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Table of Contents

 Overview of Project
 Concept of T&D and AT&C losses
 Computation of Line losses
 Scope of work & Area of Assignment
 Team Structure
 Methodology
 Tentative Audit Schedule
 Probable Difficulties may be faced
Background of the Scheme
 This assignment is Proposed under PAT Scheme of Indian Government in 2008 under its National Mission on
Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE) in National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC)., the main features of the
scheme are :

 PAT scheme is a regulatory instrument to reduce specific energy consumption in energy intensive industries, with an
associated market based mechanism to enhance the cost effectiveness through certification of excess energy saving
which can be traded.

 Under this scheme, reductions in specific energy saving targets are assigned to Designated Consumers (DCs) for a
three year cycle. The target reduction for each DC is based on their current levels of energy efficiency, so that energy
efficient DCs will have lower target of percentage reduction, as compared to less energy efficient DCs which will have
higher targets.
 FY2014-15 is taken as Baseline year & targets given to DCs for Loss reduction.
Baseline Data Submitted by Electricity Distribution Companies for Base line Year
Baseline Data(2014-15)
Difference in
Input Billed
data submitted
Energy for Energy for T&D loss in % T&D loss in %
S.No. State Utilities by SERC & as
FY 2014-15 FY 2014-15 for FY2014-15 for FY2014-15
(notification) (SERC) per
(MU) (MU)
1 Chattisgarh CSPDCL 21964 17101 22.14 22.14 0.00
2 Tamilnadu 22.11 19.32 -2.79
O 85437 66625
3 BESCOM 28261 24084 13.53 14.78 1.25
4 CESCOM 6085 5240 13.88 13.89 0.01
5 HESCOM 11059 9208 16.74 16.74 0.00
6 GESCOM 7563 6132 18.93 18.93 0.00
7 DGVCL 17132.8 15572 9.10 9.11 0.01
8 MGVCL 9454.95 8294.8 12.27 12.27 0.00
9 PGVCL 26472.6 19957.7 24.61 24.61 0.00
10 UGVCL 18070.2 16407.7 9.20 9.20 0.00
11 Andhra APEPDCL 11622 10373.3 4.79 10.74 5.95
12 Pradesh APSPDCL 25907.7 22870.9 11.14 11.72 0.58
13 TSSPDCL 32815.9 29118.3 11.30 11.30 0.00
14 TSNPDCL 12801.6 13.32 14.69 1.37
15 Maharastra MSEDCL 110458 92391 14.17 16.36 2.19
16 Kerala KSEBL 21572.9 18430.7 12.97 14.57 1.60
Our Scope & Area of Assignment Group – 3
(South Zone)
1. Andhra Pradesh -2 Company Headquarters
 APEPDCL Visakhapatnam
 APSPDCL Tirupati
2. Karnataka -4
 BESCOM Bangaluru
 CESCOM Mysuru
 HESCOM Hubballi
 GESCOM Gulbarga
3. Kerala -1
 KSEBL Thiruvananthapuram
4. Tamil Nadu-1
 TANGEDCO Chennai
Our Scope & Area of Assignment Group – 4 (West Zone)

1. CHATTISGARH -1 Company Headquarters

 CSPDCL Raipur
 DGVCL Surat
 MGVCL Vadodara
 PGVCL Rajkot
 UGVCL Mehsana
 MSEDCL Mumbai
 TSSPDCL Hyderabad
 TSNPDCL Hanamkonda
Scope of Work

 Review & verification of T&D loss data of baseline year FY-2014-15 with the authenticated
 Primary & secondary data source of the value considered by DISCOMs for calculating T&D
losses for the FY 2014-15 to be verified and established with authenticated documents.

 Collection of Data as per formats provided by BEE.

 Details of category wise consumers (domestic, industrial, commercial, Agriculture &
Municipalities). Company Wise.
 Details related to targets/projects for T&D losses given by SERC/ Electricity Distribution
 Details of Annual energy Consumption by consumer class of categories.

