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Importance of project management

What is project?
 A project is an activity to create something unique.
Components of project
Causes of project failure
Managing project in any
Action plan
 Ask to student resources center, to provide platform
 Our sponsor’s for the seminar is Bahria University itself.
 The seminar will be for 4 hours which will comprise of 2
renowned speakers each consulting the audience for 45 mins,
 along with the physical activities performed to release stress.
 there will be a certificates distributions in the end by SRC
 The Seminar was held on 14th May 2018 (Monday) between
10am to 2pm at Al-Beruni Auditorium of Bahria University
Karachi campus, within the budget of Rs. 32,000
 Iqra Younus is the Project Manager.
 Shumaila is responsible for marketing and
promotional activities
 Ghazal Bhutto is Human Resource Manager
 Tooba Waris are Budget and Variance Manager
 Maryam Irfan is the technical & administration
 The seminar includes:
 What is PMI
 What is scrum alliance
 Waterfall vs agile
 Traditional leadership vs servant leadership
 Everyday life of a project manager
 Quality in project management
Participants in this seminar will
 To assess their personal levels of projects
 To determine the root causes of failures in their
 To recognize their own patterns of project
 Practical tips and techniques for managing project
 Strategies for avoiding bad management
 New ways of dealing with stressful situations,
people and attitudes.
 Methods to reduces the variances in project
Project Scope Management Plan
 Scope management plan contains –
 scope planning
 execution
 control
 The seminar on how important is project
management for software houses, seminar
conducted in Bahria University Karachi Campus
by our project team incorporated the following
scope management activities:
 Organize a Seminar on project management plays
a vital role in making software
 We need to invite Guest Speakers for the seminar
 We need to invite audience who will be the
students of Bahria University from all Departments
 We need to confirm availability of Auditorium and
get approval
 We need to arrange high tea for the guests and
 We have to arrange Shields and Prizes
 We have to complete all arrangements one week
before seminar
 What should be included:
 This includes:
 Budget creation
 Establishing a planning timeline
 Visit & decoration of auditorium.
 Seminar day plan
 Provide decor, Sound & Lights recommendations
 Manage the rehearsal of the role of Project
management in any organization seminar.
 Ideas that is creative to make seminar more
creative and effective.
 Manage timings of each and every segment.
Schedule Management Plan
Program Evaluation Review Technique
Network Diagram
Work breakdown structure
 Deliverables
1. Planning and supervision
2. Venue
3. Equipments
4. Guest speaker session
5. Other related activities
6. Marketing
7. Sponsorship
8. Staff
1- Planning
 Planning

 Budget

 Disbursement

 Coordination

 Availability of auditorium

 Decoration

 Arrange refreshments
3- equipments
Setting utensils
4-guest speakers
5- other related activities
Opening speech
Welcoming guests
Arranging audience
Stress management activities
Thanku note
 6- marketing
 Panaflex designing
 Panaflex printing
 Posters
 Design adjustments
 social media promotions
 Other promotional activities
 7-sponsorship
 Sponsorships by university
 Directors approval
 Sponsor servicing
 Signage
 8- staff
 Host
 Volunteers
 Servers

Planning Venue Equip- Guest Other Marke- Spons-

& supervi- activit- Staff
ment speakers es ting orship

Openi-ng Design Sponso-

Planni- Availab- Setting invite red by Host
ility of speech penaflex univers-
ng auditori utensils ity
laptops Trans- Welcom- Printing or’s Volunte-
budget Deco- ing guests penaflex Appro-
val ers
Arrange Sponsor Servers
Disbur- Multi- Coordi- posters Servici-
Refres- nate audience ng
sement media
hment topics
project Design Signage Clean
Coordi- mgt. advertise
activities Up
Certificat Social
e promoti

Thank Other
you onal
Resource Calendar
Milestones lists
 Approval from the director of Bahria university
 Speakers to be arranged and confirm their
availability for the event
 Market event through Facebook, panaflex to be
placed in foyer and standees for promotion
 Arrangement Of high tea For guests and faculty
 Arrangement of sheilds, material required for the
activities to be used and prizes for students
 Preperation of hosting to be conducted by projeCt
manager in order to interact with the audience and
 Fixing of setup in alberuni auditorium and
arranging bouquets for guests
 Coordination from within the team appointed for
managing the audience
Cost management plan
 Cost management plan consist of planning,
budgeting, financing, funding, managing and
controlling costs.
 Cost of our project is 32000 and we have to
arrange all things in that budget
 Managing the cost effectively and completing all
activities within time we follow these steps.
1. Cost management process
2. Estimate costs
3. Determine budgets
4. Control costs
Cost Baseline
 The budgeted cost for our project is Rs. 32,000
Items Cost

