Topic: Site Layout of F-Block: Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

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Topic : Site Layout of F-Block

Guided By:
M.Tech (Civil) Dr.Rajesh Gujar
Assistant Professor
(Civil, School Of Technology )
18MCO014 Smit Patel UNIVERSITY


 Site layout and organization are important management functions which

influence all aspects of work on a construction site - from construction
methods and sequence to health, safety, and productivity.
 Facility layout and design is an important component of a business's
overall operations, both in terms of maximizing the effectiveness of the
production process and meeting the needs of employees.
 Layout planning is important because it can significantly affect
the productivity and service quality.

 The Main objective of layout is to ensure a smooth flow of work,

material, and information through a system.
 Site must be designed to maximize efficiency of operations in order to
promote worker productivity, to shorten project time and to reduce cost.
Site Layout Planning:

1. Identifying the site facilities that will be required.

2. Determining the sizes, and other constraints of those facilities.
3. Establishing the inter-relationships between the facilities.
4. Optimizing the layout of the facilities on the site.
Site layout plans might include:

 Site offices.
 Welfare facilities.
 Off-loading, temporary storage and storage areas (lay down area)
 Sub-contractor facilities.
 Car parking.
 Emergency routes and muster points.
 Access, entrances, security and access controls, temporary roads and separate
pedestrian routes.
 Waste management and recycling areas.
 Site hoardings and existing boundaries.
 Zones for particular activities.
 Cranes (including radii and capacities).
 Protection for trees, existing buildings, neighboring buildings, and so on.
 Signage.
 Temporary services (including electrical power, lighting, water
distribution, drainage, information and communications technology, site
security systems, and so on)
 Temporary works (such as propping solutions to retained structures, sheet
piling details, and so on).
 Areas for the construction of mock-ups for testing.
 Fabrication facilities.
PDPU F-Block Site View:
F-Block Site Layout
Thank you

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