take special measures to adapt the level and
interest of others. Using direct appeal in a discussion or

Job Title : Marketing Communication Supervisor
Job Family : Marketing
Department : Marketing Department
Job Competency Profile: Technical Competence
No. Tech. Competence Level Short Description

1 Understand the knowledge of Diverse or Specialized Extensive knowledge and skill gained through broad or deep experiences in a field
marketing (or fields) which requires a command of either involved, diverse practices and
precedents OR scientific theory and principles or both.

2 Following and implementing latest Diverse or Specialized They must understand graphic design elements but primarily have a keen feel for
communication technology user experience and how to ensure that the website is lending itself to achievement
developments. Propensity to Adopt of marketing objectives.

3 Mastering the macroeconomic scale Seasoned, Diverse or Have a special skills in reading the macroeconomic situation in order to be able to
Specialized make the necessary marketing strategy in accordance with the circumstances

4 Knowing your customers Broad or Specialized Expertise in understanding potential customer


5 Campaign Management Skills Extended Skill and/or The ability to identify, design and plan a campaign. The campaign might include
Knowledge different channels. Those will this skill have the ability to design the campaign
tactics, and understand what their marketing platform and technologies can do so
they can advise stakeholders on what can and should be done in a campaign.

6 Energetic, sociable as well as good Extended Skill and/or Extensive knowledge and skills gained through extensive or in-depth experience in
communication skills Knowledge the field. must be able to communicate well and can affect potential targets

Job Title : Marketing Communication Supervisor
Job Family : Marketing
Department : Marketing Department

Job Prerequisite: Hard Competence -- Expertise

No Hard Competence
Level Short Description
. -- Expertise

1 Experience 2-5 years Has minimum 3 years experience in marketing or related fields.

2 Education Min. D4/S1 Bachelor in marketing or communications from any university.

3 Certificate Excellence Have knowledge about SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

Have extensive knowledge about marketing communication tools

Job Title : Marketing Communication Supervisor
Job Family : Marketing
Department : Marketing Department

Job Prerequisite : Working Condition

No. Item Level Short Description

1 Comfort Level Low The supervisor of marketing communication will spend not only an hours sitting
and using office equipment and computers but also communicate with staff

2 Accident Risk Low Jobs performed by the marketing communication supervisor have a risk
because it should read the customer satisfaction, and high target with fast
changing conditions

3 Environmental Low The Marketing Communication supervisor will enjoy their working condition as
Conditions they work surrounding by other people and not only computer.

4 Healthy Level Low They have a clean, neat and complete of facilities room & Free from exposure
to physical hazards, chemical hazards and biological hazards while doing work
in the work area, such as dust, temperature, pressure and radioactive materials
to improve performance.

5 Mental Demands Low People Development get pressure from other employee to keep neutral and fair.

Job Title : Marketing Communication Supervisor
Job Family : Marketing
Department : Marketing Department

Position in Organizational Structure

Based on the organizational structure, can be drawn in the diagram below that Marketing
Communication Supervisor must report directly to the Marketing Director and have 1
direct subordinate. The position in organizational structure will drawn below.

Senior Manager of
Level 2; 3 direct subordinate

Level 3; 1 direct subordinate

Communication Staff

Job Title: Marketing Communication Staff
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department Staff
Job Title : Marketing Communication Staff
Job Family : Marketing
Department : Marketing Department
Job Summary:
The work done by the marketing communication staff are organizing and actuating an implementation of communications both
external and internal to achieve marketing strategy that suitable with the company value and product and/or service value

No. Task and Responsibility Performance Indicator

1 Work to find out how to deliver promotions to the intended ● Seeing an appropriate media to be used for
target promotion
● See who the audience is
● Find out more about the areas of marketable
products and where promotions will be made

2 Develop marketing strategy: develop and validate value ● Doing the competitor analysis and meet the report
proposition with target segments, develop new branding, for next movement of marketing strategy.
define pricing strategy, define and manage channel strategy. ● Meet the report of analysis, market research that
will be done (marketing mix 4P and STP).
● Monitoring digital traffic

3 Create a creative program or event ● Supports company programs or plans

● Create a marketing plan
● Create strategies to increase sales, lift marketed
products, and branding

Job Title : Marketing Communication Staff
Job Family : Marketing
Department : Marketing Department

Job Competency Profile: Core Competence

No. Core Competence Level Short Description

1 Self Confidence (SCF) 5 Should have a neat work schedule and obey to the time limit set.

2 Achievement Orientation (ACH) 4 Setting a working target always improves over time by doing things
better, faster and improving the quality.

3 Concern for Quality and Order (CO) 3 Checking the work itself, whether it is appropriate procedures or not.
Checks twice the accuracy of the information or the work itself

4 Interpersonal Understanding (IU) 4 Able to understand the things that underlie a problem, the reasons
underlying the emergence of feelings, actions, or caring someone.

5 Teamwork and Cooperation (TW) 4 Dare to ask for opinions or ideas to decide or contribute. Want to learn
from others, and involve others to make decisions

6 Organizational Commitment (OC) 3 Understand and support the mission and goals of the organization.
Aligning personal needs with organizational needs, understanding the
need to work together to achieve greater results.

Job Title : Marketing Communication Staff
Job Family : Marketing
Department : Marketing Department
Job Competency Profile: Functional Competence
No. Soft Competence Level Short Description

1 Analytical Thinking (AT) 2 Analyze the relationship between some parts of the problem. Make a simple
causal relationship or a pro-cons decision. Make priority tasks based on level of

2 Expertise (EXP) 3 Meet the requirements. Has a variety of tasks that require planning and

3 Flexibility (FLX) 3 Adapt tactics to the response of others. Change the behavior or approach
according to the situation.

4 Conceptual Thinking (CT) 4 Simplify the complexity. Bring together ideas, issues, and observations into a
single concept or clear outcome. Identify key issues in complex situations

5 Information Seeking (INFO) 2 Do a personal investigation. Move on your own to see something unknown.
Asking people who are closest to a problem that is usually ignored by others.

6 Customer Service Orientation 6 Analyze consumer behavior, needs and preferences in order to adapt the right
(CSO) strategy

7 Influencing others (RB) 4 Building deals. Often organize informal or casual contacts in a work environment
with friends, as well as with consumers.
Job Title : Marketing Communication Staff
Job Family : Marketing
Department : Marketing Department

Job Competency Profile: Managerial Competence

No. Soft Competence Level Short Description

1 Directiveness (DIR) 4 Maintain good performance in conducting work to work


2 Team Leader (TL) 4 Using complex strategies to improve team morale and
productivity and actions that enhance mutual
understanding are included in this scale.

3 Teaching and Coaching 0 No need specific action to improve others


4 Impact and Influence (IMP) 2 Take one step to persuade. Do not take special
measures to adapt the level and interest of others.
Using direct appeal in a discussion or presentation.

Job Title : Marketing Communication Staff
Job Family : Marketing
Department : Marketing Department
Job Competency Profile: Technical Competence

Tech. Competence Level Short Description

1 Understand the Intermediate Experienced in applying methods or procedures, which are generally well defined and
knowledge of Skill and/or straightforward, but with occasional deviations. Skills in the use of special equipment
marketing Knowledge may be required.

2 Following and Extended Skill Capable of carrying out uninvolved, standard procedures and/or using equipment or
implementing latest and/or machines which are simple to operate.
communication Knowledge

3 Mastering the Extended Skill Requires special skills in reading the macroeconomic situation in order to be able to
macroeconomic scale and/or make the necessary marketing strategy in accordance with the circumstances

4 Knowing your Diverse or Good understanding and skills in activities involving practices and precedents or a
customers Specialized basic understanding of knowing potential customer

5 Energetic, sociable as Seasoned, Extensive knowledge and skills gained through extensive or in-depth experience in the
well as good Diverse or field. must be able to communicate well and can affect potential targets
communication skills Specialized
Job Title : Marketing Communication Staff
Job Family : Marketing
Department : Marketing Department

Job Prerequisite: Hard Competence -- Expertise

No Hard Competence
Level Short Description
. -- Expertise

1 Experience 0-2 years Minimum 1 years experience but fresh graduates are welcome

2 Education Min. D3 Bachelor of marketing or communication subject from any university

Job Title : Marketing Communication Staff
Job Family : Marketing
Department : Marketing Department

Job Prerequisite : Working Condition

No. Item Level Short Description

1 Comfort Level Low Marketing communication staff will spend time to communicate with other
employees and discussing with team to find the best strategies based on result
of discussion.

