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IndexPro Safety Induction


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Health and Safety Statement
INDEXPRO HSE policies are divided into three 1st, 2nd and 3rd tiers. The 1st covers the
HSE policies statement, while the 2nd and 3rd covers specific aspects of HSE
Management, which is applicable to INDEXPRO.
These policies address specific risk that can have negative impact on lives, assets,
environment and the health of the workforce, sub-contractors, host communities, and
other third parties that might be affected by company activities.
INDEXPRO shall carry out its activities in such a way as to:
1) Preserve the health, safety and security of the employees and all members of
public who may be affected by our operations.
2) Minimise the impact of our activities on the environment and ensure that the
environment is kept in a better state than we met it.
3) Ensure standard at all times and work in harmony with the host community.
All such activities that cannot be carried out in accordance with this policy will be
suspended until acceptable solutions are found .
Line management is responsible for the full implementation of this policy.
Health & Safety Objectives
 Safe Working Environment
 Safety Induction for Everyone
 Employee Participation
 Sub Contractor Participation
 Zero Harm
 Zero Incidents
Responsibilities of Management
 To Maintain a Safe Working Environment
 To actively manage all Hazards on site
 Ensure correct training is in place
 Respond to any safety issues on site
 To Manage all Safety Meetings on site
Responsibilities of Employees

 Follow through
 Learn and understand
 Be involved in Training
 Be proactive in all aspects of Health and
 Never walk by a Hazard without reporting it
The Health and Safety in
Employment Act 1992
From the Act, Section 19, Duties of employees
Every employee shall take all practicable
steps to ensure:
(a)The employee's safety while at work and
(b) That no action or inaction of the employee while
at work causes harm to any other person
Accident and Incident Reporting

 Employees must report

 Sub contractors must report

all accidents and incidents

 Report all Near Misses ASAP

 Never leave site without

reporting any safety issues
Why Accidents Happen
They can happen as a result of:

 Inexperience
 Bad practices
 The effect of other parties
eg: Subcontractors or
 Drugs and alcohol
 Fatigue and long hours
 Laziness/short cuts
Rehabilitation Management
INDEXPRO is committed to preventing illness and injuries at
the workplace by providing a safe and healthy working
environment for all our employees
INDEXPRO believes that occupational rehabilitation is of
benefit to everyone and the early and safe return to meaningful
and productive work of an employee.
INDEXPRO will consult with medical personnel and try to find
suitable alternative duties to enable a gradual return to work
INDEXPRO may provide alternative duties outside the
employee’s usual job profile
Successful rehabilitation requires everyone's involvement and
INDEXPRO will develop a comprehensive Rehabilitation Plan
for injured employees
Who is Responsible for Health
and Safety at INDEXPRO?
• Top Management

• The Heads of various Departments/units

• The Supervisors

• Most importantly…………You
Welding & fabrication is an Industry Full of
We put systems in place to minimize human
exposure to hazards. These control measures

 Awareness - such as this induction

 Training
 Checking and Monitoring
 Auditing and Inspections
 Warning Signs
 Read On Site Hazard Registers
Understanding your method of work
 No work activity or operation must start until you clearly
understand what is to be done, and how it is going to be
completed in a safe and orderly manner

 To ensure that this is fully understood by everyone involved,

we use a Method Statement, or a Job Safety Analysis Sheet.
The format of this document can change dependant upon the
nature and complexity of the activity to be completed, but for
the majority of our projects a particular form called a Job
Hazard Analysis Sheet is used

 These forms are generally completed by the HSE officers,

Project Engineer or his Supervisors and are used to brief
those people undertaking the work. These people then sign
the form to record their understanding
General Site Hazards
Manual Lifting

Prevent workplace injury. When lifting,

Keep your back straight, legs bent
Mechanical Lifting and Cranage
Working at Height
Confined Space and Hot Work
Personal Protection Equipment

