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How to Show Possession in Spanish
What are Possessive Adjectives?
• Possessive Adjectives are words that show ownership or
• Let’s look at this chart of Possessive Adjectives in English:

belongs to me my belongs to us our

belongs to you your belongs to y’all your (y’all’s)
belongs to him his belongs to them their
belongs to her her
Possessive Adjectives in Spanish
• Possessive Adjectives also exist in Spanish, but with slight
differences from their English counterparts.
• Let’s look at this chart of Possessive Adjectives in Spanish:

belongs to nuestro/a
belongs to yo mi / mis nosotros nuestros/as
belongs to vuestro/a
belongs to tú tu / tus vosotros vuestros/as
belongs to él su / sus belongs to ellos su / sus
belongs to ella su / sus belongs to ellas su / sus
belongs to Vd. su / sus belongs to Vds. su / sus
Let’s start with MY
• If something belongs to yo,
use mi.
• For example:
• my pencil – mi lápiz
• my dad – mi papá

• However, if the
things/people is PLURAL,
you must use mis.
• For example:
• my books – mis libros
• my cousins – mis primos • Ella es mi madre.
Let’s move on to YOUR
• If something belongs to tú,
use tu.
• For example:
• your mom – tu mamá
• your pen – tu bolígrafo

• However, if the
things/people is PLURAL,
you must use tus.
• For example:
• your brothers – tus hermanos
• your flags – tus banderas
• Juan es tu amigo.
Let’s discuss HIS, HER, and THEIR
• If something belongs to él, ella,
usted, ellos, ellas, or ustedes use
• For example:
• his book – su libro
• her grandma – su abuela
• your car – su carro
• their house – su casa
• y’all’s class – su clase

• However, if the things/people is

PLURAL, you must use sus.
• For example: • Su mascota es un perro.
• his parents – sus padres
• their tables – sus mesas • Su mascota es un gato.
SU could be potentially confusing…
it can mean his, her, or their it can also mean your or y’all’s

“La Sra. Rodríguez es su profesora.”

could mean:
• Mrs. Rodríguez is his teacher.
• Mrs. Rodríguez is her teacher.
• Mrs. Rodríguez is your teacher.
• Mrs. Rodríguez is y’all’s teacher.
• Mrs. Rodríguez is their teacher.
How do I choose between SU and SUS?
Remember: it’s the objects being possessed that determine if
you’re going to use SU or SUS, not the people possessing.

Sus collares.
Su equipo favorito.
Su libro. Their collars.
Their favorite team.
His book. Sus pesas.
His weights.
Let’s continue with OUR
• If something belongs to
nosotros, use nuestro.
• For example:
• our teacher – nuestro profesor

• However, nuestro has four

forms, depending on the
object being possessed.
• nuestro amigo
• nuestra madre
• nuestros relojes
• Nuestra escuela es Sandalwood.
• nuestras computadoras
Let’s practice!
a) my computer ________ computadora
b) his cat ________
su gato
c) her parents ________ padres
d) our books ________ libros
e) y’all’s house ________ casa
f) their radio ________ radio
g) our desk ________ escritorio
h) your cousins ________ primas
i) their bicycles ________ bicicletas
j) my sisters ________ hermanas
More practice!
a) his brothers ________ hermanos
b) my family ________
mi familia
c) our windows ________ ventanas
d) your phone ________ teléfono
e) her dogs ________ perros
f) their house ________ casa
g) our classroom ________ sala de clase
h) y’all’s bookbags ________ mochilas
i) his parents ________ padres
j) your favorite music ________ música favorita

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