2 Accident Risk Low They work related to people so they do not get any risk that really matters
except unsatisfied employees.

3 Environmental Low The Marketing Communication staff will enjoy their working condition as they
Conditions work surrounding by other people and not only computer.

4 Healthy Level Low They have a clean, neat and complete of facilities room & Free from exposure to
physical hazards, chemical hazards and biological hazards while doing work in
the work area, such as dust, temperature, pressure and radioactive materials to
improve performance.

5 Mental Demands Low Training Staff only focus on developing staff capabilities.

Job Title : Marketing Communication Staff
Job Family : Marketing
Department : Marketing Department

Position in Organizational Structure

Based on the organizational structure, can be drawn in the diagram below that Marketing
Communication Staff must report directly to the Marketing Communication Supervisor and
have 1 direct subordinate, trainee. The position in organizational structure will drawn
Level 3; 1 direct subordinate

Level 4; 1 direct subordinate


Job Title : Senior Manager of Human Capital
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Middle Management
Job Title : Senior Manager of Human Capital Management
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Summary:
Senior Manager of HCM planning, organizing, actuating, controlling, evaluating all the development aspect that
associated with people and especially the company employee (develop and manage human capital) to achieve best
talent with desired competencies in every job description in the company. SM HCM reports directly to HCM director.

No Task and Responsibility Performance Indicator


1 Develop and manage human resource like make planning, resource Meet the planning document about resource strategy and
strategy and policies. policies.

2 Recruit, source, and select employee, manage pre-placement, manage ● Doing the recruitment process that according to the
new hire/rehire, and track candidates. plan.
● Record the performance of candidate and track it

3 Develop and counsel employee: manage employee orientation, Develop program about employee counsel which take care about
employee performance, relation, development, and training employee orientation, performance and training.

4 Reward and retain employees: develop and manage reward, Implement the reward or commision system/program from
recognition, motivation program. performance data track of employee.

5 Redeploy and retire employees: manage promotion, demotion process, Can find the right policies and procedure to manage promotion,
separation, retirement, reduction, expatriates. retirement, and expatriates.

6 Manage employee information: reporting process, inquiry process, Implement human resource information system to manage
manage employee data, create and manage human resource employee data and metrics.
information system (HRIS), employee metrics, and communication. 106
Job Title : Senior Manager of Human Capital Management
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Competency Profile: Core Competence
No. Core Competence Level Short Description

1 Self Confidence (SCF) 4 Giving good claim to self. Placing itself clearly in conflict, supported by verbal
expressions and confidence.

2 Achievement Orientation 4 Setting a working target always improves over time by doing things better, faster
(ACH) and improving the quality.

3 Concern for Quality and 6 Develop a system (HRIS, performance record system). Develop and use systems
Order (CO) to organize and maintain the ability to track any information.

4 Interpersonal Understanding 5 Able to understand the complex causes of deeds, patterns of habits and
(IU) occupational problems encountered.

5 Teamwork and Cooperation 6 Building a team will create a sense of kinship to build the group's performance in
(TW) performing the work.

6 Organizational Commitment 3 Understand and support the mission and goals of the organization and
(OC) understand the need to work together to achieve greater results.

Job Title : Senior Manager of Human Capital Management
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Competency Profile: Functional Competence

No. Soft Competence Level Short Description

1 Analytical Thinking (AT) 5 Makes extremely complex plan or analysis. Excellent quality in analysis

2 Expertise (EXP) 7 Professional of the worker or leader in the proper analysis of a marketing problem.
Professional with master's degree of specialization. The main outcome of a worker or
technical leader's expertise is deemed authorized in the technical field within an

3 Flexibility (FLX) 6 Can take decisions appropriately in accordance with the conditions when they occur.
Make big and long-term changes to respond to changing situations.

4 Conceptual Thinking (CT) 6 Creates new concepts for complex issue. Can formulate useful explanations for complex
issues, situations, and opportunities.

5 Information Seeking (INFO) 6 Using a self-planned system. Personally have planned systems or habits to collect
various types of information,

6 Initiative (INT) 6 Take action for the next 1-2 years. Anticipate the situation 1-2 years ahead and act to
create opportunities and avoid problems.

7 Influencing others (RB) 7 Conducting contacts involving the family. Sometimes bringing friends or customers home
or visiting their homes.

Job Title : Senior Manager of Human Capital Management
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Competency Profile: Managerial Competence

No. Soft Competence Level Short Description

1 Directiveness (DIR) 5 Monitor performance with certainty. Blatantly check

performance based on clear standards.

2 Team Leader (TL) 6 Make sure that other people follow mission, target,
agenda, and politic that will be developed, by giving
good example. Make sure the working condition is
effective and credible.

3 Teaching and Coaching 8 After calculating workers competence, delegate full

(DEV) responsibility to others to fulfill the job on their own
including a chance to learning from mistakes.

4 Impact and Influence (IMP) 4 Take into account the consequences of the actions or
words of others. Adapt the presentation or discussion
with the interes or level of others. Anticipate the
effects of an action or other detail on the person's
image of the speaker.

Job Title : Senior Manager of Human Capital Management
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department

Job Competency Profile: Technical Competence

Tech. Competence Level Short Description

1 Knowledge about Human Broad or Has a basic knowledge of Human Capital practices and procedures and can applies
Capital and its practice Specialized innovative strategies on HC issues; identifies and recommends solutions to various
Mastery personnel.

2 Presentation skills Extended Able to make a presentation about their section's work to any wider group using effective presentation
skill aids and dealing with questions raised. Ability to present training sessions to all of employee
development program.

3 Human Capital Planning Broad or Develops complex HC plans that take into consideration and capitalize on resourcing, staffing and/or
Capability Specialized performance management, etc.

4 Performance Management Diverse or Develops and implements strategies that optimize individual performance within the organization.
Specialized Establishes means of measuring performance and objectives.

5 Personal and Diverse or Continuously strives to learn/ assimilate/ integrate new ideas and information. Identifies new technical
Organizational Capability Specialized and/or business capabilities needed to improve organizational performance and efficiency.

6 Communicate and Listen Seasoned, Effectively present and receive information and concepts, in both written and oral formats. Actively
Diverse or listen to ensure understanding. Makes clear, concise and convincing oral presentations to individuals or
Specialized groups.

Job Title : Senior Manager of Human Capital Management
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Prerequisite: Hard Competence -- Expertise
No Hard Competence
Level Short Description
. -- Expertise

1 Experience 7-10 years Has minimum 7 years experience in the field of human
resource/human capital development

2 Education Min. S2 Master degree of HC/ HR subject in top business school university

3 Certificate Excellence Hold certificate in related position or industry/technical expertise,

invited as an expert speaker at related events.

Job Title : Senior Manager of Human Capital Management
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department

Job Prerequisite : Working Condition

No. Item Level Short Description

1 Comfort Level Low The SM HCM will spend long hours sitting and using office equipment and

2 Accident Risk Low Jobs performed by the SM HCM have a high risk because they are associated with
employee development, talent management, HC service and strategy .

3 Environmental Low The SM HCM is located in a busy office. The incumbent is faced with constant
Conditions interruption and must meet with others on a regular basis

4 Healthy Level Low They have a clean, neat and complete of facilities room & Free from exposure to
physical hazards, chemical hazards and biological hazards while doing work in the
work area, such as dust, temperature, pressure and radioactive materials to
improve performance.

5 Mental Demands Low The SM HCM must meet several deadlines and will have to manage a number of
request, manage people, strategy of developing other, and dynamic situation at
one time

Job Title : Senior Manager of Human Capital Management
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department

Position in Organizational Structure

Based on the organizational structure, can be drawn in the diagram below that SM of
Human Capital Management must report directly to the HCM Director and have 3 direct
subordinate. The position in organizational structure will drawn below.

HCM Director
Level 1; 1 direct subordinate; 3
indirect subordinate from
HCM director

Senior Manager of
Level 2; 3 direct subordinate

HCM Strategy People Development HC Services

Source: 113

Job Title : People Development Supervisor
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Lower Management
Job Title : People Development Supervisor
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Summary:
People Development need to planning, organizing, actuating, controlling, evaluating all aspect that associated with employees
especially to develop employees with desired competencies in every job description in the company to make sure that they
could reach their maximum capabilities..
No. Task and Responsibility Performance Indicator

1 Coordinating and organizing Human Capital including Get satisfaction from employee but also meet the goals of
promotion, mutation, rotation to fulfil the needs of workers company.
and optimization human capital.

