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What happened???

What happened???

 Last year, 2GO Travel has been set on fire after alleged
purposeful inflation of its profits for the year 2015 and
2016 by overstating its receivables to attract investors
which bore holes on the shipping company’s credibility
and integrity.

 This has been one of the major accounting scandals

that SEC investigated. To resolve the issue SEC
suspended the company for 2 days.
What happened???

 The issue came up after Sulficio Tagud, Jr. retired both

from the management and the board of 2GO Group,
Inc. in April, and Dennis Uy became president and
chief executive officer. Frederic DyBuncio of SM
Investments was elected ExCom chairman.
 The new management who take over the company
hired SGV & Company to conduct a special audit
which discovered the discrepancies.
What happened???

 SGV used to be the external auditor of 2GO. But in

2014, the 2GO board of directors replaced SGV with
the accounting giant's rival KPMG RG Manabat &
Company who audited the 2015 and 2016 financial
statements of 2GO.
 Tagud explained that the 2GO board decided to replace
SGV in 2014 due to a major disagreement between
management and the auditing firm over how to treat a
deferred tax asset during the 2013 audit.
What happened???

 As a result of the special audit, the new management

with the support and approval of the newly elected
members of the audit committee and board of directors,
issue the restatement of the prior period financial
What happened???

 The restated financial statement reported a net income

that is 90% and 74% lower than the 2015 and 2016
reports, respectively. Also, for the first quarter of 2017,
2GO said it should have reported a net loss of P264.86
million, instead of a P267.562-million profit.
What happened???

 Despitethis, Mr. Uy remained confident that the

potential of 2GO to grow and be a major player in this
dynamic shipping and logistics industry remains intact.

 Therestatement is a commitment of the new

management and Board of Directors to raise corporate
governance standards in the company, Mr. Uy said.

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