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Elastic Rebound Theory

 This theory was discovered by making

measurements at a number of points across a

 Prior to an earthquake it was noted that the

rocks adjacent to the fault were bending. These
bends disappeared after an earthquake
suggesting that the energy stored in bending the
rocks was suddenly released during the
Elastic Rebound Theory
Sequence of elastic rebound: Stresses
Sequence of elastic rebound: Bending
Sequence of elastic rebound: Rupture
Sequence of elastic rebound: Rebound
Sudden Slip by Elastic
 Stresses (force/area) are applied to a fault.
 Strain (deformation) accumulates in the
vicinity of friction-locked faults.
 Strain accumulation reaches a threshold
and fault slips suddenly
 Rupture (slip) continues over some portion
of the fault. Slip is the distance of
displacement along a fault.
A fracture (crack) in the earth, where the two sides move past
each other and the relative motion is parallel to the fracture.

90˚ dip = vertical fault plane

0˚ strike = north parallel fault plane
Surface Trace of a fault
Different Fault Types

Sequence of Events
 1) Tectonic loading of faults
 2) Earthquakes
 3) Seismic waves
 4) Shaking (ground motion)
 5) Structural failure
Seismic Waves
(Earthquake’s energy is transmitted through the
earth as seismic waves)
 Two types of seismic waves
 Body waves- transmit energy through earth’s
 Primary (P) wave- rocks vibrate parallel to direction
of wave
 Compression and expansion (slinky example)
 Secondary (S) wave- rocks move perpendicular to
wave direction
 Rock shearing (rope-like or ‘wave’ in a stadium)

 Surface waves- transmit energy along earth’s

 Rock moves from side to side like snake
 Rolling pattern like ocean wave
Primary waves
P-waves, compressional or
Typicalcrustal velocity: 6 km/s (
~13,500 mph)
Travel through solids, liquids, or
Material movement is in the same Even for P waves (which
direction as wave movement can travel all the way
Behavior: Cause dilation and through) we see some
contraction (compression) of the earth changes in the path at
material through which they pass. certain points within
They arrive first on a Earth. This is due to the
seismogram. discontinuities present at
different boundaries in
earth structure
Secondary waves
 S waves (secondary)
 Typical crustal velocity: 3 km/s
( ~6,750 mph)
 Behavior: Cause shearing and
stretching of the earth material
through which they pass.
Generally cause the most
severe shaking; very
damaging to structures. S-wave velocity drops to
 Travel through solids only zero at the core-mantle
 shear waves - move material boundary or Gutenberg
perpendicular to wave
movement Discontinuity
 Arrival: Second on a
Shadow Zone - no earthquake waves
Variation of P and S wave velocities within the earth

M-disc G-disc M-Disc : The Mohorovicic

G-disc: The Gutenberg
Surface Waves
Traveljust below or along the
ground’s surface
Slower than body waves;
rolling and side-to-side
Especially damaging to
Two most common types of surface
Rayleigh Waves
 Typical velocity: ~ 0.9 that
of the S wave
 Behavior: Causes
vertical together with
back-and-forth horizontal
motion. Motion is similar
to that of being in a boat
in the ocean when a
swell moves past.
 Arrival: They usually
arrive last on a
Love Waves
 Typical velocity: Depends
on earth structure, but
less than velocity of S
 Behavior: Causes
shearing motion
(horizontal) similar to S
 Arrival: They usually
arrive after the S wave
and before the Rayleigh
Primary Waves
Secondary Waves
Locating an Earthquake’s Epicenter
Seismic wave behavior
 P waves arrive first, then S waves, then L and R

 After an earthquake, the difference in arrival times at a

seismograph station can be used to calculate the distance
from the seismograph to the epicenter (D).
If average speeds for all these waves is known, use the
S-P (S minus P) time formula: a method to compute the
distance (D) between a recording station and an event.
Time 
P wave has a velocity V P ; S wave has a velocity V S .
VS is less than VP .
Both originate at the same place --the hypocenter.
They travel the same distance
but the S wave takes more time than the P wave.
Time for the S wave to travel a distance D: TS  ;
Time for the P wave to travel a distance D: TP  .
The time difference
 1 1  V VS 
TS  TP  D D

 D    D P
VS VP 
 VP VS 
Now solve for the Distance D:
 V V 
D =  P S TS  TP 
VP VS 
Seismic Travel-time Curve: If the speeds of the seismic
waves are not known, use Travel-Time curve for that region to
get the distance

1. Measure time
between P and S
wave on
2. Use travel-
time graph to get
distance to
3-circle method: 3-circle steps:
1) Read S-P time from 3
2) Compute distance for
D each event/recording
1 D2 station pair (D1, D2, D3)
using S-P time formula.
3) Draw each circle of
radius Di on map.
4) Overlapping point is
the event location.

Assumption: Source is
relatively shallow;
epicenter is relatively
close to hypocenter.
Magnitude and Intensity
 How Strong Earthquake Feels to Observer
 Qualitative assessment of the kinds of damage
done by an earthquake
 Depends on distance to earthquake & strength of
 Determined from the intensity of shaking and
damage from the earthquake
 Related to Energy Release.
 Quantitative measurement of the amount of
energy released by an earthquake
 Depends on the size of the fault that breaks
 Determined from Seismic Records
Measuring Earthquakes
 Seismogram is visual record of arrival time and
magnitude of shaking associated with seismic
wave. Analysis of seismogram allows
measurement of size of earthquake.
 Mercalli Intensity scale
 Measured by the amount of damage caused in
human terms- I (low) to XII (high); drawback:
inefficient in uninhabited area
 Richter Scale- (logarithmic scale)
 Magnitude- based on amplitude of the waves
 Related to earthquake total energy

How Strong Earthquake Feels to Observer

Depends On:
 Distance to Quake

 Geology

 Type of Building

 Observer!

