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■ The main successful for any organization and to keep it under control and grow is all
about how effectually and efficiency the employees perform and how they do their
work and the way of their communication between other and the way of
understanding the goals and culture is a means complete which worker learn and
■ The relationship between organization culture and the employee’s motivation
Research Questions & Objectives

■ How does organizational culture influence motivation level of employees?

■ What are the issues in promoting a positive culture in an organisation to motivate

 To achieve and to keep the du employees and workers under control and grow it by
 to find out the relationship between organization culture and the employee’s
motivation, and how it will affect the general performance of du.
 to find out the possible and chanes of the different motivational methods to improv
the work inspiration. And the relationship between the culture and performance of
social organizations in du.
Problem Statement

■ The organizational culture has great effect on the verity of organizations process,
employees and its performance,
■ When employees are committed and having the same norms and value as per
organizations have, it might increase the performance toward achieving the whole
organizational goal
■ The organization’s weak culture may cause lack of involvement, consistency,
adaptability and mission
4. Research Design

■ Positivism philosophy for application of different imperatives,

■ Deductive approach the researcher was able to imply relevant theories as per the
research topic
■ exploratory research design, the researcher data from the relevant models and
theories for further supporting the collected information
■ Both qualitative and quantitative research method, can gain both secondary and
primary data for enhancing the quality of their research project.
Data Collection, Analysis & Sampling

■ primary data analysis and collection process, that further involves survey
questionnaire research strategy
■ survey questionnaires for 50 out of 100 employees
■ 50 employees are taken as the sample size
6. Data Analysis

■ Quantitative Analysis
■ Analysis 1: From the following analysis, 45% of employees have supported for
getting an equal treatment from their managers and co-workers marks to be an
effective element of motivation that provided by their organisation, whereas, 9%
supported to both the factor of monthly increment and others.
■ Analysis 2: From the following analysis, 36% of employees reviewed for being neutral
to the very fact getting satisfied from their organisation for motivating them.
However, 9% directly agreed to the motivation factors and its capability by the
organisation to keep the employees highly motivated for long run.
Cont. Qualitative Analysis

■ Analysis 1: According to the first manager, there are efforts made by the
organisation for keeping their employees highly motivated for long run. The very fact
of considering employees as their own responsibility makes an organisation to gain
trust of the employees.
■ Analysis 2: According to the second manager, every organisation do not focus on the
preferences of the employees, they give more importance to the customers,
therefore, being formal these organisation only implement the salary increment
factor in order to make their employees motivated for long run.
■ Budget
Facilities and some special resources
■ Laptops 1,000AEd
 IT program services
■ Computer programs 499AED
■ Analysis tools 100AED  Photocopying machine

■ Office Equipment and Stationaries  library services

■ Internet Data Package 30AED  e-library premium access

 small class to do the findings

Main Activities/ Stages Week Week Week Week Week Week

1 2 3 4 5 6

Topic selection and its ●


Identification of secondary ●

and primary data sources

Preparation of research ●


Preparation of literature ●


Description of research ●


Collecting secondary data ●

Collecting primary data 

Analysing data ●
Survey Questionnaire [Quantitative Analysis]
■ Q1. Do you think that motivation ■ Q3. What is/are the motivational ■ • Disagree
can improve employee's factor/s provided by your
outcomes? organisation? ■ • Strongly Disagree

■ o Yes ■ • Monthly Increment

■ o No ■ • Freedom for making ■ Q5. Gender: □ Male □ Female
decision ■
■ • Treating employees with ■ Q6. Age: □ 20-30 □ 30-40
■ Q2. What is the best equality
motivational factor the □ 40-50 □ 50 ≤
organizations can provide in your ■ • Appreciating hard works
■ • Others ■ Appendix 3: Interview Question
■ • Monthly Increment for 2 Managers [Qualitative
■ • Freedom for making Analysis]
decision ■ Q4. The methods your
organization adapt are
■ • Treating employees with motivating you? ■ Q1. How your organisation
equality incorporate strategies in
■ • Strongly Agree
■ • Appreciating hard organisational culture to
wo ■ • Agree motivate the employees?
vert-website-to-mobile-appsrks ■ • Neutral

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