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Lambert’s Conformal Conic

Conical Map Projections

Chapter 12
EASA Syllabus Ref:
03-01 General Properties of Projections
03-02 Representation of Meridians/Parallels
 Johannes Lambert developed the Lamberts
Conformal Conic Charts in 1770.
 His aim was to overcome the Mercator’s excessive
scale expansion at high latitudes, and to
 Cover large areas at near constant scale,
 Whilst still maintaining orthomorphism.
 It is based on the simple geometric conic, modified to
an orthomorphic conic, and then further modified to
an orthomorphic conic with two standard parallels.
The Simple Conic
 The Simple Conic is based on a developable conic surface that can
be cut and opened out to form a flat surface

Apex of the Cone

The Simple Conic
 Point of projection is the centre of the Earth.
 The cone axis is aligned with the Earth axis making it a normal
 Cone is tangential to the reduced Earth at the PoO.
 This is also the Standard Parallel.
The Simple Conic
 As the apex angle changes
 the Parallel of Origin changes
 the segment “missing” from the cone changes
 The remaining section determining the:

Constant of the Cone or Chart Convergency Factor

75% 50% 25%

n=0.75 n=0.50 n=0.25
Values expressed as “η”
The Simple Conic
Properties along the Standard Parallel:
Correct scale.
Constant scale.
Properties along the Parallel of Origin:
Chart Convergency = Earth Convergency
The Simple Conic
 Meridians are projected as straight lines radiating from the apex.

Chart Convergency < Earth Convergency

 Chart Convergency is constant

over the entire map for a given d long.

Chart Convergency > Earth Convergency

The Simple Conic
 Scale along a meridian
expands at secant of the latitude.

 Scale along a parallel of latitude

expands at secant squared of the latitude.

Sec² of the Latitude

The Simple Conic Projection
is not Orthomorphic
The Simple Conic
 STP / PoO can be selected to cover any area to be mapped.
 Correct scale only along one parallel (STP).
 Made Orthomorphic through mathematics.
 SF<1 not used - results in a smaller constant
scale area that can be utilised. SF > 1

 Constant scale area is 16° of latitude,

±8° either side of the STP. SF = 1

SF > 1

 This does not satisfy the need for a

near constant scale chart covering
a large latitude band that Lambert was searching for.
Lambert’s Conformal Projection
 By allowing negative Scale Deviation,
the constant scale area can be increased.

 This can only be achieved with a

secant cone, which cuts through the
surface of the reduced Earth.


Standard Parallel Scale Correct (SF=1)

Parallel of Origin SF<1

Standard Parallel Scale Correct (SF=1)


• Scale expands
outside the SPs,
• Scale contracts
between the SPs
• The rate of scale change Projection
outside the SPs is
greater than the rate of Surface
scale change between SP
the SPs

• Standard Parallels 16° apart SD = 1%

will result in a maximum scale
How do SF = 1.01
contraction of 1% they do
approximately midway this
between the SPs.
• Because of the small scale 46°
contraction, the area between
the SPs can be accepted to
SD = -1% 30°
be at a constant scale.
SF = 0.99
• If the scale expansion is
limited to the same amount SD = 1%
(1%) the map can be deemed SF = 1.01
a constant scale chart.
Scale and 1/6th Rule

 If scale contraction and scale X% Expansion

expansion is to match the 1/6th rule
1/ th
applies: 6
 The total coverage of the map
North to South is 1½ times the
SP spacing. 2/ ths
 If the SP’s are 12° apart,
the chart will extend 18° 18°
from North to South. 12°
X% Contraction
 1/6th of the coverage is to the
North of the Northern SP. 2/ ths
 1/6th of the coverage is to the
South of Southern SP.
 4/6ths are between the two SPs. 1/ th

Constant scale chart should not have SPs more than 16°
apart, and not cover more than 24°Lat N-S.
Scale and 1/6th Rule

Applying the 1/6th Rule

Selecting the SP’s more
than 16° apart i.e. 56°N
and 20°N
in a chart where the scale
is only constant for a
small area either side of
the SPs.
Scale and 1/6th Rule
Question 1
 A Lambert’s map has standard parallels at 20°S and 36°S. At which
latitudes will the maximum scale expansion be equal to the
maximum scale contraction?

● For scale contractions and expansion to be

equal the 1/6th Rule must apply.

● D lat (SP to Max Contract) = 2 x D lat (SP to same


● Scale expansion at 16°S and 40°S equals

scale contraction at 28°S
Scale and 1/6th Rule
Question 2
 A Lamberts map which complies with the 1/6th rule has standard
parallels at 42°N and 54°N. What are the most northerly and most
southerly latitudes on this map?

● Complying with the 1/6th Rule means that

4/6s of the coverage is between the SPs
● and
1/6 north of the northern SP and 1/6 south of
the southern SP.