2 Manage potency and competence of human capital of the Maximization of employees capacities.

3 Manage and coordinate design, assessment, delivery, and The process match with company’s goal.
analysis of developing employee competence.

4 Manage and control training program for workers. There are differences of employees capacities before and
after training that should be improved.

5 Coordinate staffing process including outsourcing. Get employees that meet company’s requirements.

6 Coordinate discipline, reward and recognition for workers. Employees satisfied with the discipline, reward and

Job Title : People Development Supervisor
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Competency Profile: Core Competence
No. Core Competence Level Short Description

1 Self Confidence (SCF) 4 Giving good claim to self. Placing itself clearly in conflict, supported by verbal
expressions and confidence.

2 Achievement Orientation (ACH) 4 Setting a working target always improves over time by doing things better,
faster and improving the quality.

3 Concern for Quality and Order (CO) 6 Develop a system (HRIS, performance record system). Develop and use
systems to organize and maintain the ability to track any information.

4 Interpersonal Understanding (IU) 5 Able to understand the complex causes of deeds, patterns of habits and
occupational problems encountered.

5 Teamwork and Cooperation (TW) 7 Complex influencing strategy in any situation.

6 Organizational Commitment (OC) 3 Understand and support the mission and goals of the organization and
understand the need to work together to achieve greater results.

Job Title : People Development Supervisor
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Competency Profile: Functional Competence

No. Soft Competence Level Short Description

1 Analytical Thinking (AT) 4 Make complex analysis with systematic problem solution.

2 Flexibility (FLX) 5 Create organizational adaptation, create small change as a response the
need of change and situation.

3 Conceptual Thinking (CT) 2 Pattern awareness. Observe the relationship of data and differences with
the real situation.

4 Information Seeking (INFO) 4 Contact other people to see others perspective.

5 Initiative (INT) 6 Take action for the next 1-2 years. Anticipate the situation 1-2 years
ahead and act to create opportunities and avoid problems.

6 Customer Satisfaction 8 Act as a trusted advisor


Job Title : People Development Supervisor
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Competency Profile: Managerial Competence

No. Soft Competence Level Short Description

1 Directiveness (DIR) 4 Wants higher performance.

2 Impact and Influence (IMP) 8 Fostering intimate and personal relationships.

3 Team Leader (TL) 4 Increasing team effectivity.

4 Teaching and Coaching 7 Developing training or new training.


Job Title : People Development Supervisor
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department

Job Competency Profile: Technical Competence

No. Tech. Competence Level Short Description

1 Knowledge about Human Capital Diverse or Understanding and have skill in several activities which involve how to manage people and
and its practice Specialized organization or at least basic understanding of the theory and principles about people

2 Presentation skills Intermediate Know the basic understanding about people development, present and convincing other to
Skill and/or understand the information.

3 Human Capital Planning Capability Seasoned, Have extensive knowledge and about people development including : recruitment, training, and
Diverse or reward that already gained from diverse practices,

4 Performance Management Diverse or Develops and implements planning of people management that optimize individual and team
Specialized performance within the organization.

5 Personal and Organizational Diverse or Understand how to increase and manage employees capability to their maximum.
Capability Specialized

6 Communicate and Listen Diverse or Makes clear, concise and convincing oral presentations to individuals or groups so that they could
Specialized understand the HC strategies that will be implemented.

Job Title : People Development Supervisor
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department

Job Prerequisite: Hard Competence -- Expertise

No Hard Competence
Level Short Description
. -- Expertise

1 Experience 2-5 years Has maximum 5 years experience in the field of human resource/human capital

2 Education Min. S1 Undergraduate degree of HC/ HR subject in top business school university or
psychology from top university in Indonesia or other country.

3 Certificate Excellence Hold certificate from getting training about people development.

Job Title : People Development Supervisor
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Prerequisite : Working Condition
No. Item Level Short Description

1 Comfort Level Low People Development will spend time to communicate with other employees and
discussing with team to develop training.

2 Accident Risk Low They work related to people so they do not get any risk that really matters except
unsatisfied employees.

3 Environmental Low People development will enjoy their working condition as they work surrounding
Conditions by other people and not only computer.

4 Healthy Level Low They have a clean, neat and complete of facilities room & Free from exposure to
physical hazards, chemical hazards and biological hazards while doing work in the
work area, such as dust, temperature, pressure and radioactive materials to
improve performance.

5 Mental Demands Low People Development get pressure from other employee to keep neutral and fair.

Job Title : People Development Supervisor
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department

Position in Organizational Structure

Based on the organizational structure, can be drawn in the diagram below that Human
Capital Management Director must report directly to the President Director and have 3
direct subordinate. The position in organizational structure will drawn below.

Source: 122

Job Title : Training Staff
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Title : Training Staff
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Summary:
Training Staff need to planning, organizing, actuating, controlling, evaluating all aspect that associated with
employees especially to formulate option to find best talent with desired competencies in every job description in
the company.
No Task and Responsibility Performance Indicator

1 Mapping out training plans and schedules, designing and Report about training and schedules that should be approved by
developing training programs (outsourcing or in-house), People Development Manager

2 Choosing appropriate training methods per case (virtual, A complete case data that could be practicable and could be use for
simulated, mentoring, on job training, professional one or more period.
development classes, etc.

3 Market available training to employees and provide Have list of training information that can be account for.
necessary information about sessions

4 Conduct organization-wide training needs assessment and Have data about skill and assessment that come from expertise
identify skills or knowledge gaps that need to be addressed trainer.

5 Use known education principles and stay up-to-date on new Report on new training method and techniques
training methods and techniques

6 Design, prepare and order educational aids and materials Report on new training method and materials.

Job Title : Training Staff
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Summary:
Training Staff need to planning, organizing, actuating, controlling, evaluating all aspect that associated with
employees especially to formulate option to find best talent with desired competencies in every job description in
the company.
No Task and Responsibility Performance Indicator

7 Assess instructional effectiveness and determine the impact of Report on assessment of employees skill.
training on employee skill

8 Gather feedback from trainers and trainees after educational Report from trainees and trainers.

9 Partner with internal stakeholders and liaise with experts Have good relationship with expertise and internal stakeholder to
regarding instructional design develop training.

10 Maintain updated curriculum database and training record Have record on training activities.

11 Host train-on-trainer sessions for internal subject matter experts Have successful training session that all employees could understand the

12 Manage and maintain in – house training facilities and equipment Keep facilities and equipment in good conditions.

13 Research and recommend new training methods, like Have data research about creative training methods.

Job Title : Training Staff
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Competency Profile: Core Competence
No. Core Competence Level Short Description

1 Self Confidence (SCF) 3 Have faith and believe in themself.

2 Achievement Orientation 4 Setting a working target always improves over time by doing things better,
(ACH) faster and improving the quality.

3 Concern for Quality and 3 Checking employees work on their own.

Order (CO)

4 Interpersonal Understanding 4 Understand basic information of the problem.


5 Teamwork and Cooperation 5 Give positive influence to others.


6 Organizational Commitment 3 Understand and support the mission and goals of the organization and
(OC) understand the need to work together to achieve greater results.

Job Title : Training Staff
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Competency Profile: Functional Competence
No. Soft Competence Level Short Description

1 Analytical Thinking (AT) 4 Make complex analysis with systematic problem solution.

2 Flexibility (FLX) 4 Adapt to strategy and their own goals in every situation.

3 Conceptual Thinking (CT) 2 Pattern awareness. Observe the relationship of data and differences with
the real situation.

4 Information Seeking (INFO) 4 Contact other people to see others perspective.

5 Initiative (INT) 5 Take action for the next 3-12 months. Anticipate the situation ahead and
act to create opportunities and avoid problems.

6 Customer Satisfaction 4 Make themself always ready to act and service to others.

Job Title : Training Staff
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Competency Profile: Managerial Competence

No. Soft Competence Level Short Description

1 Directiveness (DIR) 4 Wants higher performance.

2 Impact and influence (IMP) 4 Calculate every activity and other people words.

3 Team Leader (TL) 4 Increasing team effectivity.

4 Teaching and Coaching 3 Give reason and other support.


Job Title : Training Staff
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department

Job Competency Profile: Technical Competence

No. Tech. Competence Level Short Description

1 Knowledge about Human Extended Understanding and have skill in several activities which involve how to manage and train people or at
Capital and its practice Skill least basic understanding of the theory and principles about training system.