Personal Protection
Equipment (PPE) e.g.:
Safety Boots, Ear muffs,
Coveralls, Safety Glasses,
Hard Hat etc
Must be worn at all times !
All employees must be
trained in the correct use
of the PPE for their tasks
Permit to Work
 Before doing any Job on site
you need a Work Permit
 This is your best insurance against
any work related injury
 Always make sure that the permit
has been signed off
 The supervisor will arrange
your permit
Emergency Plan and Evacuation
 Delegation to Wardens
 Go to Evacuation points
 Secure the Site
 Administer First Aid
 Call for help 112
Site Emergencies
Site emergencies include medical illnesses, injuries,
breakage or damage to services, fire, electrocution, slip,
trip & fall, burn, cuts & bruises, fall from hight suffocation
Secure all other personnel against further chance of injury.
Secure a against
the site Copyfurther
of your
where such could
cause injury or harm. Plan

First Aid
A first aid kit is available in the HSE office at all times, and
all INDEXPRO vehicles have a first aid kit.
Please make sure you know the correct street address
before ringing 112. Provide direction to the emergency site
for emergency services.

What is an Emergency?
An Emergency is a critical
condition/situation that
require immediate and
appropriate action.
Types/ Example of Emergencies
 (e.g., terrorist attack/hostage taking)
When fire is discovered:
 Activate the nearest fire alarm
 Exit the building through the nearest exit
 Assemble at the nearest muster point for head count & wait for further
 If the fire alarm is not available, notify the site personnel about the fire
emergency by the following means :
 √ Voice Communication
Fight the fire ONLY if:
 The Fire Department has been notified.
 The fire is small and is not spreading to other areas.
 Escaping the area is possible by backing up to the nearest exit.
 The fire extinguisher is in working condition and personnel are
 trained to use it.
Upon being notified about the fire emergency,
occupants must:
• Leave the building using the designated escape
• Assemble in the designated area (specify
• Remain outside until the competent authority
(Designated Official or designee) announces that it is
safe to reenter.
 Designated Official, Emergency Coordinator or supervisors must:
 • Disconnect utilities and equipment unless doing so jeopardizes his/her safety.
 • Coordinate an orderly evacuation of personnel.
 • Perform an accurate head count of personnel reported to the designated area.
 • Determine a rescue method to locate missing personnel.
 • Provide the Fire Department personnel with the necessary information about the
 • Perform assessment and coordinate weather forecast office emergency closing
 Area/Floor Monitors must:
 • Ensure that all employees have evacuated the area/floor.
 • Report any problems to the Emergency Coordinator at the assembly area.
Evacuation Route
Evacuation route maps will be posted in each work area.
The following information shall be marked on evacuation
a. Emergency exits
b. Primary and secondary evacuation routes
c. Locations of fire extinguishers
d. Fire alarm pull stations’ location
e. Assembly points

 • Site personnel should know the evacuation route(s).

• Security is an imperative aspect of an Emergency
Response Plan of INDEXPRO.
•This emergency response plan is aimed at creating an
organized and structured response strategy to very
serious security incidents that may occur Production
•The essential purpose is to remove threat to life,
safeguard property and information
Some of the events or situation that could lead to
emergency include:
•Kidnap/Hostage taking
•Violent community demonstrations
•Civil /Political Unrest
•Armed Attack on personnel
The response to any emergency within INDEXPRO
will be directed towards
•Saving life
•Care for the injured
•Protection of the environment
•Limitation of damage to assets
•Defense of INDEXPRO good
corporate image
Security Emergency Plan
 INDEXPRO shall provide appropriate organization,
logistics, procedures & training & immediate co-
operated action to manage situations.
 Regular exercises shall be carried out to confirm the
effectiveness & any necessary improvements made to
ascertain our readiness at all time
Safety Reps for this site are:
Ekere, E. M.
Nsini Akpan T.
Okere , Eustace

Safety Meeting Held every Fridays @


Health and Safety Coordinator:

Ekere, E. M.
Thank you

Any questions?
Remember, Please keep it Safe at all Times

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