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1. Sacred Scripture in Liturgical Celebrations
a.Sacred Scripture is of paramount importance in
liturgical cele brations
b.Proper and effectve reading invites impact and
understanding between readers and
listeners.(the faithful)
c.It makes us more aware of the presence of Christ.
d.It prepares us to be more effective proclaimers
and heralds of the the Good News.
2. Whats is a lectionay?
Contents:readings for the 3 year cycle
a.Sunday: 3 readings
1st –OT
2nd –NT
3rd -Gospel

A- Matthew
Easter season-John
B. Weekdays:
2 readings only
-Year 1-add
-Year 2-Even
The Three Year Sunday Cycle
The most significant change in our current
lectionary is a
Greater number of readings offered in a three
year cycle: Cycle A (Year of Matthew),
beginning on the first Sunday of Advent in
1986, 1989, 1992, etc. Cycle B (Year of Mark)
begins on the first Sunday of Advent in 1987,
1990, 1993, etc. The Year of Luke, Cycle C.
starts on the First Sunday of Advent in1985,
1988, 1991, etc. John’s gospel is used in all
three cycles mainly during Lent and the Easter
season. Passages from the 6th Chapter of John
are used during Cycle B because of the brevity
of Mark’s gospel.
The First Reading

The first reading in our lectionary is from the Old

Testament, except during Easter when the first
reading is taken from the Acts of the Apostles.
The first reading for each Sunday has been
chosen as the background for the gospel
Responsorial Psalm
A brief pause for silent reflection should follow
each reading. The psalm is meant to be sung.
If it must be read, someone other than the
lector ought to lead it.
The Second Reading
This reading is taken from one of the 21 New
Testament letters. In the year of Luke (Cycle
C), the second reading during the Easter
season is from the book of Revelation.
• How to Prepare the Reading
• Lectors are concerned about their ability to
read well in public. No one wants to do poorly.
Nevertheless, the main focus in proclamation
ministry is not in getting yourself across, but in
making the Word come in public alive for the
assembly. To achieve this result, it is important
for the lector to spend reflective time with the
• Step One: Pray
• Before prayer, relax your body and mind.
Begin by finding a comfortable chair in a quiet
place. Sit quietly for a moment. Take deep
silent breaths. Exhale tension. Breathe in
Step 2: Prepare
Do not hurry your preparation. It may take you
two or three reflective settings. Be willing to
take the time.
Step Three: Practice

The quality of delivery is primarily determined

by the amount of time the proclaimer spends in
preparation. After preparation, the readings
should be practice aloud.
Step Four: Proclaim
Be convinced that the power of proclamation
lies in allowing the Word to become flesh for
your listeners. Proclamation of good news has
but one objective: to touch your assembled
brothers and sisters in such a way that they are
drawn into shared experience of God.
1. Readers should have the needed
faith and be convinced of what they
2. There must be an ample practice before the
the actual performance if it is ( the common
1.Self-confidence should be there
2. Take time before starting your task by establishing
good rapport with the listeners.
3.Proper posture stand tall,stomach in,chin up,and
learn to be more comfortable with this old decorum of
line bearing.
4.Voice projection should be taken with importance;it
must reach the farthest ends.
5.Clarity of words,correct pronouciation, good
enunciation and proper breathing
6.Eye contact with the listeners,
7.Give emphasis on important points.
8. Lastly,be convinced with what you are saying.
1.Don’t be pessimstic of your task otherwise it
will cause you nervousness.
2.Stay away with your mannerism ( scratching
one’s head ,restless actuation,swaying,tapping
the lectern,pocketing the hands etc.)
Reading. Speaking with a microphone
a. test your microphone first;
b. If microphone is set on a stand, check its height if it
suits you before using it.
c. Ideal distance should not be too far nor near your
mount but just “a fist away” from your mouth.
d. Observe previous speakers/readers
e. In case of feedback, back off a little
f. Microphone’s head should be titled upward at a level
with your chin – not with your mouth.
g. Keep your tone modulated
h. Go easy on your b’s, p’s and ah’s
i. Don’t mutter in between lines.
The ministry of a lector is a wonderful work,
Through you God’s living word continue to be
proclaimed to
• His people
• The young and old
• The troubled
• The happy
• The contented
• Those in need of comfort
As a lector,you are asked to find the
middle ground between
uninvolved reading and amateur
You are asked not to let this
task become a matter of
routine for you- a quick look
at the texts and a reading
that is functional at best.
To be a lector is to be given an opportunity for your
own personal growth in Christ Jesus.
By immersing yourself in His word,you will not only
proclaim it more ably to others but also grow in your
knowledge and love of the living god.While there may
be occasions when you provide your own instances
of gold,frankincense and myrrh there will be many
more opportunities for your being:

• Touched
• Healed
• Prodded
• Embraced by the voice of our God,Fully revealed in
Jesus ,who continues to grow in you through His
Let the reader be aware of the
office he has undertaken and
make every offort and employ
suitable means to acquire that
increasingly warm and living love
and knowledfge of Scriptures that
will make him a more perfect
disciple of the Lord. “John Paul

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