2 Presentation skills Extended Know the basic understanding about training, how to present and convincing other to understand the
Skill information.

3 Human Capital Planning Extended Have extensive knowledge and about training practices and have good relationship with expertise trainer.
Capability Skill

4 Performance Management Extended Develops and implements planning of training that could optimize individual and team performance
Skill within the organization.

5 Personal and Organizational Extended Understand how to increase and manage employees capability to their maximum.
Capability Skill

6 Communicate and Listen Extended Makes clear, concise and convincing oral presentations to individuals or groups so that they could
Skill understand gompany’s goal and wanted to improve their skill..

Job Title : Training Staff
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department

Job Prerequisite: Hard Competence -- Expertise

Hard Competence
No. Level Short Description
-- Expertise

1 Experience 0 - 2 years Fresh graduates or has maximum 2 years of experience in the field of human
resource/human capital development

2 Education Min. S1 Undergraduate degree of HC/ HR subject in top business school university or
psychology from top university in Indonesia.

3 Certificate Satisfy Hold certificate in Human Capital Strategy position.

Job Title : Training Staff
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Prerequisite : Working Condition
No. Item Level Short Description

1 Comfort Level Low Training Staff will spend time to communicate with other employees and
discussing with team to develop training.

2 Accident Risk Low They work related to people so they do not get any risk that really matters except
unsatisfied employees.

3 Environmental Low Training Staff will enjoy their working condition as they work surrounding by other
Conditions people and not only computer.

4 Healthy Level Low They have a clean, neat and complete of facilities room & Free from exposure to
physical hazards, chemical hazards and biological hazards while doing work in the
work area, such as dust, temperature, pressure and radioactive materials to
improve performance.

5 Mental Demands Low Training Staff only focus on developing employees capabilities.

Job Title : Training Staff
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department

Position in Organizational Structure

Based on the organizational structure, can be drawn in the diagram below that Human
Capital Management Director must report directly to the President Director and have 3
direct subordinate. The position in organizational structure will drawn below.

Source: 132

Let’s start with
3. Working Condition Working Condition
Level in Telkom
Level Description Company
Explain about the level in working conditions based on its value. There are low, medium, and high.
Each level describe how good or bad the condition for employee to work.
Working Conditions
Comfort Level
Pressure from superior, pressure from internal/external customer, indoor/outdoor,
completed facility/not completed

Accident Risk
Interact with pit traffic, working with high potential risk (working near water,
working near blasting, working at high, working in high voltage area, working at
confined space, working near loosen digging face, operate mobile equipment and
so on).

Environmental Conditions
The nature of adverse environmental conditions affecting the incumbent.

Healthy Level
Possibility of heath damaging when exposure by physical hazards , chemical
hazards and dangers of biology hazard when doing job in the working area, such
as dust, temperature, pressure, weather, germs, viruses, radioactive material,
and “limbah B3”.

Mental Demands
Conditions that may lead to mental or emotional fatigue.

Level Comfort Level Accident Risk Environmental Conditions Healthy Level

High exposure by physical

Pressure from superior or pressure
hazards, chemical hazards and
from internal/external customer is
Not interact with mining pit dangers of biology hazard when
high, work in outdoor, work area is Probability of environment
High traffic, working with low potential doing job in the working area,
equipped with minimum accident is low.
risk accident. such as dust, temperature,
facilities/minimum standard
pressure, weather, germs,
viruses, radioactive material.

Medium exposure by physical

Pressure from superior or pressure hazards, chemical hazards and
from internal/external customer in Sometimes interact with mining dangers of biology hazard when
Probability of environment
Medium medium, work sometimes in indoor pit traffic, working with medium doing job in the working area,
accident is medium.
sometimes at outdoor. Facilities are in potential risk accident. such as dust , temperature,
in there but not so perfect. pressure, weather, germs,
viruses, radioactive material.

Interact highly with pit mining

traffic, working with high Low exposure by physical
Pressure from superior or pressure for Probability of environment
potential risk accident (working hazards, chemical hazard and
internal/external customer is low, work accident is high, this position
near water, working near dangers of biology hazard when
indoor, work area is equipped with requires the ability/ capability to
Low blasting, working at high, working doing job in the working area,
maximum facilities/completed prevent the accident to the
in high voltage area, working at such as dust, temperature,
standard equipment means is the environment that caused
confined space, working near pressure, weather, germs,
perfect equipment. environmental damage.
loosen digging face, operate viruses, radioactive material.
mobile equipment and so on).

4. Technical Know-How
Level Description
Let’s start with definition level of
technical competencies by Hay
Level Explanation

A. Basic Work of this kind is extremely simple, short cycle in nature, and typically involves manual effort. Familiarity with simple work routines;
work indoctrination.

B. Elementary Capable of carrying out uninvolved, standard procedures AND/OR using equipment or machines which are simple to operate.

C. Intermediate Skill and/or Experienced in applying methods or procedures, which generally are well defined and straightforward, but with occasional deviations.
Knowledge Skill in the use of specialized equipment may be needed.

D. Extended Skill and/or Accomplished in implementing practical procedures or systems, which are moderately complex AND/OR specialized skills, which
Knowledge require some technical knowledge (usually non-theoretical) to apply.

E. Diverse or Specialized A sound understanding of and skill in several activities which involve a variety of practices and precedents OR a basic understanding of
the theory and principles in a scientific or similar discipline.

F. Seasoned, Diverse or Extensive knowledge and skill gained through broad or deep experiences in a field (or fields) which requires a command of EITHER
Specialized involved, diverse practices and precedents OR scientific theory and principles OR both.

G. Broad or Specialized Mastery of theories, principles, and complex techniques OR the diverse, cumulative equivalent gained through broad seasoning
Mastery AND/OR special development.

Section 3
Job Value and Job
Table of Content of Section
Section 3 Job Value and Job Worth:
1. Job Analysis Process - Compensation Structure Diagram
2. Core Competence Diagram
3. Factor & Sub Factor (Compensable Factor)
1. Factor & Sub Factor List
2. Level Definition for Factor and Sub-Factor
4. Compensable Factor Calculation
1. Weightening of Compensable Factor
2. AHP for each Compensable Factor (Factor, Sub Factor)
3. Determining Maximum Job Value
4. Calculating Score in Highest Level
5. Calculating Score in Lowest Level
6. Interpolate Method to Calculate Score in All Level
5. Job Value of All Job Description
1. Calculation Job Value for every job position
2. Total Table for Each Job Description
6. Job Worth Section
1. Process Diagram to Get Job Worth
2. Survey/Benchmark Data of Job Value
3. Calculation of The Job Worth to Get Desired Setting
4. Calculation Job Worth using Certain Setting
5. Summary Salary Analysis & Decision
Job Analysis Process - Compensation Structure


Core Competence Diagram 141

Factor & Sub Factor (Compensable
List of Compensable Factor and level of definition (by Spencer & Spencer competency dictionary) for every

Factor Sub-Factor Factor Sub-Factor

Self Confidence (SCF) Analytical Thinking (AT)

Achievement Orientation (ACH) Expertise (EXP)

Concern for Quality and Order (CO) Flexibility (FLX) Factor Sub-Factor
Interpersonal Understanding (IU) Conceptual Thinking (CT) Comfort Level
Teamwork and Cooperation (TW) Competence Information Seeking (INFO) Accident Risk
Environment Conditions
Organizational Commitment (OC) Initiative (INT)

Healthy Level
Influencing Others (RB)

Factor Sub-Factor Customer Service

Orientation (CSO)
Directiveness (DIR)
Factor Sub-Factor
Team Leader (TL)
Competence Expertise (Experience,
Teaching and Coaching (DEV) Education, Certificate/Training)
Impact and Influence (IMP) Technical Know-How
Level Definition for Expertise Sub-

Level Definition for Expertise
Technical Know How & Working

Weight for each factor & sub-factor
This is a diagram that show weight for all compensable factor that have been calculated below.

