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Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step

Presenter : Syed Hussnain Abbas Shah


• What is Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step?

• Benefits to Stakeholders and Customers

• A Preview of Sure Step

• Microsoft Dynamics: Business Solutions


• Next Steps

• Q&A
Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step
A comprehensive brand representing:
1. A repeatable, consistent, *scalable* implementation methodology.

2. An end-to-end business process that guides both consulting teams

and customers through all of the phases and tasks involved in an
implementation of Microsoft Dynamics (regardless of the specific

3. A flexible, customizable framework with project AND product-

specific components and tools.

4. A competitive pre-sales tool that differentiates us in the ERP space

because it integrates project management principles into the
implementation phases of the project life cycle.
Sure Step Methodology Model

The Sure Step Application includes: Sure Step Methodology Model

MS Excel, Visio and Word Templates/ Source Code and Editor
Sure Step Value for Stakeholders

• Improve implementation times and success rates

• Costs

• Risk

• Productivity and profitability

• Customer confidence

• Facilitate Stakeholder collaboration through common

implementation framework
Sure Step Value for Customers

• More visibility into the implementation process

• Increased collaboration with Stakeholder Project Teams

• More predictability during the implementation process

• Better project documentation, estimates and timelines

• Faster return on their IT investment

• Customer satisfaction
Sure Step Methodology Model
Offerings (aka Types of Projects)
• Consist of the activities from one or more of the implementation
• Support different implementation scenarios
• Let you combine selected phases from the Sure Step Methodology to
best meet customer needs

Diagnostic Analysis Implementation

Diagnostic Analysis Design Development Deployment Operation

Full Implementation

Analysis Design Development Deployment Operation

Rapid Implementation Optimization Upgrade

Deployment Operation Optimization Upgrade

Sure Step Methodology Model
Offerings (aka Types of Projects)
Sure Step Methodology Model
Project Roles
Sure Step Methodology Model
Project Management
Sure Step Methodology Model
Project Flow and Project Deliverables by Phase
Project Management Processes
Diagnostic Analysis Design Development Deployment Operation

Project initiation and Project

Project execution and monitoring
planning closing

Project management processes:

• Organize project management tasks into three groups based on the
implementation project lifecycle
• Provide task-based guidance for starting, executing, and closing a
• Align with the phases of the methodology
• Consist of tasks from each project management discipline
Project Management Components
Diagnostic Analysis Design Development Deployment Operation


Solution: Project management components integrated—broadly and deeply—

throughout the Sure Step Methodology
• Tasks are integrated in each phase
• Disciplines organize tasks into specific knowledge areas
• Processes drive a systematic approach to planning, executing, and closing
implementation projects
• Cross-phase processes provide project-wide views of key implementation
• Project management deliverables are integrated throughout the
• Additional resources support project management tasks
Project Management Disciplines
Project initiation and Project execution and
Disciplines planning monitoring
Project closing

Initiate risk Ongoing risk

Risk management
management management

Scope management Plan project scope Manage project scope Verify project scope

Plan issue Ongoing issue

Issue management
management management

Time & cost Ongoing time & cost Project tracking &
Plan time & costs
management management reporting

Resource Plan & acquire Develop & manage

Release project team
management resources project team

Communication Plan communication

Project communication Close communication
management management

Plan quality Quality assurance &

Quality management
management control

Procurement Plan purchases & Monitor purchases & Close purchases &
management acquisitions acquisitions acquisitions

Sales, Diagnostic & Ongoing proposal

Sales management Close contract
proposal management management
PM Tools and Templates (1)
Project initiation and Project execution and
Project closing
planning monitoring
Initiate risk planning Ongoing risk management
Risk • Risk List • Risk List None
management • Risk Register • Risk Register

Plan project scope Manage project scope Verify project scope

• Project Scope Statement • Project Scope Statement • Project Scope Statement
• Sign-Off Form • Sign-Off Form • Sign-Off Form
Scope • Change Request Form • Change Request Form
management • Change Request Log • Change Request Log
• Work Breakdown Structure • Work breakdown Structure

Plan issue management Ongoing issue management

Issue • Issue List • Issue List
• Issue Entry Form • Issue Entry Form None
management • Issue Work Form • Issue Work Form

Plan time & costs Ongoing time & cost Project tracking &
Time & cost • Project Plan management reporting
• Cost Baseline Report • Project Plan • Project Plan
• Cost Baseline Report • Cost Baseline Report

