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1. Achmad Zainul A. (01)

2. Alenia Arta N. C (05)
3. Asri Kartika Dewi (06)
4. Astri Karunia Yasmin (07)
5. Herdin Firman M. (14)
6. Rizky Dwi Jayanto (31)

Coldplay is an alternative rock band formed in London, United Kingdom, in

1996. The band consists of Chris Martin as lead vocalist, Jonny Buckland as
lead guitarist, Guy Berryman as bassist, and Will Champion as drummer.
Coldplay itself already has several well-known albums such as Parachutes, A
Rush of Blood to the Head (2002), won several awards, including NME's Album
of the Year. one of the tracks from the album A Head Full of Dreams is an up &
up song released in 2015.
This song certainly wants to tell us not to give up on what we stand for, Coldplay
itself convinces themselves to break all obstacles in every trip they have. This song
also tells about our perspective of the world we live in. Surely everyone in this world
has dreams and what they do to achieve them. But we often think this life we will not
be able to change anyhow, quite often we also blame the situation and the world is
not good enough. We also think this world has been corrupted, whatever we try to
look like a waste. Then we stop and leave our big dreams.
But try to see the video clip, Coldplay gives us a new perspective that the world is
not as bad as we think. The world and the busyness of the people in it happen so
beautifully in their own way. Sometimes we do need a new, more positive outlook,
stop blaming the situation! Because it all starts from ourselves. Do your best, the best
we can.
Because if we fall, we must rise, rise and rise!
"If we fall, we gonna get up again, up again up and up"
Liric & meaning
• Tak ada kata terlambat, bagaimanapun masa lalu
yang tlah terlewati, selama nafas masih
berhembus akan selalu ada hari esok tuk perbaiki
segalanya. Mobil yang rusakpun jika kita perbaiki
bisa digunakan kembali. Lalu kita lanjutkan misi
Fixing up a car to drive in it again kita yang sempat terhenti, berharap hujan kan
Searching for the water, hoping for the rain lunturkan kenangan kelam dimasa lalu. Dan
Up and up kitapun akan maju terus kearah lebih baik.
Up and up
• It is never too late, however the past is past, as
long as the breath is still blowing there will
always be a tomorrow to fix things up. A
damaged car if we fix it can be reused. Then we
continue our mission that had stalled, hoping
the rain faded with dark memories of the past.
And we will go forward better.
Liric & meaning
• Jika ku ingat masa lalu, aku bukanlah siapa siapa,
hanya seorang penyanyi tak terkenal yang mencari
uang untuk hidup, hanya untuk makan saja udah
syukur-syukur. Aku terus berusaha meningkatkan
kemampuanku dengan fasilitas yang sangat
• Down upon the canvas, working meal to sederhana. Dengan keyakinan suatu saat laguku
meal akan sangat laku terjual, buatku terkenal dan aku
Waiting for a chance to pick on your orange bisa memetik hasil jerih payahku. Perlahan-lahan
field aku pasti bisa maju dan terus maju....
Up and up
Up and up • If I remember the past, I'm not who it is, just an
unknown singer who is looking for money to live,
just to eat it already gratefully. I keep trying to
improve my ability with very simple facilities.
With the confidence of a time my song will be
very sold, make me famous and I can reap the
rewards of my effort. Slowly I can go forward and
move on
Liric & meaning
• Segala sesuatu butuh proses. Seperti sebuah mutiara,
bukankah awalnya intan atau berlian itu tampak tak
berharga? Keindahan asli mereka baru akan tampak setelah
berlian itu digosokkan dan dipisahkan dari tanah dan batu
batu yang menempel. Kemudian lihatlah burung dengan
kemampuanny terbang tinggi jauh diatas banjir. Kau tahu,
• See a pearl form a diamond in the rough kita semua punya kemampuan yang terpendam dalam diri,
See a bird soaring high above the flood mengalir dalam darah, kita hanya perlu menggali dan
It's in your blood mengasahnya….
It's in your blood
• Everything needs a process. Like a pearl, did not the
diamond's originally seem worthless? Their original
beauty will only be visible after the diamonds are rubbed
and separated from the ground and the rocks that stick.
Then look at the birds with the ability to fly high above
the flood. You know, we all have a hidden ability in
ourselves, flowing in the blood, we just need to dig and
sharpen it ....
Liric & meaning
• Kita sangat bertrimakasih dengan hidup yang penuh
lika liku ini. Kita juga sangat beryukur untuk bisa
menghadapi berbagai rintangan kehidupan, karena
dengan banyaknya cobaan yang dihadapi buat kita
semakin kuat. Bagiku tantangan adalah salah satu
• Underneath the storm, an umbrella is saying, guru terpenting dikehidupan, karena dengannya
"Sitting with the poison takes away the pain." kita menjadi lebih dan lebih dewasa...
Up and up
Up and up, saying
• We are very grateful for this life full of twists and
turns. We are also very grateful to be able to face
various obstacles of life, because with the many
trials faced for us the stronger. To me the
challenge is one of the most important teachers
in life, because with it we become more and more
mature ...
Liric & meaning

• We're gonna get it, get it together right now

Gonna get it, get it together somehow • Aku yakin seyakin-yakinnya, bagaimanapun
Gonna get it, get it together and flower caranya kita pasti bisa mencapai apa yang kita
We're gonna get it, get it together, I know inginkan. Ya, kita pasti bisa!
Gonna get it, get it together and flow
Gonna get it, get it together and go • I'm sure as sure-no matter how we can
Up and up and up achieve what we want. Yes, we can!
Liric & meaning

