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Synergy model of patient

By: Patricia Oduol


Learner should be able to acquire knowledge on Synergy model of patient care
& its application in critical-care nursing practice.


By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

1. Outline a brief introduction of the synergy model of patient care.

Objectives Cont…

2. Discuss 8 patient characteristics influencing type & level of nursing care

required .

3. Explain the categories for evaluation of patient’s needs.

4. State the nursing competencies essential for quality patient care.

5. State 4 assumptions of the model.

6. Explain the application of the theory into critical-care nursing practice.


• The American Association Of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) Synergy

Model for Patient Care is a conceptual framework aligning patient needs

with nurse competencies.

• Developed in 1996 as a new framework for AACN’s certification programs.

• Patient – centered model focused on needs of the patient, competencies of

nurse, & synergy created when needs & competencies match.

Introduction Cont..

• Consists of 8 identifiers for nurse & patient .

• Easened need for health care systems to meet patient care standards; by

choosing nurses with a level of education, knowledge, experience, cultural

sensitivity etc.

• Patient’s needs determine nurse competencies required for care by

possessing right skills required to cope with the needs.

Patient characteristics influencing type & level of nursing care
1.) Resiliency.

Ability to return to a restorative level of functioning by use of coping


2.) Vulnerability.

Susceptibility to actual/potential stressors that adversely affects patient


3.) Stability.

Ability to maintain a steady-state of equilibrium.

Patient characteristics Cont..
4.) Complexity

Many different parts of the patient which are difficult to relate to each

other such as body, family, therapies, etc.

5.) Resource availability

Extent of resources the patient brings to the situation & includes

personal, psychological & social resources.

6.) Participation in care

Extent to which the patient is able to engage in different aspects of self-care.

Patient characteristics Cont..

7.) Participation in decision-making

Extent to which patient is able make decisions regarding his own health.

For instance, how he co-operates with family to act on information given

by health care providers to make informed decisions.

8.) Predictability.

Allows for expectation of a certain course of events/ course of illness.

Categories for evaluation of Patient’s needs.
Characteristics are evaluated on a 5-point scale ranging from:
 1 (worst patient state) to 5 (best patient state).
 Patient with Level 1 is minimally stable, not responding to
treatment & at a high risk of death.
 Patient with Level 5 is highly stable, responding to treatment & at a
low risk of death.
 A patient with Level 3 is moderately stable & somewhere in
between a Level 1 and Level 5 patient.
Categories for evaluation Cont..
E.g. John is a patient in I.C.U with the following characteristics and levels:
 High vulnerability (1)
 Moderate resiliency (3)
 Moderate stability (3)
 Minimal complexity (5)
 Access to many resources (5)
 High participation in care (5)
 Moderate participation in decision making (3)
 Moderate predictability (3)
Categories for evaluation Cont..


 John is moderately stable; he is responding to some therapies.

 He has access to many resources, including financial and personal

support resources.

 Participates in his own care but needs assistance and advice to make

decisions. 11
Nursing Competencies Essential for quality patient care.

Care of nurses integrates knowledge, skills ( which range from competent to

expertise), experience & attitudes needed to meet the patient's needs.

They include:

1.) Clinical judgment

Includes clinical reasoning, applied by the care-giver to deliver health

care, includes: Critical thinking & decision making skills.

Nursing Competencies Cont..

2.) Advocacy & moral agency

Involves acting on behalf, & representing concerns of the patient & other

staffs by identifying Ethical & clinical concerns within & outside the

clinical setting & helping to resolve them.

3.) Caring practices .

Are the nursing activities that create a compassionate, supportive &

therapeutic environment for the patient & staffs.

Nursing Competencies Cont..

Are aimed at promoting comfort & healing to alleviate unnecessary

suffering of the patient. Includes Responsiveness of the care-givers Etc..

4.) Collaboration.

Involves working with others in a collaborative manner & networking

with colleagues & community to promote each person’s contribution

towards achieving optimal & realistic patient goals. 15

Nursing Competencies Cont..

5.) Systems Thinking.

Tools allowing the nurse to manage environmental & system resources

existing for the patient & staff within health care & non-healthcare


Assumptions of the model.

• Patients are biological, psychological, social, and spiritual people needing

medical care & all aspects of the patient (body, mind, and spirit) must be


• Patient, family & community contribute to provide a framework for

nurse-patient relationship.

Assumptions Cont..

• Patients & nurses must be viewed as whole individuals & of their

characteristics must not be viewed in isolation, but rather in their entirety.

• Ultimate goal of nursing is restoration of patients to their wellness.

Application of model in Critical-care nursing practice.

 In critical care set-up to evaluate nursing competency.

 In the development of critical care orientation programs.

 In Curriculum development as a framework to care for specific

patients & a discussion guide to nursing rounds.

Alice .P. (2016) Nursing Theory: AACN Synergy Model. Retrieved from:

Swickard. S., Swickard, W., Reimer. A., Lindell. D., & Winkelman. C. (2014).
Adaptation of the AACN Synergy Model for Patient Care to Critical Care
Transport. Critical Care Nurse, 34(1), 16–29.


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