Analytical Hierarchy Process - Step, Process, and Screenshoot
Analytical Hierarchy Process used for determined the weight for every compensable factor (factor and sub-factor). Below
is the decision matrix and calculation that we have done.
Core Competence > Technical Competence > Functional Competence > Managerial Competence > Working
“ > “ symbol indicate that indicates that these factors are more important than others

Analytical Hierarchy Process - Step, Process, and Screenshoot
This is the screenshot for consistency check and weighting percentage from the decision matrix above.

AHP for Core Competence Sub Factor (1)
Analytical Hierarchy Process used for determined the weight for core competence sub factor. Below is the decision matrix
and calculation that we have done.

Self Confidence (SCF) > Achievement Orientation (ACH) > Concern for Quality and Order (CO) > Interpersonal
Understanding (IU) > Teamwork and Cooperation (TW) > Organizational Commitment (OC)
“ > “ symbol indicate that indicates that these factors are more important than others

AHP for Core Competence Sub Factor (2)
This is the screenshot for consistency check and weighting percentage from the decision matrix above.

AHP for Functional Competence Sub Factor (1)
Analytical Hierarchy Process used for determined the weight for functional competence sub factor. Below is the decision
matrix and calculation that we have done.

Expertise (EXP) > Analytical Thinking (AT) > Conceptual Thinking (CT) > Initiative (INT) > Customer Service
Orientation (CSO) > Influencing Others (RB) > Information Seeking (INFO) > Flexibility (FLX)
“ > “ symbol indicate that indicates that these factors are more important than others

AHP for Functional Competence Sub Factor (2)
This is the screenshot for consistency check and weighting percentage from the decision matrix above.

AHP for Managerial Competence Sub Factor (1)
Analytical Hierarchy Process used for determined the weight for managerial competence sub factor. Below is the decision
matrix and calculation that we have done.

Team Leader (TL) > Teaching and Coaching (DEV) > Impact and Influence (IMP) > Directiveness (DIR)
“ > “ symbol indicate that indicates that these factors are more important than others

AHP for Managerial Competence Sub Factor (2)
This is the screenshot for consistency check and weighting percentage from the decision matrix above.

AHP for Expertise Sub Sub Factor (1)
Analytical Hierarchy Process used for determined the weight for expertise sub sub factor. Below is the decision matrix
and calculation that we have done.

Education > Certificate > Expertise

“ > “ symbol indicate that indicates that these factors are more important than others

AHP for Expertise Sub Sub Factor (2)
This is the screenshot for consistency check and weighting percentage from the decision matrix above.

AHP for Technical Competence Sub Factor (1)
Analytical Hierarchy Process used for determined the weight for technical competence sub factor. Below is the decision
matrix and calculation that we have done.

Technical Know-How > Expertise

“ > “ symbol indicate that indicates that these factors are more important than others

AHP for Technical Competence Sub Factor (2)
This is the screenshot for consistency check and weighting percentage from the decision matrix above.

AHP for Working Condition Sub Factor (1)
Analytical Hierarchy Process used for determined the weight for working condition sub factor. Below is the decision
matrix and calculation that we have done.

Environmental Conditions > Accident Risk > Comfort Level > Healthy Level
“ > “ symbol indicate that indicates that these factors are more important than others

AHP for Working Condition Sub Factor (2)
This is the screenshot for consistency check and weighting percentage from the decision matrix above.

Determining Maximum Job
Based on the best practice available, it was
decided that the maximum job value we took was
100,000. Later this will be used further to
calculate the weight and job value determination
of each job description.
The reason for taking max job value 100,000
because we think the salary ratio for job
description of the lowest and highest level in the
Telkomsel Company has a ratio of 1:15. Thus, the
determination of 100.00 is appropriate to meet
that range.
Further calculations related to the score and
determination of the highest and lowest values are
done in the explanation below. 160
Calculate Score in Highest Level for each Compensable Factor
We calculate the highest level from multiplication between overall percentage of each factor and maximum job value.

Determine Score in Lowest Level for each Compensable
We calculate the lowest level from ratio 1:15, so the value of highest level divided by 15.

Interpolate Method to Calculate Score
We calculate the value others level using interpolate method by get the median value using formula: (Max Value - Min
Value)/(∆ of maximum and minimum level).

Calculating Job Value
for All Job Description
Job Title : President Director
Job Family : Board of Director
Top Management
Job Title : President Director
Job Family : Board of Director

Specifically, job value calculations performed using this

method are used for non-executive positions. Since the President
Director is an executive position (top management), it is
necessary to using another method/ approach called executive
This calculation is done by directly reviewing and comparing
the salary of external equity / external competitiveness of other
companies as the basis of benchmarking. In more detail, the
calculations for the President Director of Telkomsel will be
discussed in more depth in the Job Worth section along with other
job descriptions.
Job Title : Senior Manager
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance
Middle Management
Job Title : Senior Manager of Finance
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department
Job Competency Profile: Core Competence

No. Core Competence Level Value

1 Self Confidence (SCF) 3 7.445

2 Achievement Orientation (ACH) 4 6.799

3 Concern for Quality and Order (CO) 5 5.180

4 Interpersonal Understanding (IU) 5 4.230

5 Teamwork and Cooperation (TW) 6 1.984

6 Organizational Commitment (OC) 3 620

Total Job Value 26.259

Job Title : Senior Manager of Finance
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department
Job Competency Profile: Functional Competence
No. Functional Competence Level Value

1 Analytical Thinking (AT) 6 2.940

2 Expertise (EXP) 6 3.491

3 Flexibility (FLX) 6 420

4 Conceptual Thinking (CT) 6 1.892

5 Information Seeking (INFO) 6 473

6 Customer Service Orientation (CSO) 7 644

7 Influencing others (RB) 6 513

8 Initiative (INT) 0 0

9 Organizational Awareness (OA) 0 0

10 Self Control (SCT) 0 0

Total Job Value 10.372

Job Title : Senior Manager of Finance
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department
Job Competency Profile: Managerial Competence

No. Managerial Competence Level Value

1 Directiveness (DIR) 5 256

2 Team Leader (TL) 6 4.256

3 Teaching and Coaching (DEV) 8 1.413

4 Impact and Influence (IMP) 4 411

Total Job Value 6.336

Job Title : Senior Manager of Finance
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department

Job Competency Profile: Technical Competence

No. Tech. Competence Level Number of Level Average Level

1 Financial accounting skills including basic Broad or Specialized 7

book-keeping Mastery

2 Management accounting and financial Broad or Specialized 7

management skills Mastery

3 Written skills Diverse or Specialized 5

Process analysis and project management
4 Diverse or Specialized 5

5 Presentation skills Extended skill 4

6 IT skills Diverse or Specialized 5

Total Job Value 19.836

Job Title : Senior Manager of Finance
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department
Job Prerequisite: Hard Competence -- Expertise

No. Hard Competence -- Expertise Level Number of Level Value

1 Experience 7-10 years 4 596

2 Education Min. S2 5 6.133

3 Certificate Excellence 3 4.030

Total Job Value 10.758

Job Title : Senior Manager of Finance
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department

Job Prerequisite : Working Condition

No. Working Condition Level Number of Level Value

1 Comfort Level High 3 280

2 Accident Risk High 3 680

3 Environmental Conditions High 3 1.320

4 Healthy Level High 3 160

Total Job Value 4.000

Job Title : Senior Manager of Finance
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department

Aggregate Table of Total Job Value

No. Working Condition Job Value

1 Core Competence 26.259

2 Functional Competence 10.372

3 Managerial Competence 6.336

4 Technical Competence (Tech Know-How) 19.836

5 Expertise 10.758

6 Working Condition 4.000

Total Job Value 77.561

Job Title : Finance Accounting
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance
Lower Management
Job Title : Finance Accounting Supervisor
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department
Job Competency Profile: Core Competence

No. Core Competence Level Value

1 Self Confidence (SCF) 5 13.762

2 Achievement Orientation (ACH) 5 8,742

3 Concern for Quality and Order (CO) 4 4.011

4 Interpersonal Understanding (IU) 4 3.243

5 Teamwork and Cooperation (TW) 6 1.984

6 Organizational Commitment (OC) 4 884

Total Job Value 32.626

Job Title : Finance Accounting Supervisor
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department
Job Competency Profile: Functional Competence