● D lat between the SPs = 12°

● 1/4 of 12° = 3°

● Most northern latitude is 57°N and

most southern latitude is 39°N
Scale and 1/6th Rule

Standard Parallel Scale Correct (SF=1)
Parallel of Origin SF<1
Standard Parallel Scale Correct (SF=1)


 SP’s 16° apart, and complying to 1/6th rule results in a constant scale
 1/ th rule ensures balanced scale deviation.
 The quoted scale on the Lamberts is the scale at the standard
 Meridians are straight lines converging to the nearer Pole.
 Chart Convergency = d long x Sin PoO
= d long x η (constant of the cone)
= d long x CCF (chart convergency factor)
 Parallels are arcs of circles, nearly equally spaced, all
centred on the nearer pole.
 Meridians and Parallels all intersect at right angles.
 The chart is orthomorphic/conformal through
mathematical manipulation.
 Angles correctly reflect angles on the Earth.
Shapes and Areas
 The Lamberts cannot be an equal area projection as it is

 but:

 If the latitudinal coverage is less than 24° the

distortion is minimized and areas and shapes are
fairly accurately represented.
Chart Convergency
 At the PoO
Chart Convergency = Earth Convergency

 At any other latitude

Chart C ≠ Earth C

 On the Polar side

Chart Convergency < Earth Convergency

 On the Equatorial side

Chart Convergency > Earth Convergency
Constant of the Cone
 Constant of the cone = η = sin PoO

 Constant of the cone is a ratio between the apex angle

of the unfolded cone and 360°.

50% 25%
n=0.50 n=0.25

η = sin PoO η = sin PoO η = sin PoO

.75 = sin PoO .50 = sin PoO .25 = sin PoO
PoO = 48°35’ PoO = 30° PoO = 14°28’
Great Circles and Rhumblines
 Great Circles between points on the PoO are straight lines, and all Great
Circles crossing the PoO at right angles (meridians) are straight lines.
 All other Great Circles are concave to the PoO.
 On maps with about 24° of latitude coverage and staying true to the 1/6th
rule, Great Circles are assumed to be straight lines.
 On most Lamberts charts the Great Circle is assumed to be a straight line
when close to the PoO.
Great Circles and Rhumblines
 Meridians are straight lines converging to the nearer pole.
 Parallels are arcs of circles centred at the poles.
 All other Rhumb Lines are complex curves concave to the nearer Pole.
 No simple means of plotting rhumb lines, the rhumbline track is however
parallel to the straight line track (great circle) at the mid point.
RL and Straight Line (GC) Calculations
 From earlier lessons:
 Difference between initial and final GC track directions?
 Difference between initial and/or final GC track and RL
 Chart Convergency = d long x Sin PoO
= d long x η (constant of the cone)
= d long x CCF(chart convergency factor)
Lamberts Conformal Projection
Convergency – Question 3
 An aircraft departs from A (100°E) on a rhumbline track of 068°T,
en-route to B (E140°). Both airports are in the Southern
Hemisphere, and the chart factor (n) is 0.6. Calculate:
 Chart Convergency: = dlong x n = 24°
 Conversion Angle: = ½ Chart Convergency = 12°
 Rhumbline Track at B: = RL Tr at A = 068°
 Initial GC track at A: = RL + CA = 080°
 Final GC track at B: = RL – CA = 056° or IGC – Conv = FGC



Conversion Angle

100°E 140°E
Lamberts Conformal Projection
Convergency – Question 4
 An aircraft departs from A (090°E) on an Initial GC track of 070°T,
en-route to B (E150°). Both airports are in the Northern
Hemisphere, and the chart factor (n) is 0.5. Calculate:
 Chart Convergency: = dlong x n = 30°
 Conversion Angle: = ½ Chart Convergency = 15°
 Rhumbline Track at A: = IGC + CA = 085°
 Final GC track at B: = IGC + Conv = 100°
 Rhumbline track at B: = RL at A = 085°
090°E 150°E


Conversion Angle
Lamberts Conformal Projection
Convergency – Question 5
 An aircraft departs from A (080°E) on a Great Circle track of
100°T, en-route to B (140°E). Both airports are in the Southern
Hemisphere, and the chart factor (n) is 0.4. At what meridian will
the aircraft be closest to the South Pole?
 Closest to South Pole = Southern Vertex
 Great Circle Track Angle at Vertex = 090° or 270°
Conv = 10°
d long = Conv / n
d long = 25°
25° E of 080°E = 105°E

80°E 105°E 140°E

Lamberts Conformal Projection
Convergency – Question 6
 On a Lambert’s projection the meridian through A (S50° E008°30’)
and B (S48° W006°30’) converge at an angle of 10.095°. What is
the parallel of origin for this chart?

