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Science 2

Water Pollution
Air Pollution
Water Pollution
Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies (e.g. Lakes,
rivers, ocean and ground water). This form of environmental
degradation occurs when pollutants are directly or indirectly
discharged into the water bodies without adequate treatment to
remove harmful compounds. Water pollution affects the entire
biosphere – plants and organisms living in these bodies of water.
The Ganga
The Ganges is the largest river in India with an extraordinary religious
importance for Hindus. Situated along its banks are some of the world’s oldest
inhabited cities like Varanasi and Patna. It provides water to about 40% of the
Indian population across 11 states, serving an estimated population of 500
people and more. Today, it is considered to be the sixth most polluted river in
the world. A number of initiatives have been undertaken to clean the river but
failed to deliver desired results.
What steps have been taken?
 In 1985, the Government launched
the Ganges Action Plan in 29 cities in
Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
 As a result of the Public Interest
Litigation filed by Eco-Friends in
1997, several landmark orders have
been passed to address critical issues
of Ganga pollution, including closure
of 200 odd polluting industries and
initiation of action to address the
limitation of the Ganga Action Plan.
The Yamuna
 River Yamuna with a total length of around 1,370 kilometres, is the largest tributary
of the river ganga. Its source is at Yamunotri, in the Uttarakhand Himalaya.It flows
through the states of Delhi, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh,before merging with
the Ganges at Allahabad.
 Yamuna is one of the most polluted rivers in the world, especially around Delhi,
which dumps about 57% of its waste into the river.
 Way back in December 1994 on the basis of news report on the level of pollution in
Yamuna the supreme court has been monitoring the cleaning of the river.
Pollution in Yamuna River
The Yamuna river passing
through km in Delhi was once
described as the lifeline of the
city, but today it has become the
dirtiest river in the country.
The reasons:
 There are 17 drains entering
Yamuna in Delhi and almost
3,500 million litre of waste
water enters Yamuna without
any treatment.
 Encroachment near Yamuna
 Cattle wading and dairy waste.
Initiatives Taken

 Major sources: Domestic sewage and Industrial effluent.

 The Govt. of Delhi has ensured that more than 1200 industrial
units have installed effluent treatment plants to treat their
industrial waste water.
 11 Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs) which treat waste
water generated from 15 industrial areas, are being monitored
every month.
 23 Sewage Treatment Plants of 512 MGD capacity, which have
been installed to treat the sewage, are being monitored every
 DPCC conducts monthly Water Quality Monitoring of River Yamuna
and Drains and informs the concerned agencies to take corrective
Taj Mahal
 The 370 year old mausoleum is India’s most famous tourist
attraction, bringing four million visitors a year to the northern
city of Agra .
 It was build by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan, who was grief-
stricken by the death of his wife Mumtaz Mahal.
Pollution gnawing at the walls of
Taj Mahal
 Pollution is turning the Taj Mahal
yellow, despite efforts by the Indian
Government to control air
contamination around the poignant
17th century monument.
 Air borne particles are being
deposited on the monument’s
white marble, giving it a yellow
tinge. THEN
 A committee recommends that
while undertaking any
conservation activity the Taj Mahal,
abundant cautions should be taken
to retain the original glory of the
shimmering white marble used to
build it.

Steps taken to save Taj Mahal
 After a report saying pollution is turning the Taj Mahal
yellow, authorities have taken a number of steps to cut
emissions in the area.
 Vehicles have been banned within a half-mile radius. The
report said the white marble structure is gradually turning
yellow from pollution from gas powered by vehicles.
 Authorities have also set up pollution monitoring stations
around the Taj Mahal.
Thank you

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