Requirements Management: Based On Material From

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SEG3101 (Fall 2009)

Requirements Management

Based on material from:

Gunter Mussbacher , Kotonya & Sommerville, Z. Zhang, IBM and Telelogic,
S. Somé 2008, and D. Amyot 2008-2009
• Introduction to Requirements Management
• Traceability
• Baselines
• Change Management
• Requirements Management Tools

• A factor present in every successful project and absent in

every unsuccessful project is sufficient attention to
[1] Suzanne & James Robertson, “Requirements-Led Project Management”, Addison-Wesley, 2004
Why Do Requirements Change?
• Change in software development: as inevitable as difficult to
• Better understanding: new requirements become apparent
• Everything else is changing…
• Business
• Context
• Technologies
• Markets
• …
• Possible responses to change
• Add, modify, or remove requirements

Some Problems Due to Changing Requirements
• Requirements changing towards the end of development
without any impact assessment

• Unmatched/outdated requirements specifications causing

confusion and unnecessary rework

• Time spent coding, writing test cases or documentation for

requirements that no longer exist

Requirements Management
A systematic approach to eliciting, organizing, and
documenting the requirement of the system, and a process
that establishes and maintains agreement between the
customer and the project team on the changing requirements
of the system.1

[1] Leffingwell & Widrig 1999, p.16

Requirements Management Activities (1)
Requirements management includes all activities intended to
maintain the integrity and accuracy of expected requirements
• Manage changes to agreed requirements
• Manage changes to baseline (increments)
• Keep project plans synchronized with requirements
• Control versions of individual requirements and versions of
requirements documents
• Manage relationships between requirements
• Managing the dependencies between the requirements
document and other documents produced in the systems
engineering process
• Track requirements status

Requirements Management Activities (2)


Change control Version control Requirements Requirements

status tracking tracing
 Proposing  Defining a version  Defining a  Defining links to
changes identification possible other
scheme requirement requirements
 Analyzing impact
 Identifying  Defining links to
 Making decisions
requirements  Recording the other system
 Updating document status of each elements
requirements versions requirement
 Identifying  Reporting the
 Updates plans individual status distribution
requirement of all
 Measuring
versions requirements

Source: Wiegers, 1999

Requirements Development (RD) and Management (RM)

Source: Wiegers, 1999

From Management to Tools
• Changes lead to a need for management
• There is no management without:
• Traceability
• Baselines enabling comparisons
• From a practical point of view, there is no traceability or
management without appropriate tools

In theory, practice and theory are similar…

But in practice they are different 

Requirements Change Factors (1)
• Requirements errors, conflicts, and inconsistencies
• May be detected at any phase (when requirements are analyzed,
specified, validated, or implemented)
• Evolving customer/user knowledge of the system
• When the requirements are developed, customers/users
simultaneously develop a better understanding of what they really
• Technical, schedule, or cost problems
• Difficult to plan and know everything in advance
• We may have to revisit the list of requirements and adapt it to the
current situation

Requirements Change Factors (2)
Changing customer priorities, new needs
• May be caused by a change in the system environment
(technological, business, political...), i.e., the context
• Business and strategic goals may change
• May be caused by the arrival of a new competitor
• Laws and regulations may change
• Collaborating systems may change
• May also be caused by technology changes in the enterprise
(migration to a new operating system, DBMS…)
• May be caused by organizational changes (organizational
structure, business processes, employees…)

Requirements Volatility
Requirements continuously change
• While the requirements are being elicited, analyzed, specified, and
validated and after the system has gone into service
Some requirements are usually more subject to change
than others
• Stable requirements are concerned with the essence of a system and its
application domain
• Derived from the client’s principal business activities or the domain model
• They change more slowly than volatile requirements
• E.g., a hospital will always have doctors, nurses, patients…
• Volatile requirements are specific to the instantiation of the system in a
particular environment for a particular customer at a particular time
• E.g., in a hospital, we can think of requirements related to the policies of the
government health system

