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Online Facilitation

Rebecca and Sarah
Course Outline
This will be a series of ten online The two tech tools you will
professional development be learning about are:
sessions for primary teachers. Padlet
THey will be broken up over a six
week timeline. Each lesson will
allow you to learn about a new
tech tool as well as giving you
time to practice using this tool Seesaw
specifically for YOUR primary

Course Objectives!
1. Teachers will explore and apply pedagogical approaches
made possible by technology and reflect on their
2. Pursue professional interests by creating and actively
participating in local and global learning networks.
3. Use collaborative tools to expand students' authentic, real-
world learning experiences by engaging virtually with
experts, teams and students, locally and globally.

Course Sequence
Session 1: Intro to Tech Tools
Session 2: Padlet Basics
Session 3: Diving Deeper into Padlet
Session 4: Putting Padlet Into Action
Session 5: Padlet - Reflections & The Future
Session 6: SeeSaw Basics
Session 7: Diving Deeper into Seesaw
Session 8: Seesaw and Parent Communication
Session 9: Seesaw and Assessments
Session 10: Seesaw Practice & Course Wrap Up

Session 1
Objectives: Content/Resources:
- Learners will be able to ✘ Reading and video to
identify and explore introduce kids and
various technology tools. technology.
✘ Survey to gain
information about
- Learners will be able to
current technology use.
reflect on their own
✘ Introduction discussion
current technology use.
✘ Exploration of
technology tools.
Session 1: Intro. To Tech Tools
Reading/Viewing: Watch this video. Read this article.

Reflecting: Complete the following SURVEY

Displaying: Use a discussion board to respond to the following questions:

- Introduce yourself. (Name, grade you teach and what you like to do outside of teaching)
- What current tech tools do you use in your classroom?
- How often do you use them?
- What goals do you hope to accomplish from this course?

Doing: Use the following Symbaloo to explore and discover new tech tools
for primary students.
Session 2
Objectives: Content/Resources:
- Learners will be able to gain ✘ Reading & video to
proficiency in Padlet. introduce Padlet.
✘ Post about Padlet
- Learners will be able to classroom ideas.
identify new ways to use ✘ Explore uses of Padlet.
Padlet. ✘ Create a Padlet for own use.

- Learners will be able to

create a Padlet to use in
their classroom.
Session 2: Padlet Basics

Reading/Viewing: View this video as an introduction to Padlet. Read

“Why Padlet” Sign up/sign in and explore Padlet.

Reflecting: Respond to the following Padlet.

Displaying: Search and explore various uses for Padlet. Share the
link/video/screenshot on the following Google Doc.

Doing: Create a simple Padlet to use in your classroom. Post to the

discussion board.
Session 3
Objectives: Content/Resources:
- Learners will be able to ✘ Reading and videos to dive
determine challenges of deeper into Padlet in primary
Padlet and identify solutions. classrooms.
○ Video 1
○ Video 2
- Learners will be able to build
○ Video 3
a small group lesson plan
✘ Use VoiceThread discuss
including Padlet as part of
challenges that may arise.
the activity.
✘ Write small group Padlet lesson
9 ✘ Critique colleagues lesson plans.
Session 3: Diving Deeper into Padlet
Reading/Viewing: Read this post. View the following examples of Padlet in primary
1. Teaching Padlet in Kinder 2
2. 2nd Grade Sight Word Sentence Practice with Padlet
3. Kari Ruse: Using Padlet and Text Here

Reflecting: Complete the following VoiceThread activity.

Displaying: Using a template of your choice, create a lesson plan for a small group using

Doing: Post your lesson to the discussion board. Give constructive feedback to 2-3
others’ posts.
Session 4
Objectives: Content/Resources:
- Learners will be able to ✘ Readings to develop better
determine effective online teaching skills.
practices for online teaching. ○ UDL Guidelines
○ Reading 1
○ Reading 2
- Learners will be able to
✘ Video on teaching online
implement an effective small
safety to children.
group lesson incorporating
✘ Meet synchronously to
discuss small group lessons.
✘ Implement Padlet lesson
11 plan.
Session 4: Putting Padlet Into Action
Reading/Viewing: View this video on teaching kids about online safety. Explore the
UDL Guidelines. Read the following articles on effective online teaching:
1. Effective Online Teaching
2. A New Pedagogy is Emerging...

Reflecting: Synchronous Zoom meeting at 6:00 p.m. We will discuss the following:
1. Effective online strategies.
2. Group discussions of lesson plan.
3. Questions for implementation.

Displaying: Make any necessary changes to small group Padlet lesson plan.

