Audit Procedure UNIT 3

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Audit Procedure

UNIT : 3

 Vouching is concerned with examining documentary evidence to

ascertain the authenticity of entries in the books of accounts. In other

words it is an inspection by the auditor of evidence supporting the
transactions made in the books. Vouching is a technique used by an
auditor to judge the truth of entries appearing in the books of accounts.
Some important definitions of vouching are:

 “Vouching means testing the truth of items appearing in the books

of original entry.” – J.R. Batliboi

Objectives of Vouching

 All the transactions which are connected with the business have been
recorded in the books of accounts properly.
 To verify that all transactions recorded in the books of accounts are
supported by documentary evidence.
 The vouchers which support the entries are legally valid from the
view point that they are authentic, addressed to the business and
properly dated.
 To verify that no fraud or error has been committed while recording
the transaction in books of accounts.
 The vouchers have been processed carefully through various

stages of internal check system.

 While recording the transaction whether distinction has been

made between capital and revenue items.

 Whether accuracy has been observed while totaling, carrying

forward and recording an amount in the account.

Vouching of cash Transactions

How to vouch various cash receipts (Receipt side)

 Cash sales

 Cash received from the debtors

 Loans

 Bills receivable

 Sale of Investment

 Sale of Fixed Assets

Vouching of cash Transactions

Vouching of cash payments (payment side)

 Cash Purchases
 Payment to creditors
 Bills payable
 Wages
 Payment Of Salaries
 Purchase of Investment
 Rent paid
 Loans
 Interest on Loan
Vouching of Trading Transactions

Vouching of purchase book : The main aim vouching of

purchases book is to see that all purchase invoices are
entered in purchases book and the goods entered in the
purchases book are entered are actually received by the
 While vouching credit purchases the auditor should
examine and see the following points.
 There should be proper record for all purchase orders. A duplicate
copy of the order is kept in office for record.
 A copy of purchase order shall be send to the Accounts Department.
 All goods received should be recorded on goods received note; a
copy of it should be sent to Accounts Department.
Vouching of Trading Transactions

Vouching of Purchase Returns :

 He should see that a Debit note has been sent to the supplier or Credit note
has been received from the supplier.
 The quantity returned as per the return note must correspond with
storekeeper’s record, return outward register and gatekeeper’s outward
 The amount showed in the credit note should be verified.

 He should be careful about the recordings of purchases return in the current

year. Sometimes the profits of current year may be manipulated by recording
current year’s purchases return in the subsequent year.
 The purchases return of the first month and last month of the Accounting year
should be vouched carefully, to detect any manipulation of amounts.
Vouching of Sales Return

 The Auditor should pay special attention to the following

while vouching the sales return
1. Date on which the goods are actually retuned.
2. Credit note or Debit note of sales return.
3. Gatekeeper’s receipt book.
4. Return inward register.
5. Stores records.
6. Corresponding entry for the return of goods in
customer’s account.
7. Goods returned should form the part of closing stock at
cost price or market price whichever is less.

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