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Advancing Health in our Communities

Presentation to The National Press Foundation Fellows

November 13, 2018

Bechara Choucair, MD
SVP & Chief Community Health Officer, Kaiser Permanente
Dr. Bechara Choucair
SVP & Chief Community Health Officer
Kaiser Permanente

State of Health in Chicago
It’s not just about individual behavior,
it’s about how we behave as a city
Healthy Chicago Policy Priorities

Tobacco Use Obesity Prevention HIV Prevention Adolescent Health

Cancer Disparities Heart Disease Access to Health Care Healthy Mothers

Communicable Disease Healthy Homes Violence Prevention Public Health Infrastructure

Transforming Public Health in Chicago
Public Health vs. Community Health
Health inequities are
the result of more than
individual choice or
random occurrence.

They are the result of

the historic and
ongoing interplay of
inequitable structures,
policies, and norms
that shape lives.

A conceptual model for community-based solutions to promote health equity.

Kaiser Permanente:
Our shared mission for healthier communities

Touching the Lives of Millions of People


Mid-Atlantic States
Northern California

Southern California


$64 B 20,000+ 216,199 39 684

operating revenue physicians employees hospitals medical
960K+ 35,035 234K+
$2.8 Billion people served
through Medicaid
people provided with
charitable health
Number of medical
financial assistance
invested in 2017 and CHIP coverage awards

to benefit the $19M $495M $1.7B

for CHIP Programs for charitable health for Medicaid
health of our coverage and medical
financial assistance
participants (member
and non-member)

communities $54 M $116M

for medical for health
research and professional
libraries training programs
Our Mission Our Vision
To provide high-quality, affordable health care We are trusted partners in total health, collaborating with
services and to improve the health of our people to help them thrive, creating communities that are
members and the communities we serve among the healthiest in the nation, and inspiring greater
health for America and the world.
Many Factors Shape Health:
Medical care is only one component
Advancing our mission to improve the health of
our members and the communities we serve.
Aligning Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA)
to Advance Total Health

CHNA Data Platform Tool

Health Need: Develop a walking trail at Department:

Obesity/HEAL Purchase and serve local,
sustainably produced food a new facility Facilities
Measuring Impact
How Healthy are Kaiser Permanente Communities?
How does Kaiser Permanente contribute to Community Health?
We’re taking a 360° approach to community health


Housing Stability Impact Accessibility

Food Access Place-based Initiatives Social Services & Affordability


Community Health Needs Thriving Schools Advancing Policy

Economic Opportunity Environment
Assessment & CityHealth


Firearm-Injury Prevention Mental Health Stigma

Fostering innovation & Flu Intervention Challenge Sprint Community Health Summit
More than food stamps

Social Service
Resource Locator

Creating Healthier Schools

Resilience In School Environments
• Children who experience three or more adverse childhood
events (ACEs) are:
• 5x more likely to have attendance issues
• 6x more likely to have behavior problems
• 3x more likely to experience academic failure
• Nearly 50% of teachers reported great stress several days a

• 46% of educators leave the profession within 5 years

The answer is to build resilience in school environments

Building on Kaiser Permanente’s Expertise:
Resilience in Schools and Mental Health

Current Activities Future Plans

Established foundation of HEAL Leadership in ACEs Create Impact, Resilience

and Thriving Schools expertise through RISE
• 20+ years experience in ACEs: • Create significant positive life
• 700+ schools successfully served
Leading experts on CDC Adverse change through content that builds
• 240,000 students and staff reached Childhood Events (ACEs) 20-year capacity and connects communities
through Alliance for a Healthier study to real solutions
Generation partnership • Currently working in 50 schools with
• $9M investment to prevent and treat
• 4,240 HEAL improvements reached ACEs in past 4 years plans to expand to 200 next year.
• Engage the right partners to scale
• 4,160 life years estimated to have
outreach for long-term impact
been gained through impact
pathway model • Reach educators and students
across Kaiser Permanente regions

Housing Is Health

Emphasize Policies that Support
Affordable Housing

Mayors & CEOs for US Housing Investment

Launched partnership Met with mayors in our Connected policy to

with Mayors and CEOs for footprint and beyond our community health
U.S. Housing Investment strategy

Impact Investment to Prevent Displacement
Economic Opportunity

Economic Opportunity:
Engaging all of Our Assets
Economic security Health Care
and opportunity Procurement Services
& Supply Treasury


Stewardship Technology

National Facility HEALTH Human


Healthy behaviors

Communications Research

Access to quality
clinical care Government Community
Relations Labor Mgmt Benefit
Economic Opportunity: Commitment to Supplier
Kaiser Permanente is a member on the Billion Dollar Roundtable, spending
more than $1 billion annually with minority- and women-owned suppliers.
Inner City Capital Connection
2016-2018 results

Business Demographics

Total Kaiser
583 $2.4M
Aggregate # of participants Average revenue
Across all Kaiser Permanente Cohorts 2016

- 2018

Permanente cohorts across all Kaiser of participants

completed across Permanente sponsored
U.S. cohorts

2017 Impact Results

Los Angeles 2016 participants have generated tremendous impact in just one year after completion of the ICCC program

1.2M Total 129 Total jobs 44% Revenue

$ capital raised in
one year by 2016
created in one
year by 2016
growth in one
year by 2016
Addressing Pressing Social
Issues That Impact Health

In 2016, firearm-related injuries claimed more than
30,000 lives in America.

We will study interventions to prevent gun injuries the same way we

study cancer, heart disease and other leading causes of preventable
death in America
Without a healthy planet, we can’t hope
to have healthy people living on it.
We’re proud of our twenty year history of impactful green initiatives
and are well on our way to being carbon neutral in 2020.
Kaiser Permanente 2018
Community Health Summit

Advancing Health:
Mind, Body, Community

Kaiser Permanente's 2018 Community Health Summit
Our goal: Ignite conversations among change-makers that will go beyond the Summit, foster innovative solutions,
enhance collaboration and facilitate shared learnings to improve Community Health across the country.
Our theme: Innovation



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