Apics CSCP Partner Corporate Presentation 2014

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APICS Certified Supply Chain

Professional (CSCP) Program

Sample Agenda
 About APICS
 APICS CSCP Program
 APICS CSCP Exam Preparation
 Questions

2 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

 APICS is recognized as the premier provider of research,
education and certification programs focused on supply chain
and operations management.
 Founded in 1957, APICS is the leading association for supply
chain and operations management.

3 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

APICS Mission
 APICS builds and validates knowledge in supply chain and
operations management. We enable our community of
members, affiliates and customers to lead in the global

4 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

APICS Membership
 The APICS membership community worldwide
– More than 250 channel partners worldwide (chapters across
North America and international channel partners)
– More than 37,000 members
– Represents more than 15,000 manufacturing and service
industry companies

5 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

APICS Global Presence
 APICS channel partners by region

6 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Partial APICS Client List
 3M  Lenovo
 BASF  P&G
 Boeing  PepsiCo
 Caterpillar  PwC
 Coca Cola  Royal Dutch Shell
 Dell  Samsung Electronics
 Dow Chemical  Schlumberger
 DuPont  Starbucks
 IBM  Unilever
 Ingersoll Rand
 Intel
 Johnson & Johnson
 Nestle

7 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

APICS Body of Knowledge
 The APICS Operations Management Body of Knowledge
(OMBOK) Framework is the basis for global industry standards
in supply chain and operations management.
 The APICS Dictionary establishes accepted terminology
including more than 4,000 terms for interorganizational

Standard terminology = clear communications =

better solutions

8 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

APICS Education
 Create consistency and foster collaboration through shared
best practices and common terminology
 Reduce inventory and overhead costs
 Acquire ERP functional expertise to increase efficiency
 Improve contractor management processes

9 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

APICS Certification Programs
 APICS Certified in Production and Inventory
Management (CPIM)
Demonstrates an in-depth understanding of internal
 APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP)
Validates mastery of supply chain and operations
management concepts

10 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

APICS Certification
 Internal focus  External focus
 Primarily manufacturing  Encompasses end-to-end
operations supply chain – including
 Depth within specific suppliers and customers
manufacturing, service and  Breadth across many topics,
operations topics including globalization, IT
enablement, logistics, service
industry and more

11 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

About the APICS
CSCP Program
What is the APICS CSCP Program?
 Professional development,
education and certification
 First certification program to
focus on the end-to-end
global supply chain
 The global standard in
supply chain education and
certification since its
introduction in 2006

13 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Benefits of APICS CSCP Education
 This world-renowned program benefits professionals and
employers by
– aligning global supply chain strategies with business objectives
to streamline operations and drive profits
– helping professionals gain knowledge and practical applications
to effectively manage global supply chain activities
– demonstrating mastery of the concepts that create consistency
and foster collaboration through best practices, common
terminology and corporate wide communication
– increasing employee on-the-job confidence
– enhancing credibility throughout the industry

14 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Industry Acceptance of APICS CSCP
 More than 15,000 APICS CSCP designees in 79 countries
 More than 32,000 APICS CSCP Learning Systems sold
 More than 24,000 APICS CSCP exams administered

15 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Industry Acceptance of APICS CSCP
 Corporate CSCP Courses
– 3M – DuPont – Microsoft
– Abbott – General – Nestle
– Addax Electric – Novartis
– Apple – General – P&G
– Aramco Motors – PepsiCo
– BASF – GlaxoSmithKli – Pfizer
– Boeing – Oracle
– HP
– Boston Scientific – Tyco
– Bristol-Myers Squibb – Unilever
– Intel
– Cisco Systems – Wipro
– Johnson &
– Coca Cola
– Dow
– LG
– Mercedes
16 –
© APICS Confidential and Proprietary Merck
What Can the APICS CSCP Program Do
for Employers?

 Note to presenter – this is a placeholder

slide - take the opportunity to talk
about Intel and their success
implementing APICS CSCP.
 Download the success story and make
copies available to the group.

Go to learncscp.com/getting-started
to download the success story.

17 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

What Can the APICS CSCP Program Do
for Employees?

 APICS CSCP designees earn 21

percent more than uncertified
supply chain professionals

 Note to presenter – this is a placeholder

slide - take the opportunity to talk
about Keith Jawahir and his experience
obtaining the APICS CSCP designation.
 Download the success story and make
copies available to the group.

Go to learncscp.com/getting-started
to download the success story.