No. Functional Competence Level Value

1 Analytical Thinking (AT) 2 1.029

2 Expertise (EXP) 4 2.221

3 Flexibility (FLX) 4 263

4 Conceptual Thinking (CT) 5 1.543

5 Information Seeking (INFO) 3 212

6 Influencing others (RB) 4 327

Total Job Value 5.595

Job Title : Finance Accounting Supervisor
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department
Job Competency Profile: Managerial Competence

No. Managerial Competence Level Value

1 Directiveness (DIR) 1 32

2 Team Leader (TL) 4 2.688

3 Teaching and Coaching (DEV) 2 293

4 Impact and Influence (IMP) 3 293

Total Job Value 3.306

Job Title : Finance Accounting Supervisor
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department

Job Competency Profile: Technical Competence

No. Tech. Competence Level Number of Level Average Level

1 Financial accounting skills including basic Intermediate Skill 3


2 Analytical thinking about financial Intermediate Skill 3


3 Management accounting and financial Intermediate Skill 3

management skills 4

4 Written Skills Diverse or Specialized 5

5 Process analysis and project management Intermediate Skill 3


6 Presentation Skill Extended Skill 4

Total Job Value 12.528

Job Title : Finance Accounting Supervisor
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department

Job Prerequisite: Hard Competence -- Expertise

No. Hard Competence -- Expertise Level Number of Level Value

1 Experience 2-5 years 2 262

2 Education Min.S1 4 4,725

3 Certificate Excellence 3 4.030

Total Job Value 9.017

Job Title : Finance Accounting Supervisor
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department

Job Prerequisite : Working Condition

No. Working Condition Level Number of Level Value

1 Comfort Level High 3 280

2 Accident Risk High 3 680

3 Environmental Conditions High 3 1.320

4 Healthy Level High 3 160

Total Job Value 4.000

Job Title : Finance Accounting Supervisor
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department

Aggregate Table of Total Job Value

No. Working Condition Job Value

1 Core Competence 32.626

2 Functional Competence 5.595

3 Managerial Competence 3.306

4 Technical Competence (Tech Know-How) 12.528

5 Expertise 9.017

6 Working Condition 4.000

Total Job Value 67.072

Job Title : Finance Accounting
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance
Lower Management
Job Title : Finance Accounting Staff
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department
Job Competency Profile: Core Competence

No. Core Competence Level Value

1 Self Confidence (SCF) 4 10.603

2 Achievement Orientation (ACH) 4 6.799

3 Concern for Quality and Order (CO) 5 5.180

4 Interpersonal Understanding (IU) 5 4.230

5 Teamwork and Cooperation (TW) 4 1.253

6 Organizational Commitment (OC) 3 620

Total Job Value 28.685

Job Title : Finance Accounting Staff
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department

Job Competency Profile: Functional Competence

No. Functional Competence Level Value

1 Analytical Thinking (AT) 3 1.786

2 Expertise (EXP) 3 1.587

3 Flexibility (FLX) 2 106

4 Conceptual Thinking (CT) 4 1.195

5 Information Seeking (INFO) 5 386

6 Influencing others (RB) 2 140

Total Job Value 5.200

Job Title : Finance Accounting Staff
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department
Job Competency Profile: Managerial Competence

No. Managerial Competence Level Value

1 Directiveness (DIR) 5 256

2 Team Leader (TL) 2 1.120

3 Teaching and Coaching (DEV) 5 853

4 Impact and Influence (IMP) 2 176

Total Job Value 2.405

Job Title : Finance Accounting Staff
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department

Job Competency Profile: Technical Competence

No. Tech. Competence Level Number of Level Average Level

1 Financial accounting skills including basic Intermediate Skill 3


2 Analytical thinking about financial Intermediate Skill 3


3 Management accounting and financial Intermediate Skill 3

management skills 3

4 Written Skills Diverse or Specialized 4

5 Process analysis and project management Intermediate Skill 2


6 Presentation Skill Extended Skill 3

Total Job Value 8.874

Job Title : Finance Accounting Staff
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department
Job Prerequisite: Hard Competence -- Expertise

No. Hard Competence -- Expertise Level Number of Level Value

1 Experience 0-2 1 95

2 Education Min. S1 4 4.725

Total Job Value 4.820

Job Title : Finance Accounting Staff
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department

Aggregate Table of Total Job Value

No. Working Condition Job Value

1 Core Competence 28.685

2 Functional Competence 5.200

3 Managerial Competence 2.405

4 Technical Competence (Tech Know-How) 8.874

5 Expertise 4.820

6 Working Condition 4.000

Total Job Value 53.984

Job Title : Senior Manager of
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing
Middle Management
Job Title : Finance Accounting Staff
Job Family : Finance
Departement : Finance Department

Job Prerequisite : Working Condition

No. Working Condition Level Number of Level Value

1 Comfort Level High 3 280

2 Accident Risk High 3 680

3 Environmental Conditions High 3 1.320

4 Healthy Level High 3 160

5 Mental Demands High 3 1.560

Total Job Value 4.000

Job Title : Senior Manager of Marketing
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department
Job Competency Profile: Core Competence

No. Core Competence Level Value

1 Self Confidence (SCF) 6 16.920

2 Achievement Orientation (ACH) 5 8.742

3 Concern for Quality and Order (CO) 5 5.180

4 Interpersonal Understanding (IU) 5 4.230

5 Teamwork and Cooperation (TW) 7 2.350

6 Organizational Commitment (OC) 3 620

Total Job Value 38.043

Job Title : Senior Manager of Marketing
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department
Job Competency Profile: Functional Competence
No. Functional Competence Level Value

1 Analytical Thinking (AT) 5 3.302

2 Expertise (EXP) 7 4.125

3 Flexibility (FLX) 6 420

4 Conceptual Thinking (CT) 6 1.892

5 Information Seeking (INFO) 5 386

6 Customer Service Orientation (CSO) 7 644

7 Influencing others (RB) 6 513

8 Initiative (INT) 0 0

9 Organizational Awareness (OA) 0 0

10 Self Control (SCT) 0 0

Total Job Value 11.282

Job Title : Senior Manager of Marketing
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department
Job Competency Profile: Managerial Competence

No. Managerial Competence Level Value

1 Directiveness (DIR) 7 368

2 Team Leader (TL) 6 4.256

3 Teaching and Coaching (DEV) 8 1.413

4 Impact and Influence (IMP) 4 411

Total Job Value 6.448

Job Title : Senior Manager of Marketing
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department

Job Competency Profile: Technical Competence

No. Tech. Competence Level Number of Level Average Level

1 Writing Attitude Diverse or Specialized 5

Orientation to Data-Driven Decision

2 Extended Skill 4

3 Propensity to Adopt Technology Diverse or Specialized 5

4 Campaign Management Skills Broad or Specialized 7

5 Graphic and Web Design Creativity Intermediate Skill 3

6 Content, Digital and Social Marketing Broad or Specialized 7

Aptitude Mastery

Total Job Value 16.182

Job Title : Senior Manager of Marketing
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department
Job Prerequisite: Hard Competence -- Expertise

No. Hard Competence -- Expertise Level Number of Level Value

1 Experience 7-10 years 4 596

2 Education Min. S2 5 6.133

3 Certificate Excellence 3 4.030

Total Job Value 10.758

Job Title : Senior Manager of Marketing
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department

Job Prerequisite : Working Condition

No. Working Condition Level Number of Level Value

1 Comfort Level High 3 280

2 Accident Risk High 3 680

3 Environmental Conditions High 3 1.320

4 Healthy Level High 3 160

Total Job Value 4.000

Job Title : Senior Manager of Marketing
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department

Aggregate Table of Total Job Value

No. Working Condition Job Value

1 Core Competence 38.043

2 Functional Competence 11.282

3 Managerial Competence 6.448

4 Technical Competence (Tech Know-How) 16.182

5 Expertise 10.758

6 Working Condition 4.000

Total Job Value 86.713

Job Title : Marketing Communication
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department
Middle Management
Job Title : Marketing Communication Supervisor
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department
Job Competency Profile: Core Competence

No. Core Competence Level Value

1 Self Confidence (SCF) 5 13.762

2 Achievement Orientation (ACH) 4 6.799

3 Concern for Quality and Order (CO) 4 4.011

4 Interpersonal Understanding (IU) 4 3.243

5 Teamwork and Cooperation (TW) 6 1.984

6 Organizational Commitment (OC) 4 884

Total Job Value 30.683

Job Title : Marketing Communication Supervisor
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department
Job Competency Profile: Functional Competence
No. Functional Competence Level Value

