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Windows Programming

October 2016
Course Info

• Title: Windows Programming

• Code: CoSc4152
• Credit: 3 / 5 ECTS
• Delivery: Lecture + Lab

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Course Content
• .NET framework introduction
– What is the .NET Framework?
– What’s in the .NET Framework?
– Writing Applications Using the .NET Framework
– C#?
• C# fundamentals
– Namespaces, data types, operators, value and
reference types, constructors, flow control, arrays
and strings ...

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Course Content
• Object-Oriented Programming with C#
– Defining classes, Inheritance, polymorphism,
interfaces, exception handling, interacting with the
Garbage collector, indexers, collections, enumerations
• Basic Window Forms
– Controls, The Button Control, The Label and LinkLabel
Controls, The TextBox Control, The RadioButton and
CheckBox Controls, The RichTextBox Control, The
ListBox and CheckedListBox Controls, The ListView
Control, The TabControl Control, ...

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Course Content
• Advanced Window Forms
– Menus and Toolbars, Toolbars, SDI and MDI
Applications, Building MDI Applications, Creating
Controls ...
• Data Access
– File System Data, Introduction to LINQ, Applying

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• Group Assignment [20%]

• Two Tests [30%]
• Lab Exercises [10%]
• Final Exam [40%]

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• Erik Brown, Windows Forms in Action - Second
• Rod A. Smith et al, C# Programming
• Christian Nagel, Jay Glynn, Morgan Skinner,
Professional C# 5.0 and .NET 4.5.1, Wrox
Press, 2014.

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The .NET Framework

• What is the .NET Framework?

• What’s in the .NET Framework?
• Writing Applications Using the .NET

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.NET Framework?

• a platform for developing applications

• Microsoft release, runs on Windows
• alternative versions for other systems
– Mono, open-source version of .NET Framework
• compact framework, PDAs/ smart-phones

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.NET Framework?
• no restriction on the type of applications
– Windows applications
– Web applications, multiplatform applications
– Web services …
• designed to be used from any language
• languages can also communicate with each

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What’s in the .NET Framework?

• library of code
– categorized into modules
– defines some basic types, Common Type System (CTS)
• facilitates interoperability between languages
• Common Language Runtime (CLR)
– maintaining the execution of all applications
developed using the .NET library

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Writing Applications Using
the .NET Framework
• using the .NET code library
• environments
• compilation is a two step process
– target code

Any similarity with JAVA?

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Assemblies code.v

• CIL is stored in assembly

• includes:
– executable files
– libraries assembly

– metadata
• enables assemblies to be fully self descriptive
– optional resources

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• place reusable code in a place accessible to all
– global assembly cache (GAC)
• How does CLR find assemblies?
– FCL assemblies reside in GAC
– CLR looks in GAC first, then EXE's directory…

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Managed Code
• Code written using .NET Framework is
managed when executed
• CLR looks after applications by
– managing memory
– handling security
– allowing cross-language debugging …
• applications not run under the control of CLR,

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Garbage Collection

• .NET method of making sure that the memory

used by an application is freed up
• Prior to .NET, responsibility of programmers
– few errors, memory disappears, …
• works by periodically inspecting the memory
of your computer

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• code that compiles into CIL needn’t be

contained in a single file
• compiled together into a single assembly

• Reason for splitting code?

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• Clients need CLR & FCL to run .NET apps
• Design trade-off…
+ managed execution (memory protection, etc.)
+ portability:
– slower execution?

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• Cross-platform execution [FCL, CLR]

OS Process

other FCL
JIT Compiler

obj code Core FCL

obj code
obj code assembly
Native code


Underlying OS and HW
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Non .NET Application

C++ Compiler

Assembly (.dll/ .exe) – Native

Operating System
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C# VB6 C++ J# Other

.NET Application

Respective Language Compiler

Assembly - CIL

L JIT Compiler
R Native Code

Operating System
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C# Fundamentals


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