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Harbour & Airport

Engineering (2180602)
Ujjval J Solanki
[email protected]

Chapter 1 Lect. -1
Civil Engg. Deptt,
Dock, Harbour
Harbour and
and Airport
Airport Engg.
Engg. (2180602)
(2180602) Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Need of the study
 Harbour and Airports are important infrastructure for
economic growth of any country.
 It requires large scale planning, design and construction.
 It requires huge amount of investment.
 Precise engineering skill is required for the planning,
design and construction and maintenance of Harbour and
Airport engineering.
 The subject covers the fundamental knowledge of
various important elements of Harbour and Airport
Engineering. It includes the planning, design and
construction techniques used in the Harbour and Airports
Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 22 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Tender on AAI web site

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 55 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Tender on AAI web site

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 66 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Tender on AAI web site

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 77 Darshan
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of Engineering
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& Technology
Tender on AAI web site….Rajkot New Airport

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 88 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Tender on AAI web site

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 99 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Jobs with Airport Authority of India
 AAI recruit Junior Executive through GATE score
 Only need to verify document.

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 10
10 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Jobs with Contractor…TARMAT in Rajkot

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 11
11 Darshan
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Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Airport Management Company

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 12
12 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Airport Management Company

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 13
13 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Airport Management Company

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 14
14 Darshan
Darshan Institute
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of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Darshan Institute with AAI

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 15
15 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Dock and harbour -Gujarat Maritime Road

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 16
16 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Gujarat Maritime Road

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 17
17 Darshan
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Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Tender Gujarat Maritime Board

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 18
18 Darshan
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of Engineering
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& Technology
Ports under Gujarat Maritime Board

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 19
19 Darshan
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Institute of
of Engineering
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& Technology
Job Opportunity Gujarat Maritime Board

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 20
20 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Scope of the subject
Docks and Harbour (50%) Airport Engineering (50%)

1. Harbour Planning 1. Authorities working

2. Airport Planning
2. Natural Phenomena
3. Runway Design
3. Marine structures
4. Taxiway Design
4. Docks and Locks 5. Terminal Area Design
5. Port Amenities and 6. Grading and Drainage
Navigational Aids 7. Air Traffic Control and
6. Harbour Maintenance Visual Aids
GTU Teaching and Examination Scheme:
Examination Marks Total
L T P C Theory Marks Practical Marks

3 1 0 4 70 20 10 30 0 20 150

100 50

• 70 Marks GTU Exam

• 20 + 10 Marks Performance assessment ( Class presence + Mid Semester Exam )
• 10 Marks Active learning Assignment ( Your PPT )
• 30 Marks End Semester Examination ( External Viva)
• 10 Open Ended project ( Institute Assignment )
Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 22
22 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
1. Prepare Sketch book ( List of sketch will be
2. Assignment Each chapter one ( Harbour +

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 23
23 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Topics to be covered
1. Introduction about Airport authority and Aircraft
2. Airport Planning
3. Runway Design
4. Taxiway Design
5. Terminal Area Design
6. Grading and Drainage
7. Air Traffic Control (ATC) and Visual Aids

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 24
24 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
1 General: History, development, policy of air transport, aircrafts, 2 5%
aerodromes, air transport authorities, air transport activities, air
crafts and its characteristics, airport classifications as per ICAO.
2 Airport Planning : Regional planning-concepts and 6 10 %
advantages, location and planning of airport as per
ICAO and
F.A.A. recommendations, airport Elements -airfield, terminal
area, obstructions, approach zone, zoning laws, airport capacity,
airport size and site selection, estimation of future air traffic,
development of new airport, requirements of an ideal airport
3 Run Way Design: Wind rose and orientation of runway ,wind 5 10 %
coverage and crosswind component, factors affecting runway
length, basic runway length, and corrections to runway length,
runway geometrics and runway patterns
(configurations).Runway marking, threshold limits cross section
Chapter ––of1:
Chapter 1:runway
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 25
25 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
4 Taxiway Design: Controlling factors, taxiway geometric elements, 3 10%
layout, exit taxiway, location and geometrics, holding apron,
turnaround facility. Aprons -locations, size, gate positions, aircraft
parking configurations and parking systems ,hanger-site selection,
planning and design considerations, Fuel storage area, blast
pads . wind direction indicator
5 Terminal Area Design: Terminal area elements and requirements, 4 5%
terminal building functions, space requirements, location
planning concepts, vehicular parking area and Circulation network.
passenger requirements at terminal building
6 Grading and Drainage : Airport grading-importance - operations, 2 5%
airport drainage aims, functions, special characteristics,
basic requirements, surface and subsurface drainage systems.
7 Air Traffic Control and Visual Aids: Air traffic control- 2 5%
objectives, control system, control network-visual aids-landing
information system, airport markings and lighting.
TOTAL 22 50%
Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 26
26 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of EngineeringHr.
of Engineering &
& Technology
Technical Visit:
The visit of any harbour and port structure should
be carried out to understand the various structures,
its construction and operations.