1 Analytical Thinking (AT) 5 3.302

2 Expertise (EXP) 5 2.856

3 Flexibility (FLX) 5 342

4 Conceptual Thinking (CT) 5 1.543

5 Information Seeking (INFO) 3 212

6 Customer Service Orientation (CSO) 6 546

7 Influencing others (RB) 6 513

8 Initiative (INT) 0 0

9 Organizational Awareness (OA) 0 0

10 Self Control (SCT) 0 0

Total Job Value 9.314

Job Title : Marketing Communication Supervisor
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department
Job Competency Profile: Managerial Competence

No. Managerial Competence Level Value

1 Directiveness (DIR) 5 256

2 Team Leader (TL) 4 2.688

3 Teaching and Coaching (DEV) 2 293

4 Impact and Influence (IMP) 2 176

Total Job Value 3.413

Job Title : Marketing Communication Supervisor
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department

Job Competency Profile: Technical Competence

No. Tech. Competence Level Number of Level Average Level

1 Understanding the knowledge of marketing Diverse or Specialized 5

2 Following and implementing latest Diverse or Specialized 5

communication technology developments.
Propensity to adopt technology

Seasoned, Diverse or
3 Mastering the macroeconomics scale 6
4 Knowing your customers Broad or Specialized 7

5 Campaign Management Skills Extend skill and/or 4


6 Energetic, sociable as well as good Extend skill and/or 4

communication skills knowledge

Total Job Value 16,182

Job Title : Marketing Communication Supervisor
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department
Job Prerequisite: Hard Competence -- Expertise

No. Hard Competence -- Expertise Level Number of Level Value

1 Experience 2-5 years 2 262

2 Education Min. D4/S1 4 4.725

3 Certificate Excellence 3 4.030

Total Job Value 9.017

Job Title : Marketing Communication Supervisor
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department

Job Prerequisite : Working Condition

No. Working Condition Level Number of Level Value

1 Comfort Level High 3 280

2 Accident Risk Medium 2 363

3 Environmental Conditions Medium 2 704

4 Healthy Level High 3 160

Total Job Value 2.339

Job Title : Marketing Communication Supervisor
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department

Aggregate Table of Total Job Value

No. Working Condition Job Value

1 Core Competence 30.683

2 Functional Competence 9.314

3 Managerial Competence 3.413

4 Technical Competence (Tech Know-How) 16.182

5 Expertise 9.017

6 Working Condition 2.339

Total Job Value 70.948

Job Title : Marketing Communication Staff
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department
Middle Management
Job Title : Marketing Communication Staff
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department
Job Competency Profile: Core Competence

No. Core Competence Level Value

1 Self Confidence (SCF) 5 13.762

2 Achievement Orientation (ACH) 4 6.799

3 Concern for Quality and Order (CO) 3 2.841

4 Interpersonal Understanding (IU) 4 3.243

5 Teamwork and Cooperation (TW) 4 1.253

6 Organizational Commitment (OC) 3 620

Total Job Value 28.518

Job Title : Marketing Communication Staff
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department
Job Competency Profile: Functional Competence
No. Functional Competence Level Value

1 Analytical Thinking (AT) 2 1.029

2 Expertise (EXP) 3 1.587

3 Flexibility (FLX) 3 185

4 Conceptual Thinking (CT) 4 1.195

5 Information Seeking (INFO) 2 124

6 Customer Service Orientation (CSO) 6 546

7 Influencing others (RB) 4 327

8 Initiative (INT) 0 0

9 Organizational Awareness (OA) 0 0

10 Self Control (SCT) 0 0

Total Job Value 4.993

Job Title : Marketing Communication Staff
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department
Job Competency Profile: Managerial Competence

No. Managerial Competence Level Value

1 Directiveness (DIR) 4 200

2 Team Leader (TL) 4 2.688

3 Teaching and Coaching (DEV) 0 0

4 Impact and Influence (IMP) 2 176

Total Job Value 3.064

Job Title : Marketing Communication Staff
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department

Job Competency Profile: Technical Competence

No. Tech. Competence Level Number of Level Average Level

1 Understanding the knowledge of marketing Intermediate skill 3

and/or knowledge

2 Following and implementing latest Extend skill and/or 4

communication technology developments. knowledge
Propensity to adopt technology

3 Mastering the macroeconomics scale Extend skill and/or 4

4 Knowing your customers Diverse or specialized 5

6 Energetic, sociable as well as good Seasoned, diverse or 6

communication skills specialized

Total Job Value 12.528

Job Title : Marketing Communication Staff
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department
Job Prerequisite: Hard Competence -- Expertise

No. Hard Competence -- Expertise Level Number of Level Value

1 Experience 0-2 years 1 95

2 Education Min. D3 3 3.318

3 Certificate - 0 0

Total Job Value 3.413

Job Title : Marketing Communication Staff
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department

Job Prerequisite : Working Condition

No. Working Condition Level Number of Level Value

1 Comfort Level High 3 280

2 Accident Risk Low 1 45

3 Environmental Conditions Medium 2 704

4 Healthy Level High 3 160

Total Job Value 1.293

Job Title : Marketing Communication Staff
Job Family : Marketing
Departement : Marketing Department

Aggregate Table of Total Job Value

No. Working Condition Job Value

1 Core Competence 28.518

2 Functional Competence 4.993

3 Managerial Competence 3.064

4 Technical Competence (Tech Know-How) 12.528

5 Expertise 3.413

6 Working Condition 1.293

Total Job Value 53.809

Job Title : Senior Manager of Human Capital
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Middle Management
Job Title : Senior Manager of Human Capital Management
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Competency Profile: Core Competence

No. Core Competence Level Value

1 Self Confidence (SCF) 4 10.603

2 Achievement Orientation (ACH) 4 6.799

3 Concern for Quality and Order (CO) 6 6.350

4 Interpersonal Understanding (IU) 5 4.230

5 Teamwork and Cooperation (TW) 6 1.984

6 Organizational Commitment (OC) 3 620

Total Job Value 30.588

Job Title : Senior Manager of Human Capital Management
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Competency Profile: Functional Competence
No. Functional Competence Level Value

1 Analytical Thinking (AT) 5 3.302

2 Expertise (EXP) 7 4.125

3 Flexibility (FLX) 6 420

4 Conceptual Thinking (CT) 6 1.892

5 Information Seeking (INFO) 6 473

6 Initiative (INT) 6 819

7 Influencing others (RB) 7 607

8 Customer Service Orientation (CSO) 0 0

9 Organizational Awareness (OA) 0 0

10 Self Control (SCT) 0 0

Total Job Value 11.638

Job Title : Senior Manager of Human Capital Management
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Competency Profile: Managerial Competence

No. Managerial Competence Level Value

1 Directiveness (DIR) 5 256

2 Team Leader (TL) 6 4.256

3 Teaching and Coaching (DEV) 8 1.413

4 Impact and Influence (IMP) 4 411

Total Job Value 6.336

Job Title : Senior Manager of Human Capital Management
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department

Job Competency Profile: Technical Competence

No. Tech. Competence Level Number of Level Average Level

1 Knowledge about Human Capital and its Broad or Specialized 7

practice Mastery

2 Presentation skills Extended skill 4

Broad or Specialized
3 Human Capital Planning Capability 7
4 Performance Management Diverse or Specialized 5

5 Personal and Organizational Capability Diverse or Specialized 5

6 Communicate and Listen Seasoned, Diverse or 6


Total Job Value 19.836

Job Title : Senior Manager of Human Capital Management
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Prerequisite: Hard Competence -- Expertise

No. Hard Competence -- Expertise Level Number of Level Value

1 Experience 7-10 years 4 596

2 Education Min. S2 5 6.133

3 Certificate Excellence 3 4.030

Total Job Value 10.758

Job Title : Senior Manager of Human Capital Management
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department

Job Prerequisite : Working Condition

No. Working Condition Level Number of Level Value

1 Comfort Level High 3 280

2 Accident Risk High 3 680

3 Environmental Conditions High 3 1.320

4 Healthy Level High 3 160

Total Job Value 4.000

Job Title : Senior Manager of Human Capital Management
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department

Aggregate Table of Total Job Value

No. Working Condition Job Value

1 Core Competence 30.588

2 Functional Competence 11.638

3 Managerial Competence 6.336

4 Technical Competence (Tech Know-How) 19.836

5 Expertise 10.758

6 Working Condition 4.000

Total Job Value 83.156

Job Title : People Development Supervisor
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Middle Management
Job Title : People Development Supervisor
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Competency Profile: Core Competence