Doing: Implement Padlet lesson during a small group time of your choice. Begin final
reflection after implementing. Final reflections are due by the end of session 5.
Session 5
Objectives: Content/Resources:
- Learners will be able to ✘ Readings & video about
determine the future of the future of online
online teaching and how learning.
it will correspond to their ○ Reading 1
classroom. ○ Reading 2
✘ Reflect on Padlet lesson
- Learners will reflect upon
✘ Discuss future uses of
their usage of Padlet.
✘ Submit final reflections.
Session 5: Padlet - Reflections & The Future
Reading/Viewing: Read “The Future of Online Schools” and “Is Online Learning the
Future?” and view this TEDx Talk.

Reflecting: Respond to reflection questions.

Displaying: Create a 1-2 minute video discussing your future plans for Padlet use in
the classroom and any other technology tools you have learned about so far..

Doing: Submit final reflection of small group Padlet lesson. You may submit in any
platform of your choice. (Ex: Google Doc, Video, Prezi, etc.)

Reflection questions can be found above in Reflecting or here.

👦 Inspire
👦 students to
do their

Session 6
Objectives: Content/Resources:
- Learners will be able to ✘ View reviews from Common
examine the Seesaw Sense Media about Seesaw.
application and how it can ✘ Watch Vlog 234.
be used in a primary ✘ View "Seesaw" Educational App
classroom. at James Madison Primary
- Learners will be able to ✘ Take a brief survey here to see
how you feel about the content.
identify new ways to use
✘ Use the discussion board to
Seesaw. answer questions.
Session 6: Seesaw Basics

Reading/Viewing: Examine the reviews about Seesaw from Common Sense Media.
Watch the video Vlog 234 to identify ways to use seesaw in the primary classroom.
Also View "Seesaw" Educational App at James Madison Primary School.

Reflecting: Complete the question here.

Displaying: Use a discussion board to respond to the following questions:

- What concerns do you have that would make you feel as if you couldn’t incorporate Seesaw?
- How many devices do you have access to?
- What goals do you hope to accomplish from this course?

Doing: Gather you class list and have it ready to copy and paste into Seesaw.

Drag your dot to show if you’re ready to learn more:

Session 7
Objectives: Content/Resources:
- Learners will be able to gain ✘ Read “ENHANCING STUDENT
proficiency in Seesaw. ENGAGEMENT WITH THE SEESAW
APP” article .
✘ View the PD training from
- Learners will be able to discuss Seesaw.
how Seesaw improves student ✘ Reflect on learning using Padlet
engagement. ✘ Search and explore various uses
for Seesaw using this Google Doc
✘ Watch the first 5 activities you
can try using Seesaw.
Session 7: Diving Deeper into Seesaw
article .
View the PD training from Seesaw to gain proficiency of Seesaw. You will sign up for
Seesaw as well as testing out the app. (Be sure to have a device on hand while watching).

Reflecting: Respond to the following on this Padlet: Why is using Seesaw beneficial to

Displaying: Search and explore various uses for Seesaw. Share the
link/video/screenshot on the following Google Doc. View this Video about the first 5
activities for PreK- 2nd grade.

Doing: Browse in the Seesaw activity library and add an activity (or two) to your class.
Implement if possible.
Session 8
Objectives: Content/Resources:
- Learners will be able to ✘ Read “What Happens When the
interpret how using Seesaw Seesaw App is Used in Kindergarten
can benefit your students. Classroom”
✘ Watch how a Kindergarten teacher
shows her students how to use
- Learners will be able to
recognize how Seesaw can
✘ Survey on how you feel about
improve parent/teacher Seesaw so far.
communication. ✘ Read Bloglovin’ about Seesaw.

Session 8: Seesaw and Parent Communication
Reading/Viewing: Interpret the article “What Happens When the Seesaw App is Used
in Kindergarten Classroom” While reading recognize how Seesaw helps with parent
View the video of a Kindergarten teacher showing her students how to use Seesaw.

Reflecting: Using a discussion board to respond to the following question-

Describe why having good parent teacher communication is beneficial to teachers,
parents and students? Give constructive feedback to 2-3 others’ posts.
Take this quick survey about Seesaw so far!

Displaying: View this Blog post from Bloglovin’ about Seesaw.

Doing: Find a few activities that correlates to what you are currently teaching and
add them to your Seesaw class.
Drag your dot to how you are feeling:

Keep going, I understand I’m a little confused Stop, I need help!