18 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Prospective APICS CSCP Candidates
 Employees with direct influence on supply chain
 Department and division management
 Functional management
 Employees in cross-functional departments

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APICS CSCP Preparation Resources
 APICS CSCP Learning System

21 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

APICS CSCP Preparation Resources


Content Manual (ECM) Certification Bulletin

22 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

APICS CSCP Learning System APICS CSCP Exam
 Reflects the current APICS  4-hour exam
CSCP ECM  Eligibility requirements
 Organizes 150 references into  APICS CSCP ECM
approximately 1,000 pages of  Computer-based testing
printed content worldwide
 Combines 3 print modules (5
books) with interactive web-
based tools to provide
customized learning
 Updated annually
 100-hour preparation
investment suggested

23 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

APICS CSCP Learning System Contents
Web-based study tools
Access educational
activities to support
printed content:
–Pretest and SmartStudy
–Section-specific and
module quizzes
download of APICS CSCP
ECM through Resource
–Progress reports
–Online glossary
24 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

–Resource center
APICS CSCP Certification
Eligibility Requirements
 CPIM, CFPIM, or CIRM; or C.P.M., CPSM, or CSM designations plus two
years of related business experience
 Bachelor’s degree or equivalent plus two years of related business
 Five years of related business experience

25 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

APICS CSCP Certification
Test information
 Required eligibility and registration application
 4-hour timed exam
 175 multiple choice questions; 150 scored questions
 Effective 11/1/13, test results delivered instantly at all testing center
locations upon completion of the certification exam

26 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

APICS CSCP Instructor-led Course
 Certified instructors are industry practitioners with high level
of real-world experience
 Networking opportunities with peers from a variety of
 Convenient hours and a paced course for busy professional
 Set schedule to keep participants on track
 Group reports option to track participant progress

27 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

APICS CSCP Instructor-led Courses
 Financial investment
 APICS CSCP course fees and schedule
<<include pricing and date information if applicable>>
 APICS CSCP program: apics.org/cscp
 Local contact:
<<fill in other information as necessary>>

28 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Get Started Today!
 Visit learncscp.com/getting-started where you will find
resources to help you get started with your APICS CSCP

29 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Taking the APICS
Prepare for the Exam
 Sufficient time needed
 Create a study plan and stick to it
 100 hour study time investment
– 40 percent of successful APICS CSCP candidates surveyed said
they studied 75 or more hours.

31 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

APICS CSCP Certification
 Submit an eligibility application
 Exam offered across the globe
– Computer-based testing
 Decide when to take the exam and register

32 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Take the Exam
2014 Computer-based Testing (CBT) Exam Dates

North America Outside North America

March 22 – May 10 March 22 – May 10

July 5–August 23 June 7 – July 5

November 1 –December 20 August 16 – September 13

November 1 – December 13

Visit apics.org/cscp to learn more.

33 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

 Visit apics.org/cscp to learn more
 Include contact information

34 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Additional Slides
 APICS member benefits
 APICS CSCP benefits and global presence
 Additional testimonials about APICS CSCP
 Diagrams and details about the APICS CSCP body of
knowledge and APICS CSCP Learning System

35 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Member Benefit Highlights
 Members-only savings on APICS courses, certification exams,
conferences and more
 APICS online events
 APICS publications, e-newsletters and more
 Career resources
 APICS conferences
 Channel partner and social networking opportunities

36 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

APICS Publications
 APICS magazine
 APICS Dictionary
 APICS Operations
Body of Knowledge (OMBOK)
 Production and Inventory
Management Journal


37 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Upcoming APICS Conferences
 APICS 2014 Shanghai  APICS 2014
April 17-18, 2014 October 19 – 21, 2014
Shanghai, China New Orleans, LA, USA

 APICS 2014 Dubai

 Best of the Best
November 12 – 13, 2014
Sales and Operations
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Planning (S&OP)
May 15–16, 2014
Visit apics.org/events to
Amsterdam, Netherlands
learn more.
June 12–13, 2014
Chicago, Illinois, USA

38 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

APICS CSCP Benefits to Organizations
 APICS CSCP helps organizations by
– creating common understanding, vocabulary, processes and
frameworks within their entity to address their supply chain
challenges and opportunities
– boosting productivity, collaboration and innovation
– enabling interdepartmental movement through collaboration
and a consistent foundation.
 APICS CSCP helps your employees
– design successful supply chain strategies using global standards
and common terminology
– effectively manage supplier and customer relationships
– enhance logistics, technology and data integration to improve
– increase customer satisfaction and bottom-line results.

39 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

APICS CSCP Benefits to Individual
 APICS CSCP helps employees develop
– competencies to manage complex worldwide supply chain
activities involving suppliers, plants, distributors and customers
in a global environment
– proven knowledge and organizational skills to strategically
streamline operations.
 APICS CSCP designees have the knowledge and skills to
– positively affect lead times, inventory and bottom-line
– interact with existing resources and your ERP system to increase
the efficiency of the workplace environment
– create consistency and foster collaboration through best
practices, common terminology and corporate-wide
– achieve greater confidence and industry recognition.