Varies from Place to Place

 Modified Mercalli Scale- 1 to 12
Earthquake Magnitude
 ML - Local (Richter) magnitude
 MW - Seismic Moment magnitude
 MS - Surface wave magnitude
 MB- Body wave magnitude
Richter Scale
 Richter Scale
 Amplitude scale is logarithmic (10-fold increase for
every whole number increase)
 Scale 1 ---- 0.001 mm; 2---- 0.01 mm; 5---- 10mm;
7---- 1 meter
 Earthquake Energy: Each whole number
represents a 33-fold increase in Energy; Energy
difference between 3 & 6 means ~1000 times
 Drawbacks:
 Based on Antiquated Wood-Anderson
 Measurment Past Magnitude 7.0 ineffective –
Requires Estimates
Local Magnitude of Earthquake

 Magnitude
 Richter scale measures the magnitude of an earthquake,
based on seismogram independent of intensity
 Amplitude of the largest wave produced by an event is
corrected for distance and assigned a value on an open-
ended logarithmic scale
 The equation for Richter Magnitude is:

ML = log10A(mm) + (Distance correction factor)

Here A is the amplitude, in millimeters, measured directly
from the photographic paper record of the Wood-Anderson
seismometer, a special type of instrument. The distance
factor comes from a table given by Richter (1958).
Richter’s Local Magnitude
Right side diagram (nomogram)
demonstrates how to use Richter's
original method to measure a
seismogram for a magnitude
estimate After you measure the
wave amplitude you have to take its
logarithm and scale it according to
the distance of the seismometer
from the earthquake, estimated by
the S-P time difference. The S-P
time, in seconds, makes t. The
equation behind this nomogram,
used by Richter in Southern
California, is:
ML = log10A(mm) +3 log10[8 t (sec)]-2.93
Richter Scale: Related to intensity
 M=1 to 3: Recorded on local seismographs, but
generally not felt
 M= 3 to 4: Often felt, no damage
 M=5: Felt widely, slight damage near epicenter
 M=6: Damage to poorly constructed buildings and
other structures within 10's km
 M=7: "Major" earthquake, causes serious damage
up to ~100 km (recent Gujarat earthquake).
 M=8: "Great" earthquake, great destruction, loss
of life over several 100 km
 M=9: Rare great earthquake, major damage over
a large region over 1000 km
Surface Wave Magnitude
Richter’s local magnitude does not distinguish between
different types of waves.
At large distances from epicenter, ground motion is
dominated by surface waves.
Gutenberg and Richter (1936) developed a magnitude scale
based on the amplitude of Rayleigh waves.

Surface wave magnitude Ms = log10A + 1.66 log10 +2

A = Maximum ground displacement in micrometers
= Distance of seismograph from the epicenter, in degrees.
Surface wave magnitude is used for shallow earthquakes
Body Wave Magnitude
For deep focus earthquakes, reliable measurement of
amplitude of surface waves is difficult.
Amplitudes of P-waves are not strongly affected by focal
depth. Gutenberg (1945) developed a magnitude scale
based on the amplitude of the first few cycles of P- waves,
which is useful for measuring the size of deep earthquakes.

Body wave magnitude Mb = log10A – log10T +0.01  + 5.9

A = Amplitude of P-waves in micrometers
= Distance of seismograph from the epicenter, in degrees.
Seismic - Moment Magnitude
A Seismograph Measures Ground Motion at
One Instant But --
 A Really Great Earthquake Lasts Minutes
 Releases Energy over Hundreds of
 Need to Sum Energy of Entire Record
 Moment magnitude scale based on seismic
moment (Kanamori, 1977) and doesn’t
depend upon ground shaking levels.
 It’s the only magnitude scale efficient for any
size of earthquake.
Moment Magnitude
 Moment-Magnitude Scale
 Seismic Moment = Strength of Rock x Fault Area
x Total amount of Slip along Rupture
M0 =  A D
Moment Magnitude Mw = 2/3 x [log10M0(dyne-cm) –16]
 Measurement Analysis requires Time
Seismic Energy
Both the magnitude and the seismic moment are related to
the amount of energy that is radiated by an earthquake. Dr.
Gutenberg and Richter 1956), developed a relationship
between magnitude and energy. Their relationship is:

logES = 11.8 + 1.5Ms

Energy ES in ergs from the surface wave magnitude Ms. ES
is not the total ``intrinsic'' energy of the earthquake,
transferred from sources such as gravitational energy or to
sinks such as heat energy. It is only the amount radiated
from the earthquake as seismic waves, which ought to be a
small fraction of the total energy transfered during the
earthquake process.
Local Magnitude - Seismic Energy correlation

Gujarat (2001)

Size of an earthquake using the Richter’s Local Magnitude Scale is shown on the left
hand side of the figure above. The larger the number, the bigger the earthquake. The
scale on the right hand side of the figure represents the amount of high explosive
This figure was produced in cooperation with the US Geological
required to produce the energy released by the earthquake.
Survey, and the University of Memphis private foundations
Frequency of earthquakes

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