Plan & acquire resources Develop & manage team Release project team
• Project Organization • Project Organization • Project Organization
Resource • Roles and Responsibilities • Roles and Responsibilities
management • Role descriptions • Role descriptions
PM Tools and Templates (2)
Project initiation & Project execution &
Project closing
planning monitoring

Plan communication Project communication Close communication

management • Communication Plan • Communication Plan
Communication • Communication Plan • Project Charter • Project Charter
management • Project Charter • Project Status Report • Project Status Report
• Project Status Report • Consultant Status Report
• Consultant Status Report
Plan quality management Quality assurance/control
Quality • Training Plan • Training Plan
management • Test Plan • Test Plan
• Go-Live Checklist

Monitor purchases &

Procurement acquisitions
None None
management • Sign-Off Form (for acceptance
of sub-contracted work)

Sales & proposal Ongoing proposal Close contract

Sales management management • Statement of Work
• Proposal • Sign-Off Form • Sign-Off Form
• Statement of Work
Project Management Deliverables
Phase Deliverable
Diagnostic Project proposal
Estimation worksheet
Project Plan
Deliverables sign-off form

Analysis Project charter

Kick-off presentation
PSS (revised)
WBS (revised)
Estimation Worksheet (revised)
Deliverables sign-off form

Design Project plan (revised)

Activity List
Development Deliverables sign-off form
Deployment Deliverables sign-off form
Operation Final Deliverables sign-off form
Diagnostic Phase: Key Deliverables
Diagnostic preparation • Scoping, planning, and cost for Diagnostic phase

• High-level business process analysis (in Business

Analysis of business process overview document)
• Gap/Fit documentation

• Project scope statement

Project scoping
• Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Infrastructure analysis • Infrastructure assessment

• Project plan (schedule, resources, and cost)

Project planning
• Risk analysis

Proposal management • Customer proposal

Diagnostic Phase: Best Practices
• Ensure that the handoff from Sales to Implementation
includes all the information gathered during the sales
• Understand the customer’s motivation for undertaking
the implementation project
• Show the customer the type of deliverables created
during the Diagnostic phase
• Use a WBS from a previous project as a template for
new projects
• Determine level of infrastructure analysis based on
implementation type
• Present the Diagnostic results and proposal in person to
the customer
Analysis Phase: Key Deliverables

Planning • Project charter

Training • Key user training

Data migration • Data migration plan

Detailed analysis of • Detailed business process analysis (in revised

business processes business process overview)

Document and present • Functional Requirements document

functional requirements • Revised project plan

Proposal management • Revised customer proposal

Project Charter Template
Analysis Phase: Best Practices
• Determine the level for detailed business processes analysis and
then identify an analysis strategy
• Decide quickly if system enhancements will be added to the
current project scope or deferred to a future project
• Include visual diagrams to depict business processes in the
Functional Requirements document to show how the solution will
enhance processes
• Do not underestimate the importance of the project scope
• Maintain a list of ISV solutions that your organization has approved
and implemented
• Communicate the purpose of business process analysis to customer
• Do not judge the customer’s current business processes or make
comments to the customer about them
Design Phase: Key Deliverables

Planning • Design plan

Data migration design • Data migration design plan

• High level design specification

Design specification
• Test plans

Technical design • Technical design specification


Proposal management • Design proposal

Development Phase: Key Deliverables

Planning • Development plan

Environment setup

• Completed feature customizations

• Data migration development plan
Development • Data migration process
• Training materials
• Technical and end-user documentation

Customer testing and

Deployment Phase: Key Deliverables

• Key-user training plan

• Data migration plan
Rapid implementation • Customization proposal
• Design specifications (high level and technical)
• Feature development plan

• Deployment plan
• Environment configuration plan
• System test plan
Planning • Load test plan
• End-user training plan
• Go-Live plan

• Configured live environment

Environment configuration • Configured test environment

• System test results

Testing • Load test results

• End-user training
Go-Live • Deployment phase sign-off
Operation Phase: Deliverables

• Final project documentation

Project closing
• Project closing report

Post-live support • Post-live support contract

System acceptance • System acceptance sign-off


Project review • Project review documentation

On-going product • Post-live support contract


On-going account • Opportunities for additional business

Sure Step Demo
Project Repository

• Make project
documentation available to
project team
• Folder structure aligns with
implementation phases and
project management
• Copy or extract the
structure to local or shared
network resources
What is Microsoft
Microsoft Dynamics Premises

• Give your people the information they need

• Use familiar and effective tools

• Business is Dynamic – everything done in today’s

world is not 100% structured.
One of Many Business Processes
ERP Buyer Supplier
Discuss requirements