CC  d long x Sin PoO

Sin PoO 
48° C=10.095° 48° d long
49° 49° 10,095 
Sin PoO 
50° 50° 15
51° 51° Sin PoO  0.673
10° 05° 00° 05° 10° PoO  4218'
Lamberts Conformal Projection
Tracks and Bearings – Question 7
 On a Lambert’s Chart in the Northern Hemisphere, a straight line is
drawn from A to B; the track measured at A is 070°T. An aircraft
leaves A on a constant heading of 070°T in zero wind conditions.
Where will this track pass B?
 North of B
 Overhead B
 South of B

Lamberts Conformal Projection
Great Circle – Question 8
 An aircraft flies from A (34°S122°E) to B (37°S 141°E) using an INS
to maintain it on the Great Circle track between A and B. A straight-
line track is drawn between A and B on a Lambert’s Chart with an
n=0.5. Where will the Great Circle track be in relation to the straight-
line track between A and B?
η = sin PoO
a) North of the straight-line track. .5 = sin PoO
b) On the straight-line track.
PoO = 30°
c) South of the straight-line track.
Chart Usage
 Close to the PoO a GC is assumed to be a straight line.
 To obtain a rhumbline (constant track) direction,
measure track at mid-meridian between departure and
 Scale may be considered as constant (1/6th rule) charts,
and latitudinal coverage ≤ 24°.
 On such charts a graduated scale ruler can be used for
measuring distances.
 For practical purposes, GC is a straight line.
 VOR bearings can be easily plotted.
 Graduated scale ruler used for distance measurement.
 If RL tracks are required – straight line track to be
measured at mid-meridian.
 Graticule not rectangular, plotting not as simple as on a
 Convergency to be applied when plotting NDB position
 The most widespread aviation chart in use:

 Plotting Charts (gridded and conventional),

 Topographical Charts,
 Meteorological Charts,
 Radio Navigation Charts.

 Ideal for use in mid-latitudes (approximately 20°-70°).

Lamberts Conformal Projection – Chart Fit
 East – West
 Same Standard Parallels – Fit
 Different Standard Parallels - No fit.
 Different SP, cause a difference in scale variation.
 Different PoO, different Convergency, different meridian
 North South
 Same Scale charts – No fit
 Same scale require different PoO, hence convergency
Lamberts Conformal Projection
Question 9
 From Rakovnik (50º05.9’N 013º41.5’E) to Frankfurt FFM (50º05.9’N
008º38.3’E) the True Track of departure along the straight line is
272º. The constant of the cone of this Lambert Conformal
Projection is:
CC = dlong sin PoO dlong = 5°3’12
a. 0.77 CC = d long x η CC = 4°
CC = dlong x CCF
b. 0.79
4 = 5°3’12 x η
c. 0.20
η = 0.79
d. 0.40 (50º05.9’N (50º05.9’N
008º38.3’E) 013º41.5’E)


Lamberts Conformal Projection
Question 10
 An aircraft is at position (53ºN 006ºW) and has a landmark at
position (52º47’N 004º45’W), with a relative bearing of 060º.
Given: T V M D C
Compass Heading: 051º 037 16w 053 2e 051
Variation: 16ºW
Deviation: 2ºE 037 + 060 = 097 + 180 = 277

What is the true bearing of the position line to be plotted from the
landmark to the aircraft on a Lambert’s chart with standard parallels
at 37ºN and 65ºN? CC = dlong sin PoO
PoO = 65 + 37 / 2 = 51° CC = 1.25 sin 51
a. 276º CC = 1
097 1
b. 278º
c. 250º
d. 277º
Lamberts Conformal Projection
Question 11
 On a Lambert Conformal Chart the distance between two parallels
of latitude (difference of latitude is 2º), is measured to be 112mm.
The distance between two meridians, spaced 2º longitude,
according to the chart is 70nm. The parallel of origin runs through
the middle of the described square. What is the convergency for a
d-long of 15º on this map?

a. 9.23º Dep = dlong x 60 x cos mean lat

b. 14.56º 70 = 2 x 60 x cos mean lat
c. 12.18º
Lat = 54°19
d. 7.50º
CC = dlong x sin lat
CC = 15 x sin 54°19
CC = 12.18°
Lamberts Conformal Projection
Question 12
 On a Lambert Conformal Chart the distance between two parallels
of latitude (difference of latitude is 2º), is measured to be 112mm.
The distance between two meridians, spaced 2º longitude,
according to the chart is 70nm. What is the scale of the chart, in the
middle of the square described?

a. 1 : 756,000 CL EL
b. 1 : 1,056,000
112mm 120nm
c. 1 : 1,233,000
11.2cm 120nm
d. 1 : 1,984,000
1cm 10.714nm x 1.852 x 1000 x 100
1cm 1 984 000
Lamberts Conformal Projection
Question 13
 An average true track of 120º is drawn between X (61º30’N) and Y
(58º30’N) on a Lambert’s Conformal Conic chart with a scale of
1:1,000,000 at 60ºN. The chart distance between X and Y is:

a. 33.4 cm X (61º30’N)
b. 66.7 cm
c. 38.5 cm
d. 36.0 cm 60° 360 nm
180 nm

360 x 1.852 x 100 x 1000

66 672 000 cm
66 672 000 cm / 1 000 000
Y (58º30’N)

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