40 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

APICS Locations Worldwide
 Asia-Pacific  Europe  Middle East and
– Australia – Austria Africa
– China – Belgium – Egypt
– India – Bulgaria – Jordan
– Indonesia – Denmark – Lebanon
– Korea – France – South Africa
 Central and South – Germany – Tunisia
America – Ireland – Malaysia
– Argentina – Italy – New Zealand
– Brazil – The Netherlands – Singapore
– Costa Rica – Taiwan
– Poland
– Dominican Republic – Thailand
– Portugal
 North America
– Spain
– Sweden
– Mexico
– Switzerland
– Canada
– Turkey
– United Kingdom
41 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary
APICS CPIM Maintenance Points for
APICS CSCP Participation

Up to Up to
40 60
30 20 points
points points
points The
Successful Successful
Passing the maximum
completion completion
APICS CSCP maintenanc
* of the
O of an
instructor- certification e points
allowed is
exam earns
R led course
earns 1 an 60 points
additional (40 contact
earns 30 point per
20 APICS hours plus
APICS contact
maintenanc 20 points
maintenanc hour up to
e points. for passing
e points. a maximum
of 40

*Successful completion is defined as earning 80 percent or higher on

the Learning System online posttest.

42 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

What People are Saying about APICS
“The APICS body of knowledge helped empower our
employees to make strategic decisions that support
the company’s overall success, increasing on-time
delivery by nearly 50 percent.”
Kristie Huntress
Global Business Process Manager
Dow Corning

43 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

What People are Saying about APICS
“The CSCP program proves a good framework to
tackle operational and tactical issues and provides a
strong foundation to improve on a more strategic

Director, Supply Chain Management

Johnson & Johnson

44 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

What People are Saying about APICS
“The APICS CSCP program is very useful in
designing, introducing, and implementing cost
reduction programs during these times of economic
downturn. By looking beyond just the costs related to
procurement and reviewing all real costs within the
total supply chain, I’ve gained tremendous insights
that often resulted in impressive opportunities to
reduce various costs in the entire supply chain.”

John van Veen, CSCP, Procurement Consultant

Benefit Value by Procurement

45 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

46 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary
Where Does APICS CSCP Fit into the
Global Supply Chain?

Supplier relationship
Your company relationship
APICS CSCP: Global supply chain
• Implement strategic sourcing and • End-to-end supply chain • Strategy by customer type
alliances management fundamentals and segment
• Manage risk and enhance supplier • Align supply chain strategy to • Role of information
performance corporate strategy technology
• SRM performance metrics • Performance metrics, security and • Measuring CRM performance
• SRM technology and SRM compliance issues • Outsourcing CRM
outsourcing • Information technology enablement
• Recognize the fundamentals of and ERP leverage
green supply chain initiatives • Global logistics, optimization tools,
• Integrated customer-supplier
relationship management

47 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

The APICS CSCP Learning System
Print Modules Web-based study tools
 Three modules with  Access educational activities
approximately 1,000 pages at LearnCSCP.com to support
reflect the most current printed module content:
APICS CSCP body of – Pretest and SmartStudy Tool
knowledge: – Section-specific quizzes,
– Fundamentals of Supply module quick quiz and
Chain Management Learning Activities
– Supply Chain Strategy, – Posttest
Design and Compliance – Progress reports
– Implementation and – eFlashcards
Operations – Online glossary
– Resource Center
– Complimentary download of
– Mobile access to study tools
and resources
48 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary
The APICS CSCP Learning System

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The APICS CSCP Learning System

50 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

The APICS CSCP Learning System –
Module 1

51 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

The APICS CSCP Learning System –
Module 2

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The APICS CSCP Learning System –
Module 3

53 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

The APICS CSCP Learning System -

54 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

The APICS CSCP Learning System –

55 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

The APICS CSCP Learning System
– Pretest Attempts Summary

56 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Best Test Missed Question
Review Report

57 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

The APICS CSCP Learning System –
Attempts – Question Review

58 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

The APICS CSCP Learning System
– Individual Reports Menu

59 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

The APICS CSCP Learning System
– Comparison Report

60 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

The APICS CSCP Learning System
– Best Test Scores Report

61 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

The APICS CSCP Learning System
– Breakdown by Module

62 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

The APICS CSCP Learning
System – Group Reports

63 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

The APICS CSCP Learning System
– Group Reports

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System – Session Enrollment

65 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

The APICS CSCP Learning System –
Comparison Report

66 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

The APICS CSCP Learning System
– Composite Reports

67 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

System – Best Test Scores

68 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

System – Learning Activity
Completion Report

69 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

The APICS CSCP Learning System

70 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

The APICS CSCP Learning System
Mobile Study Tools:
 iPhone
 iPad
 Android-based phones and

71 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

LearnCSCP.com Online Access Extension

72 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

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