Create PO Send PO
Approve with
Discuss comments

Update PO Send changes

Confirm PO Approve
Ship notice
Receive Receive
Close PO project Invoice
Business Management Solutions *
Product Industry Examples Key Capabilities
Application Size
• MFG & Distribution • Global ERP • 50-2000 Seats
• Retail • Advanced MFG Capability • Multiple Instances
AX • Professional Services • Multinational coordinated together
• Field Service

• MFG & Distribution • Mid Market ERP • 10-200 Seats

• Retail • Primarily North American • Single Instance
• Not for Profit organizations • Rich out of the box functionality
• Healthcare
• Education

• MFG & Distribution • Mid Market ERP • 10-200 Seats

• Construction • Global ERP • Single instance
NAV • Public Administration • Often customized for unique
business needs

• Professional Services • Deeply integrated Project • 10-100 Seats

• Construction Management • Deeply integrated
SL • Distribution & Light Mfg Project Management
• Single Instance

* These are guidelines, not rules – many successful client solutions & implementations
fall outside of the ones listed here.
Highly scalable and customizable to Core solution functionality: Vertical Solutions:
meet changing business requirements Financial Management High Tech, Aerospace,
and processes Supply Chain Metals, IEM, Oil & Gas,
Management Chemicals, CPG, Food
Make sophisticated changes and extend
& Bev, Industrial,
functionality with built-in customization CRM Hospitality, Apparel,
Human Resources Food & Bev, Auto
End-to-end industry specific functionality and Payroll Dealer, Specialty Store,
to meet industry and business needs Industry Enabling: Healthcare, Works, Fin
and Admin, Utilities,
Visibility and business insight across Supply Chain Execution Transport, NFP,
locations and countries for global Demand Planning Construction, Arch &
companies Fund Accounting Engineer, IT Services,
Built-in support for 36 countries, and 40 Legal Services,
Quality Management Advertising
language versions
Real-time visibility across locations and
countries with role-based information and
processes via the Web
Two or more companies can use the same
system while maintaining separate
financial records SAP All-in-One and mySAP
Local market competitors
Finance, Insurance Manufacturing
Real Estate
Out-of-the-box functionality; (discrete)
companies get up and running Transportation Wholesale
quickly Communications Distribution
and Utilities Retail
Professional Services:
“Scalable functionality Medical/Dental,
Public Sector
w/flexibility” adapts easily to the Law Firms, Engineering NonProfits
changing needs of the business and Architecture

Extensive integration with

Microsoft desktop applications used
by everyone. Decreases ‘fear of
change’ and productivity ramp

Long-term system stability and ROI Oracle/PeopleSoft SAP Business One

companies require now. GP will Lawson Sage –
support business-critical needs: Epicor MAS 90/200/500
today and in the future. Intuit
Regionally relevant and industry-specific  Wholesale Distribution
functionality with multi-language and
multi-site capabilities  Manufacturing
 Retail
Enables partners around the world to  Professional Services
build vertical and industry-specific

Designed to work like other Microsoft

solutions employees are familiar with

Quick and cost-effective installation

using Rapid Implementation
Methodology in Microsoft Dynamics Sure

C/SIDE development environment which Local competitors Sage

enables customizations with a minimal in local markets Exact
disruption to business processes SAP Business One Oracle Special
Project driven: professional services, Business Services
operations, field services and Consulting Wholesale
construction management. Distribution
Research Project-based
Integrates with MS Project Server. Manufacturing
Other Professional
Services Financial Services
Works like other Microsoft solutions
employees are familiar with. Construction Not-For-Profit
General Contractor Government
Automate operational processes to Contractors in any
Residential Industry
increase efficiency and focus on Homebuilder
services that contribute to the bottom
line. Specialty Contractor

More complete insight across

organizations for timely and informed
decisions with increased confidence.
Deltek Epicor
Timberline Sage (MAS
Profit 21 90/200/500)
Microsoft CRM Works the Way You Do

Native Microsoft
Outlook Folders &
Command Bar

calendar, contact,
task and email

Quick views
of relevant
Microsoft’s Vision of Business Intelligence

Improving organizations
by providing business insights
to all employees leading to
better, faster, more
relevant decisions

Complete and integrated BI

Widespread delivery of
intelligence through Microsoft
Enterprise-grade and affordable
4 Need Local Support
The Solution? Dynamics GP Business Partners
Delivering the Best Solutions

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Business Customer
Solutions Needs
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