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Sinusoidal Tools

STB 35103
 To learn the definition of frequency
 To plot frequency response
 In previous chapters we learn to analyze
and design a control system using root
locus method.

 Another method that can be used is

frequency response.
 What is frequency response?
 The frequency response is a representation of
the system's open loop response to sinusoidal
inputs at varying frequencies.

 The output of a linear system to a sinusoidal

input is a sinusoid of the same frequency but
with a different amplitude and phase.

 The frequency response is defined as the

amplitude and phase differences between the
input and output sinusoids.
 Why do we use frequency response?
 The open-loop frequency response of a system
can be used to predict the behaviour of the
closed-loop system .

 we directly model a transfer function using

physical data.
 Frequency response is consists of:
 Magnitude frequency response, M(ω)
 Phase frequency response, ø(ω)

M o ( )
M ( ) 
M i ( )
 ( )  o ( )  i ( )
 A transfer function Laplace form can be
change into frequency response using the
following expression:

G ( j )  G ( s) s  j

 We can plot the frequency response in two

 Function of frequency with separate magnitude
and phase plot.
 As a polar plot.
 Magnitude and phase plot
 Magnitude curve can be plotted in decibels
(dB) vs. log ω, where dB = 20 log M.
 The phase curve is plotted as phase angle vs.
log ω.

 Data for the plots can be obtained using

vectors on the s-plane drawn from the poles
and zeros of G(s) to the imaginary axis.
 Magnitude response at a particular frequency
is the product of the vector length from the
zeros of G(s) divided by the product of the
vector lengths from the poles of G(s) drawn to
points on the imaginary axis.

M ( j1 ) 
O O X X σ
 The phase response is the sum of the
angles from the zeros of G(s) minus the
sum of angles from the poles of G(s)
drawn to points on imaginary axis.


1 3
2 3
O O1 X X σ

 ( j1 )  [1  2 ]  [3  4 ]

 Example 10.1

 Find the analytical expression for the

magnitude frequency response and the phase
frequency response for a system G(s) =
1/(s+2). Also, plot both the separate
magnitude and phase diagrams and the polar
 Solution:
 First substitute s=jω in the system function and
G ( j ) 
j  2

 We always put complex number as numerator so we

will multiply the above transfer function with the
complex conjugate.
G ( j ) 
j  2
1  j  2
 
j  2  j  2
(2  j )
 2
(  4)
 In order for us to plot the magnitude frequency
response we must find the magnitude of the transfer

 Magnitude G(jω), M(ω)

G( j)  G( j) G( j)

 Where G(jω)* is the conjugate of G(jω), so the

magnitude for transfer function in the question is
(2  j ) (2  j )
G ( j ) 
( 2  4) ( 2  4)

( 2  4)
 The phase angle of G(jω), ø(ω)
 ( )   tan 1  
 A

(2  j ) A B
G ( j ) 
( 2  4)
 2  (2  j )
(  4)

 
 ( )   tan 1  
 We can plot the magnitude frequency response and
phase frequency response

20log M ( )  1  2  4 vs. log 

 ( )   tan 1  2 vs. log 

 We can also plot the polar plot

M ( )   ( )  1  2  4   tan 1 ( 2)
 Exercise 10.1
 Convert the following transfer function to
frequency response. Find the magnitude
frequency response and phase frequency
G(s) 
( s  2)( s  4)

 Solution G ( j ) 
( j  2)( j  4)
 2 2
j   j 4  j 2  8

8   2  j 6

8   2  j 6
1 8   2  j 6
 
8    j 6 8   2  j 6

8   2  j 6

64  8 2  j 48  8 2   4  j 6 3  j 48  j 6 3  j 2 36 2
8   2  j 6
 4
  20 2  64
 Nyquist criterion
 Nyquist criterion relates the stability of a
closed-loop system to the open-loop frequency
response and open-loop pole location.

 This concept is similar to the root locus.

 The most important concept that we need to

understand when learning Nyquist criterion is
mapping contours.
 Mapping contours
 Mapping contours means we take a point on
one contours and put it into a function, F(s),
thus creating a new contours.
 When checking the stability of a system,
the shape of contour that we will use is a
counter that encircles the entire right half-
 The number of closed-loop poles in the right half
plane (also equals zeros of 1+ G(s)H(s)), Z
 The number of open-loop poles in the right half
plane , P
 The number of counterclockwise rotations about
(-1,0), N

 The above relationship is called the Nyquist
Criterion; and the mapping through G(s)H(s) is
called the Nyquist Diagram of G(s)H(s)
 Examples to determine the stability of a
P  0, N  0,
Z  P  N  0, the system is stable

P  0, N  2, (clockwise ' ve ')

Z  0  (2)  2,system unstable
Sketching the Nyquist Diagram
 The contour that encloses the right half-plane
can be mapped through the function G(s)H(s)
by substituting points along the contour into

 The points along the positive extension of the

imaginary axis yield the polar frequency
response of G(s)H(s).