Types of Volatile Requirements
• Mutable requirements
• These are requirements which change because of changes to the
environment in which the system is operating
• Emergent requirements
• These are requirements which cannot be completely defined when the
system is specified but which emerge as the system is designed and
• Consequential requirements
• These are requirements which are based on assumptions about how
the system will be used
• Once the system is in place, some of these assumptions will be wrong
• Compatibility requirements
• These are requirements which depend on other equipment,
technology, or processes

Expectations of Requirements Management (1)
• Identification of individual requirements

• Traceability from highest level requirements to

• Established via links through a requirements database
• Links between requirements and design models, tests, code…
• Coverage and consistency analysis
• What are the traceability policies? What types of links? From where?
To where?

• Impact assessments of proposed changes

• Analysis tools let you see which other requirements (and other linked
artifacts) will be affected by a change

Expectations of Requirements Management (2)
• Controlled access to current project information
• A shared database ensures that all users are working with current data
(consistency, parallel access)
• A central repository allows all users to see the information that they
need to see (visibility)

• Change control
• Change proposal system implements controlled process for managing
• How do we collect, document, and address changes?

• Deployment of required tool support

• To help manage requirements change

Identification of Requirements
• It is essential for requirements management that every
requirement has a unique identification
• The most common approach is requirements numbering based on
chapter/section in the requirements document
• There are several problems with this approach
• Numbers cannot be unambiguously assigned until the document is
• Assigning chapter/section numbers is an implicit classification of the
requirements  may mislead readers of the document into thinking
that the most important relationships are with requirements in the
same section

Requirements Identification Techniques
• Dynamic renumbering
• Some word processing systems allow for automatic renumbering of
paragraphs and the inclusion of cross references
• As you reorganise your document and add new requirements, the
system keeps track of the cross references and automatically
renumbers your requirements depending on its chapter, section, and
position within the section
• Database record identification
• When a requirement is identified, it is entered in a requirements
database and a database record identifier is assigned which is then
used for all subsequent references to the requirement
• Symbolic identification
• Requirements can be identified by giving them a symbolic name which
is associated with the requirement itself (e.g., SEC1, SEC2, SEC3…
may be used for requirements which relate to system security)
Requirements Have Attributes!
• Apart from an identifier, requirements should have attributes
that establish context and background, and go beyond the
requirement description
• For filtering, analysis, metrics…
• Creation date, Last update, Author, Stakeholders (Owners / Source)
• Version number
• Status, Priority, Importance, Stability
• Rationale, Comments
• Acceptance criteria
• Subsystem / Product release number
• …
• The more complex the project, the richer the attributes…
• Many attributes are predefined in RM tools, others are
defined by requirements engineers as required by the project
Requirements Attributes
• Classes and attributes of a requirements management


Model: MODEL Identifier: TEXT People: TEXT
Description: TEXT Statement: TEXT | GRAPHIC Documents: TEXT
Next: MODEL | NULL Date_entered: DATE Reqs: REQ_LIST
Status: STATUS
Req: REQUIREMENT Dependents: REQ_LIST Rationale: TEXT
Description: TEXT Is_dependent_on: REQ_LIST Diagrams: GRAPHIC
| NULL Comments: TEXT

• Select only the necessary attributes!

Requirements Status
• Help manage the requirement lifecycle
• Their number and nature depend on the process in place
• Example of a set of statuses:
• Proposed: by some stakeholder
• Approved: part of baseline, committed to implement
• Rejected: after evaluation
• Implemented: designed and implemented
• Verified: Relevant tests have passed
• Deleted: Removed from list
• RM includes amongst its tasks the tracking of the status of all
requirements during the project

