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By: Sheila Mae M. Araman

Differences between an Automated
and a Reengineered System


I. Improved Inventory SYSTEM:
Control I. Segregation of
II. Better Cash Duties
Management II. Accounting Records
III. Time Lag and Access Controls
IV. Purchasing
V. Excessive Paper
Improved Inventory Control
 Inventory requirements are detected as they arise
and are processed automatically.
 As a result, the risks of accumulating excessive
inventory or of running out of stock are reduced
 With this advantage, however, comes a control
 Program errors or flawed inventory models can
cause firms to find themselves suddenly inundated
with inventories or desperately short of stock.
Better Cash Management

 The automated system promotes effective cash management

by scanning the voucher file daily for items due, thus
avoiding early payments and missed due dates.
 By writing checks automatically, the firm reduces labor cost,
saves processing time, and promotes accuracy
 To control against unauthorized payments
 voucher file should be validated by comparing the vendor
number on the voucher against the valid vendor file.
 a manager in the cash disbursements department physically
signs the checks, thus providing control over the disbursement
of cash
Time Lag

 A lag exists between the arrival of

goods in the receiving department and
recording inventory receipts in the
inventory file
 When sales clerks do not know the
current status of inventory, sales may be
Purchasing Bottleneck

 In this automated system, the purchasing

department is directly involved in all purchase
 A vast number of routine purchases could be
automated, thus freeing purchasing agents
from routine work such as preparing POs and
mailing them to the vendors
Excessive Paper Documents

 All operations departments create documents,

which are sent to data processing, and which
data processing must then convert to magnetic
 Paper documents add costs because they must
be purchased, stored, prepared, handled by
internal mail carriers, and converted by data
processing personnel
Reengineered System

1. It uses real-time procedures and direct access

files to shorten the lag time in record
2. It eliminates routine clerical procedures by
distributing terminals to user areas.
3. It achieves a significant reduction in paper
documents by using digital communications
between departments and by digitally storing
Segregation of Duties

 This system removes the physical separation

between authorization and transaction processing.
 Computer programs authorize and process POs as
well as authorize and issue checks to vendors.
 The system provides management with detailed
transaction listings and summary reports
Accounting Records and Access Controls

 Advanced systems maintain accounting records on

digital storage media, with little or no hard-copy
 Sarbanes-Oxley legislation requires organization
management to implement adequate control security
measures to protect accounting records from
unauthorized access and destruction

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