The visit of Airport site should be carried out to

understand the various structures, its construction
and operations.

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 27
27 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Preparation of power-point slides, which include
videos, animations, pictures, graphics for better
understanding theory and practical work –
The faculty will allocate chapters/ parts of chapters to
groups of students so that the entire syllabus to be
The power-point slides should be put up on the web-
site of the College/ Institute, along with the names of
the students of the group, the name of the faculty,
Department and College on the first slide. The best three
works should submit to GTU.
Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 28
28 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Reference Books:
Sr. Title Author Publisher
01 Airport Planning & Dr. S. K. Khanna, Nem Chand &
Design M.G.Arora and S.S. Bros.,Roorkee
02 Airport Engineering G.V. Rao Tata McGraw Hill
Pub. Co., New Delhi
03 Harbour, Dock and R. Srinivasan and S. Charotar publishing-
Tunnel Engineering C. Rangwala Anand
04 A Course in Docks S. P. Bindra DhanpatRai& Sons,
and Harbour Engg. NewDelhi
05 Airport Engineering Rangwala Charotar publishing-
Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 29
29 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
NPTEL Video Lecture:
NPTEL.. Transportation Engineering-II-Video lecture
by Rajat rastogi ( NPTEL web site)

Same lecture is available in Text

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 30
30 Darshan
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Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Airport Engineering General
 Advantages of Air Transport (GTU: May 2012)
• Save time
• Continuous service
• Inaccessible area.
• Relief operations in emergences
• GDP growth, Earn foreign exchange

 Disadvantages of Air Transport(GTU: 2012)

• Higher operating expenses. Costly
• Limited capacity-Passanger, cargo
• Affect weather condition
• RR of ICAO ( International Civil Aviation Organization)
• Accident fear

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 31
31 Darshan
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Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
History of Aviation
• Reger Bacon – First Man –study @ flight of birds 1266
• Orville Wright -1903 Power driven aircraft
• 1918 International air service start New York
• 1929 India first flight Karachi- Delhi.
• 1929 First Airlines guide by USA
• 1927 May –First longest flight 4500 Km New York-
• 1939 First Jet flight
• 1952 Full scale commercial service started
Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 32
32 Darshan
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of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Development of Air Transportation in India.
• 1911 First flight between Allahabad-Naini.
• 1929 Regular services between Delhi-Karachi.
• 1939 TATA AIRWAYS Ltd started,
• 1946 Tata Airlines changed name Air India Limited
• 1948 First International flight to London.

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 33
33 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
1944- 52 Nations meet in chicago USA
1947, April 4 –ICAO was created H.Q. Montreal, Canada. Specialized
agency of UNO.
Aim and objectives of ICAO (GTU: June 2013,2019)..M.Imp
1. Develop principles and techniques of International air navigation,
planning and development.
2. Ensure safe orderly growth of International civil aviation
3. Promote and Encourage art of aircraft plan, design.
4. Meet need of people –safe, efficient, economical
5. Avoid discrimination.
6. Works with WMO,ITU,IATA,ICAA
7. Develop standards and recommendation for- licensing, registration, air
traffic services, noise etc.
Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 34
34 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Airport Authority of India
• Constituted by an act of parliament 1 April 1995.
• Responsibility – creating, upgrading, maintaining and managing civil aviation
• Functions of AAI…. ( M.Imp. GTU -2011,12,15,16)
• Manage 126 Airports –(14 International + 86 Domestic)
• Provide Air Traffic management services over entire Air space.
• International Airport; Ahmedabad, Calicut, Guwahati, Jaipur,Trivendram,
Kolkata & Chennai.
• Major Air routes covered with RADAR
• 52 Runways with ILS, with night landing facility.
• GAGAN project with ISRO.
• Design, construction, maintenance of air ports
• Expansion, strengthen of Existing airports
• Provision of visual aids

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 35
35 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
The functions of AAI are as follows
• Design, Development, Operation and Maintenance of international and
domestic airports and civil enclaves.
• Control and Management of the Indian airspace extending beyond the
territorial limits of the country, as accepted by ICAO.
• Construction, Modification and Management of passenger terminals.
• Development and Management of cargo terminals at international and
domestic airports.
• Provision of passenger facilities and information system at the passenger
terminals at airports.
• Expansion and strengthening of operation area, viz. Runways, Aprons,
Taxiway etc.
• Provision of visual aids.
• Provision of Communication and Navigation aids, viz. ILS, DVOR, DME,
Radar etc.