 Billing & Collection efficiency (category Wise) and computation of agriculture consumption.
Scope of Work (Contd..)
 Computation of Average Billing Rate (ABR) category wise, ABR with subsidy & without subsidy.
 Details of nos. of connections, no. of disconnection, connected load & load growth.
 Details of Feeder by consumers class of categories (domestic, industrial, commercial, Agriculture
 Analysis of T&D and AT&C loss data of last Five years (FY2012-13, FY2013-14, FY2014-15, FY2015-16,
FY2016-17) to be conducted and establish loss reduction trend w.r.t. technology reforms
implemented by DISCOMS.
 Development of Calculation sheet for calculating AT&C losses.
 Submission of Report to BEE/EESL.
Concept of T&D and AT&C Losses
 T&D losses are nothing but losses due to energy dissipated in Conductor, transformation and other
equipment’s used for Transmission & Distribution of power which are purely technical.
 AT&C losses are combined losses of both technical & commercial losses
 These AT&C losses are inherent in a Transmission & Distribution system and can be reduced to a certain
 DISCOMs are trying to reduce the above losses by various schemes of Utilities, MoP, GoI, PFC & REC like
RAPDRP Part A & B, IPDS, Feeder Separation, HVDS, LVDS, System Strengthening, UG Cabling, NJY,
Replacement of Old mechanical meters by Electronics meters for accuracy, Replacement of old
undersized conductor by higher capacity conductor, using BEE star rated transformers, by using LED’s in
Utilities etc.
 However losses in Discoms will exists due to Pilferage by hooking, bypassing meters, defective meters,
errors in meter reading and in estimating un-metered supply of energy and these will leads to
commercial losses.
 The same cannot be accepted as there is significant quantum of losses and there by DISCOMs revenue
will reduce.
 Thus AT&C Losses are now being used as major parameter for determination of the performance of
Computation of T&D and AT&C Losses
 Computation of T&D Losses
 The T&D losses are measured by using formula as mentioned below:-
T&D Losses = [(Energy Input to feeder (MU) – Billed Energy to Consumer (MU)) / (Energy Input MU)] x 100
 Computation of AT&C Losses
 The aggregate technical and commercial losses are measured by using formula mentioned below:-
AT&C Losses=[1-(Billing Efficiency * Collection Efficiency)]*100
 Computation of Billing Efficiency
 Billing efficiency is the ratio of Energy billed to energy Input. Billing Efficiency can be computed using formula
Billing Efficiency= Total Units Billed (MU) /Total Input (MU)
 Computation of Collection Efficiency
 Consumers billed on basis of energy consumed through meter reading and assessment of unmetered connection.
The bill amount is computed as per tariff fixed.. Collection efficiency is measured :-
Collection Efficiency =Revenue Collected (in Rs)/ Revenue Billed (in Rs)
General Practice adopted by Utilities to Calculate AT&C Losses

 Normally in Karnataka DISCOMS the agriculture supply to farmers are not metered & billed
Upto 10HP connected load, however the govt. will subsidies the agriculture consumption
bills on average consumption per month per HP basis on predominant IP sets transformer
meter reading.
 Most of the feeders are segregated and also under segregation for domestic and IP loads.
 Feeder wise consumer indexing and energy audit has not properly done and now they are
 Hence the feeder wise energy audit data for previous years may not be available.
 Billing and collection & calculation of AT&C losses is normally done on sub-division wise.
Now they are started doing feeder wise.
 Hence this verification of audit can be done by company wise.
Team Structure for South Zone
South Zone

S No No of person Name of Person Qualification Experience Remarks

30+ Years of experience in

M Tech with Certified T&D and renewable
1 Team Leader 1 R P Singh
Energy Auditor energy with state
electricity board of A&N

12 Years experience in
B Tech in Electrical and
1 UmaMaheswarao Power Transmission &
2 Graduate Engineer
B Tech in Electrical and 12+ Years Experience in
1 Prakash M
Electronics Power disttrbution
5+ Years experience in
B Tech in Electrical and
1 Dhanunjay Rao Power Transmission &
3 Diploma Engineer
5+ Years Experience in
B Tech in Electrical and
1 Ranjith Kumar power distribution with
12+ Years Experience in
4 Data Analyst 1 Nagababu Mandapaka B Tech in Electrical T&D with various state