1 Guest Speakers Rs. 2000

2 Pan flex Designing & Printing Rs. 4,000

3 Posters Rs. 200

4 Shields Rs. 4000

5 Bouquet Rs. 1000

6 Prizes Rs. 1000

7 High Tea Rs. 16800

8 Material for Activities Rs. 1,000

9 Standees Rs. 2,000

Total Rs. 32,000

Quality management plan
 Project sponsor is responsible for approving all
quality standards for the seminar
 The project sponsor will review all project tasks
and deliverables to ensure compliance with
established and approved quality standards
 A few of the ways through which we measure
these standards include:
1. Cost effectiveness
2. Student satisfaction
3. Time management
4. High tea under supervision of our team
5. Quality assurance

 Project manager’s
 Finance officer’s responsibility
 Marketing officer’s
 Human resource officer’s
 Admin officer’s responsibility
 The project manager is the key person who is
responsible for the entire project.
 He has to fix meetings with the auditorium
management, negotiate with them over the rent,
and get the best conference room that is suitable
for the seminar.
 He responsible to lock the dates of the chief guest
and guest speakers. Inform them about the topic
of the Workshop.
 Finance officer is responsible for forecasting
budget for project
 Finance officer is also responsible to check either
budget is under control or not
 The finance officer is also responsible to check
and seek the expenses and monitor them.
 Manage budgeting with the managers of all the
 Prepare advertisement campaigns for the event in
the newspaper, social media and business
 Dispatch invitations to the chief guest and guest
 Design advertisement material.
 Preparation of advertisement and marketing
budget for the event.
 The HR officer has to work with the relationship
manager so that he is assigned with the duties for the
 He is also delegated to hire the extra people
 He has to coordinate for the press & media coverage of
the workshop.
 He has to fulfill all human requirements of event.

 The Admin Manager is responsible to the

Project Manager for the following issues
 Availability of Transport for all occasions.
 Provision of logistic support to anyone in need.
 To ensure that the above are ready.
 Arrangements for the event related to Food
catering and related stuff.
Roles and Responsibilities
Sponsorship for the Project

Project Project Project Project

Manager Manager Manager Manager
Manager Iqra
Tooba Ghazal Maryam Shumayla

Project Team Project Team Project Team Project Team Project Team
Members/ Members/ Members/ Members/ Members/
Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff
Communication Plan
 Meetings on daily basis as per
 Weekly report submission
Presentation and written Project
status report.
 Project Monthly review with team.
 Further more as per requirement
where required information will be
Project team directory for all communications is as

Name Title E mail Cell /Phone Number

Bahria University Project Sponsor [email protected] +92-51-111-111-028

Iqra Younus Project Manager [email protected] 03330025276

Maryam Irfan Admin officer [email protected] 03322242979

Ghazal Bhutto HR officer 03242968121

[email protected]

Shumayla Marketing officer [email protected] 03463979139

Tooba Waris [email protected] 03462546178

Finance officer
Procurement Management Plan

 This plan identifies and defines the items to be

procured, the types of contracts to be used in
support of this project, the contract approval
process, and decision criteria.
 It includes the purchasing of the resources or
service. Our purchasing team will purchase each
and every item that will be needed for e.g. Flowers
bouquet, candles, Food, Shields, Pan flex, Water
bottles etc.
Service Description Time Requirements

Activation , Making invitation on 1 week before event Description of event,

awareness & social media, event page on
Material for promotion & Facebook
activities awareness for
students of Bahria

Photographer Take pictures and Event day Take and edit

videos during events. pictures and videos
during event

Hospitality Guest management, Event day Make arrangement

taking care of their for guests food
Risk Management Plan
 We can deal with every type of risk associated to
this seminar some of the risk associated with this
seminar are:
 Availability of auditorium
 Availability of students to attend the seminar
 Approval of director
 Speakers are very costly
 Availability of speakers
 Permission of the speakers by university
 Speakers not coming on time
 The reaction of the students and their interest level
 Resources not being available
 Not enough funding for the seminar
 We can minimize this risk factors by taking
advance booking of the auditorium availability.
 Inviting the students through social media and
personal networks.
 Awakening students about the project
management through marketing in the university
by pana-flex and posters about the seminar.
 Taking permission from the director on written
notice for conducting a seminar in university.
 Making prior commitment with the speakers and
requesting the speakers to be on time.
Change Management Plan
 This section documents the action plans which will
be followed under the instructions of Project
Manager (Iqra Younus) when a change is
necessary during the execution of our Project
Management seminar.
 Project constraints
 The major constraints for our Project
Management Seminar are;
 Time ( within time the delivery of the seminar)
 Budget ( within budget the delivery of the seminar)
 Required Limitations for Change Management
 The changes must be occurred under the
limitations of following deliverables that are
subjected to our project management seminar.
 Completion of all work within time
 Budget
 Quality guest speakers
 Schedule
 Scope
 Changes in estimated Budget
 The change in budget of seminar is expected to
fall within the range of Rs. 32,000 to Rs. 40,000.
This change will require 36 hours and the
budgetary changes will be reported and
documented by Ms. Tooba Waris (Finance officer)
of seminar.
 Change Management Actions
 During the execution of seminar following
necessary actions will be taken under the
guidance and supervision of project manager for
each change occurs.
 Log necessary changes
 Conduct an Evaluation
 Decision for change
 Integration After Approval
 Communicate changes
Sponsor Acceptance

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