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Name Roll Number

Azhar Bilawal Memon F16CE66

Gul Muhammad Memon F16CE74
Danish Memon F16CE178

Allah Nawaz Sathio F16CE102

Ibaad Paras Afzal F16CE46

Altaf Chandio F16CE130

Muhammad Haris F16CE122

Muhammad Younus F116CE02

Affan Daudy F16CE126

Moin Khuwaja F16CE50

Junaid Talpur F16CE106

Construction site layout involves identifying, sizing, and
placing temporary facilities (TFs) within the boundaries of
construction site. These temporary facilities range from simple
laydown areas to warehouses, fabrication shops,
maintenance shops, batch plant, and residence facilities.
Required temporary facilities and their areas are depending
in many factors including project type, scale, design,
location, and organization of construction work.
Among the important tasks of site management is the site
layout planning. Extensive time loss and cost overruns could
result in large projects, where the number of manpower,
subcontractors, and equipment involved are high, if there is
no effective and systematic approach to site planning. A
detailed planning of the site layout and location of temporary
facilities can enable the management to make considerable
improvement by minimizing travel time, waiting time, and
increasing worker morale by showing better and safer work
Site Layout Planning Elements
A well planned site including all temporary facilities and utilities lead to: 1)
increasing productivity and safety, 2) reducing area(s) needed for temporary
construction, and 3) maximizing utilization. The following points should be
considered in good site layout.
1. Safety
- Fire prevention: Fire is a major cause of damage on construction sites. So that,
fire extinguishers are basic requirements on a construction project.
- Medical services: On construction project a first aid kit is a must. In remote
projects a well-equipped medical room with a doctor and nurse is important.
- Construction safety clothing: Basic safety supplies like safety shoes, hard hats,
gloves, and goggles must be used by workers.
2. Site Accessibility
Easy accessibility will keep the morale of the equipment and vehicle drivers high,
minimize the chance of accidents, and save time in maneuvering to arrive at and
leave the project. In case of large projects, proper planning is required to layout
the roads leading from the nearest highway. Internal roads are necessary for easy
flow of work. Also, Parking Lots are provided for the owner, office, and craft
personnel, but this facility must be planned where space does exist.
3. Information Signs
- Site map: It should locate details of the project, and displayed in the office of
the site superintendent or project manager and posted at the entrance gate.
- Traffic regulatory signs: For large projects, traffic regulatory signs help in guiding
the traffic on the site and avoid accidents to a considerable extent.
- Display of labor relations’ policy and safety rules: This will help in eliminating
disputes between labor and management.
- Emergency routes and underground services: It is important to display the
emergency escape routes on every floor as the building progresses. Locations of
underground services should be marked to prevent its damage.
4. Security
- Entrance: It is necessary to have a proper guard entrance to the site provided by
a booth.
Also, it is necessary to keep track of all visitors to the project.
- Lighting: It is necessary to have a standby generator to maintain site lighting.
- Fencing: The boundary should be fenced off from a security point of view.
5. Accommodation
On large construction projects, it is necessary to provide camp accommodation
for all type of staff involved in the project.
6. Offices
The offices should be close together, close to the site, and in a safe area. Also,
provide the offices with proper office equipment. The offices at the site may
include job office, general contractor office, and sub-contractors and consultants
7. Water Supply and Sanitation
It is necessary to have water and toilet facilities in convenient locations to
accommodate the work force.
8. Material Handling
One third or more of all construction operations can be classified as material
handling. The use of proper equipment for material handling and advance
planning for minimizing multiple handling will result in direct cost and time savings.
9. Storage and site cleaning It is necessary to plan and reserve storage
areas for materials so that multiple movement of material is avoided.
Laydown areas: Areas reserved for storage of large materials and equipment and
it can be short-term or long-term.
- Warehouses: They are sheltered storage facilities where materials are stored until
they have disbursed to the job.
- Material staging areas: They used when materials are stored near the work on a
short-term basis. They are generally as close to work as possible.
- Site cleaning: It is necessary at a work place and especially where the extent of
debris produced is high. Regular disposal of debris is necessary.
A List of temporary facilities  Rebar fabrication yard
 Fabricated rebar storage yard
 Job office  Carpentry shop
 Owner representatives office  Storage yard for lumber
 Subcontractors office  Storage yard for formed lumber
 First aid office  Cement warehouse
 Information and guard house  Batch-plant and aggregate storage
 Toilet on site  Craft change-house
 Staff/Engineer dormitory  Sampling / Testing lab
 Staff/Engineer family dormitory  Pipe jointing yard
 Labor dormitory  Pipe storage yard
 Labor family dormitory  Welding shop
 Dinning room for labor  Parking lot
 Bathroom for labor  Tank
 Restroom for labor  Long term laydown storage
 Equipment maintenance shop  Machine room
 Parking lot for mechanics  Electrical shop
 Prefabricated rebar storage yard  Steel fabrication shop
 Sandblast shop
 Painting shop
 Scaffold storage yard
Size Of Plot 100ft x 300ft Area=30000 sq:ft
Size Of Covered Area 80ft x 200ft Area=16000 sq:ft
Size Of Uncovered Area --------------------------- Area=14000 sq ft
Serial No Name Of Temporary Site Facility Area
1 Laydown Area For Cement, Rebars and Timber 900 sq. ft
2 Metal Workshop 280 sq. ft
3 Aggregate Storage 400 sq. ft
4 Scaffold Store 144 sq. ft
5 Concrete Batch plant 288 sq. ft
6 Waste material yard 304 sq. ft
7 Check post 49 sq. ft
8 Site Office 288 sq. ft
9 Canteen 320 sq. ft
10 Toilets 200 sq. ft
11 Wash 110 sq. ft
12 First Aid Office 200 sq. ft
13 Labor Housing 800 sq. ft
14 Store 532 sq. ft
15 Parking Lot 484 sq. ft

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