 Approximation can be made to G(s)H(s) for

points around the infinite semicircle by
assuming that the vectors originate at the
Sketching the Nyquist Diagram
 Example 10.4
 Sketch a nyquist diagram based on the block
diagram below.
Sketching the Nyquist Diagram
 Solution
 The open loop transfer function G(s),

G( s) 
( s  1)( s  10)( s  3)

 Replacing s with jω yields the frequency response of

G(s)H(s), i.e.

G ( j ) 
( j  1)( j  10)( j  3)
(14 2  30)  j (43   3 )
 500
(14 2  30) 2  (43   3 ) 2
Sketching the Nyquist Diagram
 Magnitude frequency response

G ( j ) 
(14 2  30) 2  (43   3 ) 2

 Phase frequency response

B 1  (43   ) 
G( j )  tan    tan 

 
A  14  2
 30 
Sketching the Nyquist Diagram
 Using the phase frequency response and magnitude
frequency response we can calculate the key points
on the Nyquist diagram. The key points that we will
calculate are:
 Frequency when it crosses the imaginary and real
 The magnitude and polar values during the
frequency that crosses the imaginary and real
 The magnitude and polar values when frequency
is 0 and ∞.
Sketching the Nyquist Diagram
 When a contour crosses the real axis, the imaginary
value is zero. So, the frequency during this is,

(14 2  30)  j (43   3 )

(14 2  30)2  (43   3 )2
 (14 2  30) (43   3 ) 
 500  j 3 2
 ( 14 2
 30) 2
 (43   3 2
) ( 14 2
 30) 2
 (43    ) 

real imaginary

(43   3 )
(14  30)  (43   )
2 2 3 2
Sketching the Nyquist Diagram
 We need to find the frequency when imaginary is
zero by finding the value of ω that could produce
zero imaginary value.
 There are actually two conditions that could produce
zero imaginary.
 First
(14  30)  (43   )
2 2 3 2

 Second

(43   3 )

Sketching the Nyquist Diagram
 For the first condition, in order to get the numerator
equals to zero we must find the root value of the
numerator polynomial.

(43   3 ) 0

(14  30)  (43   )
2 2 3 2
(14 2  30)2  (43   3 )2

(43   3 )  0
There are three frequencies
1  0 where the contour crosses the
2  6.5574 real axis.

3  6.5574
Sketching the Nyquist Diagram
 For the second condition, the frequency values in the
denominator that could produce zero imaginary value
is infinity, ∞.

(43   3 ) (43   3 )

(14  30)  (43   )
2 2 3 2

(14 2  30) 2  (43   3 ) 2  

 
Sketching the Nyquist Diagram
 When a contour crosses the imaginary axis, the real
value is zero.

(14 2  30)  j (43   3 )

(14 2  30)2  (43   3 )2
 (14 2  30) (43   3 ) 
 500  j 3 2
 ( 14 2
 30) 2
 (43   3 2
) ( 14 2
 30) 2
 (43    ) 

real imaginary

(14 2  30)
(14  30)  (43   )
2 2 3 2
Sketching the Nyquist Diagram
 There are two conditions that could produce zero real
 First

(14  30)  (43   )
2 2 3 2

 Second

(14 2  30)

Sketching the Nyquist Diagram
 Calculate the frequency values for the first condition.

(14 2  30) 0

(14 2  30) 2  (43   3 ) 2 (14 2  30) 2  (43   3 ) 2
(14 2  30)  0
  1.4639
 Calculate the frequency values for the second
(14 2  30) (14 2  30)

(14  30)  (43   )
2 2 3 2

 
Sketching the Nyquist Diagram
 Now that we know the frequencies of the key points
in our polar plot we will now calculate the magnitudes
and phase for each key points frequency.

Cross real

Cross imaginary
Sketching the Nyquist Diagram
 The new contour can be plot based on the key points
in the previous table.

  6.5574    0

  1.4639
Sketching the Nyquist Diagram
 Note that the semicircle with a infinite
radius, i.e., C-D, is mapped to the origin if
the order the denominator of G(s) is
greater than the order the numerator of

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