Version Control
• Another essential aspect of requirements management
• Every version of a requirement needs to be uniquely identified
• The last version of a requirement must be available to all team
• Changes need to be documented and clearly communicated
• A version identifier must be updated with every change to the
• Requirements documents should include
• A revision history: changes, dates, by whom, why...
• Standard markers for revisions (e.g., strikethrough or underlined text,
coloring, line markers…)
• Version control tool may be used
• To store and manage the revision history
• To store justifications (to add, modify, delete, reject a requirement)
Traceability Quotes (1)
• Requirements traceability refers to the ability to describe and follow the
life of a requirement, in both forwards and backwards direction (i.e., from
its origins, through its development and specification, to its subsequent
deployment and use, and through all periods of ongoing refinement and
iteration in any of these phases)”.1

• A software requirements specification is traceable if the origin of each of

its requirements is clear and if it facilitates the referencing of each
requirement in future development or enhancement documentation.2

• Traceability gives essential assistance in understanding the relationships

that exist within and across software requirements, design, and

• A link or relationship defined between entities.4

[1] Gotel & Finkelstein, 1994; [2] IEEE Standard 830-1998; [3] Palmer, 2000; [4] Watkins and Neal, 1994
Traceability Quotes (2)
• Traceability is often mandated by contracts and standards.1
• E.g., military and aerospace

• One cannot manage what cannot be traced.2

• Traceability information helps assess the impact of changes
to requirements, connecting these requirements as well as
requirements for other representations of the system.3
• Traceability is a property of a system description technique
that allows changes in one of the three system descriptions –
requirements, specifications, implementation – to be traced to
the corresponding portions of the other descriptions. The
correspondence should be maintained through the lifetime of
the system.4

[1-2] Watkins and Neal, 1994; [3] Kotonya and Sommerville, 1998; [4] Greenspan, McGowan, 1978
Importance of Traceability (1)
Requirements cannot be managed effectively without
requirements traceability
A requirement is traceable if you can discover who suggested the
requirement, why the requirement exists, what requirements are related
to it, and how that requirement relates to other information such as
systems designs, implementations and user documentation

Importance of Traceability (2)
Benefits of traceability
• Prevents losing knowledge
• Supports the verification process (certification, localization of defects)
• Impact analysis
• Change control
• Process monitoring (e.g., missing links indicate completion level)
• Improved software quality (make changes correctly and completely)
• Reengineering (define traceability links is a way to record reverse
engineering knowledge)
• Reuse (by identifying what goes with a requirement: design, code…)
• Risk reduction (e.g., if a team member with key knowledge leaves)

Traceability Difficulties
• Various stakeholders require different information
• Huge amount of requirements traceability information must
be tracked and maintained
• Manual creation of links is very demanding
• Likely the most annoying problem
• Specialized tools must be used
• Integrating heterogeneous models/information from/to
different sources (requirements, design, tests, code,
documentation, rationales…) is not trivial

• Requires organizational commitment (with an understanding

of the potential benefits)

Backward and Forward Traceability (1)
• Backward traceability
• To previous stages of development
• Depends upon each element explicitly referencing its source in earlier
• Forward traceability
• To all documents spawned by a document
• Depends upon each element in the document having a unique name
or reference number

Business plan Requ irements Document Design Specification

Forward-to traceability Forward-from traceability
Backward-from traceability Backward-to traceability

Source of figure: Kotonya and Sommerville

Backward and Forward Traceability (2)
Top to bottom from requirements’ point of view
• Forward-to traceability
• Links other documents (which may have preceded the requirements
document) to relevant requirements
• Help validation
• Help evaluate which requirements are affected by changes to users’
• Forward-from traceability
• Links requirements to the design and implementation components
• Help assure that all requirements have been satisfied

Backward and Forward Traceability (3)
Bottom to top from requirements’ point of view
• Backward-to traceability
• Links design and implementation components back to requirements
• Help determine why each item is designed/implemented
• Backward-from traceability
• Links requirements to their sources in other documents or people
• Help validation
• Help evaluate how changes to requirements impact stakeholders