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 36
36 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) (GTU:May 2012)
• Regulatory body of civil aviation.-Estd :1945
• Functions of DGCA
• Regulation of Air Traffic service
• Licensing of Pilot
• Registration of Air Crafts
• Licensing of Aerodrams
• Approval of tariffs/schedule
• Monitor flight crew standards
• Laying down Airworthiness of aircraft.
• Supervision and Training
Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 37
37 Darshan
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of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Airports in India
 International Airports -24 nos
 Domestic Airports –
 486 total airports, airstrips, flying schools and
military bases are available in the country
 131 total operational airports (106 with
scheduled commercial flights including some
with dual civilian and army use).

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 38
38 Darshan
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Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Andaman and Nicobar
1 Veer Savarkar International Airport Port Blair
2 Visakhapatnam Airport Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh
3 Rajiv Gandhi International Airport Hyderabad Telangana
4 Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport Guwahati Assam
5 Indira Gandhi International Airport New Delhi Delhi
6 Goa International Airport whole state Goa
7 Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport Ahmedabad Gujarat
8 Kempegowda International Airport Bengaluru Karnataka
9 Mangalore International Airport Mangalore Karnataka
10 Cochin International Airport Kochi Kerala
11 Calicut International Airport Kozhikode Kerala
12 Trivandrum International Airport Thiruvananthapuram Kerala
13 Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport Mumbai Maharashtra
14 Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar International Airport Nagpur Maharashtra
15 Tulihal Airport Imphal Manipur
16 Biju Patnaik International Airport Bhubaneswar Odisha
17 Sri Guru Ram Dass Jee International Airport Amritsar Punjab
18 Jaipur International Airport Jaipur Rajasthan
19 Chennai International Airport Chennai Tamil Nadu
20 Coimbatore International Airport Coimbatore Tamil Nadu
21 Tiruchirapalli International Airport Tiruchirapalli Tamil Nadu
22 Chaudhary Charan Singh Airport Lucknow Uttar Pradesh
23 Lal––Bahadur
Chapter 1:
1: Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Shastri Airport
Introduction Engg 39
39 Darshan Institute
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Darshan of Engineering
Engineering && Technology
Uttar Pradesh
Airports in India : Indira Gandhi International Airport
( New Delhi)

• Area 5220 Acre.

• South Asia’s largest airport-Important Aviation Hub.
• Capacity 65 million passenger per year.
• Handle more than half of south Asia air traffic.
• Owner : Delhi International Airport Limited -DIAL
• Managed by GMR group.
• 4th Best Airport in the world.
• It is also the busiest airport in the country in terms of cargo traffic,
overtaking Mumbai during late 2015. In the calendar year 2017, it
was the 10th busiest airport in the world and 
6th busiest airport in Asia by passenger traffic handling over 63.4
million passengers

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 40
40 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Airports in India
• Chhatrapatti Shivaji International Airport (Mumbai) Sahar
International Airport
• Area 4800 Acre.
• South Asia’s second busiest airport-Important Aviation Hub.
• Five operating terminal.
• Handle more than half of south Asia air traffic.
• Management with GVK group.
• Located within the city limit.
• It is the second busiest airport in the country in terms of total and international
passenger traffic after Delhi, and was the 14th busiest airport in Asia and 
29th busiest airport in the world by passenger traffic  in calendar year 2017 handling
over 47.2 million passengers.[5] Its passenger traffic was about 48.5 million in fiscal
year 2017-18.
• The airport is the second busiest in the country in terms of cargo traffic also. In
March 2017,

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 41
41 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Airports in India
• Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport (Kolkata)-Dum
Dum Airport
• Area 4500 Acre.
• Fifth busiest airport in country.
• Three operating terminal.
• The airport handled almost 20 million passengers in fiscal year
2017-18 making it the fifth-busiest airport in India in terms of
passenger traffic after airports at Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and
• Located 17 Km from Kalkata city center.

