Phase Diagram Report

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Glenn Mark S. Presores
01 Phase Diagram
02 One Component System
03 Binary Phase Diagram
04 Ternary Phase Diagram
05 Experiment Proper
• A phase can be defined as a physically
distinct, macroscopically uniform and
chemically homogeneous portion of a
system that has a particular chemical
composition and structure.
• Same thermodynamic properties
• Water in liquid or vapour state is single
phase. Ice floating on water is an example
two phase system.
Gibbs Phase rule
• The number of degrees of freedom, F (no. of
independently variable factors), number of
components, C, and number of phases in
equilibrium, P, are related by Gibbs phase
rule as
• Number of external factors = 2 (pressure
and temperature). For metallurgical system
pressure has no appreciable effect on phase
equilibrium and hence,
Phase Diagrams
• One Component System

• Binary Phase Diagram

• Ternary Phase Diagram

One Component System
• The simplest phase diagram is the water
which is a one component system. It is
also known as pressure-temperature or
P-T diagram.
• Two phases exist along each of the
three phase boundaries. At low pressure
(0.006 atm) and temperature (0.01 °C)
all the three phases coexist at a point
called triple point.
One Component System

Water Phase
Binary Phase diagrams
• A binary phase is a two component
system. Binary phase diagrams are most
commonly used in alloy designing.

• The simplest binary system is the Cu-Ni

which exhibits complete solubility in liquid
and solid state.
Binary Phase Diagram

Ternary Phase diagram
• A ternary or three component phase
diagram has the form of an triangular
prism with an equilateral triangle as a
• Pure components are at each vertex,
sides are binary compositions and ternary
compositions are within the triangle.
• The composition lines on the triangle is
constructed from projections of surfaces.
Ternary Phase diagram
Phase Diagram-Mutual
Solubility Curve for
Phenol and Water
• To determine the solubility of two partially
miscible liquid properties using phenol and
Chemicals and Materials
• Phenol
• Water
• Thermometer
• Boiling Tube
• Boiling tube rack
• Pipette
1. Mixture of phenol and water in boiling
tubes was prepared in the way that phenol
was added in water in various percentages
from 8%, 11%, 20%, 50%, 60%, 63% and
2. The total amount of this 2 liquids in the
boiling tubes was fixed to be 30 mL and the
boiling tubes were labelled from A-G.
3. The boiling tube A was then heated in hot
water and mixture was stirred.
4. Then record the temperature at which the
turbid liquid becomes clear.
5. Allow the heated sample to cool and
record the temperature at which the clear
solution becomes turbid again.
6. Then, the boiling tube was heated again
and average temperature for heating and
cooling was recorded.
Determination of Phase
Diagram for Ethanol-
Toluene-Water System
1. To determine the solubility limits in a
ternary system of water and two other
2. Construct a solubility curve of the system
being studied on triangular diagram.
Chemicals and Materials
• Conical flask
• Iron stand and clamp
• Burette
• Pipette
• Dropper
• Graduated cylinder
• Ethanol
• Toluene
• Distilled water
1. Mixture of ethanol and toluene in a
sealed container measuring 100 cm3 was
prepared containing the following
percentage of ethanol, 10,25.35,50, 65,
75, 90 and 95.
2. Then 20 mL of each mixture was
prepared by filling a certain volume of
toluene using a pipette.
3. Each mixture was titrated with water until
cloudiness is observed.
4. The volume of distilled water used until
the mixture turned cloudy is measured and
5. Record the temperature at which the
solution become cloudy.
6. Repeat steps 1-5 for the other solution.
7. The points are then plotted onto a
triangular paper to give a triple phase
diagram at the recorded temperature.
Percentage Volume of Distilled water used Average Volume of Distilled
of ethanol (mL) water used (mL)

10 Titration 1 Titration2
Total Volume of % of Volume % of Volume % of
Volume Distilled water of Toluene of ethanol
(mL) water (mL) Toluene ethanol

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