Types of Traceability (1)
• Requirements – source traceability
• Links requirements with a person or document
• Requirements – rationale traceability
• Requirements – requirements traceability
• Links requirements with other requirements which are, in some way,
dependent on them
• Requirements – architecture traceability
• Links requirements with the subsystems where these requirements are
implemented (particularly important where subsystems are being
developed by different subcontractors)
• Requirements – design traceability
• Links requirements with specific hardware or software components in
the system which are used to implement the requirement

Types of Traceability (2)
• Requirements – interface traceability
• Links requirements with the interfaces of external systems which are
used in the provision of the requirements
• Requirements – feature traceability
• Requirements – tests traceability
• Links requirements with test cases verifying them (used to verify that
the requirement is implemented)
• Requirements – code traceability
• Generally not directly established, but can be inferred

Representation – Traceability Table
• Show the relationships between requirements or between
requirements and other artifacts
• Table can be set up to show links between several different
• Backward and forward traceability
• Difficult to capture different types of links

Representation – Traceability Matrix
• Define links between pairs of elements
• E.g., requirements to requirement, use case to requirement,
requirement to test case…
• Can be used to defined relationships between pairs
• E.g., specifies/is specified by, depends on, is parent of, constrains…
• More amenable to automation than traceability table
Depends -on
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6
R1 * *
R2 * *
R3 * *
R4 *
R5 *

Representation – Traceability List
• Traceability matrices become more of a problem when there
are hundreds or thousands of requirements as the matrices
become large and are sparsely populated
• A simplified form of a traceability matrix may be used where,
along with each requirement description, one or more lists of
the identifiers of related requirements are maintained

Requirement Depends -on

R1 R3, R4
R2 R5, R6
R3 R4, R5
R4 R2
R5 R6

Traceability Planning
Planning traceability? - Yes, just like any other project!
• Who are the stakeholders?
• What are the needs (analysis, reports…)?
• Useful, measurable, feasible objectives
• Definition of links and attributes
• Can some be inferred automatically?
• Process (who collects and when to collect traceability information)
• Roles, access
• Data/link input and updates
• Exceptional situations (e.g., lack of time)
• Representations, queries, tools
• Traceability policies define what and how traceability information should
be maintained
Factors to Consider during Planning (1)
• Number of requirements
• The greater the number of requirements, the more the need for formal
traceability policies
• Expected system lifetime
• More comprehensive traceability policies should be defined for
systems which have a long lifetime
• Maturity level of organization
• Detailed traceability policies are more likely to be implemented and
used properly in a cost-effective way in organizations which have a
higher level of process maturity
• Size of project and team
• The larger the project or team, the greater the need for formal
traceability policies

Factors to Consider during Planning (2)
• Type of system
• Critical systems such as hard real-time control systems or safety-
critical systems need more comprehensive traceability policies than
non-critical systems
• Additional constraints from customer
• E.g., compliance to military standard
• Traceability links should be defined by whoever has the
appropriate information available

Modeling Traceability
The types of links to use (and their attributes) must be
defined for different types of requirements
• It is a design problem!

May be modeled with a UML class diagram (metamodel)

• Object types (classes)
• Object attributes (attributes)
• Structure of folders, modules, objects
• Stereotypes, composition…
• Link types (associations)
• Satisfies, tests, refines, contains, contributes to, threatens, justifies…
• Link attributes (association classes)
Types of Traceability Links
• Note the types of links in the previous examples, as well as
the types of objects they relate
• Satisfies, Tests
• Refines, References, Contains...
• Others could be created
• Contributes, Contradicts, Justifies, Depends on...