Session 9
Objectives: Content/Resources:
- Learners will be able to describe the ✘ Read Getting’ Techie: Seesaw
ways you can use Seesaw to allow ✘ View the video Using Seesaw for
for more student choice. Assessments (PreK-2nd Grade)to
develop a deeper understanding
- Learners will be able to develop a of how to use Seesaw for
deeper understanding of way to use assessments.
Seesaw to assess your students. ✘ Google doc for your reflection.
✘ View this video about App
- Learners will be able to develop their Smashing
own activity to use with their
Seesaw app.
Session 9: Seesaw & Assessments
Reading/Viewing: Read Getting’ Techie: Seesaw to see how a second grade
teacher uses Seesaw.
View the video Using Seesaw for Assessments (PreK-2nd Grade)to develop a
deeper understanding of how to use Seesaw for assessments.

Reflecting: Think of an assessment activity for your students, look at in the

Seesaw library and find one activity you can use to assess your students. Post
the screenshot of the assessment on this google doc and describe how you can
use it with your students.

Displaying: View this video about App Smashing with Seesaw.

Doing: Start developing an activity that you will create for your students to use
in Seesaw.
Session 10
Objectives: Content/Resources:
- Learners will be able to develop ✘ Read 100 ways to use Seesaw.
their own activity to use with ✘ View one Kindergarten, 1st PD,
their Seesaw app. 2nd PD, or 3rd PD.
✘ Synchronous Groups
- Learners will be able to establish ✘ View Creating your own
a variety of ways to use Seesaw activities.
✘ Develop and implement
in their primary classroom.

Session 10: Seesaw Practice
Reading/Viewing: Read the 100 ways to use Seesaw.
View one recorded PD for your grade level each video includes favorite activities
for each grade level : Kindergarten, 1st PD, 2nd PD, 3rd PD

Reflecting: Synchronous Zoom meeting at 6:00 p.m.

In groups (according to grade level) you will be reflecting and discussing how you
can incorporate Seesaw into your everyday primary classroom. Come up with
three ways you can establish using Seesaw in your everyday routine.

Displaying: View Creating your own activities video.

Doing: Develop an activity for your students and upload it to your class.
Remember this can be as simple as taking a picture of a reading passage for a
fluency check.
Wrap Up
- Teachers explored and applied pedagogical approaches made
possible by technology and reflected on their effectiveness.
- Pursued professional interests by creating and actively
participating in local and global learning networks.
- Used collaborative tools to expand students' authentic, real-
world learning experiences by engaging virtually with experts,
teams and students, locally and globally.

Session 10: Wrap Up

Reflecting: Complete the following SURVEY

Displaying: Use a discussion board to respond to the following question:

- It Matters To…
- This activity is about naming which students will benefit from what we've learned. Contemplate
what you've learned and select the name of one student for whom it will really matter.

Doing: Actively implement Padlet and Seesaw into your primary classroom.

Any questions?
You can email us at
[email protected]
[email protected]


● Session 1
○ Reflecting - instead of using a discussion board, class could meet in a synchronous group on
Google Hangouts or using a instructor selected LMS.
● Session 2
○ Consider adding the option of a learner reflective journal. In the rubric allow for multiple means
of action and expression with allowance of videos graphics, music, and user created pictures.
● Session 3
○ Consider more readings/viewings on lessons including Padlet. A few sample reading: Five Ways
to Use Padlet in the Classroom, 100 Ways for Teachers to Use Padlet and Amazing Ways
Teachers Use Padlet
● Session 4
○ This session could be asynchronous. Colleagues could just use a discussion board to give
feedback or peer edit using a google doc.
● Session 5
○ Consider allowing students to choose their own partners and work collaboratively for

● Session 6
○ Additional viewing: Seesaw quick overview a quick overview of the Seesaw app.
○ Additional Reading: Read this Padlet by Jennifer McCray on ways to use Seesaw in the
1st grade classroom.
○ Consider holding a synchronous session for learners, instead of the displaying. Students
may get more out of talking with each other than responding separately, hearing each
other’s thought may spark rich conversation.
● Session 7
○ Additional viewing: Setting up your Seesaw account visit this Prezi.
○ Displaying - View this Prezi.
● Session 8
○ Additional viewing: View this screencast about using Seesaw in a 2nd grade classroom.
○ Reflecting: instead of using a discussion board, the teachers could meet on Google
Hangout, Zoom, or Skype to discuss the importance of good parent-teacher
○ Displaying: View Family Communication PD in your Pj’s
● Session 9
○ Additional Reading: Read the article from @TeacherToolKit describing 5 ways she
uses Seesaw in her classroom.
○ Displaying: Read “What apps are compatible with Seesaw”
● Session 10
○ Wrap up Displaying: instead of using a discussion board, teachers could meet in a
synchronous session to wrap up final discussions and takeaways.

Special thanks to all the people who made and released
these awesome resources for free:
✘ Presentation template by SlidesCarnival
✘ Photographs by Unsplash


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