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 This paper is a close analysis of the story

entitled Malinche by Laura Esquivel. This paper

includes culture,tradition and belief of Mexico.
Current issues /situations,background of the
author . The genre of literary work and literary
elements, also include the ten words (10) and
literary meaning biographical,linguistic ,socio
cultural context and lastly it includes the
conclusion and the reference .
 A colourful mariachi band might come to mind.
Mariachi is a folk style of music traditionally
consisting of (5) five musicians. Wearing a
charro suit. they are most memorably heard
playing a popular song called LA
CUCARACHA which translate to a cockroach,
on the street. At festivals or in restaurants.

 Is Called LAS POSADAS from mid to the late

december. Neighborhoods gathered for colorful
black parties. These processionals are meant to re-
enact the journey of mary and joseph as they
search for shelter in bethlehem.
 The posada festivities read a peak with the breaking

of apinata.
 Mexicans believe in DAY OF THE
DEAD a two-day long national
holiday in mexico. Day of the dead or
honoring and remember deceased
love ones.
 Mexicans burn the lanterns the whole
night to guide the comeback of the souls.
The big doors that covers the graves are
opened and, after a long wait, at dawn,
the souls can finally establish contact with
the mortals.
 The current issues is all about environment the
government consider the lack of clean water
and deforestation national security issue. It also
includes the scarcity of hazardous waste
disposal facilities serious air and water
population in the national capital and urban
center along US-Mexico border; land
subsidence in valley of mexico caused by
groundwater depletion.
 Laura Esquivel is born on September 30, 1950
she is 67 years of age. Esquivel is a Mexican
novelist, screenwriter and a politician who
serves in a chamber of diputies (2012-2018)
for the morena party. Her first novel was
“Como agua para chocolate”(like water for
chocolate) became abest seller in Mexico and
United states developed into an award winning
film (1989).
 Her first novel was “Como agua para
chocolate”(like water for chocolate)
became abest seller in Mexico and
United states developed into an award
winning film (1989).
 UTTERED – carried to the utmost point or highest
 ABYSS – An emmasurably deep gulf or grate space.

 ABRUPTLY – Characterized by or involving action or

change without preparation or warning.
 DIETY – The rank or essential nature of a god.

 PROFUNDITY – The quality or state of being

profound or deep.
 COSMOS – An ordery harmonious systemate
 ENORMOUS – Marked by extraordinality
great size, number, or degree. Especially
exceeding usual bounds or accepted nations.
 STERN – Having a definite hardness

 MANIFEST – Readily perceived by the senses

and specially by the sense of sight.
The story of Malinche is a kind of a novel.
Malinalli is the protagonist in the story she
is the lover of Cortes and a translator.
 Hernan Cortes gave the name to Malinalli

being “the tongue” he is also the husband

o f Malinalli. Portocarro the lord of
 The symbol of the literary work is “the tongue”
because being the tounge is an enormous
responsibility for Malinalli she is the only one
who understand and have an skills to translate
from one language to another one. The theme
of the story is being responsible is the prove
that you can handle any kind of responsibility
 Malinche is a novel from Mexico and Esquivel is from
Mexico. According to Esquivel she wrote her novel
because its “reflects upon the diverse and
unpredictable revision that Malinalli mythical identity
has undergone continuous since the period of the
conquest seeking a middle ground between
Malinalli’s autonomy and Malinche’s
predertermination’’ thats why she is inspired to wrote
a novel.
 The language use in the story is
Spanish and Mexican language but it
is translated to English.
 Religion, we all know that every people
have their own perspective, they choose to
believe in their own perceptions.
 We like the story because it talks about
“responsibility” in our age we need to become
responsible, because we believed that if we
are responsible person it is the prove that we
are matured enough to face our responsibility
in this world.

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