Other Example of Traceability Links
Drives specification of

System requirements, influences

Change modifies
use case, external Business rule
interface, quality attribute

Is origin of Is origin of
modifies modifies
Software functional
Depends on another
Is satisfied by
Is verified by Lead to creation of
Architectrue, Project plan
user interface, or System test
functional design
Is verified by Is implemented in

Integration test Code

Is verified by

Unit test

Cardinality of Traceability Links
• Depending on the traceability information, the cardinality of
traceability links may be
• One-to-one
• e.g., one design element to one code module
• One-to-many
• e.g., one functional requirement verified by multiple test cases
• Many-to-many
• e.g., a use case may lead to multiple functional requirement, and a
functional requirement may be common to several use cases

• Non-modifiable (read-only) version of a document
• Describes a moment in time
• May include multiple documents at the same time
• Enables document comparison and management
• Comes with a change history for the document
• Information on objects, attributes, and links created, deleted, or edited
since the creation of the baseline
• Often also contains information on user sessions (when the document
was opened, by whom…)
• Requires access control

• It is advisable to establish a baseline for a new document that

is imported into the document management system
• In order not to lose any changes
Baseline for Requirements
• Represents the set of functional and non-functional
requirements that the development team has committed to
implement in a specific release
• Before going into the baseline, the requirements should be
reviewed and approved by stakeholders
• Once in the baseline, all changes should follow a defined
change control process


 Different viewpoints  Shared understanding

 No formal documents  Configuration management
 Always changing  Change management

Baseline Usage
• Baselines may be
• Created
• Complete image of requirements state at a given time
• Deleted
• Visualized
• Possibility to go back
• Compared
• To see changes since a certain time
• Copied
• Signed
• For authorization, contract

Change Management
Change Management
• Concerned with the procedures, processes, and standards
which are used to manage changes to a system requirements
• Change management policies may cover
• The change request process and the information required to process
each change request
• The process used to analyse the impact and costs of change and the
associated traceability information
• The membership of the body that formally considers change requests
• Software support (if any) for the change control process

• A change request may have a status as well as requirements

• E.g., proposed, rejected, accepted, included...

Change Management Process
• Some requirements problem is identified
• Could come from an analysis of the requirements, new customer
needs, or operational problems with the system
• The requirements are analysed using problem information and
requirements changes are proposed
• The proposed changes are analysed
• How many requirements (and, if necessary, system components) are
affected? Roughly how much would cost, in both time and money?
• The change is implemented
• A set of amendments to the requirements document or a new
document version is produced (of course this should be validated with
whatever normal quality checking procedures are in place)
Problem analysis and Change analysis Change
change specification and costing implementation
Change Request Form
• Proposed changes are usually recorded on a change request
form which is then passed to all of the people involved in the
analysis of the change

• Change request forms may include

• Date, Customer, Requester, Product including version
• Description of change request including rationale
• Fields to document the change analysis
• Signature fields
• Status
• Comments

Change Analysis and Costing – Example
customers may misunderstand requirements and
their context and suggest unnecessary changes
with the help of traceability information
Rejected request
request Req. list risk is too high
Check request Find directly Find dependent
validity affected requirements
Valid requirements
Requirements change list Rejected request
Requirements information Accepted
Propose changes change
Assess costs Assess cost
requirements of change acceptability

Rejected request Rejected request

Customer Customer
information information
negotiations with customers
consequential changes may be
unacceptable to user/customer cost/time required for the implementation
of change is too high/long
Source of figure: Kotonya and Sommerville
Different Management Aspects
• Change Management
• How does a customer submit change requests?
• How is this request being monitored, prioritized, and implemented?
• Configuration Management
• Versioning, labelling, and tracking code and other components during
the development cycle of software
• Release Management
• Defines how and when different hardware and software will be made
available together as a product