No. Core Competence Level Value

1 Self Confidence (SCF) 4 10.603

2 Achievement Orientation (ACH) 4 6. 799

3 Concern for Quality and Order (CO) 6 6.350

4 Interpersonal Understanding (IU) 5 4.230

5 Teamwork and Cooperation (TW) 7 2.350

6 Organizational Commitment (OC) 3 620

Total Job Value 30.952

Job Title : People Development Supervisor
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Competency Profile: Functional Competence

No. Functional Competence Level Value

1 Analytical Thinking (AT) 4 2.544

2 Flexibility (FLX) 5 342

3 Conceptual Thinking (CT) 2 498

4 Information Seeking (INFO) 4 299

5 Initiative (INT) 6 819

6 Customer Service Orientation (CSO) 8 700

Total Job Value 5. 202

Job Title : People Development Supervisor
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Competency Profile: Managerial Competence

No. Managerial Competence Level Value

1 Directiveness (DIR) 4 200

2 Team Leader (TL) 4 2.688

3 Teaching and Coaching (DEV) 8 1.413

4 Impact and Influence (IMP) 7 1.263

Total Job Value 5.564

Job Title : People Development Supervisor
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Competency Profile: Technical Competence
No. Tech. Competence Level Number of Level Average Level

1 Knowledge about Human Capital and its Diverse or 5

practice Specialized

2 Presentation skills Intermediate Skill 3

and/or Knowledge

Seasoned, Diverse or
3 Human Capital Planning Capability 6 5

4 Performance Management Diverse or Specialized 5

5 Personal and Organizational Capability Diverse or Specialized 5

6 Communicate and Listen Diverse or Specialized 5

Total Job Value 16.182

Job Title : People Development Supervisor
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Prerequisite: Hard Competence -- Expertise

No. Hard Competence -- Expertise Level Number of Level Value

1 Experience 2-5 years 2 262

2 Education Min. S1 4 4.725

3 Certificate Excellence 3 4.030

Total Job Value 9.017

Job Title : People Development Supervisor
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department

Job Prerequisite : Working Condition

No. Working Condition Level Number of Level Value

1 Comfort Level High 3 280

2 Accident Risk Low 1 45

3 Environmental Conditions High 3 680

4 Healthy Level High 3 1.320

Total Job Value 3.157

Job Title : People Development Supervisor
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department

Aggregate Table of Total Job Value

No. Working Condition Job Value

1 Core Competence 30.952

2 Functional Competence 5.202

3 Managerial Competence 5.564

Technical Competence (Tech Know-

4 16.182

5 Expertise 9.017

6 Working Condition 3.157

Total Job Value 70.074

Job Title : Training Staff
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Middle Management
Job Title : Training Staff
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Competency Profile: Core Competence

No. Core Competence Level Value

1 Self Confidence (SCF) 3 7.445

2 Achievement Orientation (ACH) 4 6.799

3 Concern for Quality and Order (CO) 3 2.841

4 Interpersonal Understanding (IU) 4 3.243

5 Teamwork and Cooperation (TW) 5 1.619

6 Organizational Commitment (OC) 3 1.410

Total Job Value 23.357

Job Title : Training Staff
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Competency Profile: Functional Competence

No. Functional Competence Level Value

1 Analytical Thinking (AT) 4 2.544

2 Expertise (EXP) 4 2.221

3 Flexibility (FLX) 2 106

4 Conceptual Thinking (CT) 2 498

5 Information Seeking (INFO) 4 299

6 Initiative (INT) 5 672

7 Customer Service Orientation (CSO) 4 350

Total Job Value 6.690

Job Title : Training Staff
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Competency Profile: Managerial Competence

No. Managerial Competence Level Value

1 Directiveness (DIR) 4 200

2 Team Leader (TL) 4 2.688

3 Teaching and Coaching (DEV) 4 667

4 Impact and Influence (IMP) 3 293

Total Job Value 3.848

Job Title : Training Staff
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department

Job Competency Profile: Technical Competence

No. Tech. Competence Level Number of Level Average Level

1 Knowledge about Human Capital and its Diverse or Specialized 4


2 Presentation skills Diverse or Specialized 4

3 Human Capital Planning Capability Diverse or Specialized 4

4 Performance Management Diverse or Specialized 4

5 Personal and Organizational Capability Diverse or Specialized 4

6 Communicate and Listen Diverse or Specialized 4

Total Job Value 12.528

Job Title : Training Staff
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department
Job Prerequisite: Hard Competence -- Expertise

No. Hard Competence -- Expertise Level Number of Level Value

1 Experience 0-2 years 1 95

2 Education Min. S1 4 4.725

3 Certificate Satisfy 2 2.149

Total Job Value 6.969

Job Title : Training Staff
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department

Job Prerequisite : Working Condition

No. Working Condition Level Number of Level Value

1 Comfort Level High 3 280

2 Accident Risk Low 1 45

3 Environmental Conditions High 3 1.320

4 Healthy Level High 3 160

Total Job Value 1.909

Job Title : Training Staff
Job Family : Human Capital
Department : Human Capital Department

Aggregate Table of Total Job Value

No. Working Condition Job Value

1 Core Competence 23.357

2 Functional Competence 6.690

3 Managerial Competence 3.848

Technical Competence (Tech Know-

4 12.528

5 Expertise 6.969

6 Working Condition 1.909

Total Job Value 55.301

Total Table for
Each Job
Tabel Total Job Value for Each Job Description
No. Job Title Job Family Management Position Total Job Value

1 Senior Manager of Finance Finance Middle Management 77.561

2 Finance Accounting Supervisor Finance Lower Management 67.072

3 Finance Accounting Staff Finance Operator/Staff 53.984

4 Senior Manager of Marketing Marketing Middle Management 86.713

5 Marketing Communication Supervisor Marketing Lower Management 70.948

6 Marketing Communication Staff Marketing Operator/Staff 53.809

Senior Manager of Human Capital

7 Human Capital Middle Management 83.156

8 People Development Supervisor Human Capital Lower Management 70.074

9 Training Staff Human Capital Operator/Staff 55.301

Total Job Value Diagram for Each Job Description

Job Worth
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be y? fo d b riv n y
nc De rm ge etw ed Se rag
hm p n e fr
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get the Job Worth for every Job Position.

ar nd f c rate en om ng or
k in om s pr th
va g ic e
lu on pe the e b di
es t ns h e vi
us he ati igh nch ded
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. lec or t v ar
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of h P j
om ol ob
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This is the step by step process that we can do to

Process Diagram to Get Job Worth
Survey/Benchmark Data of Job Value

Calculate the Job Worth to Get Desired Setting

1. Determination of job worth is done by dividing salary with job value.
2. We still use the three levels (lowest, average, and highest) because the salary represents
the overall salary range of the telecommunications company, therefore there are 3 values
each of each job worth to be the value of the constant.
3. The president director is not calculated because it will be directly determined by looking at
the comparison of salary values of other companies (benchmark executive companions).

Calculation Table of Job Worth Using Desired Setting

1. The calculation is done by multiplying Job Value with Job Worth according to the desired
2. Each of the calculation results will be grouped into job worth results both low, average, and
high as a description of the range of salary in the Indonesian telecommunications
3. Furthermore, we will determine the appropriate job worth for the Telkomsel company by
using one of the setting to determine the salary of each job position in the company.
Summary Salary
Analysis &
Analysis &
Based on calculations made, the decision to
calculate the value of salary by using the highest
since Telkomsel is the best company and pioneer in
the field of telecommunication in Indonesia.
The President Director's salary
determination uses the highest setting. Based
on the benchmark calculation, it is stipulated
that the President Director's salary is Rp
Summary Salary Table

1. We choose to use the average salary benchmark because we think the salary ratio is more
reasonable and appropriate.
2. Job worth average uses the average constant because according to our group also the
comparison is most appropriate and reasonable.
3. This results in a comparable salary ratio like large companies in general that is 1: 12.

Other References:



● Assignment of PT Gudang Garam by Erlina Permatasari 19011035,

Fawziani Inggrita 19011029, Friska Putri Pratiwi 19011022, Reza Marta
Fawzy 19011146, Sukmayanti 19011110.
Any questions?


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