• Ketika kau merasa berada di titik terendah,

cobalah untuk bermimpi setinggi mungkin,
lalu bangkitlah! Sedikit demi sedikit,
• Lying in the gutter, aiming for the moon
walaupun terlihat mustahil tapi apa salahnya
Trying to empty out the ocean with a spoon
Up and up
mencoba? Teruslah bangkit!
Up and up • When you feel at the lowest point, try to
dream as high as possible, then get up!
Little by little, though it looks impossible
but what's wrong with trying? Keep rising!
Liric & meaning

• Banyak sekali pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang

muncul dibenakku. Seperti, bagaimana bisa
mereka menderita sedang mereka saja cukup
• How come people suffer? How come people part? kuat? Lalu bagaimana bisa mereka patahkan
How come people struggle? How come people hatimu yang telah kau jaga ketat?
break your heart?
Break your heart, oh • There are so many questions that come to
mind. Like, how can they suffer while they
are strong enough? Then how can they
break your heart that you have guarded
Liric & meaning
• Yaaa, aku ingin tahu jawaban itu, lalu aku
ingin belajar dari kisahmu, aku juga ingin
• Yaaa, aku ingin tahu semua itu, tapi tunjukkan
• Yes, I wanna grow, yes, I wanna feel padaku bagaimana cara mengatasi
Yes, I wanna know, show me how to heal it up masalahnya dan sembuhkan luka hatiku!
Heal it up, oh
• Well, I want to know the answer, then I
want to learn from your story, I also want to
feel it.
• Well, I want to know all that, but show me
how to solve the problem and heal my
Liric & meaning
• Cobalah lihat ke hutan rindang yang dipenuhi dengan
pohon-pohon besar yang kokoh. Bukankah itu semua
berawal dari benih kecil yang nampak tak berarti? Mungkin
kita sekarang hanyalah benih kecil itu, lalu siapa yang tahu
kedepannya? Kita buktikan saja....

• Try and see the forest, there in every seed

• Kita seperti malaikat yang terkurung didalam marmer yang
menunggu untuk dibebaskan, siap terbang kemanapun
Angels in the marble waiting to be freed
dengan kebaikan mengiringi. Hanya kasih sayang yang kan
Just need love
bebaskan kita...
Just need love
• Try to see the shady forest filled with sturdy big trees. Is
not it all started from a small seed that seems
meaningless? Maybe we are now just that little seed,
then who knows the future? Let's prove it ....
• We are like an angel confined in marble waiting to be set
free, ready to fly anywhere with good accompaniment.
Only love that will free us ...
Liric & meaning
• Ketika keadaan seakan tak mendukung, lihatlah
diri kita sendiri, dan katakan...
• Kita pasti bisa! Pasti bisa mendapatkannya
bersama-sama sekarang juga!
• When the going is rough, saying • Bagaimanapun caranya, apapun itu yang harus kita
We're gonna get it, get it together right now korbankan kita pasti bisa mendapatkannya!
Gonna get it, get it together somehow
Gonna get it, get it together and flower • Perlahan-lahan mnamun pasti, kita pasti kan
We're gonna get it, get it together, I know dapatkan..
Gonna get it, get it together and flow
Gonna get it, get it together and go
• When things are not supportive, look at
ourselves, and say ...
• We certainly can! Definitely can get it together
right now!
• Either way, whatever it is we have to sacrifice we
can definitely get it!
• Slowly sure, we'll get it ..
Liric & meaning
• Mungkin akan ada satu titik dimana kau merasa lelah
dan ingin menyerah, kau mungin berkata untuk apa
kita mati-matian berjuang? Jika demikian pejamkan
matamu dan tinggalah bersama kegagalan atau mari
kita lanjutkan dan ambil resiko yang besar. Kepalkan
tanganmu dan anggap impianmu itu adalah milikmu
• But you can say what is, or fight for it
yang diambil orang lain, lalu katakan dengan emosi
tuk dapatkan kembali "ini punyaku!". Atau jika lelah
Close your mind or take a risk
lihatlah kearah matahari terbit sebagai anugerah
You can say, "It's mine," and clench your fist
indah yang kita miliki tuk sekedar menyadarkanmu....
Or see each sunrise as a gift
• Maybe there will be a point where you feel tired and
want to give up, you might say for what we are
fighting for? If so close your eyes and stay with the
failure or let's move on and take a big risk. Clench
your hand and think your dream is yours that
someone else has taken, then say with emotion to
get back "this is mine!". Or if tired look at the rising
sun as a beautiful gift that we have tuk just to make
you aware ....
Liric & meaning

• [2x]
We're gonna get it, get it together right now • Kita pasti bisa! Kita pasti dapatkan impian kita
Gonna get it, get it together somehow menjadi nyata.. Bagaimanapun caranya, perlahan-
Gonna get it, get it together and flower lahan tapi pasti, kita kan dapatkan semua impian
We're gonna get it, get it together, I know kita menjadi nyata.....
Gonna get it, get it together and flow • We certainly can! We definitely get our dreams
Gonna get it, get it together and go become real .. Any way, slowly but surely, we can
get all our dreams become real .....
Liric & meaning

• Up and up and up • Bangkit dan bangkitlah!!!!!

Liric & meaning
• Perjalanan kita belum selesai, mari perbaiki mobil
kita yang rusak, lalu lanjutkan perjalanan kearah
lebih baik. Dan jika kau merasa tersiksa, teruslah
• Fixing up a car to drive in it again
bangkit! jangan pernah merasa puas dengan apa
When you're in pain, when you think you've yang telah kau miliki! Karena kepuasanmu itu
had enough hanya buatmu terlena, kau harus bangkit dan
Don't ever give up jangan pernah menyerah!
Don't ever give up
• Our journey is not finished yet, let's fix our
broken car, then continue the journey towards
the better. And if you feel tortured, keep rising!
never be satisfied with what you have! Because
your satisfaction is only for you to fall asleep,
you must rise up and never give up!
Music Video

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