Tool Support for Change Management
• May be provided through requirements management tools or
through configuration management tools
• Tool facilities may include
• Electronic change request forms which are filled in by different
participants in the process
• A database to store and manage requests
• A change model which may be instantiated so that people responsible
for one stage of the process know who is responsible for the next
process activity
• Electronic transfer of forms between people with different
responsibilities and electronic mail notification when activities have
been completed
• Electronic signatures
• Discussion forums
• In some cases, direct links to a requirements database
Requirements Management Tools
What Kind of Tool Do We Need?
Different companies will use different tools, which may or may
not be tailored to the requirements management task
• Word processor (Microsoft Word with templates…)
• Spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel…)
• Industrial-strength, commercial RM tools
• IBM/Telelogic DOORS, IBM Requisite Pro, Borland CaliberRM…
• Internal tools
• GenSpec (Hydro-Quebec)…
• Open source RM tools
• Bug tracking tools (free or not)
• Bugzilla…
• Collaboration tools (free or not)
• TWiki…
What Should We Look For in a Tool?
• Types/attributes for requirements • Requirements document
and links generation
• Specifications and models • Monitoring of requirements
• Version and change statuses
management • Access control
• Database repository • Import/export
• Traceability • Communication with stakeholders
• Analysis (impact, completeness, • Scripting language (for
style, differences…) automation)
• Automatic inspection of • Reuse of requirements, models,
requirements (according to rules) projects
• Visualization and reports •…

RM Tool Architecture – Example

Requirements Management Implies Integration!


Version control
Change- Design
request tool modeling tool

estimation tool

Approaches – Document or Database? (1)
• Requirements have to be stored in such a way that they can
be accessed easily and related to other requirements

• Document (e.g., Word)

• Easy to use, easy to access, simple training
• Requirements are all stored in the requirements document
• It is easy to produce the final requirements document
• But: Traceability? Status reports? Granularity of requirements? Search
and navigation facilities? Change management? Version control?
Analysis? Simultaneous access control?...

Approaches – Document or Database? (2)
• Database (e.g., DOORS)
• Good for management, controlled access, links, analysis, reports
• Good query and navigation facilities
• Support for change and version management
• But: hard (and costly) to configure, manage, and use; link between the
database and the requirements document must be maintained (final
requirements document must be generated)
• Ideally: Target the benefits of both
• E.g., DOORS and RequisitePro offer integrations with Word
(import/export) as well as document-oriented views (for the “look and

How About Evolving the Process Itself?
• Evolution of requirements types
• Adding / modifying / deleting
• Attributes
• Link types
• Requirements status
• …

• Evolution of change management

• Adding / modifying / deleting
• Attributes
• Lifecycle status
• Forms
• …

Thinking About Getting a RM Tool?
• The list of potential criteria and the list of products can be
rather long…
• See the INCOSE study:
• About 25 tools and 80 criteria, with explanations

• Which are relevant to you, in your context (project,

• Need a goal model to define criteria and for assessment!

TWiki Overview
• A generic Wiki tool (
• Promotes collaboration
• Database-driven
• Access and version control
• Forms and queries
• State-based workflows (processes)
• Text and graphics
• Lightweight, extensible (plug-in architecture)
• Example of Forms and Queries
• Requirements:
• Library:
• Use Cases:

TWiki for Requirements Management

Twiki – Requirement Example

TWiki – Requirement Form Example

Using TWiki…
• We have:
• Requirement types description with configurable statuses & attributes
• Bidirectional links (WikiWords)
• Configurable requests, filtering, reports
• Access control and version management (showing differences)
• Change management (again with forms, process, etc.)
• Discussions, attachment of documents/images
• Export (HTML)
• Scripting language (Perl)
• But do we really have:
• Graphical view of traceability?
• Editable tables (à la Excel/Word)?
• Baselines? Tool integration? Imports? Analysis?

IBM Requisite Pro

Keep your team on track

Microsoft Word

3 interfaces - work the way you

want Web
Document centric or database
centric - your choice

IBM Requisite Pro – Types, Attributes, and Views

 User defined requirement

 User defined attributes
 User defined filters (views)
 Saved views

IBM Requisite Pro – Traceability

IBM Requisite Pro – Change Management

IBM Requisite Pro – Integration

 IBM Rational TestManager  IBM Rational XDE and IBM Rational

 Testers view current state Rose, Rational Software Architect and
of requirements from their tool Rational Software Modeler
 Developers view current state of
requirements from their tool


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