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 42
42 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Airports in India
• Chennai International Airport (Chennai)-
• Area 3960 Acre.
• 4th busiest airport in India.
• Three operating terminal.
• The airport handled over 20 million passengers in the fiscal year
• Located 7 Km from Chennai city center.
• handling about 35,000 passengers and 400 aircraft movements
• Chennai airport has two runways—the 3,658 m (12,001 ft) long
primary runway No 07/25 (North-east - South-west orientation) and
the 2,925 m (9,596 ft) long secondary runway No 12/30 (North-west
- South-east orientation).
Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 43
43 Darshan
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of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
• Air India Limited (AIL)
• Part of Govt of India.
• Serving Asia, Europe, North America.
• 4th Largest share in Indian Domestic air travel market.
• Financial losses, Decline rates @ 14% in 2007,2011.
• Indian Airlines.
• Focused on Domestic routes.
• State owned, managed by Ministry of Civil Aviation.
• Indian Airlines merged with Air India- Feb-2011.
• Owned 130 Aircraft.
• Pawn Hans Helicopters Ltd.
• Bases in Noida (UP), Operations at Juhu Aerodrome.-Parle.-Mumbai.
• First it was HCI-Helicopter Corporation of India .
• Providing services to offshore exploration operations.-78.5% Share of GOI, remaining with ONGC.
• Services- Offshore operation, Rescue, VIP, Aerial photography

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 44
44 Darshan
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of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
• Zeppelin-1918
• Engine : Piston Engine( with propellor)
• 1945: Turbine Engine
• Jet Engine ( Without propellor)/ Jumbo Jets
• HALHT-2 – First Indian Aircraft-1961, 155 HP
• HAL HF 24 Marut- First Indian Jet, 120 Kmph speed.
• MMPL-II kanpur-4 seat, used for air observation duty.
• AVRO -748- Used in Indian Air Force, speed 400 Kmph.
• HF-24-First Super sonic Aircraft., Mfg:-HAL-Kanpur.
• BOING 707-320 –Turbo jet Engine, 960 Kmph,189 Passa.
• BOING 747 –Jumbo Jet, 960 Kmph, 490 Passanger
• BOING 747 Konark , pass. -407, 1200 Kmph

Department of Civil Engg,Darshan Institute of Engg &

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 45
45 Darshan
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of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
• Aerodrome:
• A define area on land or water intended to be used either
wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface
movement of aircraft. First built at UK 1910.

• Airport
• Any aerodrome at which permanent custom and
Immigration facilities are provided.

Department of Civil Engg,Darshan Institute of Engg &

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
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46 Darshan
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of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Based on Function
STOL ( Short take off and landing) ports
Based on usage or Ownership

Department of Civil Engg,Darshan Institute of Engg &

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 47
47 Darshan
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of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Classification of Airports
• Based on facilities available
• No. and type of runway
• Navigational Aids
• Based on type of aircraft to serve
• Basic utility airports.-Handle Single and light twin engine
• General utility-Medium twin engine
• Basic Transport- Business jet
• General Transport: All the aircrafts

Department of Civil Engg,Darshan Institute of Engg &

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 48
48 Darshan
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Engineering &
& Technology
Classification of Airports as per ICAO

Airport Basic Runway length Width of Max

Type Maximum Minimum Runway Longitudinal
Mt. Mt. mt grade %

A Over 2100 2100 45 1.5

B 2099 1500 45 1.5
C 1499 900 30 1.5
D 899 750 22.5 2.0
E 749 600 18 2.0
Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
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Engineering &
& Technology
Classification of Airports as per ICAO

Code Single isolated Tyre Area of Tyre

No wheel load (Kg) pressure imprint
(Kg/cm2 ) cm2
1 45000 8.5 5294 -82 ф
2 34700 7.0 4957 – 80 ф
3 27000 7.0 3857-70 ф
4 20000 7.0 2857-60 ф
5 13000 6.0 2166-52 ф
6 7000 5.0 1400-42 ф
7 2000 2.5 800-32 ф
Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 50
50 Darshan
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Engineering &
& Technology
Contact Pressure/ Tyre Pressure
= 8.49 Kg/

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 51
51 Darshan
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of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology
Airports In India

Chapter –– 1:
1: Introduction
Introduction –Airport
–Airport Engg
Engg 52
52 Darshan
Darshan Institute
Institute of
of Engineering
Engineering &
& Technology

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