30+ Years of experience in

5 Technical Analyst 1 Shivalingappa K B Tech in Electrical T&D with Banglore
Electricity Company
Team Structure for West Zone
West Zone
S Proposed
No of person Name of Person Qualification Experience Remarks
No Position
30+ Years experience in Power T&D
Brijesh Kumar B Tech with certified
1 Team Leader 1 with Gujarat State Electricity
Saxena energy auditor
2+ Years experience in Power T&D
1 Prasant Kumar B Tech in Electrical
Graduate with State DICOMS
Engineer 5+ Years experience in Power T&D
1 Ranjeet Yadav B Tech in Electrical
with State DICOMS
12+ Years experience in Distribution
1 Narender Kumar Diploma in Electrical
Diploma with Various state DISCOMS
Engineer 8+ Years Experience in power T&D
1 Vikas Rathee Diploma in Electrical
with various state DISCOMS
8+ Years Experience in power T&D
with varous state electricity
4 Data Analyst 1 Naveen Kumar B Tech in Electrical
department currently invoved with
MPMKVVCL Madhya Pradesh
30+ Years experience in Power T&D
5 1 JS Rana with Himanchal State Electricity
M.Tech in Power System Board
 Obtaining of Authority letters from BEE in favour of N_Arc Consulting
 Necessary instructions have to be given to company headquarters to cooperate for collection of
data & verification during the visits of N_Arc Consulting representative .
 Mailing of the formats for data collection along with our specific requirements to the designated
person of DISCOMs so as to keep ready the required data.
 Designating of an experience executive at Delhi office of BEE to coordinate with all the teams at
South and West zones as well as N_Arc/ EESL.
 N_arc will create Zone wise temporary offices with required office staff, equipments and
 South Zone- Bengaluru
 West Zone- New Delhi
 In every zone the staff will be divided into two teams headed by a senior person to communicate
and collect the required data from DISCOMS.
 Communication of our Tentative programme of site visits to BEE/EESL will be done for
 Visit of teams to DISCOM’s Head Quarters for collection of data.
 Collection of following data for Baseline year viz. 2014-15 to review and verify the figures of T&D
losses submitted by various DISCOMs
 Collection of Annual Energy Input to the DISCOM’s area with authenticated annual audit
reports or certified records.
 Net Annual Energy Input though DISCOM’s own generation if any.
 Energy Output (recorded at boundary of DISCOM) emanate from DISCOM’s area and
feeding other DISCOMs area.
 Energy Input (recorded at boundary of DISCOM) emanating from other DISCOMs area.
 Billed Energy Data for all metered & unmetered consumers.
 Revenue collection.
 Norms established by respective SERC for assessment of unmetered consumption.
Methodology (Contd.)
 Collection of Data as per format supplied by BEE.
 Meet concerned officials of DISCOMs to understand their methodology adopted for
calculation of T&D losses, AT&C losses & computation method of unmetered energy for base
line year viz. 2014-15.
 Collection of consumer details category wise.
 Obtaining of targets and projections for T&D Loss reduction.
 Collection of data for annual energy consumption category wise
 Computation of category wise collection efficiency.
 Computation of Average Billing Rate(ABR) with and without tariff subsidy.
 Computation of Average realization Rate(ARR) with and without tariff subsidy.
Methodology (Contd.)
 Collection of details of connections, disconnections and connected load.
 Collection of details of feeders (category wise).
 Collection of similar data for FY 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2015-16
 Analysis of these data to compute T&D and AT&C losses to establish loss reduction trend.
 Development of calculation sheet for T&D and AT&C loss.
 Information to BEE/EESL regarding the difficulties faced (if any) during site visits and data
 The collected data will be analyzed at center place as mentioned above.
 In case of any shortcomings found in the data collected during analysis, our team will inform the
DISCOM about shortcoming & visit the DISCOM again if necessary.
 Preparation and Submission of Draft Report to BEE for approval.
 Submission of final report.
Tentative Audit Schedule for Group 4 South Zone
Tentative Audit Schedule for Group 3 West Zone
 Some of the feeders are not categorized tariff wise because of mixed load.
 Feeder wise consumer indexing may not be available.
 Feeder wise Billing & collection Data may not be available.
 Feeder Wise Asset information may not be available.
 Feeder wise DTC and consumers metering may not be available in agriculture & rural

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